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Il s'agit d'une traduction en anglais d'un post sur un forum chinois:

This is a google translation from SDF of some article. Does it have any validity?

Recently, the new feibao 3 has been test flight success! And had been formed within the military code DDK-03. The reason was known as the "new Feibao", because of its aerodynamic shape, as well as its internal systems are brand new! Although the original Flying Leopard "body bone" deductible, but in order to meet the new engine, fuselage therefore had no choice but to enlarge! Because of the new engine into the gas and units than the original engine thrust increase of nearly 75%, so the new feibao 3 not simple in use and enlarge the original Flying Leopard body! (New engine than the original "劳思Rice" engine diameter, but also short!) Therefore, the original researchers of the aerodynamic shape of the internal body structure and carried out a bold improvement! The workload of the complex, in no way inferior to re-design a new aircraft!

After researchers in the hard work, unfolded before our eyes "Feibao 3" has "completely" performance! "The new feibao 3" fuselage with a new type of material in this application is only J-10, so the aircraft body weight than before light many! Strength and body structure is the original several times! Because of the "new feibao 3," the increased air refueling equipment, so its combat radius of the many than before! New equipment in the army of several new combat aircraft in combat radius of absolute one! Because of the "new feibao 3" body internal space than before spacious many, I have a lot of new systems and new equipment! Making the "new feibao 3" enhance the combat effectiveness of a lot, at least the original machine five times! (This would not be too much to say that!) New equipment domestic multi-mode synthetic aperture phased array radar is the most complex domestic equipment most advanced combat efficiency of the highest, which already exceeds the active duty several "imported goods"! Because of the "new feibao 3" on its own internal body equipped with a multi-purpose reconnaissance detection equipment, as well as multifunction jamming equipment, but also a host of other advanced equipment were nine high-speed computer and a length of more than XXX meters, as well as new high-speed fiber optic transmission many of the "sensors" and other equipment integrated together to form a "perfect" as a whole. So the "new feibao 3" is currently playing to the "extreme" a perfect works! -- Its combat potential can not be overlooked! ! ! (No wonder its related research personnel mentioned in the introduction of our military Su 30 MKK2 and MKK3, used the words "so-so" to describe Peter aircraft!)

It is learned that the recently about six "new feibao 3" equipment in the Hainan Island naval air force bases for a large number of adaptive equipment before final experimental flight! I believe in the near future there will be a lot of "new feibao 3" equipment Naval Air Force and the Air Force special operations

Looking feibao -3 overtake Su -34

To ensure against "Flying Leopard A" lack of a new feibao thirds of the research task. In order to ensure "Flying Leopard III", the success of China and Russia (including part of Ukraine agencies) After years of hard negotiations, the highest in the Russian leadership's intervention, and reached a joint development of the "Flying Leopard III" cooperation agreement.

"Feibao III" is in order to complete the Air Force to offensive-defensive needs, in order to make up for the lack of Chinese Air Force long-range strike capability, the lack of new bombers, the lack of tanker and a lack of overseas air bases, and other weak links, and has made a long-range bombing capability has the self-defense capability of long-range sea-double on the multi-purpose heavy fighter-bombers (not strategic bombers, can only be light tactical bomber).

In Rafah China jointly develop Russian SU-34, China against Russia's Sukhoi economic difficulties, in urgent need of China's SU-27 and SU-30 and other aircraft orders and new project development costs, and other special circumstances, the proposed joint development of "Flying Leopard III "program, China's major commitment to research and development costs, but" Flying Leopard III "intellectual property belongs to China (not to SU-27 and SU-30 authorized assembly). "Feibao III" than the SU-30 and SU-34 greater range, greater load of bombs, but also has the ability inside the aircraft carrying missiles, stealth penetration ability and more than two times supersonic cruise capability.

