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[Russie] Marine Russe - VMF (sujet général)

Francois5 v2.1

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Il y a 4 heures, tom a dit :

C'était quelque peu conspirationniste... L'émission ne présentait, pour ainsi dire, que la thèse du torpillage du Koursk par un sous-marin américain en balayant d'un revers de main assez négligeant les autres thèses, dont les résultat des enquêtes officielles.

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Des actu récente marine et industrie navale russe

Analysis: 3K22 and 3M22 Zircon, the Next Generation Hypersonic Missile of the Russian Navy

Work to create the latest 3K-22 multi-service missile complex armed with Zircon (sometimes spelled Tsirkon) 3M-22 missiles and designed by NPO Mashinostroeniya Military-Industrial Corporation in the town of Reutov in Moscow region has been ongoing since 2011. The Military-Industrial Courier newspaper said the 3M-22 complex is armed with an anti-ship missile which is a continuation of heavy missiles Bazalt, Granit, and Onyx to destroy surface-going naval and ground targets at a distance of 300-400 kilometers.

Russia' Third Project 11356 Frigate Admiral Makarov Started Dock Trials

The Project 11356 frigate Admiral Makarov built at the Yantar Shipyard in Kaliningrad in west Russia started undergoing dock trials on March 31, shipyard spokesman Sergei Mikhailov told TASS on Friday. The Project 11356 frigate Admiral Makarov is the third vessel in the series being built for the Russian Navy by the Yantar Shipyard, the spokesman added.

Russia Upgrading Bal Mobile Coastal Defense System with X-35U Missiles and UAV for Targeting

The work to integrate modernized anti-ship X-35U (Kh-35U) missile into the mobile coastal defense complex 3K60 Bal is ongoing, Director General and Designer General of Morinformsistema-Agat Company Georgy Antsev told TASS. He also said that a drone designed by Radar-mms research and production enterprise is planned to be used for targeting of the mobile coastal defense complex 3K60 Bal.

Russia's Concern Morinformsystem-Agat Designing Next Generation Combat Management System

The Morinformsystem-Agat Joint Stock Company is designing a new combat control information system for warships which is a new-generation combat information software, Director General and Designer General of the company Georgy Antsev told TASS.

Two Shipyards in Northwest Russia Able to Build Future Russian Navy Aircraft Carrier

At least two shipyards in St. Petersburg in northwest Russia have the potential to build a promising aircraft carrier for the Russian Navy, United Ship-Building Corporation President Alexei Rakhmanov said in an interview with Echo Moskvy radio station on Tuesday.

Russian Navy Naval Aviation Active Aircraft Inventory in Details as of March 2016

Russian Navy`s Naval Aviation has deployed 191 combat aircraft by March 2016, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies` (IISS) report.

Russia's Next Gen Husky-class SSN to combine multipurpose, strategic submarine characteristics

The fifth-generation Husky-class nuclear-powered submarine will be maximally standardized to combine the qualities of multipurpose and strategic submarines, United Ship-Building Corporation President Alexei Rakhmanov said in an interview with Echo Moskvy radio station on Tuesday.

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il y a 3 minutes, Onyx29 a dit :

c'est moi où l'article ne précise pas que le Kuznetsov a été construit en Ukraine (comme les Porte-aéronefs, Kiev, Minsk, Moskva d'ailleurs), d'où l'absence de cale suffisamment grande en Russie pour le futur hypothétique PA russe ?

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Invité Dorfmeister
Il y a 1 heure, penaratahiti a dit :

c'est moi où l'article ne précise pas que le Kuznetsov a été construit en Ukraine (comme les Porte-aéronefs, Kiev, Minsk, Moskva d'ailleurs), d'où l'absence de cale suffisamment grande en Russie pour le futur hypothétique PA russe ?

*Minute sarcasme ON*

Mon dieu! Hérétique! Tu sais quand même bien que la Sainte Mère Patrie ne doit rien à ces ploucs bouseux d'Ukraine...

