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WIN-T système de communication de l'US ARMY


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Le WIN-T ou Warfighter Information Network-Tactical est un réseau d'information tactique de l'armée américaine. Ce programme est de conception incrémentale. Il a commencé en 2004 avec le WIN-T incrément 1. Cette version, similaire

à une connexion Internet à domicile, est destiné à mettre en réseau les postes de commandement et des unités de niveau supérieur à un bataillon. Une mise à niveau, appelée la "mise à niveau WIN-T incrément 1B," a eu lieu pour améliorer l'efficacité, la sécurité et l'interopérabilité du réseau.


Le WIN-T 2 a débuté en 2012. Il est constitué de :

  • The Tactical Communications Node (TCN) provides the principal backbone element and supports command post operations for the WIN-T Increment 2 network. It provides communication and networking equipment and allows the Soldier the ability to access the network at a variety of security levels. While at-the-halt, the TCN is equipped with a 10 meter, extendable mast to improve line-of-sight connectivity and larger satellite assemblage for high throughput.





  • The Point of Presence (PoP) is installed on select platforms at division, brigade and battalion echelons, enabling mobile mission command by providing on-the-move network connectivity, both line-of-sight and beyond-line-of-sight.
  • The Soldier Network Extension (SNE) is installed on select vehicles at the company echelon to extend the network from the brigade down to the company level for the first time. Using its on-the-move satellite communication systems, the SNE will be used to heal and extend lower echelon tactical radio networks for geographically separated elements blocked by terrain features.
  • The Vehicle Wireless Package (VWP) is a communications package for non-WIN-T Command and Control (C2) vehicles. The VWP B-Kit provides remote connectivity to a TCN via a Local Access Waveform for command and control vehicles during at-the-halt and on-the-move operations. It is a small form factor Local Area Network extension of the TCN’s satellite and terrestrial line-of-sight network systems.
  • The Network Operations (NetOps) and Security Center (NOSC) provides network management and enhanced tactical network planning, administration, monitoring and response capabilities. The hardware is located on the vehicle and is connected by cables to the laptops and large display screens inside the tactical operations center where the communications officers manage the network.
  • The Satellite Transportable Terminal Plus (STT+), a trailer-mounted ground satellite communications terminal with a generator, is used in conjunction with the TCN at the halt.











PS: Ces photos illustrent le système. Mais les descriptions de ces matériels sont peu précises.

Modifié par wolfmoy
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