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Les forces armées terrestres russes

S-37 Berkut

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  • 4 weeks later...
Russian Tank Biathlon is Gathering Momentum


The United States and a number of European countries have asked to participate in Russia’s international tank biathlon, President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday. “They filed a request with the Defense Ministry to participate. We will be happy [to have them],” News agency Novosti quoted president Putin addressing questions from students at a Moscow university. The Defense Ministry said in a statement Wednesday that more than 40 countries had expressed interest in participating. Putin said the event helps promote the nation’s defense industry, noting that Russia is second only to the US in terms of the volume of arms exports. With the global decline of demand for tanks and other heavy, tracked armored vehicles Russia emerges as the largest manufacturer and exporter of such vehicles, including T-90 and upgraded T-72s.

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Petite question concernant les dernières photos d'actyon, à quoi servent les deux bateaux en arrière-plan ? Ils sont là parce qu'ils ont servi à apporter du matériel ou à secourir si le véhicule a un problème ? A moins qu'ils n'aient été abandonnés depuis quelques temps. Toutefois, cette dernière hypothèse est peu probable vu qu'ils ont l'ai en bon état.

Modifié par judi
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The Volk-3 6x6 light tactical vehicle armed with a 120mm gun 2B16 Nona-K.

A picture releases Monday, January 20, 2014, on a Russian military blog shows that Russia develops a new light self-propelled artillery system based on the 6x6 light tactical vehicle Volk (Wolf in English) VPK-39273 with a 120mm gun 2B16 Nona-K mounted at the rear of the chassis.

The Volk is 4x4 high-mobility light tactical vehicle designed, developed and produced by the Russian Defense Company Voenno-Promyshlennaya Kompaniya (VPK), a division of the GAZ group.

The Volk 4x4 was unveiled during a defense exhibition in Moscow in 2010. The Volk family includes also a a 6x6 variant, named VPK-39273. According to the Russian blog, the new light howitzer is based on a new version of the Volk, the VPK-39373 or Volk-3.

The Volk-3 light self-propelled howitzer uses a 6x6 chassis, with armoured cab at the front and a 120mm gun 2B16 Nona-K mounted at the rear of the chassis. When the system is deployed in the firing position a large spade is hydraulically lowered at the rear to provide a more stable firing platform.

The 120 mm 2B16 (NONA-K) towed system was developed in the 1970s at the Perm artillery facility and the Central Scientific Research Institute for Precision Machinery Construction. It entered in service with the Russian army in 1986. The 2B16 can fire at a maximum range of 8.7 km.

The 2B16 (Nona-K) consists of a 120 mm/24.2 calibre ordnance, designated in Russia the 2A51. It can fire a full range of ammunitions as the HE-FRAG (high-explosive fragmentation), HEAT (high-explosive anti-tank) and smoke as well as 120 mm mortar bombs.

This type of artillery weapon system could be one of the best solution to provide rapid intervention troops or airborne units with a light self-propelled howitzer with the capacity to be deployed quickly by military transport aircraft and offers high efficient fire power.



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The Volk-3 6x6 light tactical vehicle armed with a 120mm gun 2B16 Nona-K.

A picture releases Monday, January 20, 2014, on a Russian military blog shows that Russia develops a new light self-propelled artillery system based on the 6x6 light tactical vehicle Volk (Wolf in English) VPK-39273 with a 120mm gun 2B16 Nona-K mounted at the rear of the chassis.

The Volk is 4x4 high-mobility light tactical vehicle designed, developed and produced by the Russian Defense Company Voenno-Promyshlennaya Kompaniya (VPK), a division of the GAZ group.

The Volk 4x4 was unveiled during a defense exhibition in Moscow in 2010. The Volk family includes also a a 6x6 variant, named VPK-39273. According to the Russian blog, the new light howitzer is based on a new version of the Volk, the VPK-39373 or Volk-3.

The Volk-3 light self-propelled howitzer uses a 6x6 chassis, with armoured cab at the front and a 120mm gun 2B16 Nona-K mounted at the rear of the chassis. When the system is deployed in the firing position a large spade is hydraulically lowered at the rear to provide a more stable firing platform.

The 120 mm 2B16 (NONA-K) towed system was developed in the 1970s at the Perm artillery facility and the Central Scientific Research Institute for Precision Machinery Construction. It entered in service with the Russian army in 1986. The 2B16 can fire at a maximum range of 8.7 km.

The 2B16 (Nona-K) consists of a 120 mm/24.2 calibre ordnance, designated in Russia the 2A51. It can fire a full range of ammunitions as the HE-FRAG (high-explosive fragmentation), HEAT (high-explosive anti-tank) and smoke as well as 120 mm mortar bombs.

This type of artillery weapon system could be one of the best solution to provide rapid intervention troops or airborne units with a light self-propelled howitzer with the capacity to be deployed quickly by military transport aircraft and offers high efficient fire power.



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Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a signé un décret entérinant la création d'une police militaire en Russie, rapporte mardi le service de presse présidentiel.


Comme annoncé auparavant, la police militaire sera chargée de défendre les droits des militaires et du personnel civil du ministère de la Défense, ainsi que d'assurer la discipline, l'ordre et le respect de la loi au sein des forces armées. Elle assurera également la sécurité des sites militaires du pays.

Du point de vue structurel, la police fera partie des forces armées russes et sera dirigée par le ministre de la Défense.

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Un nouveau parachute russe pour l’armée et les sauveteurs
Un parachute unique va bientôt faire son apparition dans l’armée russe. Grâce à lui, il sera possible de sauter en toute sécurité, même d’une hauteur de 50 mètres.
Des tests avec des mannequins ont démontré qu’un saut d’une altitude de 50 mètres serait sans danger.
À l’heure actuelle, ce parachute n’a pas d’analogue. L’altitude de 150 mètres est un minimum, même pour les systèmes les plus modernes. Et même pour les sauteurs extrêmes, qui s’élancent d’objets fixes, une hauteur 50 mètres, c’est trop peu. D’ailleurs, le parachute D-10P n’est pas pour eux, mais pour l’armée et les sauveteurs. Si un débarquement est effectué à basse altitude, l’ennemi n’a tout simplement pas le temps de réagir et d’ouvrir le feu. Et les sauveteurs pourraient atterrir plus près des personnes en détresse, et ce, quelles que soient les conditions météorologiques. Vladimir Nesterov explique que la structure de ce parachute n’a rien de complexe.

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