P4 Posté(e) le 22 octobre 2007 Share Posté(e) le 22 octobre 2007 Trouver sur le site de l' ambassade de France en Algérie. Dossier de présentation des essais nucléaires et leur suivi au Sahara (2007) je vais voir si l'étude de l'AIEA sur les essais Français en Algérie est en ligne pour la joindre. la voila Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
scorpion-rouge35 Posté(e) le 29 juin 2008 Share Posté(e) le 29 juin 2008 Le 1er mai 1962, la france effectue un essai nucléaire souterrain dans le Sahara algérien. Manque de pot, la montagne explose (!) et contamine gravement le personnel civil et militaire. Le futur premier ministre pierre Messmer (à l'époque ministre de l'armée) et présent lors de l'essai, se carapatera tant bien que mal jusqu'à sa voiture et aura lui aussi droit à sa part de radiations. Un nombre important de militaires sont aujourd'hui sérieusement touchés par des maux reliés aux radiations suite à l' essai raté. bizarrement on a jamais parlais des population locale qui on étaient contaminé Barils de matières radioactives en plein air à Reggane .. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
P4 Posté(e) le 29 juin 2008 Auteur Share Posté(e) le 29 juin 2008 Je propose une base de débat séieuse avec le rapport de l'AIEA. éxtrait de l'avant-propos. On 22 September 1995, a resolution of the General Conference of the AIEA called on all States "to fulfil their resposabilities to ensure that sites where nuclear test have been conducted are monitored scrupulously and to take appropriate steps to avoid adverse impacts on the alth, safety and the environment as a consequence of such nuclear testing". Representatives of the Algerian Government requested the AIEA to carry out a study of the radiological situation at the former French nuclear test sites in Algeria. The finding of this assessment are summarized in this report. éxtrait du résumé(page 1) The mission was able to achieve more than expected as a consequence of the detailed information provided by France. The information was essential for understanding the kinds and degree of contamination. Les conclusions et recommandations se trouvent au chapitre 6(page 32/33) et tiennent sur un peu plus d'une page, elles sont moins spéctaculaires que les photos de SR35. En fin de compte je crois que la lecture du résumé se suffit a elle meme. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
P4 Posté(e) le 29 juin 2008 Auteur Share Posté(e) le 29 juin 2008 Le résumé. ;) Following a request by the Government of Algeria, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) conducted an expert mission in late 1999 to sites in Algeria that had been used by France in the early 1960s for the testing of nuclear weapons. The IAEA mission international team was made up of five experts in performing radiological assessments. The terms of reference for the mission were: — “make a preliminary assessment of the present radiological situation of the Reggane (atmospheric tests) and In-Ekker test sites (underground nuclear test site and radioactive waste sites) by performing radioactivity measurements at the sites and at selected inhabited locations, i.e., external dose rates, in-situ gamma spectroscopy. — Selected environmental and food samples should be collected and subsequently analysed. — The results of these measurements should be used to set up a plan to monitor the test sites more comprehensively, if justified, and to perform a preliminary dose assessment.” The team of experts, composed of members from France, New Zealand, Slovenia, the United States of America and the IAEA, was supported and assisted by a group of seven experts from the Algerian Commissariat à l’énergie atomique. During the course of an eight day mission, the sites of both above ground tests (Reggane site) and underground tests (In Ekker sites) were monitored for dose rates that resulted from residual radioactive material (fission and activation products). Samples of environmental media, i.e. sand, fused sand, solidified lava,vegetation and well water, were collected and analysed in the IAEA’s Laboratories in Seibers-dorf, Austria. The mission was able to achieve more than expected as a consequence of the detailed information provided by France. The information was essential for understanding the kinds anddegree of contamination. All known locations of nuclear test sites in Algeria (Reggane and In Ekker — Taourirt Tan Afella and Adrar Tikertine) were included in the mission. The overall findings and conclusions from the fact finding mission were:(a) Most of the areas at the test sites have little residual radioactive material except: — The ground zero localities of the Gerboise Blanche and Gerboise Bleue atmospheric tests at the Reggane test site; — At Taourirt Tan Afella in the vicinity of the E2 tunnel.(b) External dose rate measurements were made at 76 locations. A total of 25 environmental samples were collected. While the number of dose rate measurements was considered adequate, the number of samples collected and analysed was somewhat small, in view of the size of the areas.© According to the generally conservative scenarios assumed and the exposure pathways used, and on the basis of the results of dose rate measurements and analysis of a limited number of samples, there is no indication that for any of the sites (with the possible exception of the Gerboise Bleue, Gerboise Blanche and E2 tunnel sites) annual exposures might occur in excess of any accepted international guideline values for exposure of the public.(d) A single location (the E2 gallery at Taourirt Tan Afella), at the opening of one of the partially confined underground tests where an accidental release of fission products mixed with molten rock took place and formed a large bed of hardened lava, has been protected from public intrusion by a security fence. Maintenance of that fence is advocated in the interest of keeping public exposures as low as reasonably achievable.(e) A more detailed and comprehensive radio- logical survey does not appear necessary for any of the sites if there is no social or economic development in the region of interest.(f) Corroboration and support of the general conclusions stated here could nevertheless be provided by an appropriate level of radio-logical surveillance activities, to be conducted by the Algerian authorities, e.g. monitoring air concentrations in and around the populated villages closest to the above ground test sites.(g) Despite the preliminary nature of the sampling and investigation programme, all conclusions indicate that present-day exposure rates do not justify a requirement for intervention, in view of the current state of development of the region. This would not preclude the Algerian authorities from carrying out remediation or preventing access to the sites for other reasons. However, if the economic conditions change in the area, the requirement for intervention at the Gerboise Bleue, Gerboise Blanche and E2 tunnel sites should be reconsidered.(h) A more precise estimate of the doses to migrant and nomadic people of the Algerian desert could be developed by obtaining a more accurate and quantitative description of their lifestyles, habits, food collection methods, etc. Appendix I provides details of the analytical procedures and results for the samples that were collected at the test sites. Appendix II provides an assessment of the radiation doses. Appendix III provides general radiological concepts in the context of nuclear weapon testing. Appendix IV provides general radiation criteria for intervention situations. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Lord Aevy Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2008 Share Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2008 Essais nucléaires: "Morin nous a coupé l'herbe sous le pied" http://www.lejdd.fr/cmc/societe/200848/essais-nucleaires-morin-nous-a-coupe-l-herbe-sous-le-pied_168121.html Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Akhilleus Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2008 Share Posté(e) le 26 novembre 2008 <j'averti tout de suite , ce sujet a deja été traité et est parti en quenouille très rapido à cause d'esprits pas très calmes de part et d'autre de la méditerannée .. à la moindre incartade je ferme le thread et degage les fauteurs de troubles, sur ce topic y'aura pas de piqures de rappel de ma part ....> Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
collectionneur Posté(e) le 16 décembre 2008 Share Posté(e) le 16 décembre 2008 Je suis tombé sur ce blog indiquant qu'un livre sortit cette année parle d'une collaboration entre la France et la Chine dans le domaine du nucléaire militaire dans les années 1960 :http://globe.blogs.nouvelobs.com/archive/2008/12/09/la-france-a-t-elle-fait-des-essais-nucleaires-en-chine.htmlEst ce possible ? Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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