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Marc P

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Fiche tecnique du Cavour:


- Alenia Marconi Systems RAN-40L: three-dimensional (3D) long range naval air search and surveillance radar; derived from the RAT-31D/L series of land-based radar systems; D-band: solid-state Tx/Rx; 300+ km range.

- Alenia Marconi Systems SPY-790 EMPAR: multi-function rotating frequency-agile passive phased-array radar; G-band (C-band); 3D – three dimensional; 150+ km range; used for long and medium range volumetric air, low-altitude and surface search, surveillance, target detection, designation, tracking and fire-control with up-link transmission for guidance of Aster active radar surface-to-air missiles; multiple simultaneous target tracking and missile guidance capability (up to 30 missiles in the air); 300 target tracking capability; part of the Eurosam SAAM-IT air defence system; also installed on the future Andrea Doria class AAW frigates.

- Alenia Marconi Systems SPS-791 RASS (RAN-30X/I): multi-mode medium/short-range surface, low-altitude and air search and surveillance radar; X-band; can be used for air and surface surveillance (100km range), navigation and helicopter control (40km range), over-the-horizon surface surveillance (180 km range) and anti-sea-skimmer missile detection and tracking (23km range); cosecant square and pencil beams; up to 250 tracks; can house IFF antenna; also installed on the future Andrea Doria class AAW ships and as the main radar on the recent Cigala Fulgosi and Sirio class corvette/helicopter OPV, and Nave ETNA (AOR/LSV).

- Two Alenia Marconi Systems SIR-R/S: fully solid-state automatic interrogator (IFF); will be fitted on RAN-40L.

- GEM Elettronica SPN-753(v)4 navigation radar.

- GEM Elettronica SPN-41 navigation and aircraft control radar.

Other sensor

- Mine avoidance sonar (bow) supplied by Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei (WASS)

- Sagem VAMPIR-MB IRAS (Infra-Red Alerting System) for E/O air and surface surveillance

- Euroslat SLAT anti-torpedo towed array sensor


integrated internal and external communications system (including SHF/UHF satellite communications systems); SATCOM terminals for Italian SICRAL Military Communications Satellite system; tactical communications for command and control of landing/amphibious forces; 2x Link 11; one Link 16 (MIDS/JTIDS); provision for Link 22/NILE (NATO Improved Link Eleven)


Combat Management System:

Integrated data/weapons combat command and control system, with extensive C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computer and Intelligence) capabilities developed by CMS Italia (Alenia Marconi Systems and Datamat); based on the IPN/S series; very similar to the other CMS installed on the future Andrea Doria class AAW destroyers (as part of the Italian/French “Horizon” air-defense frigate program) and Bergamini class multipurpose frigates (FREMM program); modular open distributed architecture.

Operational Combat Center:

The COC (Centrale Operativa di Combattimento - Operational Combat Center) will have a superficy of more than 1'100 m2 (latest info: 1’250 m2), including at least 600 m2 for the management of naval and amphibious operations, at least 300 m2 for the air operations and a minimum of 200 m2 for the Communications and EW systems; around 25 main multifunction consoles and workstations.

Flag/Command Functions:

There will be space and accommodations for a flag/command staff of between 145 and 230 people, with a comprehensive integrated communications system, tactical intelligence and operational information management systems, and command and decision aid support systems, enabling the ship to function as a flagship for a Naval Task Force (COMITMARFOR), an Italian or multinational Joint Task Force HQ, or an MCC (Maritime Component Command); around 150 multifunction consoles and workstations


The ability to provide extensive C4I capabilities (Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence) for the management of maritime and joint forces is one of the primary requirements of Nave CAVOUR. The development, production, installation, integration and testing of the ship’s Combat Management System (CMS) have been the object, among other systems and equipments, of the 2nd and 3rd NUM contracts. CMS Italia (Alenia Marconi Systems – Naval Systems Division and DATAMAT S.p.A.) is responsible for that part of the contract.

The CMS installed on Nave CAVOUR is a significantly expanded variant (particularly to include flag/staff, air and amphibious operations command and control capabilities) of the CMS that has been developed by Italian and French engineers for their future AAW frigates (Andrea Doria class / HORIZON program), itself largely based on the SENIT-8 system already fitted to the French 40’000-tonne nuclear-powered aircraft carrier CHARLES DE GAULLE.

As part of its requirements, the CMS must be able to provide an accurate picture of the tactical situation over a radius of 350 km around the aircraft carrier, by collecting and processing data provided by the ship’s own sensors as well as by the other naval, joint and allied assets (ships, aircrafts, satellites, troops, higher-command structures).

