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Tout ce qui a été posté par GALIL10

  1. selon moin les us ont les moyens de penetré l'espace aérien chinois,mais d'un coté ce general a raison sur certains points,les F-16 et les F-15 déployé au japon ont besoin d'étre modernisé avec des radars aesa ,cela leurs donnerai un avantage sur les chinois car ces mémes chinois savent trés bien que leurs aviations ne fait pas le poid,face a l'usaf d'ou une dca chinoise dense. pour les kc 135,je crois savoir que l'usaf a lancé un immense projet d'achat,dans lequel participe boeing et airbus. autre chose ce general parle des forces dont il dispose en permanence au japon,mais il est clair qu'en cas de conflit avec la chine les americains enverrai tous leurs joujou des usa,diego garcia,irak,corée du sud la la chine ne fait plus le poid.
  2. donc toi,tu juge une info selon l'accent du journaliste? je crois que c'est du racisme ca.
  3. L'Israel poura,au mieux,alligner 1/8 de ce que US Air force et l'US Navy peuvent mobiliser pour un bombardement dans la région. développe en chiffres concret stp.
  4. Jérusalem et Washington prévoient une attaque contre Téhéran. L’hebdomadaire français Le Canard enchaîné affirme, dans son édition de mercredi, qu'il existerait un plan d'attaque israélo-américain contre l'Iran. Le journal satyrique indique que ce sont les services secrets russes qui auraient découvert ce plan. Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine, aurait antérieurement informé les autorités iraniennes. Dans un premier temps, l'aviation israélienne effectuerait des raids contre les sites nucléaires iraniens. Les avions-radars américains guideraient et protègeraient ces raids. Par la suite, l'aviation américaine prendrait le relais, selon les résultats obtenus, soutient le journal. L’hebdomadaire assure que les attaques auraient lieu entre la fin du mois du Ramadan, soit vers la mi-octobre, et le début de l'année 2008. Rappelons que le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU a donné à la République islamique jusqu'à décembre 2007 pour qu'elle permette à l'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique d'effectuer de nouveaux contrôles de ses sites nucléaires. L'article du Canard enchaîné indique également que les services secrets français ont observé une importante livraison d'armes de Moscou à Téhéran. Il s'agirait de batteries de missiles antinavires, de missiles antiaériens et d'hélicoptères. Toujours selon des sources des services secrets français cités par le journal, les avions-radars américains AWACS et des avions israéliens ont effectué plusieurs sorties à proximité des cibles iraniennes. L’opération israélienne en Syrie du 6 septembre dernier pourrait être vue, selon le Canard enchaîné, comme une répétition générale avant une éventuelle attaque contre l'Iran. dix contre un que c'est de l'intox.
  5. d'autres infos sur le sujet. Kuwaitian newspaper Al-Watan claims that during the attack on the Syrian target IAF coordinated it actions with USAF. Several USAF F-16 were flying near the Iraqi-Syrian border covering the retreat of IAF jets. The Israeli attack was well planned and during the attack IAF managed to jam two Russian radars that were manned by the Russians. One of the radars is located in Damascus and the second one is near the Syrian-Turkish border. Al-Watan claims that Russian specialists still cant understand how Israelis managed to jam their radars and enter the Syrian airspace without being detected. The jamming was so strong that it was felt in Syrian,Israel,Turkey and Lebanon . Hillary Clinton says she supports 'apparent' IAF action in Syria By Haaretz Service New York Senator Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday evening that she supports what she said was the Israel Air Force's "apparent" action against a nuclear facility in Syria. Clinton spoke during a televised debate for the leading candidates vying for the Democratic nomination for U.S. president. The candidates largely evaded questions on the incident, on which foreign media has speculated but Israel remains quiet. The moderator of the debate, Tim Russert of NBC, raised the issue of Syria when asking whether the candidates would support an Israeli strike on Iran, should it acquire nuclear capabilities. Clinton called the question "hypothetical," and told Russert, "That's better not addressed at this time," despite Russert's repeated attempts to extract an answer on whether a nuclear Iran would warrant an Israeli attack. However, she went on to say, "We don't have as much information as we wish we did. But what we think we know is that with North Korean help, both financial and technical and material, the Syrians apparently were putting together, and perhaps over some period of years, a nuclear facility, and the Israelis took it out. I