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US Air Force

Philippe Top-Force

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Polish and Israeli F-16s lined up at the southern IAF base Ovda for a training exercise in 2012. The Polish fighter jets are expected to be back at this year’s inaugural ‘Blue Flag’ event taking place at Ovda later this month. Photo:



Italian Air Force Typhoon takes off from IAF Base Ovda. The aircraft carries two IRIS-T air/air missiles. Photo: Nehemia Gershuni,


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WWII bomber crew honored almost 70 years later

11/5/2013 - HELMDON, United Kingdom -- November 30, 1943, started out as a typical English day in Helmdon, United Kingdom - dark, damp, cloudy and the sun was just starting to break over the horizon - but all of that changed at 8:19 a.m.

"My father left our cottage, at Astwell Castle Farm, after breakfast to continue the day's work," said Derek Ratledge, who was 8 years old in 1943. "As he left, he heard the not uncommon roar of a low flying formation of B-17 bombers and shouted back to the cottage, 'They are off again' then he said, 'there's one in trouble - it's on fire!'"


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Ce drone dont l’USAF ne veut plus !


la bataille fait rage autour du sort du plus grand drone existant actuellement dans l’arsenal américain, le Global Hawk Block-30.

Pour les aviateurs, l’avion U-2, dont la cellule qui a une quarantaine d’années a été récemment  modernisée, s’avère non seulement plus performant, mais nettement moins coûteux que la flotte de RQ-4 Block-30...


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Ce drone dont l’USAF ne veut plus !


la bataille fait rage autour du sort du plus grand drone existant actuellement dans l’arsenal américain, le Global Hawk Block-30.

Pour les aviateurs, l’avion U-2, dont la cellule qui a une quarantaine d’années a été récemment  modernisée, s’avère non seulement plus performant, mais nettement moins coûteux que la flotte de RQ-4 Block-30...


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   Ca devrait refroidir les allemands qui voulaient acheter cette saloperie ...

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Brandon Johnson, BC Customs designer, explains the specifications of the Guardian Angel Air Deployable Vehicle to Airmen that will be using it for training and real world situations Nov. 12, 2013, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. The vehicle will be able to move amongst rubble and debris fields during humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts to transport survivors and rescue equipment. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Couillard)


le nouveau TT destine pour les operations de sauvetage et aide humanitaire et catastrophes, pour le transport des personnes et le materiel

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Air Mobility Command museum unveils the first C-5 Galaxy to be in a museum for the Nov. 9, 2013, at the AMC museum on Dover Air Force Base, Del. The C-5 arrived Aug. 7 to begin the transformation from active to museum grade aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Jared Duhon)


Le premier C.5 Galaxie au musée

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Low pass d'un F-111, on m'a demandé si il était possible de faire encore plus bas..

Et j'ai trouvé ça.. :tongue:



l'histoire date du 03/2006 sur la base d'Amberley en Australie, après le décollage une roue du train principal d'un F-111C s'est détachée, et le jeune pilote (2 semaines après obtention de ses ailes) qui découvrait son WSO (premier vol avec lui) a dû tourner au dessus de la piste pendant 4h le temps de brûler du kérosène et que les gars au sol trouvent une solution, finalement comme va le montrer la vidéo plus bas c'est la solution de l’atterrissage à très basse vitesse avec l'utilisation de la cross dont dispose l'appareil pour réduire la distance sur laquelle va glisser l'avion qui a été choisie.

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Air Force Special Operations Group key to aid effort after Typhoon Haiyan

Master Sgt. Jeremy Rector, a Deployed Aircraft Ground Response Element team member assigned to the 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron, works to coordinate airlift Nov. 17, at Guiuan Airport, Philippines. Rector is deployed from Kadena Air Base, Japan in support of Operation Damayan to help transport Philippine citizens and ensure the delivery of food and supplies to those affected by Typhoon Haiyan. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Kristine Dreyer)

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A taste of Air Power

11/22/2013 - BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. -- A decorated combat veteran who has commanded troops in two theaters gained a new perspective on the battlefield this week from the cockpit of a B-52H Stratofortress.

Army Brig. Gen. William B. Hickman, Commander of the Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk, La., flew from Barksdale Nov. 14 in support of an ongoing Green Flag training mission at Fort Polk.


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Dover welcomes 13th C-5M Super Galaxy

11/21/2013 - DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del.  -- Team Dover received its 13th C-5M Super Galaxy, tail number 85-0004 on November 21, 2013, at approximately 12:37 p.m.

Maj. Gen. Kenneth D. Merchant, Director, Global Reach Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C., officially delivered the aircraft to Dover.