The main COC/CIC (Combat Information Centre) is located in a protected area, in the central part of the ship/hull, under the flight-deck and island. It’s worth noting that the CIC on both Nave GARIBALDI and the French CVN CHARLES DE GAULLE has been installed in the island. Why this change? There were at least three main reasons. The first was to have the CIC located in a position that would be as safe and protected as possible. The second reason has to do with finding a sufficient space given the planned dimensions of the area occupied by the CIC, expected to reach at least twice the size of the CIC installed on Nave GARIBALDI. Even if the necessary space could have been found for the CIC in the island, that would have required a significantly larger superstructure, and consequently less available space for aircrafts on the flight deck. And that constitutes the third reason why the CIC isn’t located in the island, that is to make the superstructure as small as possible in order to maximise the dimensions of the deck area available for aircrafts. The gained space in the island benefits the facilities dedicated to the main/command bridge (third deckhouse) and aircraft flight control bride (fourth deckhouse).

The CIC will occupy an overall area of 1’100 m2 for the management of all types of maritime and joint operations, including:

- Naval and Amphibious operations: 600 m2

- Air operations: 300 m2

- Communications and EW operations: 200 m2

As far as the “hardware” of the CMS and the CIC are concerned, also available to an embarked Command Staff, it would include the following elements:

- A total of around 150 multi-function consoles and workstations

- 15 large displays presenting the tactical situation

- 25 multi-function consoles for the management of the ship’s combat system

- 90 workstations with JMCIS (Joint Maritime Command Information System)

- 20 ruggedised consoles with JMCIS

The JMCIS is in particular designed to work with the similar C3 systems in service with the Italian Air Force (AMI) and the Italian Army (EI), in order to fully support the command of a joint operation. Three Italian warships are currently fitted with a significant number of JMCIS workstations: the aircraft carrier GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI, the amphibious assault ship SAN GIUSTO, and the fleet logistic support ship ETNA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ELEVATORS: The hangar and the flight-deck are served by two main lifts, with a capacity of at least 30 tons, capable of carrying the fighter aircrafts and the helicopters:  one 14 x 21.6 m “internal” lift forward of the island, on the starboard side of the flight deck  one 14 x 15 m “deck edge” lift abaft the island to starboard; that particular feature also allows for its use as a side ramp (loading ramp) for Ro-Ro operations alongside a pier While the aft elevator is indeed a foldable one, this capability is only required in very particular circumstances (maintenance or entry into Taranto dockyard for instance). The “deck edge” feature reduces the impact on air operations and increases the available space on the flight-deck. On the other hand, the forward elevator is of the “internal” type because it was not considered as sufficiently safe (damage control, survivability, maintenance) to have both lifts of the “deck edge” variant. In addition to those two main elevators, there are also a number of smaller and specialized lifts:  two 15-ton lifts mainly for the transport of ammunition and other material/equipment; one is locate forward of the forward aircraft elevator, and the other next to the aft deck-edge aircraft elevator  one 7-ton lift for personnel and food/equipment  a lift dedicated to medical transport, for casualties, linking the flight deck and hangar deck to the hospital area

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Je trouve l'ilot du cavour disproportionné, car même si on y a loger les cheminées d'évacuations, et les systémes électroniques, cela ne me parait pas être le signe d'une bonne maitrise de l'intégration des sytémes, la place prise est au détriment du parking aviation!

La taille de l'ilot n'est pas très importante, c'est que le cavour est tout petit, c'est ça qui donne cette impression.

@+, Arka

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je sais, mais bon en insistant un peu on pourra faire admettre que l'air du temps est à la réduction de la taille de l'ilot, exemple le nouveau modéle de pa us ou le projet franco britanique qui divise l ilot par 2 pour notamment je crois avoir une certaine redondance en cas d'avarie de combat, dans le cas de ce pauvre cavour l ilot est une belle cible pour un kamikaze!

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je sais, mais bon en insistant un peu on pourra faire admettre que l'air du temps est à la réduction de la taille de l'ilot, exemple le nouveau modéle de pa us ou le projet franco britanique qui divise l ilot par 2 pour notamment je crois avoir une certaine redondance en cas d'avarie de combat, dans le cas de ce pauvre cavour l ilot est une belle cible pour un kamikaze!

Toujours le meme,

si n'ont fait la vie francais n'est pas bon [50]

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le cavour a sans doute ses atouts, mais sans trop insisté, l'ilot aurait pu etre plus restreint à l'échelle de la taille de ce porte aeronef. Sans faire de polemmique, il ne s'agit pas de denigrer ce navire parcequ'il n'est pas français! Le breton que je suis pense avoir un juste arbitre tout comme mes concitoyens, et avouons que nos alliés italiens savent faire de beaux navires

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Moi je suis français (quoique un peu espagnol aussi [08]) et je dis : BRAVO

Moi je le trouve très réussi. Il n'y a pas à dire les Italiens vous savez faire des beaux navires (on peu comme les voitures d'ailleurs [50])

Pour les performances on verra à l'usage ; il faut bien faire un petit peu le "franchesse" [08][08][08][20] [29]

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Je me pose une question. Si j'ai bien compris la rampe arrière et tribord sont pensées pour une fonction ro/ro. Mais je me demandais si vous aviez envisagé de mettre à l'eau les AAV à partir de la rampe arrière. Je ne sais si c'est possible, mais il m'a semble que les Marines faisaient ça...

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