strongly support that." The senator from New York also backed up reports, first exposed by The Washington Post two weeks ago, that that the IAF targeted a North Korean shipment of nuclear material that arrived in Syria three days before the strike. "There was evidence of a North Korea freighter coming in with supplies. There was intelligence and other kinds of verification," Clinton said. She went on to emphasize that she had no other information on the incident because of its "highly classified" nature. Obama and Edwards were less forthcoming in their responses. On Syria, Obama said only, "We don't know exactly what happened." He said that the United States is a "stalwart ally of Israel," but added only that diplomatic means must be pursued to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear capability. Edwards did not mention Israel, but spoke vehemently against authorizing U.S. President Bush to pursue nuclear action in Iran. et enfin les mesures de sécurité prise par israel,et aussi un avion syrien qui c'est écrasé a la frontiére syro-libanaise. IAF dispatches jets in response to Syrian helicopter activity By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service The Israel Air Force dispatched several fighter planes toward Syria on Thursday in response to suspicious military helicopter activity beyond the border. This was the third time that IAF jets were sent to the Syrian border over the last two weeks. The jets returned to the base shortly after the operation began once the Syrian helicopters had landed in Syrian territory. Both the Syrian Army and the Israel Defense Forces are reportedly on a heightened state of alert, following reports of an IAF aerial strike on Syrian soil early this month. An IDF spokeswoman said it was standing policy not to comment on reports of air force operations but a defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said planes had been sent in a standard response to investigate aerial activity in the border region. On Saturday, a Syrian airplane disappeared from the Israeli radar screens, prompting the IAF to dispatch warplanes toward the Syrian border, army sources said. The incident - which occurred amid record-high tension between Jerusalem and Damascus - ended with the Israel Air Force pilots returning to their base within minutes of being dispatched, after it transpired that the plane had crashed on Syrian soil due to an accident. The IAF jets were dispatched to thwart any attempt to violate Israeli airspace, for fear the missing Syrian plane had dropped below radar level in order to enter Israeli territory unnoticed. IDF sources told Haaretz that several units of the Syrian Army have been redeployed in the past weeks, in what could constitute a response to the alleged strike. The reported redeployment does not appear to be directly geared toward war with Israel, IDF intelligence personnel said. "The Syrian moves can be construed both as serving defensive purposes or as improving deployment for offensive purposes," one intelligence source said. The prevailing assumption within the defense establishment is that Syria is not interested in directly engaging Israel militarily. Officials believe it more likely that Damascus will opt to use proxy terrorist attacks to retaliate for the alleged incursion on September 6, which Syria has publicly accused Israel of perpetrating. The heightened state of alert persuaded IDF top brass to consider canceling a training exercise in the Golan Heights for the Givati Infantry Brigade. The exercise was ultimately held as scheduled, but Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi came to observe the troops only on the last day, so as to avoid unnecessary tensions. IDF presence in the Golan Heights has nonetheless been reinforced in recent months, as tensions began to mount. The defense establishment is currently attempting to prevent possible attempts by extreme Muslim terrorist groups to target passenger ships transporting Israelis across the Mediterranean. For the past few months, the defense establishment has received warnings of such intentions on the part of Jihad organizations. Defense analysts say they do not rule out possible Syrian involvement in such future attempts.
  6. oui,monsieur ,seulement il est pas dit que ce soi eux,car israel posséde beaucoup d'avion de guerre electronique,mais les G5 sont les plus récents donc c'est possible.
  7. De plus, les Israéliens veulent s'équiper de plus de Gulfstream et je sais que cet appareil à un très long rayon d'action. de memoire 12 800 km.
  8. le ministre des communications libanais a déclaré que son pays a connu un enorme brouillage lors de l'opération israélienne. maintenant avec les moyens israéliens et leurs grande compétence je n'exclue pas que tsahal ai ''déréglé'' la region pour protégé ces servants.
