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[Australie] Équipement du combattant.


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  • 1 year later...

Coming Soon to a Digger Near You – Australian MultiCam Camouflage Uniform

Sources indicate that the Australian Army has decided to issue an ‘Australian MultiCam Camouflage Uniform’ (AMCU) as a replacement for both the legacy Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform (DPCU) as well as the recently fielded Australian Multicam Pattern (AMP) developed by Crye Precision. The new AMCU will use the AMP print screens but with the more traditional DPP/DPCU colors. We do not have any photographs yet but the current cut of AMP uniform can be seen below.


Below is the Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform pattern which was developed in the early 80s with its unique colors for use in Australia.


This compromise appears to be more about branding and Australian identity than effectiveness, although testing has apparently been completed. It will join the new blue tinged RAAF version of AMP called the General Purpose Uniform as specialist color variants of a MultiCam based pattern.

No word yet on an official announcement or date of issue.

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  • 1 year later...

A propos des nouveaux équipements individuels australiens :

Enhanced soldier protection delivered

(Source: Australian Defence Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group; issued Aug 12, 2015)

Warrant Officer Class Two Royce Harty wears some of the Soldier Combat Ensemble Tier 0—Heavy equipment

Soldiers from 1st Brigade are the first to receive the new generation of body armour, helmets, load carriage equipment, eye and hearing protection and field packs. The equipment has been acquired by the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group’s Land Systems Division as part of the LAND 125 Phase 3B project for the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Over the next three years, 21,000 sets of leading-edge, high-quality, tailored Soldier Combat Ensemble (SCE) will be delivered to Army’s combat brigades, support brigades, 2nd Division reinforcing battlegroups, special forces and selected Air Force and Navy units.

The SCE integrates five separate elements designed to optimise individual soldier protection and mobility:
-- load carriage equipment – including harnesses, pouches and a range of packs 
-- body armour 
-- combat helmets 
-- combat hearing protection 
-- ballistic/laser eye protection. 

The quality of the SCE is standardised, with 3 tiers of SCE tailored to the role of the combatant. Each tier is designed to equip a combatant based on their primary task and likelihood of threat they will face, ensuring the optimal balance between protection and mobility.

-- Tier 2 Dismounted: 
A configuration for combatants who regularly engage in close combat as part of a dismounted combined arms team, including infantry, joint fires teams, combat engineers, select signallers and other common attachments to dismounted combined arms teams.

-- Tier 2 Mounted: 
A configuration for combatants who operate armoured fighting vehicles as part of a combined arms team.

-- Tier 3: 
A configuration for general combatants whose roles and tasks are primarily focused on providing combat support and combat service support to combined arms teams, including all corps not included in the Tier 2 definitions.

Tier 0 Heavy: 
A basic load carriage configuration issued to Tier 2 and Tier 3 combatants that will modernise the in-service belt rig.

This roll out of the new generation SCE is the next step in Land Systems Division’s program to continuously improve combat protection for the ADF.

“Since 2011 Project Land 125 Phase 3B and Diggerworks have spearheaded the adaptive development of the SCE through a combination of soldier feedback, trials and the review of RODUMs (Report On Defective or Unsatisfactory Materiel),” said Colonel (COL) Mark Jennings, Director Diggerworks.

The roll-out to 1st Brigade commenced in May this year, while 3rd Brigade will receive their issue next year and 7th Brigade in 2017. Forces Command’s support brigades and 2nd Division reinforcing battlegroups will receive quantities of the SCE throughout the three-year rollout. The rollout will be supported by training teams, training packages and the logistics system on an enduring basis.

“Diggerworks will continue to liaise with the soldiers, units and formations issued the latest SCE to verify its form, fit and function, and to identify future enhancements,” COL Jennings said.

New field packs, tailored to the needs of the various tiers of soldier and a range of mission profiles, will also be rolled out to Army units with the SCE:

-- Dismounted field pack – for close combatants from infantry, combat engineers, joint fire teams and special forces.
-- Mounted field pack – for close combatants from armoured corps and those in Tier 3 combat support and logistics roles.
-- Sniper pack – with straps to attach a sniper rifle. 
-- Medium assault pack – for Tier 2 close combatants undertaking 24 to 48-hour missions.
-- Small assault pack – for Tier 2 and Tier 3 combatants undertaking short missions under 24 hours.


 Je ne sais pas si Gibbs a posté les photos en août de la présentation, elles n'apparaissent pas.

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  • 2 months later...

Team Wendy vient de remporter la fourniture de casque pour l'armée australienne :


Australian Defence Force selects Team Wendy Exfil ballistic helmet

Tiered Combat Helmet Contract awarded to Aquaterro APS


CLEVELAND – Team Wendy announces that its EXFIL Ballistic Helmet has been selected by the Australian Defence Force (ADF) as Tiered Combat Helmet (TCH) of record (Tiers 2 and 3) for the Soldier Combat Ensemble (SCE). The five-year contract with two additional 2 year options was awarded to Team Wendy’s partner in Australia, Aquaterro APS. 

The EXFIL Ballistic is the third model in the Team Wendy EXFIL line, following two popular non-ballistic tactical bump helmets: Carbon (released in 2012) and LTP (Lightweight Tactical Polymer, released in 2013). 

With a complete helmet system weight of 2.6 lbs. for Size 1 and 2.75 lbs. for Size 2, boltless CAM FIT retention with Boa closure system for optimized stability and fit, cam-lock sliders for positive locking adjustment, and a customized Zorbium impact liner with 2 full sets of comfort pads, the EXFIL Ballistic is designed to be comfortable during extended use all the while providing leading edge ballistic protection.

“We are thrilled that the ADF has selected the EXFIL Ballistic as their Tier 2 and Tier 3 program of record helmet. We also appreciate the confidence that the ADF has placed in Team Wendy and our partner in Australia, Aquaterro” said Team Wendy CEO Jose Rizo-Patron. “Since launching our EXFIL helmet program 3 years ago, we have worked hard to not only put out some of the most advanced helmet systems in the world, but to also provide our valued customers with industry leading service and support.” Rizo-Patron continued, “Team Wendy also recognizes the importance of working with industry leading strategic partners. To this end, we are pleased to highlight the support of our partners that are associated with the EXFIL Ballistic Helmet – ArmorSource LLC, Wilcox Industries and Boa Technology Inc.”

This entry was posted on Friday, December 18th, 2015 at 16:29


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