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Armée de l'air de la Birmanie


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MOSCOW - Russia has signed a contract to deliver 20 MiG-29 fighter planes to military-run Myanmar, the daily Kommersant reported Dec. 23.

The contract was signed a few weeks ago and came to nearly $570 million (400 million euros), according to a source close to Russian arms sales company Rosoboronexport quoted by the paper.

The Southeast Asian country is under Western sanctions. Human-rights campaigners complain that its ruling junta has received a steady supply of arms from neighboring China and India, as well as from Russia.

A source close to Rosoboronexport said the Russian offer beat one by China that offered Myanmar "ultra-modern" J-10 and FC-1 fighters "on very advantageous conditions."

The daily said Russia delivered 12 MiG-29s to Myanmar in 2001.

"It is the largest contract to deliver fighters of this type after the breaking of a similar transaction with Algeria in 2007," Kommersant said.

Algeria cancelled its order for 34 MiG-29s worth $1.406 billion (987 million euros) as their quality was lower than expected and returned several planes to Russia in 2008, the paper said.

=> la junte birmane (sous embargo occidental) achète 20 Mig-29 supplémentaires à la russie.  

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Ils ne précisent pas si c'est des new made et le type de 29  :'(

c 'est bizzare , sur RIA Novosti ils font mention de Mig 29 K ( Fulcrum D ) , la version navalisée

A 400 million-euro ($570 mln) contract has been signed for the delivery of Russian MiG-29 fighters for the Myanmar Air Force, a source close to Russia's arms export monopoly told a business daily on Wednesday.

Vedomosti quoted the source at Rosoboronexport as saying the Russian bid to supply MiG-29 Fulcrum-D carrier-based fighter jets beat China's offer to sell its latest J-10 and FC-1 fighters.

Myanmar was rearmed with Chinese military aircraft worth some $2 billion in the 1990s, the paper said.

The country bought 12 MiG-29 fighters in 2001, but this contract is the largest since the 2007 unfulfilled contract to supply Algeria with 34 MiG-29 fighters.

In 2008, a contract for the supply of six MiG fighters was signed with Sri Lanka.

Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov announced last year that Russia would give Lebanon 10 MiG-29 fighter jets for free, Vedomosti said.

MOSCOW, December 23 (RIA Novosti)

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sur AVN il est question de 20 Mig 20 SMT  ce qui est de suite beaucoup plus credible . Et vu les delais de livraison relativement court ( 01 an ) je dirais qu il s agit d une partie des appareils refusés par l'Algerian Air Force . Dans ce cas il serait difficile de parler d appareils neufs

Image IPB

Russia concludes deal to supply Burma with 20 MiG-29SMT’s for $600 million

Officials from Russia and Myanmar have signed a set of contracts on the delivery of Russian combat aircraft and other weapons to Myanmar, a source in Moscow’s military and diplomatic circles told Interfax-AVN on Wednesday.

“The backbone of this package is a contract on the delivery of 20 MiG-29SMT jet fighters to Myanmar. Deliveries of helicopters and other military purpose products are also expected to be made to Myanmar,” the source said.

The package of deals is estimated at more than $600 million, he said.

“The first MiG-29SMT planes are expected to be sent [to Myanmar] next year,” he said.

Russia’s state arms trader Rosoboronexport and the MiG Corporation have declined to comment on the report.

The MiG-29SMT is a qualitatively new version of the MiG-29 light frontline jet fighter. The new airplane is equipped with a wide range of air-to-air and air-to-surface airborne weapons and is designed for high precision operations against air-, land-and sea-based targets. The modernization has helped triple the combat efficiency of the MiG-29SMT and reduce the cost of its use by around 40%, as compared with the basic MiG-29 version.

Source: Interfax-AVN

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Selon une source indienne, la Birmanie a signé en Novembre 2013 un accord avec la Chine pour acquérir un régiment de système de défense aérienne KS-1A.




KS-1A exposé dans un salon aéronautique de Zhuhai




HQ-12 est utilisé par l'armée de l'air chinoise dans la défense aérienne à moyenne portée autour des points fixes, pour remplacer les HQ-2. Le système est conçu par la Base 061 du groupe CASIC.


Henri K.

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un avion militaire s'écrase avec une centaine de personnes à bord. 



Les débris d'un avion militaire transportant plus de cent personnes, en grande majorité des femmes et des enfants membres de familles de soldats, ont été retrouvés en mer quelques heures après sa disparition des écrans radar.

"On a désormais retrouvé en mer des pièces de l'avion", à 218 kilomètres de la ville de Dawei (sud-est de la Birmanie), a déclaré dans la soirée à l'AFP Naing Lin Zaw, un responsable de l'armée de l'air.

"La communication a été soudainement perdue vers 13H35" (07H05 GMT), a annoncé un peu plus tôt le général Min Aung Hlaing, le chef de l'armée, sur sa page Facebook.

Le général a précisé dans la soirée qu'il y avait 106 militaires et membres de leurs familles ainsi que les 14 membres de l'équipage dans cet avion à turbopropulseur Y-8F-200 de fabrication chinoise. Une source aéroportuaire avait évoqué un peu plus tôt la présence de 116 personnes à son bord.


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