Performance Overtake Britain and the United States rush

From weapons configuration, "Feibao 3A" short-range self-defense weapons systems for a heavy 110 kilograms of 6-23-six 23 mm modified "Raytheon" cannon, the largest as soon as 6000, / min. But other models of individual special "Flying Leopard 3" does not require Gun, but they can retrofit machines under single-tube 30 mm or double-barreled 23 mm caliber Gun Pod. "The new feibao 3" with a total of 15 pylons, compared feibao the nine pieces have significantly enhanced. This is only in the United States F-15K the world's second possession a total of 15 pylons for the aircraft. Therefore, the weapons of choice in addition to the types of use of AM-39, C-601/611, C -801/802, the new C-803 supersonic anti-ship missiles, but also with Russia's KH - 65SE subsonic cruise missiles, , as well as KH-31A (AS-17) supersonic anti-ship missiles, KH - 31P supersonic anti-radiation missile and a more advanced KH-41 supersonic anti-ship missile. Modern 2-destroyer of the three M90 Series modified anti-ship missile can also mount to the "Flying Leopard 3" use. Other applicable short and medium-range ground attack weapons also include active duty and in the development of the traditional domestic and foreign bombs, laser-guided bombs, air defense weapons and other outsiders projection. It can be equipped with the guidance of the body through the replacement of the "plug-in modules" to facilitate resolved, or at least including the use of low-altitude navigation pod, digital ago as infrared / laser targeting pod combination means to resolve.

From fire-control systems, the current world advanced warplanes have adopted all-digital autopilot and four Redundancy fly-by-wire system; The system uses redundancy technology and the central microprocessor, like the U.S. military MIL-STD - 1750 A software directive control. With more than four homemade fly-by-wire system of the application; obviously enhanced system reliability.

On request, the "new feibao 3" glass cockpit achieved within the cabin of a three-under standard configuration, and the F-10 at the same level. Two seats are equipped with wide-angle HUD domestic and three-color high-brightness displays and printed-sight helmets. The displays are able to multi-channel video subsystem composite records be surveillance, "Feibao" head-up display with Autopilot crosslinking, even if the aircraft changed direction, and line-of-sight still stable pressure in the goals. In addition, it is still used with continuous calculation, calculation hit consecutive points, and other functions, and to install a set of angular velocity bombing system to enhance the free-fall weapons accuracy rate. The newly amended yaw angle sensor that can fire control system sideslip angle on the impact of weapons, but also precision weapons for navigation calculated wind speed, wind direction purposes. In order to play "Feibao 3" the greatest power on board the installation of a modified "sea Overlord - B1" Airborne - dedicated high-speed data exchange information chain, with a new fiber optic cable inside the aircraft for signal analysis and processing high-speed computers and multi - precision guided mode detection system module, the "new feibao 3" become China's first domestically produced a dedicated high-speed data link operational aircraft. So the "new feibao 3" with the detection of a boot, and command-plus feibao 3 to meet the enemy's combat capability.

From the appearance of view, China's "new feibao 3" to switch to a new design with the middle-sweep of the front flap on单翼. Furthermore, in order to improve performance and strengthen the stealth aerodynamic shape, "New feibao 3" using the "S" - shaped inlet and the inlet new nano-absorbing paint spraying to reduce radar reflection aircraft positive cross-sectional area and infrared signal features, and have adopted the wing-body fusion technology, all of the application of new composite materials increased significantly. Late will "Feibao 3" and external "rigid" refueling equipment containing a telescopic improve "soft" refueling equipment, in order to further strengthen the stealth of the unit. Therefore, the "New feibao 3" is the first of China's use of computer-aided design that form a semi-stealth fighter.

