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Tout ce qui a été posté par almanae

  1. almanae

    Marine Japonaise

    donne un peu plus d'information sur le Kawasaki P-1 ShinMaywa US-2 http-~~-//
  2. J'ai essayé de faire un point sur les UAV au japon. franchement, c'est le désert surtout, si je compare à la chine ou à la Corée du sud. en dehors du TACOM, je ne vois rien. Les projets futurs sont encore nébuleux. Je vais encore un peu chercher, j'ai du passer à coté. Même pour survoler les centrale de Fukushima, ils utilisent ou ont utilisés un RQ-16B T-Hawk et UAS Helipse (france). equivalent DGA Japan JASDF "TACOM" - New Air-Launched Multi-Purpose Stealth UAV - Prototype Flight & Landing TEST http-~~-// AIRBOSS(Advanced Infrared Ballisitic Missile Observation Sensor System )
  3. jeu-de-go-en-mers-de-chine bonne article du huffingtonpost
  4. Que la chine se rassure, elle est bien entourée, que des amis. Quand on devient une très grosse pointure, on finit toujours par marcher sur des pieds. NEW DELHI: Japan and India may start a bilateral group to discuss security in the South China Sea, according to Japanese media. This grouping of senior officials would be set up during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's forthcoming visit to Tokyo on November 15. The Asahi Shimbun reported that Japanese PM Yoshihiko Noda would be looking for a security alliance with India as Japan attempts to counter a belligerent China over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea. Part of this exercise could involve increased naval exercises. Japan and India already hold bilateral exercises as well as "pass-ex" manouvers. The Japanese PM will also propose that the Maritime Self-Defence Force and the Indian Navy hold joint exercises in the Indian Ocean in addition to existing drills around Japan, the Japanese newspaper said. In September, Japan placed three of the five islands under state ownership and China has been patrolling aggressively in the region since then. The Japanese also briefed Indian and US officials on the dispute in their recent trilateral meeting. Sources said this particular issue has dangerous portents if it goes out of control. Recently, Japanese businesses, cars and embassy came under attack in China amid vociferous protests on the islands issue.
  5. Mr Ping et Mr Pong Kong Quan, ambassadeur de Chine en France Ichiro Komatsu, ambassadeur du Japon en France
  6. c'est pas récent, mais j'avais zappé cette info: THE ASAHI SHIMBUN The United States has warned China that the Senkaku Islands were covered by the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, although it continues to maintain its stance that it would not take sides in the territorial dispute between Japan and China. Visiting U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Chinese National Defense Minister Liang Guanglie in Beijing that the security treaty obligating the United States to come to the defense of Japan would be applied to the Senkakus, which are called the Diaoyu Islands in China. A high-ranking U.S. government official in a position to know the details of the Sept. 18 meeting between Panetta and Liang confirmed to The Asahi Shimbun what the U.S. defense secretary said. The source added that Liang expressed China's strong opposition to having the security treaty applied to the Senkakus. However, Panetta told Liang that there was no change in Washington's long-held stance that it would fulfill its obligations under the security treaty. Panetta and other U.S. officials have called on both Japan and China to resolve the diplomatic spat over the Senkakus in a peaceful manner, but Washington has also made clear to China what its stance was regarding the security treaty and the Senkakus. Panetta's remark reinforces the stance of the United States that it considers the Senkakus under the scope of the security pact, because it is under the effective control of Japan. Panetta's comment apparently was an attempt to directly inform Chinese officials that Washington was not changing its position on national security in East Asia and to ensure that Beijing did not take any drastic action over the Senkakus. In his Sept. 17 meeting with Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto, Panetta also confirmed that the security treaty would apply to the Senkakus. In a news conference after that meeting, Panetta said that the United States would fulfill its obligations under that treaty. However, Panetta stopped short of clearly stating whether the United States had informed China about that position. Although Washington has clarified its position regarding the security treaty, it has also maintained the stance that it would not take sides in the territorial dispute over the Senkakus. Washington has also not publicly stated that Panetta made the security treaty remark in his talks with Liang. That reflects the delicate balance that the United States has to maintain between its alliance with Japan and its increasing emphasis on improving ties with China, especially in the economic sphere. The United States also wanted to avoid having the focus fall on the application of the security treaty to the Senkakus because that could send the wrong message that the United States was prepared to resolve the Senkakus issue through military means. Such a misunderstanding could lead to a worsening of relations between Washington and Beijing. CHINA DOWNPLAYS U.S. WARNING Meanwhile, China was doing its best to downplay any possible negative effects from the Panetta remark. The People's Daily, the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, ran a commentary in its Sept. 20 edition that said, "The U.S.-Japan Security Treaty is a byproduct of the Cold War era and should not damage the interests of third parties, including China." The piece went on to say, "Any nation that seeks to interfere in the Diaoyu Islands issue will experience a loss of their interests." There are some Chinese officials who feel the United States was behind the nationalization of the Senkakus by Japan. One Chinese government source said, "As long as we contain the actions of the United States, Japan will stop its provocative actions." In his Sept. 19 meeting with Panetta, Vice President Xi Jinping said, "We hope (the United States) does not interfere in the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu Islands." Xi is expected to be named general secretary of the Communist Party in the near future. Shi Yinhong, a professor of international relations at Renmin University of China in Beijing, said, "Observing the unprecedented hard-line stance taken by China's leaders, the United States has also likely realized that it cannot easily become involved in the issue." The emphasis in the Chinese media about Panetta's comment that the United States would not take sides in the territorial dispute over the Senkakus is a reflection that Beijing considers that a successful outcome of the visit by the U.S. defense secretary. A Chinese military source said about the security treaty remark by Panetta: "That was only lip service toward Japan as an ally and (the United States) would never seriously interfere." (This article was written by Takashi Oshima and Kenji Minemura in Beijing.) THE ASAHI SHIMBUN
  7. almanae

