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Des FReMM (5 à 6) et des NH90... seraient prevus par le prochain d'acquisition. Mais les nouveaux chasseurs seraient reportés.

DCN a l'air d'avoir un bon produit d'appel avec les Fremm (en tenant compte de l'arabie saoudite) :)

The Government Council for Foreign Affairs and Defence (KYSEA) convened Tuesday, chaired by Greek PM Kostas Karamanlis, and approved the new armament programme for 2006-2010, amounting to 11.39 billion euros.


As per the address by National Defence Minister Evangelos Meimarakis, 8.43 billion euros will go to pay for equipment ordered by the previous government, while spending on new armaments for the next five years will amount to 2.9 billion euros, 26% of which will be given for the upgrade or completion of existing equipment programmes.

Sources close to the Ministry of Defence say the new equipment approved for purchase includes 20 transport helicopters (likely to be NH-90s), six frigates (French-Italian FREMM design), 5 maritime patrol aircraft and 400 armored troop transport vehicles.

The purchase of fourth generation military aircraft is postponed until the next armament programme, which will cover the 2011-2015 period with a funding envelope that should increase to about 15 billion euros.

In statements after the end of the meeting, Meimarakis said that the Government is consistent to its pre-election commitments, and trying to rationalise defence expenditures without decreasing the pre-emptive and defence power of the country

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