From stealth performance, due to the "new feibao 3A" the use of a newly developed radar absorbing coatings, makes aircraft was detected by probability greatly reduced. In addition, the upgraded models of the late "Feibao 3 B / C" will increase the utilization of new composite materials, the fuselage and cabin cover sleek combination of the cockpit covered brink of arms and weapons built-in door edge and other places, the use of serrated combine lines, can be effective in reducing the radar wave reflection. Improvement of the latter part of the "Flying Leopard 3 B / C" will be the vertical tail wing tilt into the design. Because airborne weapons used contained, half-buried and pylons balanced way, about 80 percent of the aircraft stealth effect will rely on appearance to decide, and the remaining part of the stealth effect will need new radar absorbing material (RAM), radar absorbing structure (RAX), and other methods to solve achieve. After circular nozzle will be replaced by the newly developed three-dimensional vector nozzle stealth replaced by, in order to further reduce the IR characteristics. Due to the expected effective stealth measures, the latter part of the upgraded models of the "new feibao 3-D" radar cross-section (RCS) will be not more than 0.00 X square meters.

En gros,ca dit qu'une version amélioré du jh7A de 4.5 génération a réussi ses premiers tests de vol.Cet avion serait né de la coopération sino russe sur le su34.

Le feibao 3 disposerait de moteurs de 5ème génération(90 kn de poussée sèche environ et 160 kn en afterburner) si on s'en tient aux 75% d'augmentation de la poussée.

Il s'agirait d'un avion semi furtif, qui devrait atteindre avec les prochaines version(premier vol prévus en 2012) une furtivité de 0.00X metres carrés soit un peu moins que le f22 américain.

cet avion disposerait d'un radar amélioré par rapport aux radars importés russes des su30 classiques.

Il disposerait d'une capacité d'emport supérieure aux su30 et su34 et d'un meilleur rayon d'action.

Ce nouvel avion disposea de capacités anti navires très modernes et sera en fait multirole.Il embarquera en soutes (emport interne) le kh65E et le kh41 pour ne citer qu'eux.

Il s'agit selon moi de la version intermédiaire entre la troisième génération chinoise et la 5ème génération qu'elle vise en 2015.

La chine a visiblement décidée d'une plateforme multirole pour la suite.

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transformer une barque à fond plat en Su34 bombardier long rayon d'action je demande également à voir... Au fait si jamais je leur refile ma caisse ils pourraient m'en faire un vaisseau spatial? J'ai toujours voulu aller sur Mars. En cadeau de noël ce serait super. Pour l'emport à la rigueur, s'ils peuvent tout caser on sait jamais, 8t c'est abordable... Mais où vont ils mettre le kéro, sous le siège des pilotes? Dedans?

Franchement, y a des moments où leurs communiqués ressemblent à ceux de l'Iran en matière d'armement :P

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transformer une barque à fond plat en Su34 bombardier long rayon d'action je demande également à voir... Au fait si jamais je leur refile ma caisse ils pourraient m'en faire un vaisseau spatial? J'ai toujours voulu aller sur Mars. En cadeau de noël ce serait super. Pour l'emport à la rigueur, s'ils peuvent tout caser on sait jamais, 8t c'est abordable... Mais où vont ils mettre le kéro, sous le siège des pilotes? Dedans?

Franchement, y a des moments où leurs communiqués ressemblent à ceux de l'Iran en matière d'armement :P

Le kéro, comme pour le rafale, des réservoirs dorsal, je ne savais pas qu'il s'en possédait la compétence.

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Mouais et l'engin il décolle comment? On parle d'un engin qui fait max 30t en étant généreux comparé à un engin qui fait... 45t en ordre de combat full loaded. Désolé mais j'ai un peu de mal à croire qu'on obtient un appareil qui a une endurance supérieure une capacité d'armement, des performances supérieures tout en ayant une motorisation plus faiblarde et un poids au décollage 1/3 moins important, le jour où un F16 collera la rouste à un F15 Strike eagle dans ces domaines ça se saura.

Sinon j'ai une solution, ils ont embauché Lepetit et leur appareil marche à la MHD

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La version de base du jh7A peut visiblement porter 6.5 tonnes en charge utile par rapport a un su30 qui peut en emporter 8 tonnes.Il a tout simplement suffit d'en renforcer la structure pour dépasser aisément les 8 tonnes du su30.

