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[Inde] Programme d'artillerie


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Comme déjà évoqué, l'Inde cherche a se doter d'une pièce d'artillerie tractée de 155mm.

Ce mois de juin, la candidat de Nexter est en Inde pour évaluation. C'est pour cela qu'il n'y a qu'une maquette à Eurosatory.

Le challenger est une pièce israélienne de Soltam. Ce que l'on peut dire c'est que Soltam semble avoir des problèmes sur la précision de leur pièce.

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  • 1 year later...

Un article déjà ancien. Alliance pour proposer le K9 Thunder aux indiens :

The South Korean Samsung Techwin (STW) and its Indian partner Larsen & Turbo Ltd. (L&T) announced today a teaming agreement addressing the development and production of the ‘K9 Thunder’ self-propelled artillery system (SPG) in India. According to the announcement, the K-9 is ready to enter the Indian Army’s User Evaluation trials expected to commence shortly. L&T is  displaying the Korean ‘K9 Thunder’ this week at DefExpo 2012.

Samsung Techwin is the OEM for the South Korean ‘K9 Thunder’ Self Propelled Howitzer, considered the largest, most successful 155/52 Calibre Self Propelled Artillery Systems currently in production. As part of the co-operation agreement between the two companies, STW will provide key technologies to L&T for the localization of the ‘K9 Thunder’.

During the production phase of the Indian tracked artillery program, the joint offering would have over 50% indigenous content including components like fire control system, communication system, NBC & AC, APU, life support system, etc which have already been used in India. This phase will also include significant localization of hull and turret structures and major subsystems. L&T plans to set up the integration and testing facility at its existing facility in Talegaon, near Pune.
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  • 1 month later...

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Defexpo 2014: Nexter unveils Indian version of CAESAR

Guillaume Belan, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

05 February 2014


Nexter unveiled the new system at Defexpo 2014 in New Delhi. Source: Nexter Systems

Nexter Systems unveiled a new version of its CAESAR 155 mm mounted gun system at the Defexpo 2014 exhibition in New Delhi.


Nexter has teamed up with Indian companies Larsen & Toubro and Ashok Leyland Defence to offer the Indian Army a CAESAR system fitted to Ashok Leyland's 6x6 Super Stallion chassis. (Nexter Systems)

The French company has teamed up with Indian companies Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and Ashok Leyland Defence to offer the Indian Army a CAESAR system fitted to Ashok Leyland's 6x6 Super Stallion chassis.

Larsen & Toubro, which signed a partnership deal with Nexter in March 2012, is leading the team and as prime contractor will absorb the transfer of technology from its French partner.

CAESAR is in service with French forces and has been sold to Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

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Bharat 52 is a self-propelled variant of the 155mm/52Cal gun produced in India by Bharat Forge. The system uses self-propelling capability and automatic laying, enabling rapid ‘shoot and scoot’ even with towed guns. The self propelling system can move the cannon at a speed of up to 30 km/h, and provide sufficient mobility for change of positions. The system weighs 14 tons and has a maximum firing range of 41 km, with 3-5 rounds per minute rate of



The joint venture company set up by Bharat Forge and Elbit Systems will also provide electronic systems for artillery systems including computerized equipment and software applications (left), handheld data display unit (far left), mission and ballistic computer, navigation equipment (right) and muzzle velocity measurement radar (front). Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update



At a weight of less than one ton, and soft recoil technology, Garuda 105 can be mounted on light tactical vehicles such as this HMMWV. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update



The Mobile Gun System proposed by Tata Power uses the G6 155mm/52Cal gun developed by Denel. Photo: Tamir Eshel. Defense-Update.

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  • 3 weeks later...

L'Inde et ses programmes d'artillerie, du bonheur en barre :

India Postpones Purchase of 145 Ultra Light Howitzers

Feb. 24, 2014 - 02:46PM | By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI

NEW DELHI — India’s Ministry of Defense has deferred a decision on the purchase of 145 ultra light howitzers from the US subsidiary of BAE Systems because of issues relating to offset obligations, said an MoD source, although the program has not been canceled.

The Defense Acquisition Council, the MoD’s top decision-making body, at a Feb. 24 meeting deferred a decision on the howitzer buy because BAE systems wanted six years, instead of four, to meet its offset obligations. According to Indian law, overseas defense companies have to discharge offsets up to 30 percent of the value of the contract.

The program had been approved in 2010 but formal agreement is still awaited.

Meanwhile, the estimated cost of the 145 guns has risen from about $493 million in 2010 to $885 million because of inflation.

MoD originally selected Singapore Technologies, but that deal was canceled after charges of alleged corruption. ■

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  • 4 weeks later...

