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France et USA, copains en Afghanistan !

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Les français ne joue aucun rôle en Irak?

Ah bon!


La France joue plutot un role dans la lutte contre le terrorisme avec une participation active en Afganistan et dans le controle maritime de la Corne d'Afrique et de l'Océan Indien . Cette article ne traite que de cette participation en Afghanistan. Rien sur l'Iraq.

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Guest ZedroS

Si, un peu : en aidant ailleurs qu'en irak, ils peuvent aussi aider les états uniens en Irak par "effet de bords". En gros, ce que font les Fr les Us n'ont pas à le faire, pouvant ainsi mettre plus de moyens ailleurs, notamment en Irak. De même, quand on sécurise le canal de Suez cela profite aussi aux navires us allant en Irak, navires dont la protection serait à assurer sinon. M'enfin, c'est rien de neuf et pour autant les Français n'aident pas en soi les Us en Irak, je suis d'accord.

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C'est vrai , il sont pas en Irak, mais.... pas loin!

But the French-led sea patrols between Pakistan and the Horn of Africa indirectly bolster the U.S. mission there by preventing sea-borne aid for Iraqi insurgents or Gulf-based terrorists allied with them.

Up to a dozen French ships patrol the seas around Arabia, East Africa, Iran and Pakistan, halting suspect vessels heading for the Strait of Hormuz, which guards the entrance to the Persian Gulf — and Iraq.


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Remarquez, on peut dire aussi que la France combat les US en Irak puisqu'il y a (eu?) des francais dans les rangs de la résistance irakienne :lol: Sérieusement tu débarques de la planete Mars ou tu confonds l'Irak et l'Afghanistan ? ;)

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et nos opérateurs DGSE présents en Irak ,ils aident les US ou pas ? :rolleyes: Plus sérieusement ,la France est présente dans la corne de l'Afrique ,dans l'océan indien et en Afghanistan ,bien avant le 9/11. Ce n'est pas parce que Jacques C et son gouvernement ne voulaient pas une présence militaire en Irak en 2003 qu'ils ne combattraient pas ou plus, le terrorisme loin de nos bases. Ce sont Fox news ,certains néo conservateurs ou opposants à la France qui découvrent ou re-découvrent que nos soldats combattent aux côtés des GI's. Notez durant et pendant l'intervention en Irak ,certains opposants à la France occultaient nos actions depuis 2001.

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But the French-led sea patrols between Pakistan and the Horn of Africa indirectly bolster the U.S. mission there by preventing sea-borne aid for Iraqi insurgents or Gulf-based terrorists allied with them.

Up to a dozen French ships patrol the seas around Arabia, East Africa, Iran and Pakistan, halting suspect vessels heading for the Strait of Hormuz, which guards the entrance to the Persian Gulf — and Iraq.

Pour être moins ironique, :oops:

il est clair que la marine francaise participe à l'opération enduring freedom dans le golfe persique et en corne de l'afrique depuis le 11/09

Le but était initialement de prévenir l'exfiltration de membres d'AlQaida et Talibans d'afghanistan via le Pakistan. Le temps passant, cette mission s'est petit à petit transformé en un controle maritime visant à limiter les traffics en tous genre pouvant permettre à AQ de se développer.

Il a noté qu'en 2003, au moment de la guerre d'Irak, les états majors francais faisait clairement la distinction entre Enduring Freedoom (au qu'elle participe) et le volet naval d'Iraqi Freedom (au quel elle ne participait pas).

Le temps passant, les zones de patrouilles étant les même, les "cibles" à controler étant les mêmes...le "volet naval" d'Iraqi freedom à disparu de la terminologie officielle pour un revenir au nom "Enduring freedom" ce qui permet à la France de continuer à participer à la coalition navale en disant qu'elle ne participe pas à Iraqi Freedom.

Je te l'accorde, c'est hypocrite car il est clair que cette opération vise les membres d'Al Qaida (au sens très global) opérants partout dans la région, y compris en Irak.

D'un autre coté je ne pense pas que "Al Qaida-Irak" bénéficie d'un soutien par voie maritime vu la configuration du pays en question.