Vous ne comparez pas la version de base du su27 avec celle du su34,alors pourquoi faire cela pour le jh7a qui je le rappelle a probablement volé pour la première fois y'a  5 ou 6 ans...La version actuellement en cours est à la pointe des avancées chinoises en la matière et 5 ou 6 ans d'écart technologique,ca fait pas mal.Les 8 tonnes du su30 sont déjà largement accessibles.

non motorisation sur ce nouveau prototype est 75% plus performante et dépasse  la poussée du su34 russe avec ses al31fm.Egalement pour ton info le rayon d'action total du jh7a "de base" est de 4000km contre 4500 km pour le su34,imagines donc la version améliorée du jh7A,les chinois commencent à bouder les su30 par rapport au jh7a preuve de la performance de la version de base.Le su30 est un peu plus performant que la version de base du jh7A,mais bien plus cher pour un écart qui ne justifie pas par le prix.

La verion améliorée disposant donc d'une motorisation supérieure au su34 russe,la chine peut disposer d'une capacité d'emport plus importante.En effet,les chinois ont co développé avec les russes le su34,d'où un transfert de technologie et l'achat par les chinois des al31fm,qui n'equipera pas cependant la version améliorée du jh7A.

Ca faisait déjà quelques mois que l'on soupconnait la russie d'avoir transferer de nombreuses technologies du su34 aux chinois.

Sauf que le prototype largement amélioré du jh7A(qui n'en est plus vraiment un vu les modifs apporté au design de l'appareil) et la propriété intellectuelle de la chine..Il s'agit donc un avion chinois inspiréde la coopération sino russe sur le su34.

Cet article de sinodefence laissait présager une telle magouille:

Indigenous Development

In parallel to the foreign acquisition plans, the PLAAF has not totally given up the effort to develop a new bomber indigenously. Currently XAC is reportedly working on a new bomber aircraft project, which is said to resemble the Russian Su-34. If this is true, the project may benefits from the knowledge and experience China obtained from the licensed production of the Su-27SK at Shenyang, since the Su-34 design bears close tie to the former.


PS:comment un jh7a peut surpasser un su34 sur certains points?

Facile,l'avion a été largement élargi et redessiné et ne ressemble donc plus vraiment à la version de base.

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Ahhhh! D'accord! On prend un JH7, on lui donne des moteurs de Flanker, les dimensions d'un Flanker, l'équipement d'un Flanker, les performances d'un Flanker et on appelle ça un JH7 A nouvelle version! Malin les chinois, nous on appellerait ça une version sous licence/contrefaçon de Fullback.

Pour le moteur qui prend 75% de poussée... euh, comment dire? Ils se payent notre tête? On fait passer un bourrin de 9t et des poussières en PC à 16t? Ils ont engagé Houdini? Ils ont collé leur tout nouveau réacteur pas encore fiabilisé soit disant plus performant que le 117S, en clair un réacteur de Flanker...

Tu m'excuseras mais là tes arguments ou plutôt ceux de sinodefense bah ils me laissent plutôt froid ou tout au plus m'arrachent un sourire. non décidément, niveau comm' militaire ça sent de plus en plus la patte iranienne...

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Ahhhh! D'accord! On prend un JH7, on lui donne des moteurs de Flanker, les dimensions d'un Flanker, l'équipement d'un Flanker, les performances d'un Flanker et on appelle ça un JH7 A nouvelle version! Malin les chinois, nous on appellerait ça une version sous licence/contrefaçon de Fullback.

Pour le moteur qui prend 75% de poussée... euh, comment dire? Ils se payent notre tête? On fait passer un bourrin de 9t et des poussières en PC à 16t? Ils ont engagé Houdini? Ils ont collé leur tout nouveau réacteur pas encore fiabilisé soit disant plus performant que le 117S, en clair un réacteur de Flanker...

Tu m'excuseras mais là tes arguments ou plutôt ceux de sinodefense bah ils me laissent plutôt froid ou tout au plus m'arrachent un sourire. non décidément, niveau comm' militaire ça sent de plus en plus la patte iranienne...