Upgraded Indian Howitzers Cleared for Summer Trials

Mar. 21, 2014 - 01:57PM | By VIVEK RAGHUVSNSHI

NEW DELHI — India’s homemade 155mm/45 caliber gun, which failed last year’s summer trials when a barrel burst while firing, has successfully completed winter trials and is cleared for summer trials, an official of the state-owned Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) said.

The winter trials were completed early this month after the gun’s barrel was rebuilt, the OFB official said.

OFB is attempting to upgrade the howitzer, bought in the late 1980s from Bofors of Sweden, based on drawings supplied by the company under a technology-transfer agreement. The upgrade from 39 to 45 caliber was launched by OFB three years ago after the Indian Army failed to procure any howitzers through open competition. The procurement process had to be stopped on several occasions because of corruption allegations against competing overseas defense companies.

The Army has already ordered 114 of the guns. An Army official said the upgrade by OFB appeared “shaky” last year when the barrel burst during trials.

“We will doubly check the gun in summer trials,” the official said.

The Army has been unable to buy any howitzers since 1987 despite efforts formalized in 1999 to convert all existing artillery to 155mm/52 caliber guns, for a cost of more than $6 billion.


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  • 4 months later...

Indian Army completes self-propelled howitzer trials

Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

21 July 2014

The Indian Army has completed trials for two 155 mm/52 calibre howitzer systems and is preparing a report for the Ministry of Defence.

Official sources said two competing 155 mm/52 cal towed gun systems and two 155 mm/52 cal self-propelled tracked howitzers recently completed maintainability acceptance trials and secured Directorate General of Quality Assurance clearance.

These processes followed summer and winter trials involving all four howitzers in Rajasthan in mid-2013 and Sikkim state in the Himalayas late last year and in January.

France's Nexter Systems modified its Trajan 155 mm/52 calibre for the Indian tender and Elbit submitted its ATHOS 2052 for the towed gun tender.

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  • 1 year later...

L'Inde adopte le K9 comme nouvel automoteur d'artillerie :

Larsen and Toubro selected to supply 100 self-propelled howitzers to the Indian Army 

India is finally set to get its own mobile howitzers that will reverse the longheld Pakistani battlefield edge on artillery guns. The guns Pakistan have were supplied by the US ostensibly for the 'war on terror'. In a deal that would also fit the 'Make in India' mandate, domestic manufacturer Larsen and Toubro has emerged as the finalist for a $750-million contract to supply 100 self-propelled artillery guns to the Indian Army.

Larsen and Toubro will produce its K9 VAJRA-T self-propelled howitzer for the Indian Army 

The 155 mm artillery guns are specially designed for operation in the desert areas bordering Pakistan and have been a longstanding requirement of the Indian Army, officials said. India's concerns over Pakistan acquiring an edge in conventional warfare escalated in 2009 when the US supplied it 115 of the modern M 109A5 cannons as a "reward" for its assistance in the war on the Afghanistan border.

Once signed — the final process could take another six months — the Vajra could be the first new artillery gun to be produced in India since the 1980s when the Bofors was acquired. A parallel effort to procure M777 ultra-light howitzers from the US is under progress.

The Vajra will be produced at L&T's Pune facility and could be considered for exports in the future, along with an expected followon order for more guns for the Army. 

The victory is especially sweet for L&T as it was competing in the global category, which was open to all arms vendors around the world.

The Vajra beat its Russian competitor on several technical grounds, including rate of fire, accuracy and mobility trials, officials said. L&T officials, however, refused to comment on the development. 

The K9 VAJRA-T is a variant of Southr-Korea's K9 Thunder which is inarguably the world's best 155mm/52 Cal.SPH in terms of number of systems in active service. Currently, K9 Thunder is serving as one of the main conventional deterrent forces for a number of armies including the Korean Army. K9 Thunder has established its superiority through demonstrations and evaluation tests at various proving grounds in extreme weather conditions, jungles, barren deserts and severely cold areas. By demonstrating its ability to handle Indian as well as all NATO standard ammunitions, K9 VAJRA-T has proven its excellent conformability to any field artillery unit.

India's artillery modernisation plans have been stuck since the 1980s after the Bofors kickbacks scandal. Not a single new modern system has been purchased since, seriously limiting the Army's battlefield edge.

Self-propelled guns are vital for their "shoot and scoot" ability as well as a high flexibility of deployment in the battlefield.

While Pakistan managed to procure the American systems in 2009, India's plans for similar systems have been stuck since 1999, with several failed rounds at identifying a gun.

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Le K9 VAJRA-T   est un char porteur d'un canon de 155 blindé  self-propelled 155 mm howitzer   ....

