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DSEI 2019


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Here it is:


Day 1 at DSEI 2019, the defense exhibition held in London, UK.

Our day 1 naval news coverage at the show includes:


Anti-ship missiles:  The UK MoD issued a requirement to implement an interim surface to surface guided weapon (I-SSGW) to replace the existing Harpoon missile onboard Royal Navy ships. In this context we interviewed some exhibitors about their proposals.

0:42 - Raytheon Naval Strike Missile
2:12 - Saab RBS 15 Mk3 and Mk4
2:59 - MBDA future missile concepts and FCASW
3:55 - Lockheed Martin LRASM
5:06 - Roketsan ATMACA
5:30 - SubSea Craft Lifts Veil on VICTA-class Diver Delivery Unit

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Day 2 at DSEI 2019, the defense exhibition held in London, UK.
In this video we cover naval platforms & new ship designs:


0:42 - MBDA Sea Ceptor (CAMM) and Royal Navy Type 23 Frigate upgrade.
2:32 - Update on the Global Combat Ship programs (Type 26, Hunter-class and CSC) with BAE Systems.
4:41 Navantia's FSS ship and F-110 frigate.
7:57 BMT new ELLIDA amphibious / tanker / multi-role auxiliary vessel.
10:18 Steller Systems & Thales new TX ship concept.



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DSEI 2019: SEA Unveils Trainable Decoy Launcher System

At DSEI 2019, the defense exhibition which opened its doors today in London, British company SEA unveiled a Trainable Decoy Launcher System to protect surface platforms from missile and torpedo threats.

The Trainable Decoy Launcher System will be available in 2020. It could answer the Royal Navy requirement for decoy launchers aboard Type 26 and Type 31 frigates.
note also the interesting Fixed, pneumatic launcher that can deploy Sonobuoys and torpedo decoys...


DSEI 2019: Steller Systems & Thales Unveil TX Ship Concept

 Steller Systems and Thales have launched their design for TX Ship, a ground-breaking vessel that will help navies transition to unmanned operations.
TX Ship is a fully sensorised multi-role trimaran, capable of operating at reach, alone or as part of a task group.  The ship possesses an unusual high capacity, fully-automated mission bay capable of hosting and deploying a large number, and multiple types, of manned or unmanned mission packages.  The stern access and moon pool features enable flexible and covert deployment of a wide range of current and future unmanned aerial, surface and subsurface vessels. At a length of 70m and 600 tonne displacement, TX Ship has a top speed of 30 knots, a design cruise speed of 18 knots, a range of 6000nm and an endurance of 20 days (manned) or 40 days (unmanned).


DSEI 2019: Roketsan’s ATMACA to be test-fired at sea in November

At DSEI 2019, the defense exhibition currently held in London, Naval News learned from Roketsan that Atmaca anti-ship missile will be test fired from an Ada-class corvette in November this year.

The event will mark the first time that the Atmaca is tested at sea.

As we reported recently, Roketsan’s new anti-ship missile Atmaca (Hawk) has been fitted aboard the fourth Ada-class corvette of the Turkish Navy (Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri), TCG Kınalıada.

Naval News asked Roketsan if the company was planning to answer the interim Harpoon replacement requirement for the Royal Navy. The answer is no, Roketsan is for now fully focused on delivering the Atmaca to its launch customer, the Turkish Navy.


DSEI 2019: SubSea Craft Lifts Veil on VICTA-class Diver Delivery Unit

This revolutionary craft combines the speed, range and capacity of a Long-Range Insertion Craft (LRIC) with the stealth and versatility of a Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV).

Specifically designed around the operator, its 30 kt+ speed, 250 nm endurance and 2-minute transition between surface and sub-surface, enables delivery of 8 operators and their equipment to their objective ‘mission-ready’ before recovering them.  Offering leading-edge design and manufacture and providing truly formidable operational flexibility, VICTA opens up potentially game-changing tactical and strategic choices in maritime, joint and special operations.


