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Accidentologie de toutes les voilures tournantes militaires du Monde

Philippe Top-Force

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Ils parlent de deux types d'appareils. Apparemment les dommages furent légers vu que six des neufs endommagés étaient sur pieds peu de temps après.

Paris ouverts?

xH60/OH58, pour les xH6 je pense que cela les aurait salement amoché.

Je reste sur les OH-6,ils doivent bien etre environnés d'Alvéoles...

Ceci dit je pencherais bien pour des BlackHawks avec eux, (SH-60 il me semble,non?)

Paris Ouvert !

(Il n'y a pas eu de pertes humaines?)

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Ils ne parlaient pas de pertes humaines pour ce que j'ai pu en lire. Attaque de nuit ou durant la pause McDo peut être... Le souci c'est que l'XH6 c'est vraiment en papier cigarette... Après tu me diras le Kiowa c'est pas vraiment mieux mais y en a moins donc cela pourrait expliquer la destrcution totale.

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euh, à part dans la 160th Soar, je ne crois pas que l'US Army ait encore des OH-6 en service, ou alors en très petite quantité. Et même la 160th ne doit pas avoir des masses d'hélicos déployés en Irak. A mon avis, en Irak, c'est surtout les UH-60, CH-47, AH-64 et OH-58D qui sont déployés (hors 160th SOAR), avec peut-être quelques OH-58A/C et UH-1H d'unités de réserve ou de la garde nationale (qui vont être remplacés par des UH-72A).

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Apparemment les forces américaines en Irak auraient démantelé le réseau qui s'en prenait à leurs hélico et qui avait abattu 6 hélico Us (23 GI morts), 2 hélico de mercenaires et endommagés 2 autres appareils de l'armée. Ils auraient mené une série de raids pour éliminer ce réseau en leur tendant des embuscades. D'après l'Article il y aurait quand même une centaine d'attaque contre des hélicoptères chaque mois en Irak !

The U.S. military has broken up a network of insurgents who were behind a string of deadly attacks on U.S. helicopters in Iraq this winter, the Army's top aviation officer in Iraq said.

Some insurgent teams were killed when U.S. helicopter pilots flew over ambush sites and fired on them.

"I don't think they anticipated our rapid and very capable response to them," Maj. Gen. James Simmons said in a telephone interview from Iraq.

Simmons didn't identify when the raids took place or the number of insurgents killed or captured, but he said it was fewer than 100.

The raids came as the United States has boosted the number of troops in Iraq. However, violence has not declined; April was one of the deadliest months for troops since the war began in 2003. In the first two months of this year, 162 American troops died. More than 230 have died in the 11 weeks since the beginning of March. A surge in fatal attacks on U.S. helicopters this winter threatened to hamper flight operations and generated headlines for insurgent groups.

Enemy fighters shot down six military helicopters in January and February, killing 23 servicemembers. Heavy machine guns were used in four attacks and small arms in one assault. A missile was used to down one of the six helicopters. Two private contractor helicopters were also shot down during that time.

There haven't been any fatal helicopter attacks since February. Two servicemen were injured in an attack on a Kiowa helicopter May 8. A Black Hawk helicopter was forced down by heavy machine gun fire April 5. No one was injured, the Army said.

The raids on the insurgents, which gave allied forces more control in the skies over Iraq to aid the three-month-old security plan, were an intelligence and military success, Simmons said. "It has helped us in our ability to conduct operations without significant interference from the enemy," he said.

U.S. forces have increased the use of helicopters in Iraq in order to reduce the number of ground convoys, which are vulnerable to roadside bombs. "It offsets the threat of IEDs on the road networks," Simmons said, referring to roadside bombs, or improvised explosive devices.

Helicopters come under attack 90 to 100 times a month in Iraq, Simmons said. Most attacks are ineffective small-arms fire.

The winter attacks were different. A group of loosely connected cells employed heavy machine guns and used terrain to their advantage. They had studied the routes regularly used by U.S. helicopters. "The difference (in these attacks) is they were deliberate military operations conducted in an ambush style against our aircraft," Simmons said.

In March, the U.S. military limited the airspace where helicopters fly to counter the fatal attacks.

During the raids, U.S. forces combined air attacks with ground assaults that captured insurgents, Simmons said. Information gathered in those raids revealed anti-helicopter tactics used by insurgents. The military used that knowledge to launch counter-ambushes, using U.S. aircraft to target the teams.

U.S. pilots anticipated where insurgents would set up ambushes.

"The information that we have been able to exploit from those offensive operations has given us further insight as to how they fight," he said.

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  • 2 months later...

Crash d'un Puma le 9 août en Angleterre, 2 morts et 10 blessés :

Image IPB

Image IPB

Image IPB

Royal Air Force personnel inspect the wreckage of a Puma helicopter which crashed the previous evening on Catterick Garrison training area, on August 9, 2007 near the village of Brokes, near Richmond, west of Catterick, North Yorkshire, England. The helicopter is believed to have been on an exercise when it crashed around 9pm last night. Two people died and ten people were injured; all believed to be military personnel

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Les Apache peuvent tomber, sur panne, sur sales coups, mais les mecs ont confiance :

Image IPB

C'était une petite parenthèse pour détendre. Désolé.  :-X

Pour détendre pourquoi pas, mais des FS montent comme cela sur des Apaches et Cobra pour des opérations spéciales  ;)

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LONDRES (Reuters) - Deux soldats britanniques ont été tués mardi en Irak lorsque leur hélicoptère Puma s'est écrasé dans les environs de Bagdad, annonce le ministère britannique de la Défense.

"Deux autres soldats ont été grièvement blessés et sont actuellement hospitalisés. Il est encore trop tôt pour formuler des hypothèses sur les raisons de l'accident", écrit le ministère dans un communiqué.

Le ministère ajoute avoir informé les familles des victimes et annonce que des enquêteurs se rendent en Irak pour déterminer les causes de l'accident.

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La série noire continue aujourd'hui, après les US, UK maintenant les Sud-Africains.

Un policier sud-africain a été tué et cinq membres de la force aérienne blessés dans l'accident d'un hélicoptère qui s'est écrasé aujourd'hui dans le centre de l'Afrique du Sud, à la frontière du Lesotho, a-t-on appris de source militaire.

"Il y avait 19 personnes à bord de cet hélicoptère Oryx et un membre de la police nationale sud-africaine est mort", a déclaré un porte-parole de la défense nationale, le brigadier-général Kwena Mangope.

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  • 1 month later...

The sale of two Cougar (AS532AL) helicopters was concluded with the Ministry of Defence for the FAMET (Army Airmobile Force), while three Cougar were bought for the Military Emergency Unit (UME), contracts worth 40 and 76 million euros, respectively. The UME helicopters are specially equipped for emergency missions like fire fighting and search and rescue. The sale to the UME includes mission and logistic support outfitting systems for commissioning the helicopters. The Cougar is a twin-engine multipurpose helicopter with a capacity for transporting up to 25 soldiers in full gear, in addition to two crew members, or 10 soldiers and 6 wounded. It has a cargo capacity of up to 4.5 tons. Its operating capabilities make it the ideal helicopter for operations in adverse conditions and in a wide range of missions: troop and cargo transport, search and rescue, evacuation, etc

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