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ca bosse à la marine, ca sent le go for war


Huit avions Rafale de la marine nationale à la BA 125 d'Istres


Entrainement et préqualification d'Appontage Simulé Sur Piste (ASSP) de jour et de nuit du 15 au 26 septembre.

Probablement des jeunes poussins visant une première qualification d'appontage et des pilotes un peu plus

expérimentés visant une qualification "Hiboux" ( de nuit ).

Le Porte Avions Charles De Gaulle prendra t-il la mer bientôt pour la suite ?

Une amorce de réponse se trouve vraisemblablement dans cet article de "Mer et Marine"




Modifié par SharkOwl
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l'armée de l'air a beaucoup bossé en afrique recemment, et sur ce theatre il y a un interet net en terme de distance par rapport au theatre en utilisant le PA plutot que les bases terrestres...

Et puis de toute façon, le charles est dispo et on ne va pas le laisser trainer a quai, donc tant qu'à le faire naviguer, autant qu'il serve à des missions op.

Bon, apres, si ces frappes doivent durer, ont operera probablement des relais entre adla et marine j'imagine...

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Ils tombent de la chaise ou quoi ???


Ils n'ont pas retenu la leçon de la Libye???


Avoir des avions qui partent de SDZ ou Zarra ça consomme du temps sur zone non ?? alors qu'avoir un PA proche de la zone ça permet d'avoir du temps pour traiter des objectifs rapidement.....


C'est là tout l'intérêt du PA......

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A part les premières heures du conflit où des frappes ciblées pourront être menées, pour le reste ce sera du CAS avec de la désignation depuis le sol. Donc des missions du genre Ground interdiction comme en Lybie ne seront pas d'actualités.

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@Dr Somnath


You can't reproduce a magazine on this forum. It's clear ?

Il faut un peu se méfier de ce qui est parfois écrit


La réception du M 10 par les services étatiques après la sortie des chaînes a été plus longue que prévu.




oh common if DMCA message from the magazine does comes to your forum 

then delete that post straightway why so serious about that??? 


BTW are they  really viewing this thread






Well will france gets involve in striking ISIS in iraq & syria 



This would be another demonstration of Air to  ground capabilities of rafale 




Dear Dr,

You do not need to translate french magazines as we are on a french forum. 

If you want us to help you for translation, you may try to use the inboard private messaging service. I will be glad to help you if you wish.

And thx for supporting the Rafale. I am quite sure it's the best choice India could make and I hope that the signature will soon come.


By the way I'm not quite certain that other languages than French are authorized here. Did you ask yet?



Yeah you got a point !!

BTW can you really help me thats so nice of you then!!

I got AIR actualities recent magazine pics about indo french air exercise GARUDA 2014 exercise


OLybrius only post few info MP forum but i want to know full informations about that exercise

Well i cant post french sorry about that



Modifié par DrSomnath999
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Mon ami Dr Somnath,


je sais que tu es un passionné et nous t'apprécions tous pour cela.

Dès que des informations significatives seront connues et publiables nous ne manquerons pas de te le faire savoir.

Si tu as besoin d'une traduction en privé, je suis sur que beaucoup de membres se feront un plaisir de t'aider.

Après, nous sommes loin de tout savoir sur ce forum!



My friend Dr. Somnath, 
I know you're passionate and we all appreciate you for it. 
Once meaningful information are known and publishable we will certainly let you know. 
If you need a translation in private, I'm sure many members will be happy to help you. 
After we are far from knowing everything on this board!
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Mon ami Dr Somnath,


je sais que tu es un passionné et nous t'apprécions tous pour cela.

Dès que des informations significatives seront connues et publiables nous ne manquerons pas de te le faire savoir.

Si tu as besoin d'une traduction en privé, je suis sur que beaucoup de membres se feront un plaisir de t'aider.

Après, nous sommes loin de tout savoir sur ce forum!



My friend Dr. Somnath, 


I know you're passionate and we all appreciate you for it. 

Once meaningful information are known and publishable we will certainly let you know. 

If you need a translation in private, I'm sure many members will be happy to help you. 

After we are far from knowing everything on this board!

Thanks Yves

well i can also  be a great asset for this forum like indian forums .

but problem is i cant speak & read french got to rely on translation.


