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Nouveau véhicule de l'armée allemande

Invité grinch

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Nouveau véhicule KMW/Rheinmetall defence 4x4 AMPV.

Racé esthétiquement parlant ! avec le Dingo 2 il s'améliore.

Pas con les allemands, ils ont vu que le LMV d'Iveco se vendait bien (Italie, Belgique, Royaume-Uni, Espagne...) alors ils font le leur. Encore un nouveau véhicule qui va équiper la Bundeswehr.

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Invité grinch

Pas con les allemands, ils ont vu que le LMV d'Iveco se vendait bien (Italie, Belgique, Royaume-Uni, Espagne...) alors ils font le leur. Encore un nouveau véhicule qui va équiper la Bundeswehr.

C'est bizarre, il me semblait que les allemands avaient déjà choisi le GFF1 et 2.

le enok et l'EAGLE IV

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Invité grinch

MW, RDE to Launch New Armored Vehicle Families at Eurosatory

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has also teamed with Rheinmetall Defence of Düsseldorf to launch a new class of armored multi-purpose vehicle family weighing 5 – 9 tons. The first of the four-wheel drive Armored Multi Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) vehicles should be ready for serial delivery by 2011. Completion of the first prototype is planned for 2009. The companies are planning to launch the new vehicles at the Eurosatory defense exhibition next month.

While the Bundeswehr’s current GFF (“protected command and role-specific vehicle”) is being addressed by heavier vehicles, the companies decided to develop a GFF 1/2-class to address evolving requirements. Development costs are being shared by the two partners.

The AMPV vehicle family will encompass two type series - an agile AMPV 1 will be the smaller of the two, proposed as a well protected liaison vehicle. A higher level of protection and a heavier payload are the primary characteristics of the bigger AMPV 2. The AMPV1 and AMPV2 are both extremely compact, and differ only slightly in height, length and wheelbase. The entire vehicle family will be based on standardized engineering principles and technologies. Both type series will also have patrol vehicle configuration, a utility version with an unprotected floor in the rear section, and an equipment kit carrier with a safety cell extending all the way to the rear of the vehicle. Also planned is a special patrol version of the AMPV1 that can be airlifted in a CH53 transport helicopter.

The crew compartment will comprise a highly protected vehicle cell configured as an autonomous armored steel structure with a spoor liner. Reinforced undercarriage and reinforced cell structure will enhance protection against landmines and IEDs. Add-on armor modules could be added, to meet higher ballistic protection requirements. All vehicles in the AMPV family consist largely of identical components; the workstations in the fighting compartment are also identical, ensuring uniform operation. The advantages in terms of simplified logistics and training are readily evident.

The vehicle will receive a high-performance running gear, independent wheel suspension and spring deflection and run-flat tires assuring high performance on and off-road and continued mobility even in critical situations; it will maintain high ground clearance to improve cross-country and cross-obstacle mobility. The vehicle will be powered by a 3.2-liter diesel engine with an output of around 200 kW. It will have a permanent four-wheel drive as well as automatic transmission and automatic differential lock management, relieving the strain on the driver.

At the recent ILA 2008 aerospace exhibition Krauss-Maffei Wegmann unveiled a new family of modular scalable tactical vehicles based on the FENNEK armoured reconnaissance vehicle. The generic platform Future FENNEK Technology (GP-F²T). The new Family of Vehicles (FOV) is offered to the German armed forces (Bundeswehr) and international customers.

un concurrent du GefAS; le GP-F²T

Image IPB

German armored vehicle manufacturer Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) is launching a new family of modular scalable tactical vehicles, derived from the German-Netherlands-developed Fennek 4x4 armored reconnaissance vehicle.

Known as Generic Platform - Future Fennek Technology (GP-F²T), the new family is aimed to "provide the Bundeswehr and later other international customers a new dimension in mobility, modularity and protective technology for their current deployments, taking the constantly changing deployment conditions into account,” says Frank Haun, KMW Chairman of the Board.

“For this, the GP-F²T family represents a weapons system tailored to both current and future requirements of the armed forces,” Haun says.

A first prototype of the twin-engined system will be presented in June at the Eurosatory show for land systems in Paris.

The GP-F²T vehicle family is to bring new technology, more flexibility and greater survivability to troops deployed on operations, KMW says.

GP-F²T can be characterised by the redundancy of vital components, such as independent drive trains for the front and rear axles, says KMW. This permits a closed, protected useful volume between the vehicle axles, in which modular and mission-specific vehicle cells can be integrated.

As such, the Future Fennek concept is KMW's answer to the Gefas concept from Rheinmetall, KMW's ever-present, in-country armored vehicle competitor (although recently, the two companies announced a joint program for a line of armored multi-purpose vehicles, see Ares May 21).

