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Des caméras sur les chiens des Seals ?

Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU — otherwise known as SEAL Team Six) wants to buy a camera that can be carried by a dog and beam images back to the SEALs, according to this Aug. 26 U.S. Special Operations Command solicitation:

The contractor shall provide a a canine transmit and receive kit (1.0 — 1.5GHz) comprising of Transmitter/Camera Unit; including a battery and antenna. Includes Receiver includes battery and antennas. Six-way Battery Charger, Peli-Case, and user manual shall be included.

The kit we showed you a few months ago was made by the Canadian firm, K9 Storm. In this case, DEVGRU wants to buy a camera made by Cobham’s tactical communications & surveillance division or the equivalent.

In the meantime, check out this dog-mounted, infrared, wireless video camera made by Tactical Electronics. It seems to be along the lines of what the SEALs want:

The camera is an extremely low light, black & white camera that uses enhanced IR illumination to see in areas where most can’t.  The system was designed to record audio and video directly to the SD card, but the K-9MC4 also incorporates a wireless tranmitter that allows for the transmission of video up to one half mile LOS.  The small housing assembly encompasses the wireless transmitter, battery compartment, and on-board DVR.

This is also significant because it could reinforce claims that video cameras were brought on the bin Laden raid — something that’s been debated since the mission. It doesn’t make sense that the only video of the op was taken by the Air Force’s stealthy RQ-170 Sentinel drone flying more than 15,000 feet above bin Laden’s compound; especially given the fact that helmet cams are frequently worn by special operators.

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