Enfin petite précision, ton extrait mentionne une douzaine de batiments francais....c'est en fait très imprécis car ca correspond aux batiments francais présents en Océan Indien or globalement 11 batiments sur 12 ont des missions qui n'ont rien à voir avec le terrorisme: ex le patrouilleur Albatros fait de la police des pêches dans les Kerguelen, c'est un peu loin du Golfe Persique.

Le contrat de la Marine est de fournir un BPH à la coalition anti terroriste au sein de la TF150.

Pour info, depuis aout c'est la France qui commande la TF150, exceptionnellement trois batiments francais sont affectés à cette force: un BCR,une FLF, un Aviso.

Même si on peut dire qu'indirectement la France collabore avec les USA, je pense que ce serait un raccourci de dire que la France est impliquée en Irak.

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Tout a fait d'accord avec toi.

Même si on peut dire qu'indirectement la France collabore avec les USA, je pense que ce serait un raccourci de dire que la France n'est pas impliquée en Irak.

Au faite! on a retrouver la 103 SP de Mollah Omar? :lol:

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Pourtant c'est une des missions de la task force 150 d'interdire les exfiltrations de terroristes de la zone afghane vers la peninsule arabique ou vers la corne d'afrique.

Tout à fait d'accord, je voulais seulement dire que la mission a été élargie au controle maritime en général traffic d'armes, de substances NRBC, de drogues par les terroristes.

C'est juste un changement de définition car l'un n'a jamais été sans l'autre.

Après dire que la France collabore avec les USA pour la guerre en Irak c'est certainement une question de point de vue.

On peut juste dire que les réalités du "terrain" sont plus floues que des postures politiques mais ceci n'est plus à démontrer ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arff!!! peut etre copain là-bas! mais pas copain au Kosovo!!


Tuesday, September 06, 2005 Prostitutes disarm KFOR soldiers

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that several KFOR soldiers have remained naked and without weapons, after several persons took them away, ‘while the soldiers were making love to some prostitutes in a bordello in northern Mitrovica.’

Police in Mitrovica denied having any information about the alleged disarmament and theft of the uniforms of French KFOR soldiers in northern Mitrovica.

posted by KosovaReport @ 9:33 AM 19 comments

19 Comments: At 10:00 AM, Anonymous said... Who's in charge of prostitution now?

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous said... That must be why UNMIKPOL vehicles can be seen standing outside the "motels" at all hours, they're .... investigating the loss ("Wh must search for lost weapons everywhere. Up against the bed and spread 'em, ma'am!")

Ah sorry, they been doing that five years alrwady, guess they must be investigating something else.

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous said... This is the first time that I have heard of someone "making love" to a prostitute...

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous said... They are French dude. But that kind of love is criminal in Kosova and, according to standard setters, needs to be resolved to fulfill the standard on security.

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous said... Northern Mitrovica has become a hotbed of criminal activity. Prostitutes from all over Eastern Europe can be found there and its awash with weapons.

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous said... Not just northern Mitro, but southern mitro and the rest of Kosova is criminalized. Criminal cooperation is the only successfull interethnic activity there is there.

At 1:36 PM, Prince of Albania said... Ha, ha, ha, ha....

That's too funny. The worlds strongest military exposed. If you want to dissarm NATO jsut throw some pussy in their face!

As far as North or South Mitrovica this is not a Serb or Albanian afair I'm afraid. Criminal activity happens to be the only place where Albanians and Serbs actually work together.

Since that's probably the only way to make money in Kosovo that should tell you a lot. If everyone had a descent job and a steady good income we could live together in peace and harmony.

Add some prostitutes to that and we'll be in downright bliss, ha, ha.

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous said... Kosovo For Absolute Beginners

Frequently Asked Questions

Recommended reading: In Yugoslavia, Rising Ethnic Strife Brings Fears of Worse Civil Conflict (DAVID BINDER, The New York Times November 1, 1987)

The New York Times of Saturday, March 27, quotes Laura Leslie, a senior from Miramonte High School, San Francisco: "I don't want to see another thing like what happened with Hitler, with a terrible person taking over countries". Laura reads the newspaper and listens to the news, and in her innocent way sums up the message of the propaganda war-supporting machine. She is not to be blamed for oversimplifying what is going on in Kosovo and why her country is at war again. The media and the President try to convince you that this is true and that you should support the men and women of your armed forces for the sake of your values and your children's future. But I would like to offer you a less simplistic explanation.