*Minute sarcasme OFF* :happy:

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Russian Navy Black Sea & Baltic Fleet to receive 2 Project 20360M Armament Support Ships by 2020

The Vympel Shipyard in Rybinsk in central Russia will build two Project 20360M armament support ships for the Russian Defense Ministry before 2020, shipyard spokeswoman Tatyana Gerasimova told TASS on Friday. "Two Project 20360M armament support ships have received factory numbers No. 01551 and 01552. They are expected to be delivered to the customer in 2019 and 2020, respectively," the spokeswoman said.

Vympel Shipyard in Central Russia to Complete, Upgrade 2 Unfinished Molniya-class Missile Boats

The Vympel Shipyard in Rybinsk in central Russia will complete, repair and upgrade two Project 12418 Molniya-class missile boats for the Russian Navy, the shipyard’s press office said on Friday. "The Vympel Shipyard has signed a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry to upgrade and repair two Project 12418 Molniya-class missile boats," the press office said.

 The two missile boats, originally laid in 1991-1992 at the shipyard "Vympel" were export Project 12421 with the "Mosquito" antiship missile system. Export customers were never found and since the mid-1990s, the two boats are in an unfinished form (and never launched in the water) at the shipyard.

Russian Large Amphibious Assault Ship Ivan Gren to Start Shipbuilders Sea Trials in Late April

The Project 11711 large amphibious assault ship Ivan Gren being built at the Yantar Shipyard in Kaliningrad in west Russia for the Navy will start undergoing shipbuilders sea trials in late April, shipyard chief shipbuilder Igor Leonov said on Monday.

"Perhaps, the most complex order, the large amphibious assault ship Ivan Gren, is coming close to one of the most important stages of its construction. It will start undergoing shipbuilders sea trials in late April," the shipyard’s newspaper quoted Leonov as saying.

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Russia has deployed 36 3K60 Bal & 3K55 Bastion New Generation Mobile Coastal Defense Systems

Russian Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops (RCMAT) service has deployed 36 modern mobile coastal defense systems, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies` (IISS) report.

As of March 2016, RCMAT service has received 24 mobile launchers of 3K60 Bal (NATO reporting name: SS-C-6 Sennight) system.
RCMAT service has deployed 12 K340P mobile launchers of 3K55 Bastion (SSC-5 Stooge) system.

Russian Navy Oscar II Submarine Orel to be Launched in May Following Repairs

The Russian Northern Fleet’s Project 949A Antey-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine (SSGN) K-266 Orel (NATO reporting name: Oscar II-class), which suffered fire in a dock of the Zvyozdochka Shipyard in Severodvinsk last April, will be set afloat in May, Zvyozdochka’s spokesman, Yevgeny Gladyshev, told TASS on Tuesday.

Udaloy I Class ASW Destroyer Admiral Tributs to Re-Enter Russian Navy in July After Repairs

The Project 1155 large anti-submarine warfare ship Admiral Tributs (NATO designation: Udaloy I anti-submarine Destroyer) will become operational with Russia’s Navy in July after its technical readiness is recovered, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman for the Navy Captain 1st Rank Igor Dygalo told TASS on Wednesday.

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Capacités russes de projection : à quoi pourrait ressembler l'après "Mistral" ?

Le projet Priboï (Lame de mer, en russe): Conçu par le bureau d'étude Nevsky (Saint-Pétersbourg), il disposerait d'un déplacement d'environ 14 000 tonnes, embarquer 4 à 6 hélicoptères (Ka-27 pour la lutte ASM ou Ka-52K pour l'appui feu), et emmener une force expéditionnaire de 500 à 600 hommes, ainsi que 40 à 60 véhicules. L'objectif serait de 4, soit un pour chaque flotte. Longueur 165m et 25 de large.

