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Une explosion nucléaire suspecte en mer de chine ?

Bon Plan

Messages recommandés

Oceanographic instruments monitoring the South China Sea have reportedly registered a significant undersea EXPLOSION. 

Details are sketchy as of 6:22 PM eastern US time, but military sources are saying an explosion took place at a depth of approximately 50 Meters, which caused an underwater shock wave of such sudden presence, and of such strength, that the explosion itself "had to be between 10 and 20 Kilotons."  Those sources (military) also say explicitly "An earthquake has been ruled out."

United States submarines routinely operate in that area of the world's oceans.

If an explosion of that magnitude took place, it could reek havoc with the submarine(s) and their instruments; perhaps forcing them to leave an area, or perhaps put into port for re-calibration or repairs.

There is nothing in the area of the South China Sea which, on its own, can account for such a possible event.  


UPDATE 11:17 PM EST --

Radiation is now being detected at shore monitoring points around the South China Sea!



A suivre...

Ou une fausse alerte.

Modifié par Bon Plan
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