DSEI 2019: BMT Unveils ELLIDA Amphibious / Tanker / Multi-Role Auxiliary Vessel

BMT has unveiled its latest concept design, the ELLIDA™ multi-role support ship, at this year’s international defence trade show DSEI 2019. ELLIDA™ will be the third family of vessels designed by BMT for the auxiliary market and will complement the AEGIR and SALVAS families.

The ELLIDA™ concept is underpinned by the proven experience that BMT has gained while designing the AEGIR vessels now in service, the Tide class with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, and HNoMS Maud with the Royal Norwegian Navy.


DSEI 2019: General Dynamics Mission Systems Launches New Bluefin-12 UUV

General Dynamics Mission Systems (GDMS) unveiled the new Bluefin-12 autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) at DSEI 2019.

This new vehicle builds upon the proven Bluefin autonomy and uses shared Bluefin Robotics’ core capabilities, increased mission modularity and embedded intelligence to complete users’ long endurance, high-consequence and changing missions.
" We are proud to add the Bluefin-12 to our UUV family of products and to deliver both the Bluefin-12 and Bluefin-9 UUVs to Thales in support of the Royal Australian Navy’s SEA 1778 program,”


DSEI 2019: Thales discloses Mi-Map AI-assisted mine warfare solution

 At DSEI 2019, Thales is launching the Mine Intelligence Mapping system (Mi-Map), a new AI-assisted solution developed for mine warfare analysis. The Mi-Map console is designed to offer the customer the best solution in term of mine detection and classification, Thales said to Naval News.

Mi-Map is a digital assistant powered by AI for sonar data analysis including a fully integrated design for quick deployment and a continuous machine learning capability. This platform can reduce operator workload, improve Man-Machine performance, and speed up post mission and real time operator analysis whilst being able to self-adapt to new environments or threats.


DSEI 2019: Raytheon Coyote Block II close to first export sale

Raytheon is working with the U.S. Government to clear Raytheon's Coyote unmanned aircraft system for international sales, the US missile maker said at DSEI 2019. « Countries worldwide will soon be able to procure the most capable UAS in its class, » Raytheon stated.

The first generation of Coyote, the Block 1B, is a small, expendable and tube-launched CUAS system which can be deployed from the ground, air or a ship. Coyotes can be flown individually or netted together in swarms, and are adaptable for a variety of missions including surveillance, electronic warfare and strike.


DSEI 2019: MSI Defence’s SEAHAWK LW30M Naval Gun System Gets Launch Customer

At DSEI 2019, MSI-Defence Systems (MSI-DS) announced that the latest addition to its SEAHAWK family of gun systems dedicated to the naval field: The SEAHAWK LW30M, now has a launched customer.

MSI-DS is very proud to announce the receipt of the first orders for the MSI-DS SEAHAWK LW30M naval gun system. The SEAHAWK LW range was unveiled at DSEI 2017, fitted with a 14.5mm KPV Heavy Machine Gun. Equipped with an EOD suite comprising a day camera, thermal Imaging camera, laser rangefinder and Fire Control System (FCS) the LW30M system will be delivered to the customer in due course.


L3Harris Delivers MAST-13 USV to UK’s Dstl

MAST-13, a next-generation unmanned surface vehicle (USV) that could be used to protect the UK's future warships was delivered to Dstl by L3Harris during DSEI 2019.

The Maritime Autonomy Surface Testbed (MAST) 13 is a 13-meter (41-foot) long high-speed system capable of fully autonomous navigation. The ASV uses L3Harris’ ASView proprietary autonomous control system and advanced algorithms developed for the U.K.’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl).


Video: SeaDRiX Long Range, Long Endurance Submarine Hunting System

SEA has partnered with innovative navigation provider, iXblue, to develop an autonomous anti-submarine surveillance system, SeaDrix™, for long endurance surveillance patrols.

SeaDrix combines SEA’s low-profile acoustic sensor, KraitArray, with iXblue’s unmanned surface vessel, DriX, to create a system that can operate in open ocean conditions and for up to ten days un-refuelled or much longer with at-sea refueling system.

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