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Forces armées Indiennes.


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India shows off upgraded Arjun Mk II MBT at National Day parade

Christopher F Foss, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

26 January 2014


India unveiled new upgrades to its Arjun Mk II MBT at the National Day parade in New Delhi on 26 January. Source: Indian Ministry of Defence

India displayed the latest version of the locally developed Arjun Mk II main battle tank (MBT) during the National Day parade in New Delhi on 26 January.

The version on show in Delhi had a number of features not seen on a model that began its final round of trials in the Rajasthan desert in August 2013.

An integrated explosive reactive armor (ERA) system has been installed on the glacis plate that is in addition to the previously observed 'arrowhead' ERA over the front of the turret.

Survivability is further enhanced by the installation of what appears to be an advanced laser warning and countermeasure system (ALWACS) developed with the help of Israeli company Elbit. The four ALWACS elements are mounted at each corner of the turret to provide 360-degree coverage, but are potentially vulnerable to small arms fire and shell splinters.

A remote weapon station (RWS) has been fitted to the turret for the first time. The RWS is armed with a 12.7 mm machine gun.

The vehicle is also fitted with a bank of eight 81 mm grenade launchers either side of the turret that are similar to those fitted on the Russian T-72M1 and T-90S MBTs used by India.

The 120 mm rifled gun is retained with a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted co-axial. The 120 mm gun is fitted with a thermal sleeve, fume extractor, and a muzzle reference system; the latter allows the weapon to be bore sighted without the crew leaving the vehicle.

According to the Arjun's developer, the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), as well as firing conventional ammunition, including armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, the gun can fire 120 mm thermobaric type ammunition and laser guided projectiles.

It is understood that the latter is the Israeli Aerospace Industries LAser Homing Anti-Tank (LAHAT) projectile, which is fitted with tandem HEAT warhead to destroy targets fitted with ERA.

The ability to fire LAHAT will also enable the Arjun Mk II to engage targets well beyond the effective conventional range of the 120 mm gun. Maximum range of the LAHAT is quoted as 8 km plus.

A computerised day/thermal fire control system is fitted and the Arjun Mk II has a new panoramic sighting system on the right side of the turret roof. This has a number of openings indicating that it has day/night/laser rangefinder capability and could carry out hunter/killer target engagements.

The DRDO, which anticipates orders for about 250 Arjun Mk IIs at a cost of INR370 million (USD6 million) per tank, also said the Arjun Mk II has an automatic target tracker and a land navigation system. Another new feature identified on the Arjun Mk II seen in Delhi are blow-out panels in the turret roof towards the rear.

Corrigez moi sur la phrase exacte mais Dassault disait :

"Un avion qui vole bien est un bel avion".

Je le trouve pas joli l'Arjun Mk-II.

Il a un très mauvais positionnement de ses équipements.

Modifié par Serge
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L'Inde développe un SRBM pour l'exportation - 150km de portée pour 30m de CEP, 3M$ pièce.




Avec des LRMS sur le marché qui dépassent facilement cette portée un peu médiocre pour un "SRBM", les clients potentiels pourraient être assez limités...


Henri K.

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Le consortium russe Kalachnikov et l'Inde créeront une coentreprise de l'armement dès 2014, a annoncé vendredi à Moscou le directeur général du groupe, Alexeï Krivoroutchko.

"Nous procéderons à la mise en place d'une usine dès cette année. Nous comptons commencer par la création d'une chaîne d'assemblage qui produira 50.000 unités par an", a indiqué M.Krivoroutchko.


Suite :

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  • 1 month later...

Poursuite du programme de modernisation des canons anti-aériens :

India To Seek Home-built Replacement for Air Defense Guns

Mar. 10, 2014 - 05:06PM | By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI

NEW DELHI — The Indian Army will replace its aging Swedish-built 40mm L/70 air defense guns with weapons from domestic companies, a Defence Ministry source said, after the cancellation of a global tender floated last year that failed to elicit any response from overseas defense companies.

The MoD decided this month to float a $400 million domestic-only tender, the source said, to purchase 430 gun systems to replace the four-decade-old L/70 guns.

The 2013 tender was submitted to Israel Aerospace Industries, Thales, Bumar, Rosoboronexport and BAE Systems. While no executive from the overseas defense companies would respond, an MoD source said the companies did not respond to the tender because they found the program uneconomical.

An executive with private Indian firm Larsen & Toubro (L&T) said it would tie up with overseas defense companies to compete for the tender.

The tender, expected to be issued in three months, will go to state-owned Bharat Electronics Ltd. (BEL) and the Ordnance Factory Board, and to private-sector companies Tata Power SED, L&T, Punj Lloyd and Bharat Forge.

The new L/70 guns, which will be bought from local companies along with ammunition, will be used to protect areas of tactical importance in the mountains, plains, desert and semi-desert terrain.

The guns will be towed or mounted on a high-mobility vehicle, an Indian Army official said.