To begin with, the rebellion in Kosovo is not the result of the last 10 years. Albanian separatism is the oldest nationalistic movement in what used to be Tito's Yugoslavia, and it has started the circle of mutual mistrust, hatred and eventually war in there. At the beginning of this century, Albanians made only one third of the Kosovo population. At the beginning of the fifties, after somewhat prolonged fight with the remains of what used to be the Albanian quisling state established by Mussolini's Italy, Tito's regime decided to give this part of Serbia a political, cultural, economical and juridical autonomy, as well as generous subventions from the federal budget.

At the beginning of sixties, Albanian population made 2/3 of the Kosovo population. At that time the first public demand for independence was raised during the riots in 1968 and again in 1981, several months after Tito's death. None of us had at that time heard anything about Milosevic, who was a banker with no political influence whatsoever. Their demand for independence had nothing to do with repression, for if there was any repression at that time, it could only have been an Albanian repression against the Serbs in Kosovo. The New York Times, which can hardly be said to be in favor of the Serbs, wrote at that time: "Serbs have been harassed by Albanians and have packed up and left the region. The Albanian nationalists have a two-point platform, first to establish what they call an ethnically clean Albanian republic and then to merge with Albania to form a greater Albania. Some 57.000 Serbs have left Kosovo in the last decade" (NYT, July 12, 1982). Rape, murder, threats, the destruction of property were the instruments of such a platform, and with the police and courts in Albanian hands, nobody could get protection from the state.

Milosevic rose to power and gained popular support in 1988 with the promise that he would put an end to the violence against Serbs in Kosovo. The autonomy of the region was abolished in 1990, several months before the dismembering of Yugoslavia started, just as the regional parliament declared Kosovo's independence from Serbia. At that moment Albanians started to organize parallel state institutions, such as schools, a tax collecting system, courts and the police. There is no doubt that during the nineties Albanians in Kosovo were exposed to repression. The police searched their houses looking for arms, arrested them without warrant and often avoided the legal procedure. However, at the same time, Serbs were exposed to the same police harassment by the same regime in Serbia.

All political forces among Albanians have publicly acknowledged that their aim was not the democratization of Kosovo, but independence, which means secession form Serbia, and joining Albania. They differ as to what means should be most appropriate for achieving this goal, but they have never made a secret that the creation of Great Albania, and not democracy in Serbia or autonomy in it, is their aim.

Refusing to take part in Serbia's political life, especially in elections, Albanians helped Milosevic stay in power. Instead of Albanian elected political representatives, Kosovo was represented in Serbia's parliament by representatives of the tiny Serbian population from Kosovo, who were all, needless to say, Milosevics supporters. If Albanians had decided to vote for their representatives only once, and they had a chance four times in the last ten years, Milosevic would have lost the power. The Serbian democratic opposition and independent intellectuals close to the opposition have tried to organize meetings with leading Albanian politicians several times during this period in order to convince them to vote, to take part in Serbia's political life, which would immediately mean the fall of the Milosevic regime, the protection of Albanian political rights and the end of repression, but Albanian leaders declined any such proposal, with the answer that the only thing they were interested in would be independence for Kosovo. Thus Milosevic and Albanian leaders helped one another: he ruled Serbia by using their votes, and, on the other hand, with repression helped them radicalize the political situation in Kosovo.

