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Official Handover: DCN Hands BPC Mistral Over to DGA


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Official Handover: DCN Hands BPC Mistral Over to DGA

(Source: DCN; issued Feb. 28, 2006)

PARIS --- On 27 February, DCN presented the Mistral, the first of two BPC-type force projection and command vessels on order, to French defence procurement agency DGA, the contract principal, for acceptance and subsequent handover to the French Navy.

On 7 February, the Mistral sailed from Brest on France's Atlantic coast for Toulon on the Mediterranean where it arrived seven days later for additional testing and fine-tuning of onboard equipment, particularly the combat system, prior to its presentation to the DGA for acceptance.

DCN designed and built the Mistral and its sister ship, the Tonnerre, as programme prime contractor to contract principal DGA. The industrial organization adopted for this programme enabled each contractor and subcontractor to contribute efficiently to the overall effort.

The 199 metre-long Mistral class offers a displacement of 21,000 tons, a speed of 19 knots and sufficient endurance and range for global force projection. A typical payload might include 450 troops, 16 heavy helicopters plus two hovercraft, plus four LCM landing craft or one-third of a mechanized regiment complete with armoured vehicles (1,000 t). The design features electric propulsion using azimuth pods and high-level automation compatible with a complement of just 160. The vessel also offers ample capacity for use as a hospital ship or for humanitarian evacuation missions. A high-performance communications suite allows the BPC to fulfil its role as a naval force command vessel.

The Mistral class's exemplary capabilities and modular design ensure excellent prospects on the international market.

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