The new guns will be linked to advanced fire-control radars to automatically lock on to the target and signal the fire. The Army requires that the guns have the ability to engage air targets at a range of at least 4,000 meters and be capable of firing 1,000 rounds per minute.

The Army operates about 2,000 L/70s, bought in the 1960s from Sweden, and upgraded in 1995 by BEL by adding a digital fire-control system. The gun’s rate of fire was increased from 240 to 300 rounds per minute by the state-owned Defence Research and Development Organisation.

The Army has been pressing since 1997 for a full upgrade of the L/70s, including the addition of advanced radars, upgraded night-vision devices and the use of smart ammunition.
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  • 4 weeks later...

La Russie livrera à l'Inde 66.000 munitions pour chars

La Russie livrera 66.000 munitions 3-UBK-20 Mango pour les chars T-90C de l'Inde conformément à un contrat signé par l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport) et le ministère indien de la Défense, a annoncé mardi le groupe Techmach, producteur des munitions.
« Le contrat russo-indien comprend deux parties consacrées à la livraison de munitions pour chars Mango et au lancement de leur production sous licence en Inde. Au total, la Russie livrera 66.000 projectiles pour chars à l'Inde dans le cadre de ce projet », a indiqué Techmach dans un communiqué.
Le projet d'organisation de la production de munitions pour chars en Inde prévoit la traduction de documents techniques nécessaires, la livraison d'équipements, la formation de personnel et la mise en service de la chaîne de production.
Le projectile 3-UBK-20 Mango est destiné à détruire les chars, les canons automoteurs et d'autres cibles blindées.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Le missile BrahMos : la meilleure dissuasion en cas de conflit indo-chinois


La nouvelle version du missile de croisière supersonique de fabrication russo-indienne BrahMos sera le meilleur facteur de dissuasion dans des conflits frontaliers en puissance entre l'Inde et la Chine.

Le missile testé avec succès le 7 avril a été développé spécialement pour des opérations en montagne. Sa charge a été conçue pour détruire les cibles terrestres bien protégées telles que des bunkers de béton, les centres de transmission et les postes de commandement souterrains. Un porte-parole de l'Organisation de la recherche-développement militaire de l'Inde a noté que lors des essais la tête « intelligente » du missile avait « frappé la cible après l’avoir reconnue entre plusieurs leurres ».


Les médias indiens supposent que la nouvelle version du BrahMos sera mise en service dans le régiment actuellement en formation qui fera partie d'un corps d'attaque de montagne. Cette nouvelle unité tactique de l'armée indienne sera déployée à la frontière entre l'Inde et la région autonome chinoise du Tibet.


L'Inde se propose d'achever définitivement la formation de ce nouveau corps de montagne dans 7 ans. Deux divisions d'infanterie de montagne, deux brigades d'infanterie de montagne et deux brigades blindées seront déployées au Ladakh, dans l'Urrarakhand et au Sikkim. Les effectifs du corps s'élèveront à 90 000 hommes de troupe.


Les soldats indiens seront confrontés à un groupe de l'armée chinoise dans la région autonome du Tibet fort de plus de 200 000 militaires. En plus l'infrastructure de transport développée permettra au commandement chinois de transférer, le cas échéant, dans les régions frontalières quelque 30 autres divisions.


Pour l'Inde il est trop onéreux d'avoir en permanence un groupe aussi nombreux dans les régions frontalières. Car la seule formation d'un corps nouveau qui jouera le rôle de force de réaction rapide demandera une somme avoisinant 650 milliards de roupies. Aussi le commandement militaire a-t-il opté pour une autre version : doter ce corps nouveau d’armes de haute précision les plus sophistiquées. D'autant plus que l'adversaire potentiel ne possède pas les moyens de neutraliser les missiles BrahMos.


Les missiles de croisière supersoniques BrahMos sont déjà opérationnels dans l'armée et la marine indiennes. En 2015, ils seront en service dans les forces aériennes. Ces missiles ont un rayon de 290 km. La masse de l'ogive atteint 300 kg. La vitesse est presque trois fois supérieure à celle du son : à l'heure actuelle c'est le missile le plus rapide du monde.

Modifié par Mani
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  • 2 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Blown Apart: India drops plan to buy 145 US howitzers



India has told the United States that in view of the price increase, it cannot go ahead with the procurement of 145 ultra-light howitzers for the Army, which plans to deploy such artillery guns in mountainous terrain.

During talks with US officials at the time of American Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel's recent visit, it was conveyed by India that it cannot go ahead with the deal due to the price hike asked for by the equipment manufacturer, Defence Ministry sources said in New Delhi.

Till early 2013, the deal for the M777 howitzers was expected to cost India around Rs 3,600 crore but due to the delay in finalising the deal, the American side sought an increase of over Rs 300 crore in August last year.

The sources said the US side has conveyed that the production line of the howitzers has been closed down and India will have to pay for its reopening and the costs may escalate further if there are more delays in finalising the deal.

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India to develop man portable anti-tank guided missile

Hyderabad: India is working on developing a man-portable anti-tank guided missile capable of being fired from shoulders, a top defence official said on Monday.


