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Drone aérien


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Eh ben le gars qui t'a dit cela avait parfaitement raison.

Au Bourget, ce drone était en démonstration statique.

Depuis a été intégré/validé en vol une nouvelle motorisation (ça fait 3 fois que c'est dit au moins ...), la chaine de mission et son petit nom a été officialisé.

C'est déjà bien d'avoir un produit (et diesel pour la marine ...), mais encore faut-il avoir un/des clients ...

Ce que je voulais dire par la, c'est que lui même n'en savait pas beaucoup plus à son sujet !

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Un drone propulsé à l’énergie nucléaire. Le projet a été élaboré par des chercheurs américains du laboratoire Sandia (groupe Lockheed Martin). Northrop Grumman, qui a été associé à la recherche, a fixé les grandes lignes d’un cahier des charges. L’engin doit posséder un long rayon d’action, capable de rester de nombreuses heures en vol et transmettre de grandes quantités d’informations. L’amélioration de l’avionique, des transmissions et de l’aérodynamisme obtenue, reste la question de la propulsion.

3 avril 12 -

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^ La Luftwaffe aussi... décidement

Germany Considering Acquisition of Heron TP UAVs from Israel

Cet article de Israel Defence est écrit bizarrement. Ils parlent d'une acquisition éventuelle du Héron TP par l'Allemagne en terminant l'article par l'accord Dassault-IAI, comme si DA fournirait ce système alors que pour le marché allemand c'est RheinMetall GmBH qui a la licence Héron d'IAI.

Le comble du pataquès étant que ces mêmes RheinMetall ont fait une JV drone avec Cassidian GmBH (inclus UAV Héron TP) ce qui a joué contre le feu projet Talarion.

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La Navy veut un drone hélicoptère à base de Bell 407 !

The Navy is moving ahead with its plan to replace it’s relatively small MQ-8B Firescout drone helicopters with an unmanned version of the Bell 407 chopper, dubbed the MQ-8C Firescout that will carry more cargo and more than double the robot chopper’s endurance.

“We’ve been asked to carry more packages on-board the aircraft, we’ve been asked for more endurance especially in high-hot environments, and so because of that we got an urgent requirement to upgrade the aircraft to give us greater endurance,” said Rear Adm. William Shannon III, program executive officer for the Navy’s unmanned aircraft and strike weapons programs during the Navy League’s annual Sea, Air, Space Conference in National Harbor, Md. “As a result of that we are in the process of signing a contract with Northrop Grumman that would ostensibly swap out the airframe [for the Bell 407]; 95-percent of the software remains the same from [the original Firescout]; all the links, all the comms systems, all the avionics remain the same. Essentially what we’ll do is swap out the air vehicle, the airframe with a Bell 407, and we’ll go from about six-hours of endurance to about 14-hours of endurance. For those of you that are familiar with vertical lift and helicopters, that’s pretty remarkable. ABout a six to seven hundred pound payload and 14 hours of endurance.”

The MQ-8C will replace the smaller MQ-8B as a robot helicopter supporting special operations forces with everything from ISR overwatch and resupply to light close air support with rockets and missiles by 2015, according to Shannon.

La Navy veut un drone lourd Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) pour la fin de la décennie.

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La Navy veut un drone hélicoptère à base de Bell 407 !

The Navy is moving ahead with its plan to replace it’s relatively small MQ-8B Firescout drone helicopters with an unmanned version of the Bell 407 chopper, dubbed the MQ-8C Firescout that will carry more cargo and more than double the robot chopper’s endurance.

“We’ve been asked to carry more packages on-board the aircraft, we’ve been asked for more endurance especially in high-hot environments, and so because of that we got an urgent requirement to upgrade the aircraft to give us greater endurance,” said Rear Adm. William Shannon III, program executive officer for the Navy’s unmanned aircraft and strike weapons programs during the Navy League’s annual Sea, Air, Space Conference in National Harbor, Md. “As a result of that we are in the process of signing a contract with Northrop Grumman that would ostensibly swap out the airframe [for the Bell 407]; 95-percent of the software remains the same from [the original Firescout]; all the links, all the comms systems, all the avionics remain the same. Essentially what we’ll do is swap out the air vehicle, the airframe with a Bell 407, and we’ll go from about six-hours of endurance to about 14-hours of endurance. For those of you that are familiar with vertical lift and helicopters, that’s pretty remarkable. ABout a six to seven hundred pound payload and 14 hours of endurance.”

The MQ-8C will replace the smaller MQ-8B as a robot helicopter supporting special operations forces with everything from ISR overwatch and resupply to light close air support with rockets and missiles by 2015, according to Shannon.

La Navy veut un drone lourd Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) pour la fin de la décennie.

Le mouvement vers le plus lourd se confirme donc une fois de plus pour les Youesses .

En ce qui nous concerne, rappelons que laDGA poursuit les expériences sur le AH-6 de chez Boeing comme helidrone .

Mais la taille du ou des drones est limitée par la place dans le hangar des Fremm , lequel chez les italiens peut recevoir deux Helos .... Donc plusieurs drones moins gros en sus du NH90 ...

Mais je verrais plutôt un projet commun avec les GiBi sur base de gazelle par exemple ...

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La Navy veut un drone lourd Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) pour la fin de la décennie.

C'était tout caché à la fin de ton post :

Je le colle ici en entier car

On y voit un process de décision aboutissant à des appétits de spécification bien contrôlé

Et effectivement la réaffirmation d'un besoin rapide en UCLASS qui risque de se faire plus sur le dos du F-35C

Enfin , ces specif raisonnables expliquerait le proto UCLASS présenté par Boing en même temps que le F/À-XX qui ressemble plus à un Sea Avenger qu'à un X-47!

