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Un avion australien attaque un navire N.Koreen


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Un navire Nord Koréen a été bombardé par un F-111 Australien

cette affaire fait grand bruit de l'autre côté de l'hemisphere. On parle d'un navire dénommé MV Pong Su

voici le communiqué donné par le ministere australien de la défense aujourd'hui (repris de l'AFP) :

23 Mar 2006 MIN32/06


Following a request from the Australian Federal Police (AFP), the Navy and the Air Force have assisted in the disposal of the MV Pong Su under Section 185B of the Customs Act.

After Navy towed the Pong Su from Sydney Harbour, the vessel was sunk approximately 140 kilometres off Jervis Bay in deep water using two 2000-pound high explosive laser guided bombs as part of an exercise involving four RAAF F-111 strike aircraft.

A RAAF AP-3C Orion aircraft performed range clearance and safety roles to ensure that unauthorised vessels remained clear of the safety zone during the exercise, and also to ensure that the area was clear of significant marine life.

The activity provided the Air Force with significant training value for maritime strike operations. These types of opportunities are rare and allow Orion and F-111 aircrew to train against a realistic target.

The disposal of the vessel fully complied with Australian law and was conducted following detailed consideration of environmental and safety regulations.

I would like to thank all the personnel involved for their hard work in what was a valuable training exercise for the ADF.

Further information can be obtained from the AFP on 02 6275 7100.

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Pour plus d'info sur cette affaire, voici un article d'un site d'information australien :,10117,18578503-421,00.html

THE North Korean freighter used to smuggle 150kg of heroin into Australia three years ago now rests on the ocean's bottom, after being destroyed by a pair of laser-guided bombs.

Four F-111 strike bombers flying from RAAF Amberley in Queensland proved dead on target as the 3500-tonne freighter drifted 140km off Jervis Bay this morning.

Two 800kg precision guided bombs struck the Pong Su's hull with massive blasts, showering debris over a wide area. The vessel sank quickly into deep water.

The Pong Su was seized off the New South Wales coast in April 2003 after a four-day chase involving Australian soldiers, police and Customs officers after it was spotted dropping a cargo of drugs along the Victorian coast.

The vessel sat in Sydney Harbour up to this week, costing the Australian taxpayer an estimated $2500 a day.

Earlier this month, four Pong Su officers accused of aiding and abetting the importation of heroin were acquitted and released. Four others involved in the operation pleaded guilty and two have been jailed.


Lawyers for the vessel owners say they are considering suing the Australian Government for seizure of the ship and loss of earnings.

But Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said Australia was entitled to sink the vessel.

"The law is very clear on this matter," he said.

"The convictions of four people for drug smuggling, including one crew member, have established the Pong Su was used by a North Korean drug syndicate to land heroin on the Australian shoreline."

Mr Ruddock said the conclusion of legal proceedings meant the ship could be considered narcotics-related goods and dealt with in such a manner as the Australian Federal Police considered appropriate.

He said there had been extensive discussions and the preferred option was for the ship to be sunk at sea.

"The Pong Su was used in an attempt to bring heroin to Australia and it will never be put to that use again," Mr Ruddock said.

"I'm sure all Australians will consider this an appropriate fate for such a vessel."

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said Australia remained concerned about possible ties with the North Korean Government, which has persistently denied any involvement.

"We have raised that with the North Korean government on a number of occasions, most recently in the last couple of weeks," he said.

"This isn't, after all, a private sector economy where private companies are doing things on their own accord. This is a command economy.

"It is very important that the North Korean Government makes sure, in future, that none of its ships are engaged in these sorts of activities.

"It is appropriate that we publicly demonstrate our outrage at what has happened by sinking this ship."

The Pong Su was prepared for her final voyage by removing all potentially polluting fuel and oil.

Maritime commander Rear Admiral Davyd Thomas admitted the navy would have liked the honour of dispatching the ship either by surface gunfire or by submarine torpedo.

"But we couldn't get the gear over here for it. So we gave it to the air force," he said

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Des F-111 contre des traficants de drogue... C'est sûr qu'ils y vont pas avec le dos de la cuiller. Ils auraient pas pu l'arraisonner? Est-ce parce que c'est un navire nord-coréen qu'ils y sont aller bourins? Auraient-ils fait la même chose avec un cargo russe? Au fait je savais pas que la Corée du Nord trafiquait aussi de la drogue. Elle est cultivée chez eux? Leur gouvernement doit être au courant. Quoiqu'il en soit, ils ont donc déjà des armes de destruction massive.

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ouais c'est bien ce qui me semblait. Ils ont coulés le navire lors d'un exercice et ce navire a été saisi au paravant. Si les austaliens bombardaient un bavire nord coréens avec du personel à bord, je vous dis pas la réaction des fous du nord... :lol:

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Oui, en fait, le navire avait été pris à des trafiquants il y a trois ans, et là ils en ont eu marre de le conserver pour rien au port, l'ont emmené au large, et s'en sont servi de cible pour leurs F-111. ;) Sinon, effectivement, on pourrait dire que les Australiens aiment les solutions expéditives s'ils bombardaient les navires des trafiquants à coup de bombes de 2.000 livres. :lol:

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en France, la marine vient de mettre en service le "malin" ancien palangrier hondurien de 1000 tonnes, 50 metre, qui faisait de la peche sauvage au kerguelen avant de se faire arraisonner par le Floreal cala dit, en asie, ont rigole moins avec la drogue qu'en France haut et court suivant les pays, j'aprouve :!:

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A oui, le Malin, je me souvient bien de lui, le conseil général de la Réunion voulais en faire un navire de patrouille suplémentaire pour chasser les pirates dans les TAAF, ils ont pas étés entendu. Ce qui faudrais c'est une autre classe floréal sur place, avec la zone a couvrir, il faut un hélicopter, et l'Albatross en est malhereusement dépourvu. @+, Arka PS : ce qui serait bien en fait c'est que Port-Louis arrête d'acceuillir les pirates qui infestent les TAAF... Les navires de pèches illégaux ont dans le port de Maurice une zone réservée interdites d'accès pour pouvoir faire leurs trafics en toute "discretion" ! >_

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Il y a même une vidéo sur cette attaque.

Les Aussies ne plaisantent plus avec les trafiquants de drogue. :lol:

Il paraitraît que le CLEM est aussi rempli de cocaïne :lol:

Franchement c'est une bonne idée :D ;)

ça fera des économies et un beau refuge pour les poissons :P

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