Mais quant est il de l'achat des canon de 155 tirés   pour lequel Nexter candidatait avec le Trajan ?    "Self-propelled howitzer tracked"

et du Canon porté sur camion non blindé  .... pour lequel candidait le Nexter Caesar porté sur chassis Leyland's 6x6 Super Stallion  ?    "Self-propelled howitzer"

Le choix de la pièce 155 mm du K9 ne va t il pas conduire à choisir le canon tiré et le canon porté par camion, tous complémentaires... Or il semble question de M777 tractés ( avec des stop & go )

j'avoue que j'y comprends plus rien: petit point SVP !  Des chances encore pour Nexter ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

DRDO of India has performed firing test of its new local-made 155mm towed gun system ATAGS

The Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) achieved yet another technological breakthrough by successfully conducting the proof firing of Armament system for 155 mm x 52 calibre Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) during the technical trials conducted recently at Proof & Experimental Establishment (PXE), Balasore. 

Indian-made 155mm 52 caliber towed gun at Defexpo, defense exhibition in India.

ATAGS is fully indigenous towed artillery gun system project undertaken in mission mode by DRDO as a part of artillery modernisation programme of Indian Army. Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE), Pune is the nodal laboratory of DRDO for design & development of ATAGS along with other DRDO laboratories. The Armament system of ATAGS mainly comprise barrel, breech mechanism, muzzle brake and recoil mechanism to fire 155 mm calibre ammunitions held by Indian Army with a longer range, accuracy and precision and provides greater fire power.

ATAGS is configured with all electric drive to ensure maintenance free and reliable operation over a longer period of time. It will have a firing range of 40 Kms with advanced features in terms of high mobility, quick deployability, auxiliary power mode, advanced communication system, automatic command and control system with night firing capability in direct fire mode. 

The development trajectory of ATAGS aims at establishing indigenous critical defence manufacturing technologies with the active participation of Ordnance Factories, DPSUs and Private industries including Bharat Forge Limited, Tata Power Strategic Engineering Division and Mahindra Defence Naval System to meet the aspiration of Make in India initiative in defence sector. 
DRDO is committed to develop and field ATAGS in the shortest timeframe with active participation by leading industries to meet the requirement of Indian Army. The first fully integrated gun system will be ready for user trials by early 2017.


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Sur les 3600 pièces que compte le marché indien, voici la première commande de 100 automoteurs (100 pour le moment) :


India's L&T, Samsung team up for $700 million howitzer deal

Vivek Raghuvanshi, Defense News 11:15 a.m. EDT July 25, 2016

(Photo: AFP, AFP/Getty Images

NEW DELHI - In the biggest-ever order for India's private sector, Larsen & Toubro (L&T) has won a $700 million contract to produce 100 tracked 155mm howitzer guns at Indian facilities, jointly with Samsung of South Korea, for use by the Indian army.

The contract is likely to be inked with L&T in the next two months as all formalities are completed, said an official at the ministry of defense here.

The L&T-Samsung team, offering the K-9 Vajra-T gun, beat an offering for the 2S19 MSTA weapon from Rosoboronexport of Russia.

"More than 50 percent of the work share is with L&T," a senior L&T executive said. Samsung will supply the turret of the gun. The weapons will be produced at L&T’s newly set up manufacturing facilities near Pune in central India.

Besides the 100 guns to be produced, the company hopes to close additional deals to boost what analysts say is a slim profit margin on a relatively small number of howitzers. “In case the gun is found attractive and the users [Indian Army] are happy with the performance of the supplied product, it is possible that the self-propelled wheeled program, which is also under planning stage, could get merged and this could increase the total numbers," one company executive said.

A senior Indian army official, however, said the 100 weapons are what’s operationally required by the ground service, suggesting the number is unlikely to increase.

No executive from Samsung was available for comment.

Samsung may be hoping for a large market with at least 250 to 300 guns, says Rahul Bhonsle, retired army brigadier and defense analyst. Though the market size is about 250-300 for tracked guns in the long run, Bhonsle said “huge budgetary constraints” may leave the number at 100 in the near term.

Despite the big order for the L&T-Samsung team, the two companies are not committing to form a joint venture on an equity-sharing basis to execute the contract.

"There is no plan to have a JV formed as this is a one-off contract with no possibility of follow on orders. A JV can only be formed if there is a sustainable business plan with visibility of orders over future years," said one L&T executive.

"Competition in the 155 mm gun market is very tough,” says Bhonsle. “As of now, Samsung is following a model of engaging with local partners for production or assembly of its gun platforms separately in each market. Thus, much will depend on how the K-9 venture rolls out for a matured partnership with L&T.”

The tender for the tracked guns was released in 2011, which itself was a re-bid of an earlier tender from 2007 that was issued to India's Tata Power SED, L&T, Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML) and Rosoboronexport of Russia.

The Indian army plans to replace all existing field guns with a variety of 155mm weapons at a cost of more than $6 billion. As part of this purchase plan, named Field Artillery Rationalization Plan, the army plans to buy a mix of around 3,600 new guns by 2020-25 for over 220 of its artillery regiments.


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