Ils se sont peut étre trompé, ça doit étre une copie des boosters d'arianne V qu'ils utilisent à la place.

Ou alors ils ont engagés du personel étranger, ce qui explique ce bond quantitatif.

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Ahhhh! D'accord! On prend un JH7, on lui donne des moteurs de Flanker, les dimensions d'un Flanker, l'équipement d'un Flanker, les performances d'un Flanker et on appelle ça un JH7 A nouvelle version! Malin les chinois, nous on appellerait ça une version sous licence/contrefaçon de Fullback.

Pour le moteur qui prend 75% de poussée... euh, comment dire? Ils se payent notre tête? On fait passer un bourrin de 9t et des poussières en PC à 16t? Ils ont engagé Houdini? Ils ont collé leur tout nouveau réacteur pas encore fiabilisé soit disant plus performant que le 117S, en clair un réacteur de Flanker...

Tu m'excuseras mais là tes arguments ou plutôt ceux de sinodefense bah ils me laissent plutôt froid ou tout au plus m'arrachent un sourire. non décidément, niveau comm' militaire ça sent de plus en plus la patte iranienne...

Il est vrai qu'il serait question d'un hybride flanker/jh7A.

Pour le moteur,les chinois ont déjà testé les derniers moteurs russes et coopèrent activement.

Sinon pour la poussée du moteur de base,il s'agit d'une copie d'un dispositif largement obsolete..Meme si les chinois avaient fait d'énormes progrès en matières de moteurs,la validation d'une propulsion prend du temps et il y a d'autres facteurs que la poussée à prendre en compte comme la fiabilité ce qui expliquerait que l'on ai jamais vu le WS10A chinois.Cependant,même ayant des défauts de fiabilité,rien n'empêche ce moteur d'atteindre des perfs similaires aux engins les plus avancés en terme de poussée uniquement.

Cela voudrait donc dire que la chine a préféré même en ayant obtenu de bonnes poussées,retarder la mise en service du dispositif pour en faire une technologie réellement fiable et pas uniquement une bête de puissance.

Cet article nous indique un gain de 75% et de nombreuses sources sur le net affirment que les dernières avancées des moteurs chinois(qui correspondraient d'avantage au ws10D plutôt qu'au ws10A) ont largement surpassé les attentes chinoises en la matière avec des poussée données d'environ 16 tonnes ce qui correspond aux chiffres donnés par cet article.L'un d'eux évoque les tests en haute altitude du ws10A(a mon avis plutôt ws10D à présent) qui ont été couronné de succès.

De ce fait,absolument rien n'indique qu'il s'agit d'un problème de poussée mais plutôt de fiabilité.En l'occurence les anciennes versions n'étaient pas équipés du FADEC et la montée en puissance était trop lente.

La plupart spéculent sur internet que le ws10A(ouWS10D) doit équiper les derniers avions chinois,mais il se pourrait bien que ce soit des moteurs russes qui assurent la propulsion dans un premier temps,car visiblement,les chinois auraient réglé les problèmes qui se posaient mais auront peut etre besoin de 2 ou 3 ans de plus pour la certification si le moteur de 16 tonnes est bien le ws10A.

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Un nouveau bombardier chinois le H8 qui débute depuis début 2007 ses vols d'essai(un B2 chinois)

Xian H-8 Chinese Stealth bomber

According to the "Fenghuang Tower", the H-8 is reported to start trial flights from January 5th. The Chinese leadership including the Central Military Committee officers, air force logistics department officer, national defense science and industry committee, Xi'an deputy mayor, the provincial party committee assistant deputy secretary, amongst others were present for inaugurating the project.

The H-8 is a secret strategic bomber, is the first stealth plane for China. The report said that, in 1994 officially set up a development to match the American B-2A as far as possible. The weapons load is targeted around 18 tons. When necessity, the bomber may travel at 1.2 Mach to penetrate defended territory or in case it needs to escape.

