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IDEF 2013


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Ouverture cette semaine du salon IDEF 2013, sur le matos blindés Turque


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aselsan korkut spaag

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UMTAS Air to ground Anti-Tank missiles and guided ammunition for 120mm Tank barrels...

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Low-Medium range air defence missile

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Aselsan Stop-30 30mm stabilized naval gun platform

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TAI-Sivrisinek (Moskito) RUAV


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Rescator avait raison, les turcs se bougent grave  :lol: dans l'armement terrestre, que ce soit les chenillés EPC, les blindés légers 4x4 NG, les VTT 6X6 OU 8X8, la missilerie, l'aéronautique.

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Ils se ont inspirés du suédois SEP ou quoi?

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The design is in response to a proposed Turkish Army requirement for a new armoured reconnaissance vehicle, but the company also sees prospective sales among its traditional customer base in the Middle East and South East Asia.

The Kaplan light tracked armoured vehicle is being exhibited at IDEF 2013 in the STA-Px anti-tank configuration.

Under development for the past six to eight months, the prototype 10-tonne vehicle on display features rubber tracks, Rocketsan OMTaS missiles and a 12.7mm calibre heavy machine gun.

The Kaplan is powered by a four-stroke, 350hp diesel engine, which is located at the rear of the vehicle allowing the commander and driver to sit side-by-side in the front section. The crew enter and exit via a door at the rear.

‘Under the normal configuration, the commander would be situated behind the driver, restricting his view. This configuration includes eight periscopes, providing more than 180 degrees field of view for both the driver and commander,’ a company spokesman told Shephard.

He said the rubber tracks lowered the vehicle’s noise signature, allowing it to be used in the reconnaissance role, while the positioning of the engine at the rear lowered its thermal signature.

The Kaplan can be equipped with either ballistic steel or ceramic armour and provides protection to NATO STANAG 4569 Level 4. The company is offering two engine options for the vehicle while the STA-Px anti-tank configuration can carry a maximum of five crew members.

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Oui tu a raison, ils se bougent dans tous les domaines, c'est impressionnant

Ils vont avoir une sacré gamme de blindés du 4x4 MRAP au MBT, ca peut faire mal à l'exportation.............

FNSS Kunduz (un M-9 Ace sauce Turc)

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FNSS SAMUR Amphibious assault bridge . Deliveries are continuing for Turkish Army

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FNSS Korkut 35-40 tonnes carriage chassis based on FNSS ACV-S

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IDEF suite...

Les premiers exemplaires de T129 vont etre livrés cet année à l'amée de terre! le T129 est une coopération avec AW basé sur Mangusta129 ici la motorisation est différente des version italiennes, puisqu'il s'agit de matorisation LHTEC T 800, toute l'avionnique et l'électronique de bord ainsi que l'arment, LE FLIR etc sont d'origine turque.

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cockpit ....

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Voici la panoplie de missile AT turque qui équipera un grand de plateforme aérienne et terrestre (drone blindee etc...)

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Le MBT ALTAY vient de finir ses tests de mobilité et de tirs le premier proto pre-serie devrait voir le jour avec une nouvelle tourelle en 2014, OTOKAR a aussi présenté son nouvelle IFV TULPAR qui accompagnera le Altay, OTOKAR a aussi annoncé le développemeent par ASELSAN d'un active protection système pour le ALTAY.

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FNNS et ASELSAn on présenté le Protype du SPAGG, developpement e cours

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ROKETSAN à présenté son SHORAD

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TAI a annoncé le développement en cours d'une version CAS de son trainer HURKUS turboprop u supertucano like

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METEKSAN à présenté quelques trucs sympa dont son SONAR

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LE drone MALE ANKA va connaitre son premier client à l'export Egypte, les saoudiens et les pakistanais sont aussi en négaciation

une version armé se présenté fin 2014 la Turquie à déjà commande 10 drone a TAI

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Quelques news: http://www.armyrecognition.com/idef_2013_news_coverage_report_pictures_video/index.php

Aselsan and FNSS unveils the new generation of self-propelled air defense system Korkut at IDEF

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Command and Control vehicle of Aselsan Korkut air defence system at IDEF 2013


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Hazar 3D Naval Search radar

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Warships Electronic Attack/support systems

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Submarine Ares-2SC Electronic Attack/Support system

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MEHS Electronic warfare systems and consols (Milgem)

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Hizir Torpedo Counter Measure system tower unit

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Zoka Torpedo Decoy for submarines

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ATR 72-600 TMPA : The new generation maritime patrol aircraft for the Turkish Navy

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Aselsan new gyro stabilized naval turret with Thales LMM at IDEF 2013

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ADIK Landing Ship Tank (center) surrounded by some ADIK Landing Craft Tank

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The LST is designed to carry about 24 Main Battle Tanks

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