  9. prouvé quoi israel,n'a méme pas reconnu le survol de la syrie et de la turquie,malgré des preuves evidentes. perso,je pense qu'israel a fait un gros coup en syrie,mais je suis incapable de dire quoi, mais je vois bien que cette fois la syrie ne réagit comme d'habitude, israel a souvent violé l'espace syrien pour des missions reco,mais la ,la syrie a mobilisé ces réservistes dca et ces equipes anti-tank ,et tous ca a cause d'un simple survol? les medias israéliens et les sites d'intelligence crédible me laisse aussi a pensé qu'israel a agit en syrie,mais pas en survolant simplement le térritoire syrien ou en tiran dans le vide.
  10. localisé la base c'est facile,israel a des espions, des sattélites,et d'autres moyens de renseignements. le raid en lui méme si il a eu lieu est risqué,mais il faut savoir que c'est la syrie qui par définition est un ennmie mortel d'israel,donc le risque ce justifie,sinon les commandos israéliens ont enormements de moyens d'infiltré la syrie que ce soit par la frontiére irakienne,jordanienne,libanaise voir turcs ,par voie des airs ou par la mer. et puis l'iaf a demontré que la dca syrienne n'est pas capable d'assuré une defense credible sur tous son térritoire. les israéliens ont déja habitué le monde a des opérations spectaculaire voir impossible, je pense particuliérement a entebbe ou l'elimination d'abou jihad. bref cette opération n'a rien d'impossible,mais a tous de risqué.
  11. L'Etat hébreu a obtenu le FEU VERT de WASHINGTON avant de passer à l'attaque en Syrie, selon le Sunday Times Les commandos Sayeret Matkal (groupes d’élite) d’Israël ont saisi du matériel nucléaire nord-coréen lors du raid dans une base militaire secrète en Syrie mené avant l’attaque aérienne de l’Etat hébreu le 6 septembre, affirme dimanche le “Sunday Times”. Toujours selon le Sunday Times : “Le matériel saisi dans un complexe situé près de Deir-Ezzor au nord-est de la Syrie, a été examiné en Israël et provient de Corée du Nord. Israël surveillait le site syrien depuis des mois selon des sources israéliennes. Un responsable américain ajoute que le gouvernement américain a cherché des preuves d’activités liées au nucléaire avant d’autoriser l’attaque aérienne des avions F-15 de l’armée israélienne”.
  12. attend voir,qui a parlé d'uranium enrichie? sinon pour la photos faut pas poussé,l'attaque a eu lieu il y'a presque 3 jours maintenant alors comment ce fait'il qu'on apercoit une sorte de flamme ? apparament israel a usé d'un large brouillage qui c'est fait ressentir jusqu'au liban. Selon le ministre de la Communication libanais, Marouan Hamada, il existerait un lien entre l'incursion israélienne en Syrie et les récents problèmes techniques rencontrés par les appareils de communication aériens et maritimes du Liban, ces derniers jours. (Guysen.International.News) M.Hamada aurait communiqué cette informations aux ambassadeurs étrangers en poste au liban.
  13. il va prendre sa piquouse de tranquilissant le Galil......... tu me passe la tienne? moi j'en ai pas =) sinon le F35 sera bien modifié difficulté technique ou pas. les us et les israéliens ont les moyens . en l'état actuel des choses un F-35 basique n'intéresse pas tsahal et c'est légitime je le trouve leger en rayon d'action et en emport d'arme offensive.
