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Armee de l'air du Kenya


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China Gets Combat Experience In Africa
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July 20, 2012: China's Z-9WE helicopter gunship has finally gotten some combat experience. Kenya has been using its four Z-9WEs in southern Somalia for over six months. Kenya received the first two of these helicopters in 2010, and the second pair last year. The Z-9WEs have proved very useful in Somalia against the al Shabaab Islamic terrorists. That's probably why no one has mentioned that the Z-9WEs are a violation of the Western arms embargo against China (because of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre).


 Essai des Z-9WE au Kenya
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  • 3 months later...

6 Grob G120A pour le Kenya (+ 6 autres en option).


The Kenya Air Force recently acquired six Grob G120A basic trainers, becoming the first African air force to operate the type.

The Kenya Air Force flies around ten Scottish Aviation Bulldogs, 12 Embraer Tucanos and eight BAE Systems Hawks in the training role. It is likely that the Bulldogs will be replaced by the new German aircraft. According to Kenyan sources, the Kenya Air Force has another six G120s on option.

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  • 9 years later...

Insérez ici le bruit d'une pelleteuse.

La Corée du Sud a cédé seize hélicoptères MD500 au Kenya qui devrait les engager au sein des unités de l'ONU, donc vraisemblablement en Somalie. Les six premiers sont en cours de modernisation aux États-Unis.

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