The bomber will carry a new stealth cruise missile. It also has the range to reach targets on the continental United States. Range is estimated to be up to ten thousand kilometers. It is unclear whether this is with refueling or without refueling. However, the bomber is said to be able to refuel. The aircraft uses domestically produced advanced navigation equipment. The bomber has been designed by the 603 institute, and Xian will be responsible for producing the bomber. The bomber will be the first domestically designed and manufactured strategic bomber.

According to the report, the H-8 uses a high-tech blended wing-body design, has fly-by-wire controls, and an angled fuselage. The wing has massive internal fuel tanks. The aircraft using carbon fiber and other composite materials. The weapons bay has a rotating weapons profile.

The bomber retains a terrain hugging capacity and has a terrain following and mapping radar, satellite data links and advanced digital mapping systems. The bomber also uses advanced stealth technologies including nanometer coating amongst other technologies.

The H-8 will have 4 turbo-fan engines, the core of which is based on the WS-10A. Weapons will include 12 "red birds" (??) or 3 cruise missiles distribute in two weapons bays. Each of the cruise missiles may use a nuclear warhead and can fire from a distance of 3,000 kilometers. It can also use a host of other weapons including laser guided "thunder stone" 6, satellite guidance bomb and anti-ship missile, amongst others.

Et voici un lien avec la photo du H8:

Xi'an H-8 (Hong-Ba 轰-八) is the next generation heavy bomber developed by Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation for the People's Liberation Army, which made its maiden flight on January 15, 2007.


Xi'an H-8 is the result of the need to replace the obsolete Xi'an H-6, with the request formally issued in the beginning of 1994. However, most research and development had already been in progress for sometime before the request was formally issued, because the aircraft utilizes many other technologies under development in China at the time, including avionics, stealth technologies, and WS-10 engine, etc. Due to the realization of the modern air wars of the Chinese military establishment, many requirements such as range and payload of Xi'an H-8 are similar to that of American B-2 Spirit, and in fact, rumored early images of the aircraft circulating on the internet appears to have the identical look of its American counterpart. Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation was tasked to develop the aircraft and its subsidiary Xi'an Aircraft Design Institute was assigned for the design task.

According to the very limited information released, the aircraft incorporates following features as requested by the Chinese military, including:

Stealth technology: in addition to the shape of the aircraft, the other most important measure for stealthy was the newly developed radar absorbent material, which covers most of the bomber except a few things such as the cockpit windows.

Large scale utilization of composite material (mainly carbon fiber), which not only reduced weight and increased range, but also increased stealth. The bomber was also the first Chinese aircraft to incorporate carbon-carbon brake.

First utilization of both leading edge and trailing edge flaps on Chinese aircraft, which greatly enhanced performance. Previously, on trailing edge flaps were used on Chinese aircraft, such as on Xi'an H-6.

First Chinese utilization of fly-by-wire controls on multi-engined large aircraft. Other features including combined navigational systems, digital maps, terrain following radar.

First Chinese multi-engined large aircraft designed to incorporate aerial refueling capability from the beginning.

First Chinese aircraft designed to have engine inlets and engine exhausts (with infrared suppressing system) above the wing, which enhances stealth.

Modular weapon racks in the internal weapon bay that enhances stealth. There are two rotating weapon racks each carrying six 3,000-km range HN-3 air-to-surface cruise missiles each armed with a single 350 kiloton TNT equivalent nuclear warhead. A wide range of conventional weapons including bombs and anti-ship missiles can also be carried.

First supersonic Chinese bomber with maximum speed up Mach 1.4 and maximum range to 11,000 km without aerial refueling. However, the stealthy capability of the bomber would come into question during supersonic flights.

Advanced avionics that greatly reduced the pilots' workload: once the necessary information is inputed, the computers on board would automatically select the best route and method for the flight.

Blending design for fuselage and wing, which enhances stealth.

Although the maiden flight had already been completed on January 15, 2007, many of these original design parameters are still yet to be fully met and due to the secrecy Chinese government has, it is difficult to assess the exact progress. For example, the internet photo of the aircraft appears to be identical to B-2 Spirit, while others claim that the blending design of H-8 was more conventional, similar to SR-71 Blackbird, both have yet to be confirmed by the Chinese governmental sources and sources abroad.

