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[Turquie] Programme spatial


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Le programme spatial turc, la Turquie voit d'un grand intérêt le secteur spatial, en collaboration avec TAI, Aselsan, Roketsan, les instituts étatiques et les universités, le projet est lancé. L'armée de l'air turque gère ce dossier, mais devra laisser ce projet au TUA (Agence spatial turc). La Turquie prévoit de développé son propre lanceur et son propre tir de lancement de missile vers l'espace, le lieu est plus ou moins choisit.

Le programme spatial turc:


Le logo du satellite d'observation militaire Göktürk-2 lancé en 2013, le Göktürk-1 suivra cette année, suivi du Göktürk-3 SAR en 2016:



Deux vidéos intéressant en anglais des entreprises TAI et Aselsan sur le programme spatial turc:



Sera lancé prochainement le satellite d'observation militaire, Göktürk-1 (résolution du caméra: 0.5m):


Et les travaux pour le satellite d'observation militaire Göktürk-3 SAR avance:


Le satellite de communication civil et militaire Türksat-4B est parti en novembre 2015 dans l'espace:



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La Turquie travaille sur le programme UFS (Ulusal Firlatma Sistemi = Système de lancement national) avec la coopération du TUA (Agence spatiale turque), la Turaf (Armée de l'air turque), Roketsan, Aselsan, TAI, Tubitak (Institut de R&D) et les universités turcs.

Le programme UFS comprends un lanceur (d'une portée de 700km pour une charge utile de 1 500kg dans un premier temps) et une base de lancement.


Des projets de faisabilité sont effectués.

Feasibility Project for Satellite Launching Center Establishment

Within the scope of Satellite Launching Center Establishment Project Feasibility Survey, the given works that are listed below have been established to Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) in two separate reports:
Examination of satellite, satellite launching systems and technologies, satellite launching centers and satellite launching system development projects in the world
Market researches for satellite launching services in the following 10 years
Determination of administrative issues so as to include international law and insurance issues in relation with the subject
Determination of places where satellite launching locations could be settled in Turkey
Determination of basic properties of specified satellite launching places which shall transport useful loads with different configurations to different orbits
Examination of existing abilities in Turkey in terms of development, production and testing
Determination of critic, deficient, foreign dependent technologies
Determination of plant and infrastructure requirements
Calendar and cost assumptions according to different vehicle configurations and different supply methods
Supply model analysis

Road Map Project for Satellite and Space Technologies

Satellite Space Sub Unit and Technologies Feasibility Project was signed in 5 July 2012 in line with the claims of Undersecretariat for Defence Industries, under the coordination of STM and with the scope of study groups which consisted of leading study groups universities and companies from Turkey. 

Within the scope of the work executed upon the inputs of participants more than 200; sub units and technologies which are deemed to be useful for being aimed by national satellite and space industry in short, medium and long terms and methods which are required to be followed for development of products having historical accumulation at available level under space conditions. 

Predictions for satellite systems which are planned to be procured in our country in short, medium and long term within the scope of the work and a detailed satellite refraction based on the developments in the world have been revealed, and privileged technology areas which are deemed to be important for our country have been specified by an systematic approach, thus project offers over 130 prepared by company, research centers and universities acting in this field have been evaluated historical acquisition plan. Within this scope, assumptions of projects which are expected to be implemented in near and medium terms have been made in terms of technical, financial and labor necessities, and some suggestions have been put forth.

On 22 May 2013, Satellite Space Sub Unit and Technologies Road Map work terminated with the closing meeting with wide participation in Undersecretariat for Defence Industries has been a survey introducing concrete proposals in terms of road and strategies which are required to be followed at the stage of developing our nation’s own satellites and relevant systems with common sense.

Pour les satellites, la Turquie perce dans le domaine, la Turquie est résolue a fabriqué les satellites nationaux, d'ailleurs, le satellite d'observation militaire (Göktürk-1) fut un projet national et le satellite de communication civil et militaire Turksat sera de conception turque.

Turkey is on the verge of a breakthrough in communications, intelligence and surveillance satellites. 

Turkey's first satellite center, to be opened this month at the Akinci Air Force Base in Ankara, will allow the manufacture and testing of satellites, making Turkey one of only 12 countries to be able to do so.

Turkey is on the verge of a breakthrough in communications, intelligence and surveillance satellites. After the 4B satellite launched this year, the Satellite Assembly and Integration Test Center (UMET), where Turkey's new satellite, TÜRKSAT 5A, will be manufactured and tested in, has been completed. The center, which will open in August, is situated in Akinci Air Force Base in Ankara. Turkey's first satellite center, in which TÜRKSAT 5A, 5B and 5C satellites will be manufactured in by using only national resources, will open with a grand ceremony.
The operating rights of the center have been granted to state-run Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), and after the testing of Earth observation and communications satellite are completed, the satellites will be launched. UMET has been financed by the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries. TÜRKSAT 5A, 5B and 5C will be manufactured by TAI in UMET and is planned to be launched in 2015.
Turkey’s procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), in early July signed a contract with the country’s national missile manufacturer, Roketsan, to build the Turkish Satellite Launching System (UFS) for pre-conceptual design work.
According to a report by the U.S. defense magazine Defense News, Turkey is planning to construct its first satellite launching center. “The Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM), in early July signed a contract with the country’s national missile manufacturer, Roketsan, to build the Turkish Satellite Launching System (UFS) for pre-conceptual design work. Roketsan will design the UFS to be capable of launching, initially, satellites into low earth orbit (500 to 700 kilometers) through a launching center the company will build and the Turkish Air Force will operate” the report said.
A Roketsan official said they intended to end the country’s foreign dependency on launching military and [civilian] communications satellites. On the other hand, an SSM official stated that one reason for the UFS project was the aim towards a compact space program, including a national launcher.

D'ailleurs, TAI ouvre une annexe pour la conception et la fabrication des satellites de conception turque.


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il y a 2 minutes, aviapics said:

Construit par Thalès à Cannes

Mea Culpa, je parlais du Göktürk-2 envoyé dans l'espace. Et ainsi du satellite Göktürk-3 SAR de conception nationale qui sera envoyé d'ici 2 ans.

Pour le Göktürk-1, il y a la participation Telespazio et TAI dans le projet.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Le satellite de surveillance turc Göktürk-1 sera lancé en Guyane en décembre 2016:

Le programme spatial turc, l'étape suivant, la conception de satellite d'observation de moins de 50cm de vu avant 2023 et de lanceur national.





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