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War Nerd : passionné de guerre, féroce, hilarant, instructif

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Voici l'archive des articles de Gary Brecher, le "War Nerd", un chroniqueur passionné de guerres, féroce, souvent hilarant, souvent instructif :


Son angle d'attaque est bien davantage l'aspect historique et l'aspect psychologique que l'aspect "matériel". C'est d'autant plus intéressant, et il a des choses originales à dire.

Même si on a évidemment le droit de ne pas être d'accord :lol: !

Quelques extraits :

- Make America Roman http://www.exile.ru/2002-September-06/war_nerd.html avec la définition que War Nerd donne de la droite ... ça vaut son pesant de cacahouètes :lol: !

The Republicans aren't nationalists. They're moneyists, as in they only care about money -- oil money, mostly. And money is boring. War -- fun. Money -- boring. It's time somebody said it out loud: "Fuck Free Enterprise, I just want America to kick ass!"

And the first step in building a real ass-kicking American Imperial Army is making a few overpaid military "executives" pay for not wanting to defend our country. So let's find out who on the USAF "management team" was supposed to be in charge of defending American airspace. Once we've identified the USAF brass who messed up, we'll settle this the way the Romans would've done it: put'em on a bus in leg-irons and unload 'em at the WTC ruins. Then lead 'em up to a chopping block, one by one, and cut their fucking heads off. Take the heads -- put the little blue caps back on, you know, show some respect for their rank and all -- and stick their heads on spikes in front of the burnt wing of the Pentagon.

Then go out there and kick some foreign ass. Not for money. For Glory and the goddamn American Empire. That's what I call "right-wing."

- The French http://www.exile.ru/2003-October-02/war_nerd.html sur l'histoire militaire française, où l'on voit que tous les Américains de droite ne sont pas incultes ni anti-Français.

I'm going to tell you guys something you probably don't want to hear: these sites are total bullshit, the notion that the French are cowards is total bullshit, and anybody who knows anything about European military history knows damn well that over the past thousand years, the French have the most glorious military history in Europe, maybe the world.

- Glory to the Turks ! http://www.exile.ru/2005-April-22/war_nerd.html qui comme son nom l'indique traite de l'histoire militaire turque.

The Turkish POWs were one of the most amazing stories of the Korean War. As some of you already know, US and British POWs, the two biggest contingents, didn't do very well. Almost 40% of our POWs died, mostly of sheer neglect and depression. Morale broke down in the enlisted POW camps; there were no escapes, and dozens of captured GIs turned traitor.

The Turkish POWs had a totally different record. None of them died of natural causes -- their comrades wouldn't let them. Turks shared their rations, watched over their sick, and kept their pride.

Eventually the Chinese psy-war officers stopped bothering to try to subvert the Turks.

Not one Turkish prisoner turned traitor. There was one who was thinking about it -- but, as his comrades explained in interviews after the war, they couldn't let him disgrace them, so they "regretfully" strangled him before he could contact the Chinese guards.

- Women at War & in Drag http://www.exile.ru/2006-March-07/women_at_war_in_drag.html avec de nombreux exemples intéressants de femme-soldats, notamment des tireurs d'élite de l'Armée Rouge sur le front de l'Est.

The USSR mobilized its women more effectively than any other power. Nazi Germany was the least efficient, according to Albert Speer's memoirs. I guess all that old-fashioned ideology got in the way. Funny to think of the Nazis as softies, but in all kinds of ways they actually were. It was the Soviets who were really tough.

Stalin wasn't squeamish. He got called a lot of things, but not squeamish. So once all the boys of the class of '41 were dead (and that didn't take long, the way the Germans were rolling up whole armies in the summer of '41), he called up the girls.

... Et bien d'autres choses encore :P !

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