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  1. TOTALMENTE DE ACUERDO Colombia does not have AMX-30 Some pics: M-113 Beechcraft 200 Elint gretings!
  2. hi, You can see pics of the: Kfir Mirage 5 A-37B SR-560 Greetings!
  3. hi, you can see pics of: Surface fleet River fleet greetings
  4. Hi; Colombian Air Force have recieved around 87 Hueys between 1963 and 2001. Of them 10 were UH-1B, the others UH-1H. the FAC Has today 8 huey II and al least 17 huey. Colombian Police have received around 50 Hueys between 1985 and 2001. The PNC has today around 30 samples. Colombia Army have reveived 33 Hueys between 2001 and 2005. The EJC has around 30 at service. army sample: police sample: greetings
  5. Hi; The USA goverment gave 33 UH-1N to the Colombian Army between 1999 to 2001. They are ex-canadian samples and they were built around 1972. Of the 33, four were traslated to the Colombian Police and others two were destroyed in accidents. A pic: greetings
  6. Hi friends, this is my first post here. I like to put two galleries: 1-. Arpia on the land 2-. arpia in the air greetings
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