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Missilerie Navale

Philippe Top-Force

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US Navy test shows Tomahawk cruise missile with synthetic guidance can hit moving targets at sea


A synthetically guided Tomahawk cruise missile successfully hit its first moving maritime target Jan. 27 after being launched from the USS Kidd (DDG-100) near San Nicolas Island in California. The Tomahawk Block IV flight test demonstrated guidance capability when the missile in flight altered its course toward the moving target after receiving position updates from surveillance aircraft.

“This is a significant accomplishment,” said Capt. Joe Mauser, Tomahawk Weapons System (PMA-280) program manager. "It demonstrates the viability of long-range communications for position updates of moving targets. This success further demonstrates the existing capability of Tomahawk as a netted weapon, and in doing so, extends its reach beyond fixed and re-locatable points to moving targets.”
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US Navy, Air Force and DARPA Tested The Lockheed Martin LRASM Next-Gen Anti-Ship Missile


The U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) completed a successful test of the Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) Feb. 4, marking a significant step in maturing key technologies for the future operational weapon system.

The joint-service team, known as the LRASM Deployment Office (LDO), conducted the test to evaluate LRASM’s low-altitude performance and obstacle avoidance as part of the program’s accelerated development effort.

“We are very pleased with how LRASM performed today and we are looking forward to continuing integration efforts on the Air Force B-1, followed by our Navy F/A-18, over the next few years,” said Capt. Jaime Engdahl, the LDO’s Navy program manager. “We have a clear mission, to deliver game-changing capability to our warfighters in theater as quickly as possible.”
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US Navy test shows Tomahawk cruise missile with synthetic guidance can hit moving targets at sea


La vidéo


Video: Tomahawk Strike Missile Punches Hole Through Moving Maritime Target

— USNI News (@USNINews)

February 9, 2015
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  • 2 weeks later...

Question a 2 euros concernant la missilierie AA qu'on peut trouver sur nos differents batiments: on trouve du Crotale NG, de l'aster15, et on pourrait meme avoir du mica VL, quelles sont les capacites respectives de ces engins (distance d'engagement, altitude max, NEZ, capacite anti-missile, discretion, etc...),  pre-requis operationnels (couplage SdC, radar/capteur, taille minimum du navire, age minimum de l'operateur appuyant sur le bouton de tir, toussa), couts d'acquisition et d'exploitation (duree de vie a bord avant reconditionnement aussi).

Le truc qui me titille, c'est de definir quel systeme aurait le meilleur rapport cout/efficacite si on devait equiper une futur FTi, ou equiper les Sylver des FREMM a defaut d'aster15.

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#P3E contract delivers more capability for #Typhoonjet @byMBDA Brimstone is the latest weapon to be integrated

— BAE Systems Air (@BAESystemsAir)

February 22, 2015

@byMBDA: EDIC’s NIMR Automotive & MBDA unveil the HAFEET Air Defence Vehicle (HAFEET ADV)

— MBDA (@byMBDA)

February 22, 2015

BRIMSTONE 2 @Eurofighter_1 TYPHOON Integration Signed at #IDEX2015


February 22, 2015

MBDA a démarré la qualification du système téléopéré d'autodéfense rapprochée SIMBAD-RC et va bientôt le livrer

— Newsletter navale (@Newsletnavale)

February 22, 2015
Modifié par Philippe Top-Force
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  • 2 weeks later...

#Poland MoD Announces Orka #Submarine Programme Funding this Year, Seeking Cruise Missiles

— NavyRecognition (@NavyRecognition)

March 12, 2015

En Pologne, Valls promet des "partenariats" industriels donnant-donnant #LCP via @LCPan

— Philippe Top-Action (@top_force)

March 12, 2015
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MBDA va renouer avec la croissance grâce à l’export via @LesEchos

— Philippe Top-Action (@top_force)

March 16, 2015

#MBDA affiche sa satisfaction - Air et Cosmos

— Philippe Top-Action (@top_force)

March 16, 2015

#MBDA bat une nouvelle fois son record de commandes à l'export en 2014 via @latribune

— Philippe Top-Action (@top_force)

March 16, 2015
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Ce ne sont pas des missiles mais des roquettes et ce sont les F18C Hornet du Carl Vinson


L'USS Carl Vinson quitte le golfe Persique - Air et Cosmos

— Philippe Top-Action (@top_force)

March 25, 2015

@top_force L'Armée américaine a eu recours aux tirs de roquette à 4 reprises. Permettant de limiter les dommages collatéraux #ArmeFaibleCoût

— Philippe Top-Action (@top_force)

March 25, 2015
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