KLA members (Wade Goddard for NYT)Last year the Kosovo Liberation Army emerged as an important player in Kosovo's political game. Reading The New York Times or listening to NATO leaders, one might get the impression that the KLA is something like The Red Cross, or a group of peaceful old ladies who every day bring flowers to Serbian houses. But it is not so. It is an armed paramilitary formation which last summer had two thirds of Kosovo under its control. The KLA has ethnically pure and independent Kosovo as its only aim. It struggles for it not with political, but with violent means: attacking police patrols, Serbian civilians and their houses, forcing them to leave Kosovo, and bombing coffee-shops in which Serbian kids gather. I would like to stress the fact that what they do is ethnic cleansing as well. Killing civilians is killing civilians, and I expect your indignation to be the same in any criminal case of this sort. Not a single day has passed in the year and a half without a report that at least three people were killed by the KLA, Serbs as well as Albanians loyal to the state. It would be highly hypocritical to refer to the KLA as to "unarmed civilians", when it calls itself an Army.

Last October a peace agreement between the Serbian authorities and the leaders of the KLA was reached. According to it, the Serbian government would withdraw all the special police and some of the military units, and the KLA would cease its operations until the final peace agreement was reached. Only the first part of this deal was fulfilled. The KLA never stopped the killings, the excuse being that it had no central command and that the local units cannot be controlled by anyone. After the Serbian police and military units withdrew from Kosovo, the K.L.A. simply walked into the empty space and gained control over a large part of Kosovo and continued the violence.

A Serbian widow packs two rifles as she leaves her home in the village of Bukos in northern Kosovo, February 23. The night before, her husband Mirko Milosevic was shot to death outside their house by ethnic Albanian rebels. (Bela Szandelszky — AFP)

As you can see, the demand for Kosovo's independence led to the repression, the repression led to KLA and terrorism, terrorism led to Serbian military and police intervention, and it led to NATO's assault on Yugoslavia. None of the steps I have listed was unavoidable. Nevertheless, everything eventually comes down to the question of Kosovo's independence. As I was never tempted to support the idea of Great Serbia, I do not understand why anyone should think that Great Albania is a noble aim. This aim can be achieved only at the cost of changing borders and by ethnically cleansing Kosovo of Serbs in the first phase, and then by repeating the same procedure in Macedonia, which also has a numerous Albanian minority.

Not Milosevic, but Yugoslavia is being bombed today for the failure of its representatives to sign the document offered in Rambouillet. This document is not the result of negotiations and peace talks, and it meets all the demands of only one side in the conflict. According to it, Kosovo will stay in Serbia as a self-governed region only for the next three years, after which period it may declare its independence. The Albanian delegation has signed the document, but they have enclosed a written statement which says that they do not give up their central aim, the independence or Kosovo. The Serbian side accepts a broad autonomy, but declines both the possibility of independence, and the occupation by some 28000 NATO solders.

As the leaders of the NATO countries say, the bombing will stop the moment "Milosevic", who has become a general name for 10 million Serbs, their state and their president, agrees with the Rambouillet document. This means that the bombing will last as long as there is anything in Serbia left. Neither Milosevic, nor anybody in Serbia can sign such a document, for it would mean signing that part of our country will become part of Albania in three years. Even though I think that Serbia would be better off without Kosovo, I wouldn't sign it either. This is neither a matter of Serbian sentimentality, nor has it anything to do with the battle of Kosovo in 1389, as some crash-course experts would have it. It has to do with the principles and with the right of any country to protect its borders and its integrity. In spite of repeated claims that the NATO countries are not in favor of Kosovo's independence, this is exactly what they are supporting by their military intervention. In Rambouillet Serbia was confronted with the alternatives to agree with the secession, or to be bombed and thus forced to agree with it; not much of a choice, as you see.

A seriously wounded Serb policemen clenches his fist in pain, during a clash with ethnic Albanian rebels. Five Serb policemen were wounded February 23 when KLA soldiers attacked a judge and her team that arrived in Bukos to investigate after rebels killed a Serbian villager and wounded three others the previous day. (Srdjan Ilic — AP)

If the term ethnic cleansing is to be used, it has been committed by both Albanians and Serbs over the last 20 years, but a genocide has not taken place, and the killings happen on a much smaller scale than in Algeria or Ethiopia, to name only two current crises in the world. Yugoslavia is a sovereign state and Kosovo is a part of it; Yugoslavia has not committed an aggression against any neighboring state. On the contrary: it is being threatened by Albania as a KLA base and by Macedonia as a NATO base. (Leaving the Yugoslav territory the other day U.S. diplomat William Walker said "Next time I will not need a visa to enter Yugoslavia", a sentence which, as you might assume, does not mean that the visa regime between our countries will be suspended.) The assault on Yugoslavia is a clear case of violating the UN Charter, and no rhetoric can change this fact. If Serbia refuses to allow a province to secede, outsiders have no right to label such defense of its national borders an "aggression" and to support the rebels. Great Britain fought for the Folkland Islands, the small leftover of its colonial empire, and nobody bombed London for that.