"It is an incredible airplane," said Maj. Gen. Merchant. "The reliability improvements that we are putting on the airplane will pay off in terms of availability of the airplanes to the fleet and improve our abilities to meet mission needs."


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Increased space, cyber threats top concerns for AF Space Command

les cyber-menaces accru de Espace  principales préoccupations des Space Command AF


LOS ANGELES (AFNS) -- There are increased threats to the Air Force’s space and cyber capabilities, said an Air Force senior leader during Air Force Association’s 2013 Pacific Air & Space Symposium, Nov. 21.

Gen. William L. Shelton, the commander of Air Force Space Command, discussed the heavily contested space and cyberspace arenas during the symposium in Los Angeles, Calif.

The cyber and space arenas have made significant strides during the Air Force’s lifespan. The first desktop computers the Air Force employed were originally used just for word processing. Slowly, the Air Force began to network those computers together, creating the network we now use daily.


Il ya une augmentation des menaces qui pèsent sur l'espace et les cyber-capacités de l'Armée de l'Air US, a déclaré un haut responsable de la Force aérienne en 2013 au  Air & Space Symposium de l'Association de la Force aérienne du Pacifique, le 21 novembre.

Général William L. Shelton, le commandant de Air Force Space Command, a examiné les espace et le cyberespace arènes fortement contestées lors du colloque à Los Angeles, Californie


Tres bon sujet de discussion sur les menaces futures

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Don’t worry: A-10 Warthog attack planes will remain active. At least for some time


By Jacek Siminski

Northrop Grumman was recently awarded with two contracts from USAF.

The issue which is regulated by these contracts is a logistic support for A-10 Warthogs, and the sum of money allocated to the aforementioned agreement is $24 million.

The contract is called the A-10 Thunderbolt Life Cycle Program Support (TLPS), and includes indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract vehicle.

What is more, the contract includes ASIP (aircraft structural integrity program) Modernization V. Its assumption is to keep the A-10 flying through 2028 and beyond that date and it is possible that the aircraft will receive updated systems.

In other words, this means that the A-10 will remain in the active service in large numbers even though after the sequester this was not so certain.

The process will at least be prolonged in time – even if the number of Hogs is to be limited, it won’t until a large number of F-35s is introduced.


Le A-10 restera en service pour au moins pour quelque temps????


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Two U.S. B-52 bombers help Cessna in Alaska in a memorable rescue mission


By David Cenciotti

Few days before flying “violation” of China’s new ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone), the iconic B-52H Stratofortress bomber was involved in another memorable operation.

On Nov. 10, two B-52s, respectively launched from Minot and Barksdale AFB with radio callsign Hail 13 and Hail 14, were flying over Alaska, when they were called from Anchorage ATCC (Air Traffic Control Center), asking for their assistance: contacts with a Cessna plane had been lost after its pilot became disoriented after flying into bad weather.

The small plane was flying at such a low altitude that the ATC was unable to talk with it on the radio.

Hail 13 was about 200 miles away from the Cessna pilot’s estimated location when they got the distress call.

“The first thing we did was calculate our fuel to make sure we had enough,” said Capt. Joshua M. Middendorf, 69th BS aircraft commander of Hail 13. “We also had to ensure our wingman, Hail 14, would have enough fuel to make it back to Barksdale.”

After assessing that they had enough fuel for the new task Hail 13 headed directly west in search of the Cessna pilot.

One hundred miles into their detour, the leading B-52 was able to locate and establish a radio contact with the pilot who had dropped to low level to keep visual contact of the terrain below the clouds and was flying through a ground surrounded by mountains.

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Twelve KC-10 Extenders and six C-17 Globemaster IIIs take part in an "elephant walk," as part of a training exercise Nov. 21, 2013, at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J. The exercise enabled aircrew, maintenance, command post and operational support personnel to test their ability to launch a mass amount of aircraft in support of real-world operations. An elephant walk is a nose-to-tail taxi formation. The aircraft are assigned to the 305th Air Mobility Wing. (U.S. Air Force photo/Russ Meseroll)




An E-3 Sentry airborne warning and control system flies over an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia just after refueling Nov. 16, 2013. AWACS provide service members situational awareness of friendly, neutral and hostile activity, command and control of an area of responsibility, battle management of theater forces, all-altitude and all-weather surveillance of the battle space, and early warning of enemy actions during joint, allied, and coalition operations. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Dan Frost)




Members of the 962nd Airborne Air Control Squadron board an E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System as part of Exercise Polar Force 13-9 Nov. 6, 2013, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. The readiness exercise is designed to validate the wing's ability integrate, mobilize and prepare assigned personnel, aircraft and equipment for their wartime mission and to employ forces and weapons systems to perform the tasked mission. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Sheila deVera)




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L'US Air Force reçoit son dernier F-4 Phantom II


Au total, 314 QF-4 ont été livrés à l'USAF.

