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Les compagnies US mettent leur flottes sous cocon!


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Une bien bizarre epoque dans laquelle nous vivons...  :-[

September 22, 2008, 4:03 pm

U.S. Airlines Grounding 500+ Planes This Fall

Posted by Scott McCartney

JP Morgan tallied up all the U.S. aircraft on their way to the desert, to Russia or the Third World this fall, and it’s a rather staggering number. All told, U.S. airlines are grounding 512 airplanes. That happens to be the same number of passenger jets in Northwest Airlines Corp.’s entire fleet.

In essence, airlines are taking a carrier the size of Northwest out of the skies. They are grounding about 10%-12% of U.S. capacity, which means fewer flight choices and higher fares for travelers. With the slow economy, there’s less demand for air travel. And continued high fuel prices mean carriers have to raise ticket prices to earn profits. But higher prices mean even less demand for tickets, so the only way for airlines to sustain those prices is to take seats off the market and ground planes.

At the end of 2007, U.S. airlines had 3,972 mainline jets in their fleets and 2,836 regional jets and turboprops, according to the Air Transport Association. The grounding of 281 mainline jets takes 7% of the total out of the skies. Regional jets suffer a bigger loss, with 11.4% of those small jets being grounded; so far, only 2.5% of turboprops will be retired, at least among the airlines who have reported fleet plans.

The loss of regional jets may be something to celebrate if you’re among those travelers who dislike the cramped quarters of 50-seat jets. But the disappearance of those jets is concerning for small communities that rely on those planes for air service.

Here’s a breakdown of reductions by carrier, courtesy of JP Morgan:

Continental: 67 mainline jets (737-300s and 737-500s); 64 regional jets

Delta: 15-20 mainline jets; 100 regional jets

United: 100 mainline jets (94 737s and six 747s)

American: 40 mainline jets (30 MD80s, 10 A300s);37 regional jets and 26 turboprops

Northwest: 47 mainline jets (14 757s/A320s and 33 DC-9s)

US Airways: 12 mainline jets

JetBlue: four regional jets

Book early, confirm your reservation OFTEN, and hope for the best!

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On peut remarquer que les avions mis sous cocon ne sont à priorie et à majorité que des avions d'anciens générations (comme les 737-300/500). La politique des compagnie sont actuellement de faire sortir les anciens au profits de l'entré de nouveau, qui sont de moins gros consommateurs de Jet A-1. Dans un contexte actuel avec le pétrole en yo-yo et la crise financière, je pense que c'est une sage décision.  =)

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oui, mais

dans l'ordre, il y a (par début de production):

DC-9 (millieu des années 60 à années 80)

MD-80 (années 80)

MD-90 (début des années 90)

B-717 (fin des années 90)

donc les DC-9 sont les équivalents des 737-100/200...

S'il y en a encore (des DC-9 donc) qui sont utilisés par de grandes compagnies, je comprends leurs problèmes financiers...

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