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Marine du TNT (Trinidad & Tobago)

Invité Rob

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Trinidad & Tobago (Cause I'm T.N.T., I'm Dynamite...) a achete trois OPVs du VT Group. Ici, le premier discussion pour cette petite marine.

VT secures £150m contract to build ships

VT has won a major multi-million pound contract to build and manage three ships for Trinidad and Tobago.

Today's £150m announcement by the support services and shipbuilding company will secure work for years to come for 200 workers and create another 100 jobs at Portsmouth naval base.

The deal with the Trinidad and Tobago coastguard will see the group build and manage three of its offshore patrol vessels, with the first to be handed over in 2009. Design work on the 295ft-long ships starts immediately.

Among their tasks they will be used to prevent drug running.

The deal has been tracked by VT for a long time but was signed only late last week.

It was part of a proposal from the UK and VT to the government of Trinidad and Tobago to help in their fight against drugs.

This follows hard on the heels of a £400m contract with the government of Oman to build three similar offshore patrol vessels for its royal navy.

VT has said this was further proof of the strength of its export programme.

Chief executive Paul Lester said: 'The programme will give additional long-term visibility to the order book of our shipbuilding business and is a further notable export success for VT following our contract in Oman.

'We anticipate that production will start at Portsmouth in autumn 2007.'

The deal comes amid speculation about the long-term independence of VT Shipbuilding.


Portsmouth Today article

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