"We are going to have surface-to-air missile which will be on the move, tracking...We are also working (on) missiles...stop and launch within a few seconds. We are also working on man-portable anti-tank missile which can be fired from shoulders. We are planning to bring out these systems within the next four years," Scientific Advisor to Defence Minister Avinash Chander said.


Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an international conference on advanced avionics, Chander, who is also the Chief of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), said, "If you see, our cycle-time used to be 8 years to 10 years for the we are talking of delivering it in 4-5 years.


"The aim is (in the) next five years you will see at least five different types of missiles covering different spectrums altogether," Chander said, adding that they are for different roles, including surface-to-surface, anti-tank, cruise, longer range and strategic.


Asked when the country would stop importing missiles, he said that the aim is to have adequate capability in this field by 2020-22, adding, an infra-red (IR) seeker detector facility would be set up in the country. "Our target is thereafter (2022) we should not have to import any class of missiles."


Chander said that DRDO is working on multi-range missiles, and also short-range surface-to-air missiles.

Surface-to-air short-range missile would have two vehicle configuration -- one for search and tracking and other for multiple missiles being fired. It will be given to Army but it can be used by other forces also. "It is going to be a potent missile. We are also working on Akash Mark-II."

"We are working on other variations also, so that we have total envelope of surface-to-air capabilities. In future, we will aim to work on longer range missile of 200-plus kms.


We are working on cruise missiles which will cover ship launch, air launch, submarine launch and ground launch versions. We are expecting the second test-launch of Nirbhay (missile) to happen within a month," he said.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Modern artillery may give a boost to army’s firepower


After an almost 26-year wait, the Indian Army may finally lay its hands on what are being touted as modern artillery guns developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation.

The army will get 40 self-propelled guns (SPG), recently developed by the Chennai-based Central Vehicle Research and Development Establishment of DRDO, worth R820 crore to meet the force's requirements, sources said.





Sources said the army's 220 artillery regiments have received no new artillery since the 1980s, when the FH-77B, 155-mm/39-calibre Bofors were bought from Sweden. However, after allegations of kickbacks, only 400 Bofors guns were delivered and rest of the contract annulled.


But, the Ordnance Factory Board’s effort to build a 155-mm/45-calibre indigenous gun is facing trouble after the gun barrel was burst during its trials. The procurement of 145 M777 Ultra-Light Howitzers through the the US Government also stands cancelled due to cost issues and because the vendor's proposal is not fully compliant to the offset requirements, the defence ministry claims.

The defence ministry has already put in place a R35,000-crore plan to modernise artillery.


In the long run, the armed forces could provide orders worth over R1.5 lakh crore to domestic companies. Already, Tata Power Strategic Electronics Division, L&T and Bharat Forge are engaged in developing prototype of this gun so that they can get into production of these advanced guns after approval by the end-user, which is the army in this case. The Modi-led government  has also cleared more support to the DRDO-developed Arjun tank by renewing a R6,600-crore clearance for 118 Arjun Mark II tanks. This will equip two army tank regiments, adding to an earlier order for 124 Arjun Mark I tanks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

India drops Israeli missile for Arjun Tank

Rahul Singh, Hindustan Times  New Delhi, September 21, 2014


The homemade Arjun Mk-2 tank has suffered a major setback, with a critical Israeli anti-tank missile to be fitted on it failing to meet the army’s requirements.


The development comes at a time when the defence ministry has set the ball rolling for buying 118 Arjun Mk-2 tanks at a cost of more than Rs. 6,600 crore.


The tank developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is an upgraded version of the Mk-1 variant, 119 of which have been inducted in the army.


One of the most significant upgrades proposed in the new tank is its missile-firing capability. 

However, the failure of the laser homing anti-tank (LAHAT) missile, manufactured by the Israeli Aerospace Industries, will seriously hinder the ongoing project as the DRDO will now have to work on an indigenous missile that can be fired from the tank.


In an exclusive interview to HT, DRDO chief Avinash Chander said, “The LAHAT missile doesn’t figure in our plans anymore. We are dropping it. We have been working on a tube-launched anti-tank missile, which hopefully can be configured for the tank’s cannon.”


The Mk-2 variant is supposed to have nearly 80 improved features over the previous version, including more than 15 major technology upgrades. 


C'est un échec pour la firme israélienne !

Modifié par Mani
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...


Le missilier Rafael (Israël) va transférer ses technologies à Kalyani (Inde)

Le géant israélien des missiles Rafael va transférer, au travers d’un accord de joint-venture, ses technologies en Inde. La firme partenaire des israéliens est Kalyani (12 000 employés). Rafael sera minoritaire dans la nouvelle société (49% des actions).




Selon L’Express : “La société commune Rafael-Kalyani fabriquera (..) des systèmes d’armement et des solutions avancées de blindage pour les clients indiens et mondiaux de Rafael”, a dit B.N Kalyani, directeur opérationnel du groupe indien, à des journalistes.


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