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DTV Shredder, the “combat skateboard”.


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It was supposed to be just a way-cool, gee-whiz skateboard for extreme sports.

But then, nothing says extreme like combat. So when folks at the Naval Postgraduate School in California saw Ben Gulak’s motorized, tank-treaded skateboard they asked him to come out and test it for possible military applications.

“It was really cool,” Gulak told DoD Buzz, “because the NPS guys were already using an autonomous robot vehicle but it … had difficulty going over really rough terrain.” Very quickly, Gulak’s DTV Shredder – the official name of the machine – became the “combat skateboard.” In August he took the Shredder to the Military Vehicles Exhibition & Conference in Detroit, where he recalls it being a hit among the visitors, who got a chance to drive around on it. Though billed as a skateboard, it’s outfitted with a front-end control bar and handle, like a scooter.

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