The ongoing bombing of Serbian cities has taken its first victims. As I write this text, the number of civilian casualties among Serbs is 1000, and I invite you to compare it with the number of Albanian casualties in the village of Racak in January this year, which was 40. Among other things, NATO bombs have destroyed or damaged 50 schools, the printing facilities of Koha Ditore, the leading Albanian daily newspaper, the ice cream factory in Sombor, the 600 year old monastery Gracanica in Kosovo and the monastery Rakovica in Belgrade. Recalling high human values and morality, the NATO leaders do exactly the same thing of which they accuse the Serbs.

The bombing of Yugoslavia has produced exactly what NATO claims to have tried to prevent: more destruction, more dead bodies, more violence. While the KLA is in offensive, rightly understanding the NATO missiles and planes as its own airforce, Serbian extremists can be expected to try to take their revenge, and thus take into the conflict the parts of Kosovo spared killings and destruction so far. Contrary to the media reports I hear and read in the U.S., French intelligence sources from Kosovo do not confirm that the Serbian counter-offensive has taken place yet, which does not mean that such a possibility is improbable in the future.

A Serb trooper runs for cover behind a Yugoslav army T-55 tank after fighting erupted with the Kosovo Liberation Army outside Bukos, Kosovo. (Attila Kisbenedek — AFP)

The further result of NATO's aggression on Yugoslavia seems to me easy to foresee. A new era of insecurity has begun, for nobody knows when the NATO leaders are going to invoke values and principles, moral imperatives and, last but not least, American geopolitical interests, as a pretext of attacking some other country without the authorization of the UN. It can be Macedonia when Albanians take arms, or Romania, with its huge Hungarian minority, or any other multi-ethnic state in the world. I am pretty sure it will not be Turkey, even if a new Kurd upsurge breaks out, and you probably do not need my help to understand why not. Second: from now on no argument can prevent Bosnian Serbs to secede stating the very same arguments the NATO leaders used in case of Kosovo, - to be able to live in their own country- and that means the end of the Dayton peace agreement. Thirdly: it doesn't take much to predict that Yugoslavia cannot defend itself against the overwhelming power of NATO. It is only a matter of time when NATO accomplishes its goal of seceding Kosovo from Serbia. The new, greater Albania will not be a democratic and peaceful state, but aggressive and violent, and the region will be shaken with violence and conflicts even more than so far. As far as Serbia is concerned, Milosevic will emerge from this crisis even stronger than before, but no Western oriented and democratic Serb will be able to say aloud words like democracy, the rule of law, and justice. If the states usually identified with these values were able to violate international laws and the UN Charter, hypocritically recalling the values that were renounced by their deeds at the same moment, in order to help dismember Yugoslavia, then we in the opposition are left without any argument. The same applies to the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, established to investigate war crimes against the civilians committed in last ten years in the former Yugoslavia, for there is no difference between Serbian officers who planned and executed the bombing of the Croatian city of Vukovar, and people who plan and execute the bombing of Serbian cities and villages today. They can both list their reasons endlessly, and the words like "moral imperative", "defenseless people", "our children", as well as the sentence "the enemy understands only the language of force" can be heard from them very often. Moreover, this will give a perfect justification for all those who during the wars in the former Yugoslavia supported or took part in assaults on civilians, and a perfect excuse for further crimes.

