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Qu'est-ce qui est difficile pour faire une arme nucléaire ?


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Il y a 4 heures, collectionneur a dit :

Je ne me rappelais plus que ce lanceur/missile balistique sud africain avait effectué des tirs d'essai en 89/90 :


Rassure toi, tu n'es pas le seul !   Années 60s, 70s, 80s discrétion de rigueur autour des descendants du Dassault MD-620, puis Jéricho    "Affaire de famille"  ou plutôt Bijoux de famille !


First Israeli ballistic missile. Developed by Dassault in France as the MD-620. Test series included both one and two stage prototypes. Follow-on versions used all-solid propellant configurations

Dassault had opened a missile division in St Cloud on 15 September 1957. In 1962, the French government asked Dassault to develop a ballistic missile on behalf of Israel. The result was the MD 620 Jericho ballistic missile, designed to carry a warhead of a still-classified mass over a range of 500 km. The first test of a single-stage version of the missile took place on 1 February 1 1965 from Ile du Levant. Tests of the two-stage version began on 16 March 1966. The MD 620 was France's first ballistic missile with an airborne digital computer. This program was cancelled in January 1969 following France's weapon embargo on Israel. Dassault achieved valuable experience on the project, becoming familiar with aerodynamic and thermodynamic phenomena at speeds of up to Mach 6, and ballistic missile steering and inertial guidance technology.

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