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Qu'en est-il du drone Sagem/Dassault Slow-Fast???


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SlowFast Tactical Drone

Tactical UAV System

Sagem - Dassault / France

Based on the Moyen Duc demonstrator, Dassault Aviation and Sagem are jointly developing a concept of a new stealthy tactical drone which will be able to penetrate hostile airspace at high speed and loiter over targets undetected, collecting real-time information.

This versatile vehicle will be designed for two optimal performances at high speed (in excess of Mach 1.6) and fast climb, to comply with airspace management constraints, and relatively low-speed (around 120 kt), long endurance flight profiles. Speed will be adapted to the mission requirements and sensors, to enable high performance on fast reconnaissance missions. Its flexibility will allow reaching the target within minimal time to carry out selective surveillance tasks at speeds in line with the sensor's acquisition capabilities, including pursuit of time sensitive targets and battle damage assessment.

The aircraft will be powered by a two jet engines, and maintain a gross takeoff weight of 500 kg. Planned mission endurance will be 3 – 4 hours. The vehicle is expected to be used with the French Army at corps and division level. It will utilize common ground elements, also used by Sperwer UAVs.

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Ca reste dans la maison Thales de toute facon...,9393- CL289 Overview | Description | Technical card | Industrial card | Equipment and ammunition | Countries equipped | Cooperation The CL 289 is the result of tri-lateral cooperation betweenCanada, France and Germany, adapted to meet French needs by EADS;it is a second generation airborne reconnaissance system intendedto meet NATO operational requirements. The CL289 acquires andprocesses IR or photographic images during sorties followingpre-programmed routes in a semi-terrain following mode atsubsonic speeds up to 400 km from its launch point. The CL 289 system demonstrated its advantages for the monitoringof the Dayton Accords in 1996, and then during the Kosovoconflict where it continues to be used. One CL 289 UAV costs about 10% of the cost of a Mirage F1-CR.,9395- Crecerelle Overview | Description | Technical card | Industrial card | Equipment and ammunition | Countries equipped Crécerelle was developed by SAGEM, and is a battlefield unmanned air vehicle (UAV) for the gathering of tactical intelligence in low or medium intensity crises. Crécerelle operates within a radius of action of around 50 kilometres and has an endurance of 3 hours. The first Crécerelle unit, with 6 lightweight remote-controlled UAVs, a ground station and a launch facility, was delivered to the French Army in May 1995, and the second in June 1996. The Crécerelle system was deployed on operations within SFOR in Bosnia where it carried out 16 flights. The system was then used in Macedonia during the Kosovo crisis where more than 40 missions were flown. Seven flights were also carried out in the northern province of Kosovo on behalf of KFOR. The Crécerelle system has an electronic warfare payload (jamming of enemy tactical communications). The multi-payload capability and the ability to "hand-over" between stations demonstrate the expansion in the range of missions now planned for UAVs. Experience with the Crécerelle has also enabled improvements to be introduced to adapt it to the requirements expressed by the Netherlands (improved performance, design with UAV certification in mind). The SPERWER system currently in service with the Dutch, Swedish, Danish and more recently soon French forces offers an endurance of 5 hours, a range of 150 km and has a day/night sensor package in a gyro-stabilised ball.,14751-MALE Overview | Description | Technical card | Industrial card | Countries equipped The MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) drone program will provide the French air force with full capability of MALE drones for continuous "surveillance and reconnaissance" and "air operation support" missions. Compared with the SIDM (Temporary MALE drones system), the missions will be expanded to include joint and inter-allied electromagnetic intelligence gathering and communications capabilities. The initial French target for the program is six systems (with four equipped aircraft per system) by 2010. These numbers will be confirmed during the design stage depending on the actual performance achieved by the system and the synergies resulting from European cooperation. SDIM Overview | Description | Technical card | Industrial card | Countries equipped The SIDM (Temporary Medium Altitude Long Endurance drone system) is a system of modular maneuverable drones (three payload carrying aircraft controlled by a modular ground station). The system is capable of carrying out surveillance and reconnaissance missions, target designation missions and laser target illumination missions. The system is deployed by the air force. These missions are carried out or the benefit of joint intelligence, the squadron leader commanding the theatre, and the elements of the armed forces deployed. They can extend over the entire area of interest or theatre of operations. The missions may be carried out over large ranges, extending to over 1000 km from the launch site when controlled via a satellite link. The system provides a permanent presence in the area, 24 hours a day and in all weathers. Well suited to in-theatre use, the SIDM can be deployed rapidly and is easy to maintain in operational condition. These characteristics apply equally to the ease of projection over the theatre base and its operational availability at very short notice. Jetez un oeuil sur ceux la..

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:arrow: le programme britannique Watchkeeper, d'un montant d'un milliard d'euros. Il ne s'agit pas d'un programme de drones mais de surveillance aéroportée du sol utilisant des drones.

Dans un tel programme, ce qui importe ce sont les systèmes, les drones n'étant que les véhicules. Thales n'en fabriquant pas, la société s'est associée avec un partenaire israélien pour les produire en joint venture en Grande-Bretagne.

L'armée de terre britannique a demandé aux industriels de réfléchir aux meilleures conditions de la surveillance des champs de bataille. Les postulants au contrat ont pour cela beaucoup travaillé avec le client, à partir de simulations sur ordinateur. Ce programme est donc particulièrement intéressant en ce qu'il repose sur une façon moderne de spécifier un matériel.

Thales est ainsi entré par la grande porte dans le domaine des drones puisqu'il s'agit du plus grand programme européen en la matière, programme dont devraient bénéficier les unités françaises du groupe.

Le programme Watchkeeper , qui a consisté en la vente à l'étranger de technologies déjà disponibles associées à des développements nouveaux , permettra en particulier de proposer des drones à d'autres pays que la Grande-Bretagne, y compris la France.

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  • 12 years later...

J'extirpe un peu ce topic du tréfond d'ADnet ... On a ici le drone slowfast extrapolé du Moyen Duc AVE-C :


avec en comparaison l'AVE- C (en test Onera) : Force est de constater que le Drone SlowFast est plus pauvre en surface alaire.

Son développement a probablement obéi à la nécessité d'avoir un système plus compactable dans un container , mais probablement au prix d'une perte en finesse et donc aussi en autonomie.


Et ici un atterrissage  de l'AVE-C


La struture d'un AVE (lequel ?)


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il y a 39 minutes, BPCs a dit :

J'extirpe un peu ce topic du tréfond d'ADnet ... On a ici le drone slowfast extrapolé du Moyen Duc AVE-C :


avec en comparaison l'AVE- C (en test Onera) : Force est de constater que le Drone SlowFast est plus pauvre en surface alaire.

Son développement a probablement obéi à la nécessité d'avoir un système plus compactable dans un container , mais probablement au prix d'une perte en finesse et donc aussi en autonomie.


Et ici un atterrissage  de l'AVE-C


La struture d'un AVE (lequel ?)



C’est un point de détail mais pour ceux qui comme moi s’emmèlent les pinceaux en permanence entre les versions D et C de l’AVE (la D pour Discrétion étant venue en premier, suivie de la C pour Contrôle)



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Il y a 15 heures, Patrick a dit :

C'est Neuron.

La simplicité de la structure, taille des boitiers électroniques et de leurs cables sont plus à l'échelle de petit drone comme  les AVE que du Neuron. Et surtout la structure du Neuron est beaucoup plus complexe avec plus de cloisons, proche de celle d'un veritable avion.



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  • 2 months later...

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