Maiden Flight

The Xi'an Aircraft Group Newspaper (西飞集团报) revealed the maiden flight of the bomber, a ceremony was attended by high ranking Chinese governmental officials including: ranking members of Central Military Committee, ranking members of the Equipment Ministry of the PLAAF, ranking members of National Defense Scientific and Engineering Committee, deputy mayor of Xi'an, deputy communist party secretary of Shaanxi province, ranking members of both AVIC I and AVIC II, along with several hundred employees of Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation.

The maiden flight ceremony was hosted by the Mr. Li Yuhai (李玉海), the deputy general manager of AVIC I, which begun at 2:50 PM on January 15, 2007. The bombered taxied eastward from the west, passing the reviewing platform and then took off. At 3:06 PM, the bomber released chaffs of varies color that marked the climax of the ceremony and at 3:15 PM, the aircraft landed with two drag chutes opened and stopped directly in front of the reviewing platform. Ranking governmental officials claimed abroad the aircraft and then took pictures with test pilots later. A conference was held afterward and Mr. Gao Dacheng (高大成), the president of Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation reported the progress made in the thirteen years history of the program to the ranking governmental officials, who issued new goals.

Due to the security reasons, the maiden flight was not held at the Yanliang (阎良) International Airport, but instead, the usual test airfield nearby, known to the locals as Guangliang (关良) airport. After the maiden flight, local Xi'an residents witnessed the much more frequent test flights in the middle of nights for large aircraft, which presumably was the continuation of test flights of the H-8 bomber.

Xi'an H-8 is still under flight tests after its maiden flight, which revealed a number of shortcoming that needed to be overcame. According to domestic Chinese internet sources, these include:

The maximum range of the bomber without aerial refueling was only slightly above 10,000 km, shorter than the minimum 11,000 km required by the Chinese military.

The maximum speed of the bomber is only around Mach 1.2, slower than the Mach 1.4 required by the Chinese military.

The maximum payload was lower than the 18 ton required by the Chinese military.

The progress of works on airborne radar was particularly a problem, being slower than planned. The originally planned passive electronically scanned array phased array radar could not be ready for the maiden flight, so the more conventional slot antenna radars with planar array were used instead. Instead of a single radar when passive electronically scanned array phased array radar were used, the more conventional arrangement requires two radars like that of General Dynamics F-111 and Panavia Tornado in order to simultaneously have different modes of operation continuously: two radars mounted in the nose of the bomber, with an attack radar above the terrain following radar, which is based on the Blue Sky navigation pod.

Due to very little official information released, these domestic Chinese claims have yet to be confirmed by sources outside China.


Maximum range: 11,000 km (planned)

Maximum speed: Mach 1.4 (planned)

Maximum payload: 18 tons of ordinance (planned)

Powerplant: 4 WS-10A turbofan engines


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Passer d'un Tu-16 à ça, ça doit faire un choc.

Il semble un peu décevant pour le moment.

Vu les défauts cités à la fin,ca semble minime et cet avion semble déjà OK,mais il semblerait que les chinois souhaitent vraiment qu'il soit parfait.

D'ici 2 ou 3 ans,on va voir arriver le nouveau jh7A modernisé et ce H8 chinois.

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China's 5th generation fighter

In the last few weeks, a Chinese general said in public TV the following






徐光裕将军 解放军防化学院原院长 解放军总参谋部退役军官、中国军控裁军协会理事 北京三略管理科学研究院高级顾问 著书[核战略纵横]国防大学出版社

This got famous because he mentionned that China has been researching on this plane for many years and have made a lot of progress. This project has been on going for over 10 years. This includes on the engine with T/W ratio of over 10. Other than stealth technology, avionics technology have also advanced a lot. He expects that China's 5th generation plane to be in service in 5 to 8 years. It's kind of interesting, because he also mentionned that J-14 will appear in 5 years.