Cinquante après son premier vol dans l'US Air Force, le F-4 Phantom II n'a pas encore tout à fait tiré sa révérence. Le dernier des drones-cibles QF-4 a en effet été livré le 19 novembre sur la base de Tyndall AFB, en Floride, pour y être mis en oeuvre par le 82nd Aerial Target Squadron. Après plusieurs vols télécommandés depuis le sol (mais menés avec un pilote à bord), l'appareil devrait finir sa carrière en étant détruit par un missile tiré par un représentant de la "jeune" génération : F-16, F-15, F-22… voire peut-être F-35.


Au total, rappelle l'USAF, 314 de ces F-4 modifiés ont été livrés depuis 1998 afin d'assurer l'entraînement des unités de combat opérationnelles. Avant le Phantom, c'est l'intercepteur F-106 Delta Dart qui était utilisé dans cette mission.


C'est l'industriel BAE Systems qui était chargé de remettre en vol puis de modifier ces QF-4 pour l'US Air Force. A titre d'exemple, le dernier QF-4 livré (immatriculé 68-0599) avait passé plus de 20 ans dans le "cimetière des avions" de Davis-Monthan, en Arizona, avant d'être "ressuscité" par l'industriel.


Au total, précise l'USAF, 250 QF-4 ont accompli l'ultime sacrifice au profit de l'entraînement d'unités de première ligne ou du développement de nouveaux systèmes de missiles. Une soixantaine sont encore en service sur la base de Tyndall mais aussi d'Holloman AFB, au Nouveau-Mexique.


Le vénérable biréacteur va progressivement laisser la place à un nouveau venu : le QF-16, version "dronisé" du célèbre Fighting Falcon. Le premier appareil devrait être livré l'an prochain à l'US Air Force, et permettra d'offrir une menace plus adaptée en termes de manoeuvrabilité, de performances dynamiques et de signature radar aux nouveaux avions de combat de première ligne que sont les F-22 Raptor ou les dernières versions de F-15 et F-16.


En revanche, c'est Boeing qui a obtenu le contrat de modification des F-16 en QF-16. Le premier vol de cette "nouvelle" version du monoréacteur américain sans pilote dans le cockpit a eu lieu le 19 septembre dernier, comme l'illustre la photo ci-dessus. Au total, l'USAF envisage d'acquérir environ 200 QF-16 pour remplacer les QF-4.

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An F-15C Eagle breaks away after receiving fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker while flying over Iceland Nov. 19, 2013. The 48th Air Expeditionary Group has been maintaining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization air surveillance and policing mission in Iceland since Oct. 28, 2013. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Dana J. Butler/Released)

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A large, classified unmanned aircraft developed by Northrop Grumman is now flying—and it demonstrates a major advance in combining stealth and aerodynamic efficiency. Defense and intelligence officials say the secret unmanned aerial system (UAS), designed for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, is scheduled to enter production for the U.S. Air Force and could be operational by 2015


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PACAF C-17 Demonstration Team impresses thousands at BRIDEX 2013

12/6/2013 - An MV-22B Osprey hovers in front of flags from participating nations during an aerial demonstration at the fourth biennial Brunei Darussalam International Defense Exhibition at the BRIDEX Exhibition Center in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Dec. 5, 2013. The five-day event includes displays and demonstrations of military equipment, with the theme of bridging the capability gap. BRIDEX 13 is an opportunity for communication and cooperation with regional partners and allies, builds strong multilateral relationships and enhances preparedness for disasters and other contingency operations. U.S. participation in BRIDEX 13 demonstrates cooperative engagement with Brunei and continued commitment to regional security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. The Osprey is with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262, Marine Aircraft Group 36, 1st Marine Air Wing, III Marine Expeditionary Force. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Jerome S. Tayborn)

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Etats-Unis: le Pentagone a testé avec succès un laser antiaérien

L'armée américaine a testé avec succès un laser mobile de grande puissance destiné à détruire des cibles aériennes, annonce vendredi le service de presse de l'Armée de l'air américaine dans un communiqué.
Selon ce dernier, lors des essais qui se sont déroulés du 18 novembre au 10 décembre sur le polygone dans le New Mexico, le laser de combat  (High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator) d'une puissance de dix Kilowatts, a réussi à détruire plus de 90 obus de mortier et plusieurs drones.
A l'avenir, ce laser devrait être remplacé par un de 50 Kilowatts et ensuite par un de 100 Kilowatts, ce qui permettra d'abattre des cibles aériennes se déplaçant à grande vitesse.
C'est le groupe de Boeing qui a été chargé par les militaires de mettre au point le programme.

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