What are the rules in the game of dismembering the former Yugoslavia? Addressing the nation President Clinton made a hardly understandable analogy with the holocaust, which would suppose that the Jews in Germany had a Jewish Liberation Army, that they controlled part of, say, Bavaria and intended to join it with Israel. However, the real analogy with Albanians in Kosovo can be found in comparison with Serbs in Croatia. As Albanians in Kosovo, Serbs in Krajina, Croatia, were the majority. As Albanians in Kosovo, Serbs in Krajina were repressed and frightened by President Tudjman's resurrection of Ustasa-Nazi ideology and its symbols. As Albanians were deprived of their autonomy, Serbs in Krajina were deprived of their constitutional rights. And, finally, as Albanians now, Serbs then took arms and started to fight. In August 1995 the Croatian forces attacked Krajina, bombed cities and villages and killed civilians, even fleeing refugees. In only three days 250 000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed from Croatia and made to join other 200 000 who came to Serbia from other parts of Croatia, without being so far allowed to return to their homes. NATO was silent and nobody said a word about bombing Croatia. On the contrary: Warren Christopher, who was the State secretary at that time, said: Let us wait and see, maybe there is something good for us in it. Consequently, the U.S. did not cooperate in this matter with The Hague Tribunal, which investigated it as a case of large-scale ethnic cleansing, by refusing to give the satelite photos taken during the action of the Croatian army.

What were the principles and the values defended by the U.S. in 1995? The principle was that no border in the former Yugoslavia could be changed, and that no national minority had the right to form a new state on other state territories. Four years later, the principle has been changed, new values defended, and we witness the U.S. pushing Kosovo towards independence, helping Albanians change the borders within three years and form a new state on Yugoslavia's territory. This is what happened in Rambouillet, and no high-flown rhetoric can make it look better, as no rhetoric can diminish the fact that the number of refugees, according to NATO sources, was 40 000, and six days after the assault on Yugoslavia the same sources claim almost half a million. If this is not just a belated justification for the assault like the case of the Kuwaits ambassadors daughter, who appeared in the Security Counsel during the Golf War to testify that she has been raped by the Iraqi solders in Kuwait, although she was safely in Washington all the time then somebody must be able to recognize the fact that the number of refugees increased during the assault, and that the assault produces the result NATO leaders say they want to prevent. Smart bombs fall on Albanian heads as well.

US envoy Holbrooke at his first Kosovo meeting with KLA, Junik 1998 (AP)

If the U.S. are really interested in the peace in the region, then their policy is totally counterproductive. Instead of supporting non-nationalist and democratic forces, the U.S. keep supporting one nationalistic and anti-democratic group against the other. Robert Gelbard, the U.S. diplomat and former Clinton's special envoy to the Balkans, was the first to understand that. He publicly said that the KLA was a terrorist organization, and promised moral support for democratic forces in Serbia, thus isolating extremists on both sides and announcing the only solution for this part of Europe: Kosovo without terrorism and Serbia without autocracy. The current U.S. policy towards Yugoslavia took another turn: supporting terrorism and antagonizing even democrats among Serbs.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous said... I am here to tell you that prostitutes sure can bring peace and happiness into ones life; key is don't get robbed. Also, it really doesn't matter if they are from Easter Europe or if they are in Northern Mitrovica, the love prostitutes give knows no bounderies.

The article is sligtly incorrect though because the "John" does not make love to the prostitute it is the prosititute that makes love to the "John," well unless she jacks him; in that case that sucker is screwed.

At 7:30 PM, Anonymous said... This guy that is posting "for absolute beginners" is so annoying.

At 3:34 AM, Anonymous said... Just ignore him, he needs to visit Northern Mitrovica with the French NATO troops...he needs some "love"

At 6:29 AM, Anonymous said... French Army & Serb Prostitutes same fucking shit.If you want to know their national source the definition is:some French monkies having sex with some serb skunks.Joining these two components imagine what sort of shit this is.Stinky.Phuhhhh

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous said... Criminels albanais, vous avez créé 300 bordels au Kosovo depuis l'agression de l'OTAN. Vous trafiquez les femmes, les armes et la drogue. Vous avez du culot d'incriminer les soldats français. Tous vos chefs de clans sont des proxénètes. La solution pour vous c'est un bon nettoyage ethnique. A dégager.Ca viendra demain, ne vous en faites pas... Gilles, soldat à Kosovska Mitrovica.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous said... Speak English so the whole world can understand you... :-D

