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Le Maroc se réarme


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rien ne filtre, mais il y a des discussions avec la russie aussi pour deux contrats, l ambassadeur marocain a qualifie les negocialtions d'avancées.

Sinon quelques photos de L'Artillerie Royale déployée au mur defensif

M109 A5

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African lion 2011 (2000 soldats us, 1000 mar)

Exercise African Lion 2011 features extensive upgrades, highlights strength of U.S.-Moroccan relationship

5/11/2001  By Cpl. Cullen J. Tiernan   , Marine Forces Africa

AGADIR, Morocco   — By air and by sea, the U.S. Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen are landing in Agadir. The service members are here to participate in Exercise African Lion 2011 and train side-by-side with their Moroccan counterparts, the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces.

The U.S. troops arrive here and immediately begin the voyage to Tan-Tan, the small desert town in southern Morocco where the majority of the exercise will take place. The annual arrival of Americans has become a familiar site to the Moroccans as African Lion is in its 8th year. The exercise grows larger ever year. More than two years of planning went into this year’s exercise, and it promises to be the largest, most multifaceted African Lion ever.

“The Moroccans asked us to make the exercise bigger, more complicated and more difficult,” said Marine Maj. Keith Nunn, the lead planner and lead of the exercise coordination cell with Marine Forces Africa. “This really highlights the strong military relationship we have with Morocco. They wanted us to crank it up a little and we are. We have increased the size almost two-fold and have exponentially increased the complexity.”

African Lion 2011 includes many firsts. In order to fulfill the Moroccan request to increase the exercise’s size, Marine Forces Africa requested the Deployable Joint Command and Control Systems, DJC2 CORE Package, and the capabilities of Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore, JLOTS. These new elements have allowed the exercise to include twice as many tanks as last year, M777 howitzer artillery pieces, and the inclusion of JLOTS enablers such as the U.S. Army tugboat Winfield Scott, the USNS Bobo, USNS Pililaau and the HSV-2 Swift, as well as F-15 Eagle fighter jets. In order to ensure all the different elements of this year’s enlarged exercise have constant access to communications, the DJC2 was an essential addition.

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Marines increase interoperability with host-nation weapons training during African Lion 2011

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200 Char abrams pour le Maroc

Morocco is seeking to diversify its arms sources, a program that is benefitting U.S. companies.

Recent purchases have included 24 F-16 aircraft, 2 T6 training aircraft, 90 AGM-D Maverick airto-ground missiles, 200 Abrams M1A1 tanks, and AN/AVS 9 night vision goggles. Advanced AM 120-C7 air-to-air medium-range missiles systems and 26 advanced M198 155 mm towed guns are on order, with delivery expected in 2011. Morocco also acquired a Gulfstream G550 aircraft for secure royal flights.

Morocco: Current Issues

Carol Migdalovitz

Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs

December 20, 2010


Visite des officiers marocains (blindés, Materiels) à FORT HOOD, Texas

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Au Maroc, Le 4eme Bureau dit Materiel, est responsable de la logistique

il y a 5 Bureaux au total,

1: Recrutement & personnel

2: renseignement militaire (espionage)

3: Formation & enseignement

4: Materiel

5: renseignement militaire (sur les elements des FAR, extremisme au sein de l'armée ..)

Donc logistique fait parti du Bureau Du Materiel dont il est issu l'officier.

En plus des bureaux il y a les inspections (infanterie, blindés .....)

Au Maroc l'armee est professionnelle.

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Le Maroc cherche a se doter Predator?

AIRSHOW-General Atomics sees growing demand for drones

Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:48pm EDT

* Exports approved to Saudi Arabia and others

* US Navy considering use on aircraft carriers

By Andrea Shalal-Esa

FARNBOROUGH, England, July 20 (Reuters) - General Atomics, which has already sold 435 Predator drones in recent years, sees growing demand for its unmanned planes, including a high-flying new successor to the Predator being considered by the U.S. Navy for use on aircraft carriers as soon as 2018.

General Atomics has already received export licenses to sell an unarmed export version of the Predator to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, U.A.E. and Morocco, and has applied for a license to sell to Pakistan, said company spokeswoman Kimberly Kasitz.

The plane is widely used in Iraq and Afghanistan by U.S. troops, and is also flown by Italy, Turkey and Britain.

Its use in nearly one hundred missile strikes on Pakistani territory, as cited by the Washington-based New America Foundation, has triggered debate over the ethics of "robot warfare."

Christopher Ames, a retired Navy admiral and head of General Atomics' business development, said his company had benefitted by spending its own money to develop new technologies before pitching them to the Pentagon, and it continues to do the same thing with follow-on variants.

"We're an example of how the system should work," he said in an interview at the Farnborough Airshow.

Chairman Neal Blue, who bought the company from General Dynamics for $50 million in 1986, acknowledged in 2008 Defense News interview that the company spent about 11 percent of its annual revenues on research and development, a level far higher than most publicly traded defense companies.

Blue began work on an unmanned plane about two decades ago, long before drones became as widespread as they are now. His ability to continuing working on the planes, without the pressure of shareholders demanding short-term returns, helped nurture a technology now synonomous with modern warfare.

"It's an exciting time," Ames told Reuters at the Farnborough Airshow, noting that he was drawn to General Atomics because of the promise of unmanned planes.