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La dessus, j'ai pas trop d'inquiétudes.

Même si je suis d'accord avec toi, ça la foutrait mal d'en perdre un.


Si les pilotes de Rafale ne prennent pas trop de risques en s’approchant de la frontière, ça devrait bien se passer, et  SPECTRA va bien leur servir dans cette situation.


C'est pas un conflit où il faut nécessairement prendre des risques. On a le temps. On peut reporter une mission en cas de doute sur telle ou telle position de SAM par exemple. 

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à propos, on en a toujours que 6 là-bas ?

Ou le parc a-t-il été renforcé ou sur le point de l'être ?


Vous avez des nouvelles sur ce point ?


Les moyens français basés aux EAU seront renforcés ; ils comptent actuellement 6 Rafale et 900 hommes.

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rafale en reco


edit: j'ai retrouvé la version longue avec le montage du pod reco ng, un sacré morceau

voir la vidéo dans l'article

Modifié par zx
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OK folks 


Doctor Rafale  is back in action 


this time in iraq  



Al-Dhafra, base for missions against EI (Updated-2)

The Rafale fighter squadron 3/30 Lorraine this morning officially opened the ball of the tasks of the
French hunting in Iraq. 23 years after the Jaguar Brocket, and 11 after the Mirage IVP of the UN, French jets operate in the skies of Iraq for limited missions for the moment the only recognition, as this blog had detailed on Friday 
A mission could last an average of six hours, with just under half dedicated to transit. The first mission was launched this morning and revealed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. French viewers will see the arrival in their 13 hours. 
Apparently, few enhancements have been made ​​with respect to the normal posture of Lorraine, already equipped with two-seater cars and, not to be able to handle a lot of situations. One tanker was sent this weekend, maybe Saturday if we are to believe local observations. An ATL-2 Navy was positioned for several weeks. 
If impairment of that tanker, France can booze on other than its own tankers: American, British, UAE, Saudi Arabia, the spectrum of possibilities is wide enough. 
Note that the military is cautious by nature of reinforcements materials, including Reco-NG pods have already been made. One of Atlas Transport Squadron 1/61 Touraine . would also be mobilized for this purpose, there are a few days 
the French missions in Iraq have led so far to bring 63 tons of cargo - three tonnes per release made ​​by the Transport Squadron 1/64 Beam , starting already, Al Dhafra-, most arriving by A3403/60 Esterel .

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The French flights over Iraq began



On Monday morning, the first French military flights began over Iraq at the start of the United Arab Emirates (AFP photograph of a Rafale based Al Dhafra) . Recognition, precise does one initially.

While the Paris conference on Iraq began, two Rafale took off from the base Emirati Al Dhafra. It is conveniently located about two hours flight from the war zone against the Islamic state .



As of this morning, the first reconnaissance flights will take place with the agreement of the Iraqi authorities and Emirati authorities , "said the defense minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, on site. " Be ready to respond , "said he added to 200 750 military base in the United Arab Emirates.

Six Rafale are usually based at Al Dhafra BA104. They are 3/33 Lorraine Squadron. We must add a Boeing C-135 refueling aircraft and Atlantique 2 of the Navy who did not wait to make his intelligence work and recognition. Primordial.

No boots on the ground except trainers, air commandos

If the official doctrine is " no boots on the ground ", it is obviously nothing. In addition to the agents of the DGSE, it takes with trainers, probably soldiers land special forces, to accompany the Kurdish peshmerga in the learning of French material.

Who says next bombing, also said air or targeting support. As in the Harmattan operation in Libya in 2011, commandos and CPA10 CPA20 (paratroopers from the air), specialized in supporting engagement in depth fighter jets are on site.

The ability to land quietly in Kurdish territory in Erbil facilitates this necessary deployment. These TACP (training Tactical Air Control Party ) are generally small autonomous teams of a dozen military including an operator target designation, a forward air controller, transmitter ... This is the invisible part of a bombing operation.

Since late August, recall that a Group operational transport (GTO) has also been set up at Al-Dhafra for airdrops of humanitarian supplies (and weapons). This GTO is formed of two Transall C-160 NG of BA105 Evreux (Anjou and 1/64 2/64 squads Béarn). He works with a detachment of widths from 1 (RTP transportation battalion paratrooper) Francazal near Toulouse.

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