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous said... TRANSLATION OF THE TEXT IN FRENCH:

Albanian criminals, you created 300 brothels in Kosovo since the aggression of NATO. You adulterate the women, the weapons and drug. You have base to accuse the French soldiers. All your chiefs of clans are procurers. The solution for you it is a good ethnic cleaning. To dégager.Ca will come tomorrow, do not make any you... Gilles, soldier with Kosovska Mitrovica. _________________________________

No sir, you belong to an army that sabotages NATO. Your country should be kicked out of NATO. Your air force dropped their bombs in the Adriatic sea because you did not want to ruin your centuries old ties with Serbs.

As far as brothels, I am sure you have visited all 300 of them. After all, you are French. Just make sure you carry your white flag around in case of emergency.

If you are a soldier and you advocate ethnic cleansing, you should be out of there. But do not worry, you will be out of there before you know it. Faggot!


Aucun monsieur, vous appartenez à une armée cette OTAN de sabotages. Votre pays devrait être donné un coup de pied hors de l'OTAN. Votre Armée de l'Air a laissé tomber leurs bombes en mer adriatique parce que vous n'avez pas voulu ruiner vos cravates de siècles avec des Serbes. Jusque des bordels, je suis sûr que vous avez visité chacun des 300 d'entre eux. Après tout, vous êtes français. Vous assurez juste vous porter votre drapeau blanc autour en cas d'urgence. Si vous êtes un soldat et vous préconisez le nettoyage ethnique, vous devriez être hors de là. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous sera hors de là avant que vous le sachiez Fagot !

At 10:32 AM, Anonymous said... Voici plus au sujet de vous : "Jacques Chirac a officiellement soulevé l'alerte française de terreur" de la course "" pour se cacher ". Il y a seulement deux niveaux alertes plus élevés en France, qui sont "reddition" et "collaborez". L'élévation a été précipitée par un incendie récent qui a détruit l'usine blanche du drapeau de la France - estropier efficacement leurs militaires."

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous said... To the French military frog:

Listen you bloody frog, go to www.google.com type in "french military victories" and press "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

The result is the following (link):


At 8:08 PM, Anonymous said... Scott Corrigan said... Please speak the language of the world, ENGLISH, because nobody speaks French anymore. This language is a hobby only and if you wish to get by in the world you have to speak ENGLISH, mon ami. Also, besides French being obsolete, the French army being obsolete, and in general France being obsolete, the United States of America are better than you in Soccer or Football. We are ranked 6th while you sit at 11th place on the FIFA world ranking. You suck, no one asks the French about anything anymore. Forget about it son, France matters today about as much as Russia does. There is a new boss in town, the US, so remember to do what we tell you and shut the fuck up!!! Scott Corrigan.

At 10:46 PM, Anonymous said... Pour le français, il y a toujours de bonnes âmes pour traduire... et de gens fins et cultivés, amateurs de grenouilles et d'escargots ainsi que de bons vins, qui parlent la belle langue de Molière. Yankees, le français n'est pas fait pour vos grouins.

Mon bon monsieur à la bouche pleine de chewing gum, the "language of the world "aujourd'hui c'est l'anti-américanisme, qui se traduit dans toutes les langues, et pas cet anglais appauvri (comme l'uranium balancé dans les Balkans et ailleurs) qui est une sous-langue que l'on trouve partout parce qu'il suffit d'en connaître quelques mots pour se débrouiller avec.

Les bouffeurs de hamburgers se croient supérieurs aux autres mais l'univers les méprise et il lui tarde de fêter la chute des sinistres bouffons Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld et avec eux celle de leur empire criminel.

Ils prétendent donner des leçons au monde mais sont en train de perdre la guerre en Irak, les pédales à la Nouvelle Orléans et la face partout. On demande le démantèlement des bases U$ en Asie centrale. Ils se font expulser du Venezuela... Le tour du continent européen viendra.

