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Ici, s'il vous plaites poster des nouvelles sur le programme Al-Salam, c'est le programme de la modernisation de l'armee de l'air de l'Arabie-Saoudite aide par le Royaume-Uni. Le programme avant ca etait Al-Yamamah. S'il vous plaites, pas de discussion sur une corruption eventuelle qui BAE Systems a fait pendant Al-Yamamah (parce qu'il y a deja une), cette fils de discussion est pour des avions, missiles etc... qui l'Arabie-Saoudite achete sous Al-Salam.

Al-Salam, ce sont probablement quatres grandes chooses, des Eurofighters, une modernisation des Tornados, nouveaux Hawks et des missiles.

Situation actuel.

  • L'Arabie-Saoudite a signe pour 72 Eurofighter 1
  • La modernisation des Tornados saudiens est bien avance 2
  • BAE Systems parle avec l'Arabie-Saoudite pour d'acheter de jusqu'a 60 Hawks et encore une fois 24 Eurofighter 3
  • MBDA est pret a signer un grand contrat pour des missiles 4


*Saudi TSP upgrade advances with UK flight trials of modified Tornado

BAE Systems' Tornado Sustainment Programme (TSP) upgrade for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) entered a new phase in November with the emergence of newly...







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Le Royaume-Uni a deja paye pour l'integration, en la guerre d'Iraq 2003 des Tornados a tire environ 40 Storm Shadows.

Pour l'Arabie-Saoudite, il n'y a pas une contrat signe en moment pour des missiles, mais des Tornados saudiens qui sont a Warton (Royaume-Uni) pour le developpement de la modernisation ont vole avec des Storm Shadows.

La modernisation pour les Tornados va etre un peu comme ca.

  • Nouveau PDL - probablement le Damocles
  • Des missiles comme Brimstone, Storm Shadow, ASRAAM, etc...
  • Meilleur cockpit, communications etc... .

Tornado saudien vole en le Royaume-Uni avec, probablement, le Damocles.

Image IPB

Tornado saudien vole en le Royaume-Uni avec deux Storm Shadows.

Saudi Tornado vole avec deux Storm Shadows de Warton, Royaume-Uni

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Un part de Al-Salam est aussi le "training".


RSAF Tornado Students Pass With Flying Colours

03 Dec 2007 | Ref. 378/2007

Students graduate with flying colours

Langkawi, Malaysia - The first 22 Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) Tornado Technicians to undertake a new ‘multi-skilled training programme’, based at the BAE Systems Training Solutions Technical Academy, Warton UK, have graduated with flying colours.

The programme, designed by BAE Systems in partnership with the RSAF, is aimed at producing multi-skilled aircraft technicians, rather than the RSAF’s traditional philosophy of having single skilled maintenance technicians.

The graduation ceremony was attended by senior RSAF and BAE Systems officials including Guests of Honour, Brigadier General Al Shaharani, Training Wing Commander, King Abdullah Aziz Airbase (KAAB) Dhahran and Mark Parkinson, Managing Director Training Solutions.

The 22 graduates have successfully undertaken 18 weeks training in the Technical Academy, which itself concludes an intensive training course. Before arriving at Warton, the students completed English language, Mathematics and Physics training at the Technical Studies Institute in Dhahran, followed by a further six-month English language course in the UK. They then undertook a one-year generic aircraft training course, at the UK’s Defence College of Aeronautical Engineering (DCAE) RAF Cosford, where they learnt the basic aircraft skills in their respective trades (airframe, propulsion, electrical, avionics).

The programme is aimed at producing multi-skilled aircraft technicians, rather than the RSAF’s traditional philosophy of having single skilled maintenance technicians. The 22 students, who graduated at the recent ceremony, are Airframe and Propulsion Technicians.

Chris Fairholm, Technical Academy Programme Manager, said: “The graduation marks the end of an extensive and challenging training experience. For all 22 students to graduate is a credit to their performance, commitment and attitude. The students have had to face the additional challenge of a new language, in a technical environment, culture and separation from their family as well as the learning of new skills and knowledge to perform safely and competently on advanced aircraft systems.”


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