    Japan Self Defense Force

    Ma belle famille habite a 30min du mon fuji que l'on peut voir en fond sur la video. J'aimerais bien y aller, mais il parait que c'est difficile. Il y a comme une loterie car la demande est forte d'après ma femme. La deuxième vidéo est pas mal, serge. Elle devrait plus te plaire. JGSDF Fuji Training Support Brigade exhibition battle (Japan) Japan Self Defense Force (mont fuji)
  8. une vue sur les coulisses. Sekai no Kansen: Japan’s Strategy Against Senkaku Islands Dispute Shukan Bunshun, “The Reasons Why the Senkaku Islands are Japan Territory” (site japonais donc forcement) Shukan Bunshun: Senkaku Naval Battle: JSDF’s Secret Simulation
  9. almanae

    Marine Japonaise

    Il n'y as pas beaucoup d'information sur cette avion. En dehors de l'armement tout est japonais, il me semble. Il a un rayon d'action inférieur au P3 et P8: contre 4,320 nm contre 4860 pour un P8. Il y a plus de membres d'équipages: 13, contre 9 pour le P8-poseidon et 11 pour le P3C. pour plus d'images XP-1 5501 Patrol aircraft-X Takeoff 海上自衛隊 厚木基地 http-~~-// XP-1 5501 Patrol aircraft-X Landing 海上自衛隊 厚木基地 JMSDF http-~~-// Kawasaki_P-1: source wiki XP-1 Japan Maritime Strategy - 10mars 2008 - (page 12) Japan Security Watch (intéressant comme site) dans ce lien, il y a aussi une info sur le missile ASM-1 / Type 91 avec un petit comparatif. General characteristics Crew: Flight: 2 Mission: 11 Length: 38.0 m (124 ft 8 in) Wingspan: 35.4 m (114 ft 8 in) Height: 12.1 m (39 ft 4 in) Max. takeoff weight: 79,700 kg (176,000 lb) Powerplant: 4 × IHI Corporation XF7-10 turbofan, 13,500 lbs (60 kN) each Performance Maximum speed: 996 km/h (538 knots, 619 mph) Cruise speed: 833 km/h (450 knots, 516 mph) Range: 8,000 km (4,320 nm, 4,970 mi) Service ceiling: 44,200 ft (13,520 m) Armament Bombs: 20,000+ lb (9,000+ kg) Missiles: AGM-84 Harpoon, ASM-1C, AGM-65 Maverick Sonobuoys: 30+ Pre-loaded, 70+ Deployable from inside Other: MK-46 and Type 97 and new(G-RX5) torpedoes, mines, depth charges Avionics Radar: Toshiba, Active Electronically Scanned Array radar system Sonar: NEC, multi-static sound navigation system sound Anti-submarine systems:SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.LTD., Advanced combat direction system Other: Mitsubishi, Electronic countermeasures (CMD, RWR, MWS, ESM) désolé pour les multiples modifications en moins d'une heure.
  10. almanae

    Japan Self Defense Force

    Documentaire sur les forces terrestres de défense japonaise. je suis un peu ignare dans ce domaine, mais j'ai bien aimé le petit 6x6 de reconnaissance de komatsu type 87. j'aime bien aussi le Komatsu LAV (Japanese: 軽装甲機動車; kei-sōkō-kidōsha) qui ressemble a un VBL, un peu plus grand. 陸上自衛隊その1 Force of the Japanese army Ground Self-Defense Force 陸上自衛隊その2 Force of the Japanese army Ground Self-Defense Force 陸上自衛隊その3 Force of the Japanese army Ground Self-Defense Force
  11. almanae

    Marine Japonaise

    Super documentaire sur la flotte japonaise. Bon, c'est en japonais, mais c'est quand même pas mal. Les images parlent d'elles. Il y en a pour 45min. 海上自衛隊その1 The armaments of the Japanese Marine Self Defense Force 1 海上自衛隊その1 The armaments of the Japanese Marine Self Defense Force 2 海上自衛隊その1 The armaments of the Japanese Marine Self Defense Force 3
  12. almanae

    Marine Japonaise

    Petit diaporama de la flotte japonaise active en 2012 pour ce qui ont un peu de temps à perdre.
  13. Les japonais vont finir par mettre des F35B sur leur porte hélicoptère 22DDH et finir par changer le nom des Forces maritimes d'autodéfense japonaise (海上自衛隊) par Marine impériale japonaise (大日本帝國海軍 Dai-Nippon Teikoku Kaigun). Pour être plus sérieux, le nationalisme au japon monte doucement mais surement et je pense que cela va s'accélérer. De très nombreux japonais détestent les chinois. Même si ils sont moins démonstratifs, ils n'en pensent pas moins. A mon avis, à force de prendre des baffes, ils vont finir par perdre patience. Les hommes politiques japonais (que je juge relativement corrompu et incompétent) pourrait bien utiliser aussi cette histoire pour détourner la population d'autres sujets. Je ne sais pas comment va finir cette histoire, mais ça va laisser des traces très profondes.
  14. Petite Présentation Le virus des avions depuis tout petit puis une passion, adolescent, pour tous les récits liés à la deuxième guerre mondiale. Je m’intéresse plus particulièrement à l'aviation militaire mais j'avoue lire avec intérêt aussi la partie marine de ce forum. Ca fait déjà un moment que je suis les différents fils de conversation de air défense. Le niveau des intervenants est vraiment bon. J'avoue ne pas avoir le niveau des intervenants, mais ça me démangeait depuis un moment de pourvoir contribuer même faiblement. Donc merci à vous de m’accueillir.
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