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Aide logistique israélienne à l'Inde


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Un nouvel article dans l'achat de l'armée indienne d'équipements de vision israéliens :

Israel Night Vision Equipment Worth $25 Million to be Acquired by Indian Army

Image IPB

An Israeli firm has bagged a USD 25 million deal to provide night vision devices to the Indian Army, an order which has made India the single largest importer of defence equipment from the West Asian country.

The Israeli firm, Starnight Technologies, will provide night vision equipment over a two-year period ending August 2009, to equip two infantry mountain divisions, according to highly placed sources here.

This is the second major order for night vision devices bagged by the Israeli firm, which through an agreement signed in November, had agreed to supply such equipment worth USD 38 million dollars.

"This is a follow up order," an Israeli official said. Army Chief Gen. J J Singh had recently said that as part of infantry modernization, Army planned to equip all its battalions with night vision equipment.

Though almost all the front line units and those engaged in counter-insurgency have been equipped with night vision devices, according to Army estimates such equipment worth over USD 500 million was still needed to arm the remaining units. The Israel Defence Ministry had recently announced that India now was its largest single importer of defence equipment with orders running as high as USD 1.5 billion last year.

It said this constituted about 50 per cent of Israeli defence exports and about 30 per cent of India armament imports. Despite its defence industry facing financial crunch, Russia continues to be the main weapons supplier to India, constituting 35 per cent of Indian weapon imports. Moscow's arms exports to India range from fighters to warships and spares.

Israeli firms have already supplied India with front line weapons systems like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for the Army, Navy and Air force, night vision devices for army, Tavor range of hand weapons for special forces, close battlefield radars like Loros.

Tel Aviv has also bagged an Indian order for supply of three Airborne Early Warning and Air Control System aircraft to the IAF. A follow up order is expected after the first of these aircraft are delivered later this year.

Mais que fait donc la France face à un marché prometteur qu'est l'Inde ?
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Mauvaise nouvelle pour la france qui aurait pu y placer des Lucie (si biensur on pense à moderniser cette JVN : les avancées technologiques d'il y a 5, 6 ans, sont aujourd'hui des banalités face aux concurents, qui pour moins chère proposent la même chose).

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