Etatsuniens, Amerloques, foutez le camp d'Europe avant qu'on ne vous vire par la peau du cul: U$ GO HOME, ça vous dit quelque chose? Libérez les indigènes et rendez-nous la Louisiane que vous avez oublié de payer à Napoléon.

Si vous ne comprenez pas, faites-vous traduire. Champagne, ça vous connaissez: entre un étatsunien et un Français il y aura toujours la même différence qu'entre le Champagne et votre Merda Cola.

Et celle-là, retenez-la bien: "Passer pour un idiot aux yeux d'un imbécile est une volonté de fin gourmet" (Courteline).Ca s'adresse collectivement à vos analphabètes. Et pour vous achever:

Vive de Gaulle & Vive de Villepin!

http://kosovareport.blogspot.com/2005/09/prostitutes-disarm-kfor-soldiers.html#comments :shock:

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  • 3 months later...

c est justement apres s en etre foutu plein la g....le comme tu dis que chichi vient jouer les leches bottes aupres des americains!ce texte a largement une valeur politique.c est une maniere de se racheter en quelquesorte

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Arréte de dire des bétises :lol: La France à été le seul pays à avoir envoyés des avions de combat avec les USA en 2001 (voir le dernier "Tanguy et Laverdure" sur le suget ;) ).

Au sol, les relations entre les militaires de nos 2 pays sont chaleureuses.

Et au niveau effectifs, méme la Turquie, l'Australie ou l'Allemagne à plus de monde que nous la bas. On parle de "centaines d'hommes" en plus sur un total de 20 000 :rolleyes:

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je ne dis pas le contraire mais pourrais tu m expliquer en quoi un texte precisant la qualité de la cooperation franco americaine est "utile" sinon a des fins diplomatiques

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La France à été le seul pays à avoir envoyés des avions de combat avec les USA en 2001

Je ne crois pas que la participation française à la phase initiale d'Enduring Freedom ait été particulièrement remarquable par rapport à ce qu'ont fait d'autres alliés des Etats-Unis.

Choisir le domaine "aérien" n'est pas forcément représentatif. Surtout si on le compare à d'autres contributions, politiquement et militairement bien plus "risquées", comme l'envoi de troupes combattantes sur le terrain (infanterie ou forces spéciales) dès le début des opérations.

D'ailleurs, même dans ce domaine "aérien" l'info n'est pas tout-à-fait exacte puisqu'en 2001 il y avait aussi des avions italiens.

Quant à la présence "navale" française, elle n'est au fond pas bien différente de celle d'autres alliés, une fois que l'on enlève les forces permanentes de l'Océan Indien. En gros il s'agit de maintenir sur zone une ou deux frégates en permanence, ce que continuent à faire depuis fin 2001 ou début 2002 d'autres pays comme la GB, l'Allemagne, l'Italie ou l'Australie.

Donc en gros la France a été et demeure un allié important pour les opérations en Afghanistan, mais au même titre que bien d'autres pays; une contribution plus importante que d'autres dans certains domaines, et moins importante dans d'autres domaines.


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Au niveau aéronavale la france a eu un rôle plus important lors d'enduring freedom. Il me semble, que la ou les avions français (Rafale, SEM, E2-C) se sont retrouvés en opérations au dessus de l'afganistan, la marine anglaise et italienne, a été principalement cantonné avec ses harriers à faire de la surveillance antitéroriste au dessus de l'océan indien, à cause des distances à parcourir pour les appareils.

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Il me semble, que la ou les avions français (Rafale, SEM, E2-C) se sont retrouvés en opérations au dessus de l'afganistan, la marine anglaise et italienne, a été principalement cantonné avec ses harriers à faire de la surveillance antitéroriste au dessus de l'océan indien, à cause des distances à parcourir pour les appareils.

Sur la période déc. 2001 - fév. 2002, les AV-8B+ italiens volaient au-dessus de l'Afghanistan en compagnie des SEM, F/A-18 ou F-14.

En revanche la Royal Navy n'a pas déployé son aviation embarquée (Sea Harrier FA.2 et Harrier GR.7) au cours de cette opération, puisque le CVS sur zone était en configuration porte-hélicoptères (LPH).


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