  14. allons cherchons avec un detecteur de metal. sinon voici un article qui jette encore plus le trouble,un officiel us pense qu'israel a bombardé une sorte de centrale nucléaire,en tous cas un batiment abritant du matériel nucléaire. bref ont est largué. Report: U.S. officials confirm IAF strike in Syria By Barak Ravid, Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents and News Agencies Reuters reported Wednesday that U.S. officials had confirmed that the Israel Air Force launched air strikes against Syria last week, but would not discuss the intended targets. "The strike I can confirm. The target, I can't," said one U.S. official, adding that there had been more than one strike. Another official called reports on the likely targets "confused." While Israel remained silent, media reports began surfacing Tuesday of U.S. officials confirming the Israel Air Force had indeed carried out an air strike last Thursday. The New York Times said Wednesday that likely targets were weapons caches Israel believed Iran was sending to Hezbollah via Syria. The New York Times quoted a Defense Department official as saying the IAF struck at least one target in northeastern Syria, but said it was unclear what the target was and what was the extent of the damage. Syria has protested to the United Nations about the strike on its territory, but has also said nothing was hit and there was no damage. Israeli officials have repeatedly declined to comment on the claims, however the CNN television network reported Tuesday that the Israeli government is "very happy with the successful operation." Senior CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour, citing Middle Eastern and Washington sources, said aircraft and possibly even ground forces, who may have directed the planes to their target, took part in the operation. The attack left "a big hole in the desert," the report said. CNN quoted U.S. government and military sources as saying they were "happy to have Israel convey to both Syria and Iran the message that they can get in and out and strike when necessary." Report: U.S. says Israel took images of Syria atomic facility The New York Times on Wednesday quoted a Bush Administration official as saying Israel recently photographed possible nuclear installations in Syria. "One Bush administration official said Israel had recently carried out reconnaissance flights over Syria, taking pictures of possible nuclear installations that Israeli officials believed might have been supplied with material from North Korea," the paper wrote. "The administration official said Israeli officials believed that North Korea might be unloading some of its nuclear material on Syria" "The Israelis think North Korea is selling to Iran and Syria what little they have left," the New York Times quoted the official as saying. Israel possibly targeted weapons intended for delivery to Hezbollah inside Syria a week ago, CNN quoted the sources as saying. Also Wednesday, a Lebanese minister said his country experienced communications disruptions following the IAF incursion. Lebanon's Communications Minister Marwan Hamadeh told Al-Mustaqbal television that, following an extensive inquiry with cellular telephone companies and the Lebanese military, it was determined that the disruptions were caused by satellites and from sources out at sea. Hamadeh did not go into further details regarding the source of the disruptions, but said that communications all but returned to normal after about five days. Syria's UN envoy: Our response has not yet come Meanwhile, Syria's envoy to the United Nations said Wednesday that Damascus was reserving the right to determine the timing and manner of its response to the alleged air strike. "The Syrian response has not yet come," said Bashar al-Jaafari, in an interview with BBC Arabic. On Tuesday, Syria complained to the UN about "aggression and violation of sovereignty," al-Jaafari said. The ambassador said Damascus made its complaint in two letters to the UN secretary general and the president of the Security Council. The letters said the Israel Air Force action violated the 1974 disengagement agreement that was reached after the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Al-Jaafari said Israel had violated Syrian air space and dropped munitions. But he denied that Israel had landed troops on the ground inside Syria. "This is absolutely not true," he said, adding the reports were an attempt to show that Israel could land troops wherever it wants. The only countries that have expressed solidarity with Syria are Iran and North Korea. Russia issued a condemnation of sorts.
  15. oui,tu as raison ce sont tous des incompétent au usa et en israel. sinon ,les chaines d'assemblages de merkava 4 et de namer devrai tournée au minimum jusqu'en 2012.
  16. il y avait entre 4 et 5 avions d'aprés des temoins turcs. le fait que la corée du nord a réagit durement a cette incident,suggére en effet qu'il s'agit d'une attaque sur une base missiliére syro-iranienne avec aide technique de la corée. je suggére d'essayé de trouvé cette zone sur google earth et de verifié les dégats,as ton les coordonnées de l'emplacement bombardé? y'a t'il des volontaires?
  17. je suis quasi certain que non, son laceur shavit ne lui permet pas de mettre en orbite de tel sattélite.
  18. la question est de savoir quel est cette nouvelle bombe secréte israelienne,pour la modification de la cellule ca pose pas de probléme les us et israel ont les ingenieurs pour ca.
  19. y'a rien d'officiel,mais il semblerai que ce soit un important depot d'armes a destinations du hezbollah,il parait que des commandos au sol faisait partie de cette opération. bref que des oui dire,mais le fait que la syrie révéle cette incident 18 heures aprés jette encore plus le trouble.
  20. tiens cette video montre les capacités du spike tycoon.
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