Clearly, China did not participate in the 5th generation project with the Russians because it felt that it could develop it on its own. We had expected for a long time that China would work with the Russians with the 5th generation engine, but it turns out that WS-15 is progressing well enough that they feel an indigenous solution is good enough. If WS-15 is not ready, an upgraded WS-10 could be used first. I know that turbofan has always been a sore point with China. But now, it seems like WS-13 is progressing faster than a lot of people estimated and might even go in production next year.

As mentionned in the past, it seems that CAC is getting much of the design work for the 5th generation project. Now, it's encouraging, because a lot of technologies on 5th generation could be tested on upgraded J-10 first. So, one can expect the so called upgraded J-10 to be holding down the fort until the 5th generation plane gets developed. It's interesting, 2015 has often been noted as the date that this plane will come out. However, another really important project in the form of anti-air UCAV is probably just as important, but is less publicized. From Anjian's appearance in recent air shows, it's quite clear that China is working on anti-air UCAV a lot earlier than Western air forces. There are some obvious advantage and disadvantages to UCAVs in this role. Whether China can make a cost effective and useful UCAV is a huge question. There is no doubt that such a weapon could be huge in a possible conflict with Taiwan.

Recently, We've seen the Indians sign the 5th generation contract with the Russians. Clearly, China would've participated in the project somehow, if they felt their own product would come out quite a bit after the Russians. Some may say that China is doing because they want to protect their own industry. The reality is that China is so desperate for something to counter F-22/35, that waiting an extra 5 years for a 5th generation jet is a price that I don't think they are willing to pay. So, the Chinese jet will probably come out at around the same time as the Russian one. One thing is for sure. China will not have any kind of money problem.

Un général chinois à dit à la télé récemment que:

Ca dit en gros que les avancées du WS15(moteurs) et en matière d'avionique permettraient à la chine de se passer de la russie.C'est pour cette raison que la chine n'a pas souhaitée participer avec la russie au projet d'avion de 5ème génération.

La chine à fait de très gros progrès notamment dans les propulsions à très haut ratio(>10)

L'avion de 5ème génération devrait entrer en service entre 2012 et 2015.

Le j10 sera probablement une plateforme modernisée avec les avancées dues au programme de 5ème génération...En gros,le j10 dans deux ans sera très différent de celui d'aujourd'hui(ce qui expliquerait le radar aesa sur le j10)

La chine travaille déjà à l'élaboration d'UCAV anti air.

Si la chine avait cru que son avion de 5ème génération sortirait un peu plus tard que celui des russes,elle aurait préféré signer un accord avec ces derniers mais le fait est que les chinois sentent que l'avion sortira en même temps et les chinois cherchent clairement une plateforme capable de contrer le f22 américain,c'est la condition indispensable pour que la cinquième génération chinoise soit couronnée de succès.

Personnellement,je suis un peu décu que les chinois préfèrent faire concurrence aux russes plutot que co-développer un avion en commun.

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On a rien d'autre sur le B2 chnois que cette petite photo ? Je ne me suis pas amusé à lire tout le blabla en anglais par manque de temps... mais pour moi, ça ressemble étrangement à une photo d'un B2 amerlock et on a prétendu que c'était un appareil chinois.

je peux admettre que les chinois développent et s'améliorent petit à petit mais voir tout d'un coup un B2 à la sauce chinoise, me laisse sceptique alors info ou intox... un peu comme leur super flanker qui n'en est pas un...

J'attends de voir...

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Tu n'as qu'à lire les propos du général chinois pour te convaincre des avancées réalisées par l'aéronautique chinois en seulement quelques années.Y'avait un article de strategypage me semble t'il qui disait que la chine aurait volé aux états unis des technologies sensibles sur la furtivité du B2.

Beaucoup d'espionnage,énormément de fonds et une coopération très active avec les russes.Y'a pas de mystères.

Sinon,ca fait depuis 1994 que les chinois travaillent sur le H8

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