xav Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2012 Le salon AAD 2012 à Pretoria Paramount Group launches today its new highly protected vehicle Marauder Patrol at AAD 2012. The South African Company Paramount Group unveils today, Tuesday, September 18, 2012, to the International press its new highly protected utility vehicle, the Marauder Patrol at AAD 2012 Africa Aerospace and Defence exhibition which takes place from the 19 to 23 September 2012 in Pretoria, South Africa. http://tinyurl.com/9e4rjtv AAD Daily news Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Kiriyama Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2012 C'est intéressant l'Afrique du Sud. Donne des nouvelles ! ;) Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
xav Posté(e) le 19 septembre 2012 Auteur Share Posté(e) le 19 septembre 2012 BAE Systems Debuts Latest RG35 Multi-Role Fighting Vehicle at AAD 2012 Defence Exhibition BAE Systems today launched the latest 6x6 variant of the RG35 family of vehicles – the RG35 multi-purpose blast protected fighting vehicle – at the 2012 Africa Aerospace and Defence exhibition (AAD). “The RG35 family of vehicles incorporates 30 years of experience in tactical mobility and protection,” said Johan Steyn, managing director, Land Systems South Africa. The RG35 6x6 has an 8.5 ton payload, a 12 cubic meters volume under armour, can seat up to 14 crew members, and carry light and medium remote controlled weapon stations. Like the 4x4 variant, the latest 6x6 variant includes independent suspension and a side mounted powerpack that can be replaced in less than one hour. Read More OTT Technologies presents its new MRAP mine protected vehicle Puma M36 Mk5 at AAD 2012. With the new Puma M36 Mk5, OTT Technologies proposes a new vehicle for the African market that has been designed and developed based on the experience gained by the use of the previous version of Puma M26 which is in service in several African countries. The new Puma M36 Mk5 is based on Ashok Leyland Stallion truck driveline to reduce manufacturing costs and logistical support. The Stallion truck is used by Indian army since many years showing excellent mobility on all types of terrain. The Puma M36 Mk5 is motorized with an Ashok Leyland engine HA 57L 165 coupled to a ZF 6S 850 GB transmission. Read More BAE Systems Debuts Latest TRT-R30MK 30mm Tactical Remote Turret at AAD 2012 The TRT-R30MK is a remotely-operated weapon system that will enable vehicles to operate in multi-role deployments and in multiple theatres. The system draws on BAE Systems’ experience in previous remote turret technology development, such as the TRT-25. It is designed as an effective, high-performance threat neutraliser, achieving a firing range of more than 2,500 meters with day and night fighting and observation capability. The turret’s control station can be integrated anywhere in the vehicle allowing for increased internal space for crew or extra payload. Read More Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
xav Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2012 Auteur Share Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2012 Quelques photos ici: http://www.armyrecognition.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5937 Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
pascal Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 20 septembre 2012 Olifant II dire que c'est un Centurion ... avec la tourelle retolée ! Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
xav Posté(e) le 21 septembre 2012 Auteur Share Posté(e) le 21 septembre 2012 MaxxPro Wrecker iKwla Valkiri Mk2 Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
xav Posté(e) le 21 septembre 2012 Auteur Share Posté(e) le 21 septembre 2012 Thales Scorpion a new mobile automated mortar weapons platform for African market. At AAD 2012, Thales South Africa presents its new automated mortar weapons platform Scorpion mounted on a light tactical vehicle Toyota Land Cruiser 4x4 pickup chassis. The system is fully designed and developped by Thales Africa for the African Market. Scorpion is an Automated Mortar and Fire Control System (AMFCS) designed to accommodate the requirements of mobile and Special Forces. The AMFCS is a vehicle-mounted mortar system. It is capable of autonomous engagement of targets (from the back of the vehicle) due to its sensors and mechanical installation. The sensors are effectively in two areas, those that sense the position and orientation of the vehicle and those used to locate and fixate targets. Position sensing is by inertial means, supplemented with Global Positioning System (GPS) and distance information. Observation sensing is on a mounted pedestal, gives accurate angle measurements and is topped by an optical sensor with laser range finding. http://www.armyrecognition.com/aad_2012_show_daily_news_pictures_video_uk/thales_scorpion_a_new_mobile_automated_mortar_weapons_platform_for_african_market_2109122.html Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Kiriyama Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2012 Ce système est bien pensé, c'est assez ingénieux. C'est intéressant aussi bien pour des armées pauvres que des armées plus riches car l'atout principal du Scorpion c'est la mobilité (en plus d'un coût qui doit être intéressant vu le véhicule porteur). On sait s'il y a déjà des clients potentiels ? Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
vuia Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2012 C'est bizarre qu'ils parlent de tir direct avec un mortier, pour le système Scorpion. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
ekov Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 24 septembre 2012 C'est bizarre qu'ils parlent de tir direct avec un mortier, pour le système Scorpion. une vieille tradition africaine où les soldats aiment se battre à tir tendu même avec des lances roquettes sur véhicule.... Où aussi, unpeu de polyvalence pour des combats de patrouilles Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Serge Posté(e) le 5 octobre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 5 octobre 2012 Accord pour l'armement petit calibre: Truvelo Armoury Division has teamed with Braddick Defence Systems to build the new Braddick Sniper Division. Announced at the Africa Aerospace and Defence exhibition on 21 September, the agreement between the two South African companies will see Truvelo's products marketed through the experience that Braddick has in the defence industry. The effort began in January, and 'it utilises our strengths and combines forces', Ralf Gebert, director of Truvelo Armoury Division told Shephard. He added that Braddick is active in markets that Truvelo is not as of yet. Truvelo manufactures rifles ranging from small calibre up to 40mm. 'On the African continent we haven't ventured very far as of yet,' Gebert said, explaining that the products it manufactures are very specialised and therefore have not appealed to that particular market. He noted that the US may be a potential target market for its systems now that it has teamed with Braddick. 'Being a small company R&D is a large percentage of expenses,' he continued. 'We have some products to launch but they aren't quite ready yet.' He said the new systems it is looking at are innovative and new, and all its weapon designs follow this. 'Our users aren't very high in volume, but they are very specialised,' he concluded. http://www.shephardmedia.com/news/landwarfareintl/aad-2012-braddick-teams-truvelo-sniper-rifles/ Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Deres Posté(e) le 20 novembre 2012 Share Posté(e) le 20 novembre 2012 C'est bizarre qu'ils parlent de tir direct avec un mortier, pour le système Scorpion. Le tir indirect, c'est quand tu ne vois pas la cible. Les mortiers sont donc souvent utilisés en tir direct. Les mortiers ont souvent des lunettes de visée d'ailleurs. Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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