Le Lavina (Avalanche), a été conçu par le bureau d'étude Krilov (Saint-Pétersbourg). 24 000 tonnes, embarque 16 hélicoptères (Ka-27, Ka-29 et Ka-52K), peut emmener une force expéditionnaire de 500 hommes avec une cinquantaine de véhicules qui seraient plagés grâce à 6 vedettes de type Serna ou 6 vedettes du Projet 03160 Raptor.

L'article conclut sur la complémentarité des projets et sur la difficultés des chantiers Russes et produire ce type de navires ainsi que sur un éventuel partenariat étranger (Sud-Coréens ? ).


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Le jeudi 21 avril 2016 à 19:43, alexWF a dit :



Sympa le camping car. Avec d'aussi grandes fenêtres, on peut faire la cuisine c'est bien aéré ! Manque pour l'instant les finitions par contre...


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  • 2 weeks later...
il y a 8 minutes, Deres a dit :

A 0:30 de la vidéo, c'est quoi le triangle bleu sur la visu ?

Un angle mort des radars ?

Sans être sûr je pencherais pour cette hypothèse, car le système longue portée à 4 antennes planes n'a pas d'angle mort et ne tourne pas ; donc c'est forcément le radar tournant du sommet de la mâture, et si cétait le faisceau du radar on le verrait tourner ; donc c'est très probablement l'angle mort du radar de veille basse et moyenne altitude haut perché 

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Une vidéo "promotionnelle" du modèle de corvette 20380 cette fois >


La tourelle canon de la corvette est justement celle du modèle A-190E, canon de 100mm, dont alexWF a publié des photo à vide sur cette page dans son post du 21 avril (tourelle furtive en matériau composite) :coolc:    

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Shipyard in Russian Far East floats out submarine Komsomolsk-on-Amur before running trials

The Project 877 diesel-electric submarine Komsomolsk-on-Amur has been put afloat at the Amur Shipyard in the Russian Far East before its dock and running trials, the press office of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur administration said on Friday.

Zelenodolsk Shipyard Laid Down the Fourth Project 22160 Patrol Vessel for Russian Navy

The fourth Project 22160 patrol ship 'Sergey Kotov' was laid down at Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after Maxim Gorky on May 8, according to Russian Navy`s official spokeperson, Igor Dygalo.

Russian Navy First Project 11356M Grigorovich class Frigate heads for Permanent Base in Crimea

The Project 11356 frigate Admiral Grigorovich will leave the naval base in Baltiysk in west Russia to head for its home station in Sevastopol in Crimea, Defense Ministry spokesman for the Navy Igor Dygalo said on Friday.

Russian Navy Project 537 Osminog-class Alagez Rescue Vessel to be Upgraded

The Russian Defense Ministry will have the unique Alagez rescue vessel upgraded in 2016. The Alagez barely escaped scrapping in the 1990s, according to the news portal. The Project 537 Osminog-class Alagez rescue vessel was built for the Soviet Navy in the Ukrainian city of Nikolayev. The vessel was designed to rescue the crews of ships in distress, search for and rescue sunken submarines, and conduct deep-water tests and other important missions.

Project 23550 Ice-class Patrol Ships to Significantly Strengthen Arctic Capabilities of Russian Navy

The two Project 23550 ice-class patrol boats ordered last week by Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) will significantly increase the Arctic capabilities of the national Navy, according to Russian defense analysts.

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Si je ne me goure pas s'est un reportage qui présente l'Infanterie de Marine avec présentation de ce qu'elle propose pour les engagés .

Sympa la garnison et les environs .


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Le vendredi 8 avril 2016 à 10:38, penaratahiti a dit :

c'est moi où l'article ne précise pas que le Kuznetsov a été construit en Ukraine (comme les Porte-aéronefs, Kiev, Minsk, Moskva d'ailleurs), d'où l'absence de cale suffisamment grande en Russie pour le futur hypothétique PA russe ?

A cette époque il n'y avait pas d'Ukraine ou de Russie, i ln'y avait que la Rodina ;)


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