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Un peu d'humour en images et vidéos !


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Tu ne t'ai pas dit que en pleine cambrousse il était difficile d'avoir une paire de rechange

c'est vrai, j'avoue, humour facile...trop facile 8)...mais bon tu remarqueras qu'il a beau etre le chef, son pote a pas l'air de vouloir se sacrifier les pieds pour lui...

aller, j'equilibre

Image IPB

un partout, balle au centre!

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Y a moyen aussi de rajouter le fameux Owned sur l'image , ca le fait. lol

Brof je trouve que l'on a pas besoin d'accentuer l'humour d'une bonne image (tu étais peut etre ironique)

En l'occurence celle de winloose serait mieux sans une phrase + une bulle

(et meme le cadrage du missile, lequel n'est pas difficile a voir )

Mais bon il faut s'y faire, les Anglophones sont friands de ce type d'ajouts.

Une précision pour la photo: wtf = what the fuck

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Excédés que tsahal n'agit pas assez contre les tirs quotidiens de Kassam sur Sderot, des habitants de Tel-Aviv ont créé une sorte de lance-roquettes pour balancer des oeufs et autres végétaux sur Gaza.

Les premiers tirs ont eu lieu.

Le dispositif en questionet ses munitions

Image IPB

L'article pour ceux que ça intéresse

Missile-launcher aimed at Gaza

Group from central Israel makes improvised projectile-launcher, lobs organic eggs, vegetables at Beit Hanoun to raise awareness of situation in Sderot

Shmulik Hadad Published:  08.02.07, 23:33 / Israel News 

A number of Israelis from the Tel Aviv vicinity drove south and fired improvised missiles towards Gaza, in an effort to raise awareness of the difficult situation in Sderot.

The group used a projectile-launcher built by Yahav Michaeli - a stunts and pyrotechnics expert - to lob organic eggs and vegetables towards Beit Hanoun.

"The idea was to draw attention to what's going on with a little bit of humor, because we thought it could relieve the pressure a little," said members of the group.

Improvised projectile-launcher (Photo: Reuters)

"When you wander around Sderot and notice the atmosphere there, you understand that a sort of emotional stagnation has taken hold of the State. That's why we decided to do what we did," they said.

"We need to shake people up and we thought that this sort of shooting towards Beit Hanoun would be a type of peaceful shooting.

IDF sources who heard of the missile launcher hurried worriedly to the launch site. They were greeted by group member Yigal Tzur, who told them, "we mean to shoot at Gaza."

The officer responsible for the region informed him that shooting was prohibited in area and requested he stop. Upon being informed that the group was shooting eggs and vegetables, he allowed them to continue.

The group had brought with them organic eggs, corn, mango, tomatoes and other vegetables - much of it bought in Sderot - to launch at the Palestinians.


"The shooting was amazing, some of the vegetables flew whole over to the Strip, we actually spotted the eggs flying into Beit Hanoun and the thought even crossed my mind that some day, we may be able to make Arabic salad here, a salad of peace," Tzur added.

"I'm glad we did this, because we were able to arouse awareness and put a smile on the face of the residents. We are considering keeping this up, and the next 'attack' may even be against the Knesset building. I'm already working on a more advanced cannon that will be able to fire whole cabbages."

Par contre, ça m'énerve qu'on gache la nourriture comme ça.

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