As a naval strike group commander after the 2004 tsunami, Ames had to divert helicopters that could have been delivering food and water to survivors to scour the seas for survivors.

"If we had had the Predator ... even just one, it would have saved lives," he said.

The Avenger model had a first flight in April and is now in flight testing. The drone flies at speeds of around 400 knots and can reach 50,000 feet, about 15,000 feet shy of the altitude achieved by Northrop Grumman Corp's (NOC.N) Global Hawk, at a fraction of the price.

It can carry the same kind of sophisticated cameras and sensors as Global Hawk, but unlike the higher-flying Northrop plane, General Atomics' Avenger can carry weapons, Ames said, noting that the new plane could well factor into the Pentagon's plans to develop a new long-range strike capability.

Those capabilities, coupled with a low cost of $4 million to $15 million, have sparked growing demand from the military, from U.S. homeland security officials and from many foreign countries such as Britain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Australia and Spain, Ames said.

"They're proven. They're affordable. It's a no-brainer," Ames said.

Spokeswoman Kasitz said the company's success had generated strong interest from other defense contractors interested in acquiring the privately held San Diego-based company. But Blue told her again on Tuesday, "We are constantly approached by other companies and we are not interested in selling."


SOURCE:Flight International

UAE to get Predator XP

By Gayle Putrich

General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) and International Golden Group (IGG) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to offer a version of Predator unmanned aerial vehicle to the United Arab Emirates.

Designated the Predator XP - XP for "export" - the aircraft has the same physical dimensions, altitude, speed, and 40h endurance as the RQ-1 Predator aircraft first flown by the USAir Force in 1995, the company says. Predator XP is equipped with the same intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities as the RQ-1 and could be outfitted with multiple exportable sensors, including electro-optical/infrared cameras and GA-ASI's Lynx multi-mode radar.

International sales of all GA-ASI UAV products has been restricted to NATO and select allies due to US government export restrictions, but the company was recently licensed to sell Predator XP to Middle East and North African nations, GA-ASI says.

"GA-ASI's establishment of a working relationship with IGG represents a strategic commitment by both companies to help the UAE strengthen its national security and protect critical infrastructure," says Neal Blue, GA-ASI chairman and CEO.

IGG and GA-ASI have previously worked together to bring the manned Griffin Eye ISR system to UAE.

"IGG recognizes that the search for excellence is the key to our success and this drives us to achieve more - not only on behalf of our customers, but also on behalf of our international partners," says Fadel al-Kaabi, IGG's CEO.



L'US Air Force envahit Guelmim

Bruits de bottes dans le grand Sud marocain. Depuis deux mois, des dizaines d'officiers en uniforme de l'US Air Force (USAF) ont investi le petit aéroport de Guelmim, utilisé surtout par l'aviation militaire marocaine .D'après nos informations, ces Américains - qui résident à l'hôtel Bahich  - enseignent aux militaires marocains le pilotage de drones Predator XP (General Atomics Aeronautical Systems) non armés... L'aéroport a été chamboulé pour accueillir les aviateurs américains. La tour de contrôle militaire a été rehaussée et sa verrière refaite. De vieux contentieux sur des terrains expropriés aux abords de la base ont été miraculeusement soldés,et des travaux de terrassement et d'élargissement de la base sur plusieurs kilomètres carrés ont été réalisés (lire p.2). A Guelmim, les fellahs ne s'étonnent même plus de voir passer des camionnettes de l'ambassade US... Le Pentagone, qui songe depuis plusieurs mois à se doter d'une base aérienne au Maghreb (MC nº951) et à positionner des appareils de reconnaissance opérés par des contractors privés (MC nº931), semble avoir trouvé son point de chute.

Certains militaires (la sans source a vous d'y croire) ou non confirme que les militaires marocains se forment sur Predator dans cette base.

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  • 5 months later...
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Armement: la Russie et le Maroc signeront deux accords

La Russie et le Maroc signeront deux accords de coopération technique et militaire, a annoncé mardi l'ambassadeur du Royaume du Maroc à Moscou Abdelkader Lecheheb lors d'une conférence de presse organisée par RIA Novosti.

"Actuellement, nous entendons signer avec la Russie deux accords de coopération technique et militaire. Un accord est déjà prêt à être signé, le deuxième se trouvant au stade final de sa préparation", a indiqué le diplomate.

"Ces dernières années, le Maroc a acheté plusieurs armements russes. Je ne voudrais pas dévoiler le détail des prochains accords, puisque les négociations continuent. Dès que les documents sont prêts, une information concernant les volumes des livraisons, leur prix et les armes achetées sera annoncée, j'en suis certain", a-t-il ajouté.


Il s'agirait principalement d'un lot supplémentaire Tunguka M1 et des batteries de TOR-M2.

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La presse marocaine parle des ATGM, TOR M2, Mi17/35 en jeu en plus d'un nouveau lot de Tunguska ...

In Moscow, the signing of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on cooperation in military field

February 9 at the Ministry of Defense of Russia signed an Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco on cooperation in military field.

The agreement signed by Russia's Deputy Minister of Defence of Russia Anatoly Antonov, and from Morocco - Kingdom of Morocco Ambassador in Moscow, Abdel Kader Lesheheb.

The document is aimed at creating the legal framework for Russian-Moroccan relations between military departments.

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