The Future Fennek vehicle family comprises two basic types, of which the essential components and sub-systems are identical. This would permit the realisation of deployment-specific crew and mission

compartments for three to six crew members, KMW says.

The protected vehicle cell protects the occupants against ballistic, mine and IED threats, as well as against potential risks of NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) contamination.

Furthermore, extra reinforcement of the vehicle cell provides protection against handheld anti-tank weapons.

In addition, the GP-F²T family has a low silhouette and consequently a low infrared and radar signature, says KMW.

The engine output of over 20 kW per metric ton of vehicle weight allows the vehicle to "effortlessly" negotiate 60 percent forward slopes and up to 30 percent side slopes, the manufacturer claims.

In combination with a range of over 1,000 km, the crew can operate for up to five days autonomously. Since the vehicles are air-transportable too, they can be transferred to distant deployment areas quickly and easily.

The new concept also adopts the suspension characteristics and consequently the mobility of the Fennek, which is deployed with German and Netherlands forces in Afghanistan (but which has already suffered several IED strikes in which nobody died but in which particularly the driver proved to be vulnerable to serious injury to the lower limbs).

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  • 3 weeks later...
Invité grinch

L'AMPV n'est-il pas un LMV Iveco germanisé, révisé à la sauce allemande ?

Qu'en est-il du match LMV Iveco vs Eagle IV Mowag ? Qui a été choisi ?

eagle IV, mark1100 l'a précisé dans un de ses posts

Image IPB

on peut y voir selection

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Invité ZedroS

le Gefas est en cours de developpement

Bizarre il n'est pas une caisse en V du tout... Ils ne craignent pas les mines les créateurs du Gefas ? Par ailleurs, quelle est la doctrine d'emploi de cet "engin" à la fois plat et long ?

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Bizarre il n'est pas une caisse en V du tout... Ils ne craignent pas les mines les créateurs du Gefas ? Par ailleurs, quelle est la doctrine d'emploi de cet "engin" à la fois plat et long ?

C'est un engin de reco. Il est modulaire moteur chassis en plus sieurs partie cellule vie ... cellule mission etc.

S'il est long c'est pour eloigner la roue potentiellement declencheuse de mine de la cellule vie.

Les module peuvent s'arracher du reste ... comme le lezard perd sa queue. en cas de mine sous l'avant tout le bloc va s'arracher limitant les contrainte sur le reste. On retrouve le meme pricipe au niveau des train roulant garde boue etc.

la coque vie et moteur est bien en fort V, juste que le vide est aménagé en coffre de rangement/bindage-espacé qui s'arracheront en cas de mine...

Pour la longueur c'est modulable selon les element qu'on ajoute a la construction ... y a des modele 6x6 d'autre avec un plateau des tracteur de remorque radar ... etc.

Enfin si le truc est grand c'est qu'il doit permet l'autonomie complete de l'équipage pendant une durée et une distance assez longue ...

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Invité grinch

Moi aussi, il fait partie des deux concepts dont j'approuve leur design, le GEFAS et le SEP.

Le GeFAS en porteur blindé polyvalent et une centaine de MRAP.

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En tout cas j'aime bien le GEFAS, c'est truc qui a de la gueule.... =D

C'est intéressant d'ailleurs le truc est assez moche de prime abord ... mais l'aspect étant directement lié a la fonction dans le cas du GEFAS finalement sans être beau ... il a l'air bon de qualité etc. et très valorisant pour l'acquéreur et l'utilisateur.

Le plus interessant c'est la face avant ... on dirait que le plus grand soin a été attaché a la conception de chacun des element mode "stealth" et al a fois  blidange incliné.

Image IPB

Le capot recouvrant l'entrée d'air radiateur tre coudé fait tres aero.

Les montant de calandre genre caisson autoporteur avec arrete saillant style blindage incliné.

L'indépendance des gare boue ajouré ... visiblement pour évacuer la boue ...

Le V du pare choc - qui semble etre lui meme modulaire en 5 parties - au niveau des roue pour pas accrocher les talus

L'inclinaison tres marqué du haut de la caisse pour dévier les projectile mais aussi le souffle...

Le pare brise protegé derriere un fort dépord de caisse ... c'est moche mais ca évite le coupe cable.

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Invité ZedroS

Merci pour ces réponses

Quelques liens sur le sujet :

et au milieu de ces photos d'Eurosatory 2006, on peut voir une image du Gefas avec un bonhomme à côté, c'est vraiment une sacrée bestiole :

Curieux de voir ce qu'il donnera sur le terrain !

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