That’s right, the Navy has been told by Pentagon brass to hurry up and figure out a way to get a stealthy, combat drone flying off aircraft carriers by the end of the decade service officials said today.

Two years ago the Navy announced that it planned on fielding a stealthy, fighter-size drone that could perform long-range reconnaissance and strike missions while operating from aircraft carriers, a project known as Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS). The service put out an RfI for the program and numerous defense contractors have begun preparing designs.

So, how does the sea service speed up the process?

It begins by figuring out exactly what it needs the new drones to be able to do and nothing more, a process known as “tightening the requirements.” This makes it easier for contractors to pitch the simplest possible design which should help reduce costs and delays. In addition to whittling down its requirements for the plane, the Navy has been told to streamline its actual acquisition process for the jet. We’ll see how it does that.

“We’ve had a statement of need from the Navy that was validated by the joint staff for UCLASS about three weeks ago … and we expect to get a memo that tells us to essentially streamline the acquisition on that program and move more quickly,” said Rear Adm. William Shannon III, program executive officer for the Navy’s unmanned aircraft and strike weapons programs during the Navy League’s annual Sea, Air, Space Conference in National Harbor, Md. “We have the [analysis of alternatives] almost done on UCLASS and we’re looking at that and we’e looking at essentially making sure that we have managed the appetite on the requirements side and streamlined the acquisition process so that we can get it out to the fleet in a timely fashion.”

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La photo de l'uclass de Boing :

Image IPB

Cet UCLASS risque d'être un facteur dimensionnant quant à la politique du Tandem Bae/dassault :

Un X-47 tardivement mis en place est compatible avec les retards du Tandem Talarion/Neuron

Tandis qu'un UCLASS à la Sea Avenger, va d'un coups démoder le Talarion avant même sa mise en service et accentuer (à l'export également...) le retard du Neuron...

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General Atomics proposes range boost for Predator B

Stephen Trimble Washington DC

Predator Bs could gain an extra 10-15h endurance under two retrofit options unveiled on 18 April by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems.

Adding two fuel pods and a previously designed heavy-weight landing gear would allow a Predator B to fly 37h without refueling on an surveillance mission, the company says.

Alternatively, General Atomics could add another 5h of endurance by installing 26.8m (88ft)-long wings, replacing 20.1m wings on the aircraft today.

Both retrofit proposals emerged from an internally funded "endurance enhancement study".

The modifications could be made "without costly depot aircraft modifications", the company says.

The heavier landing gear could increase the maximum takeoff weight of the Predator B from 4,762kg (10,500lb) to 5,307kg.

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comprend pas pourquoi ils ont pris le héron TP ces français

1/Parce que les conseillers parlent de préservation de la BITD et de la souveraineté d'emploi.

2/Parce que le Ministre a été obligé de trancher car les autres offres n'étaient pas conformes.

3/Parce que Dassault Aviation est puissant et veut être présent dans les vecteurs MALE ISR et les drones de combat furtifs.

4/Parce que des intérêts sont en jeu.

5/Parce que les allemands ont fait capoter.

6/Parce que tu n'as pas lu ce que l'on dit depuis des lustres sur les 2 fils de discussions sur les drones.  :lol:

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1/Parce que les conseillers parlent de préservation de la BITD et de la souveraineté d'emploi.

2/Parce que le Ministre a été obligé de trancher car les autres offres n'étaient pas conformes.

3/Parce que Dassault Aviation est puissant et veut être présent dans les vecteurs MALE ISR et les drones de combat furtifs.

4/Parce que des intérêts sont en jeu.

5/Parce que les allemands ont fait capoter.

6/Parce que tu n'as pas lu ce que l'on dit depuis des lustres sur les 2 fils de discussions sur les drones.  :lol:

tu sais ce que ca veux dire une phrase de jalousie?  :lol:

non mais sérieusement, pourquoi si ils parle de la BITD ils ne prennent pas alors le drone patroller de safran?

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tu sais ce que ca veux dire une phrase de jalousie?  :lol:

non mais sérieusement, pourquoi si ils parle de la BITD ils ne prennent pas alors le drone patroller de safran?

Safran n'avait pas présenté son patroller à l'appel d'offre (crainte en cas de fusion avec Thales ?)

De plus pas d'accès non plus à la Satcom de Zodiac ... Ni la puissance de DA pour l'obtenir ...

Enfin un emport trop faible

Personnellement j'avais suggéré à Stratège d'explorer la dronisation du grob 520 egrett mais il avait préféré une autre solution :

Image IPB

The Egrett series of aircraft was originally developed by Grob Flugzeugbau GmbH & Co KG (Germany) and E-Systems Inc. (USA) as a low-cost (in military terms) high altitude reconnaissance platform for the German and US Air Forces. Egrett, a high-altitude long endurance manned aircraft made out of composites, is powered by a single turboprop engine, it has a wingspan similar to that of a commercial Boeing 737. The program was known as Senior Guardian in the United States, and as LAPAS (Airborne Stand-off Primary Reconnaissance System) in Germany. Although the mission of the Senior Guardian project is publicly portrayed as focused environmental monitoring and treaty verification, a similar cover story was used during the early years of the U-2 program.

A total of five airplanes were built, the single-seater Proof-of-Concept aircraft, three production single seaters and one two-seater trainer. After an evaluation period, the two Air Forces decided that the aircraft did not fit their requirements. Since then, some of the single seaters have been successfully used as ad-hoc high-altitude research platforms (for example by Aurora Corporation in the USA and by the Weltrauminstitut in Berlin).

The Egrett is capable of carrying about 750kg of payload to a maximum altitude of 50,000ft (15km) and stay there for around 8 hours, depending on the mission profile. Normal cruising speed (indicated air speed, IAS) at altitude is 130-150kts (65-75m/s) with a true air speed (TAS) of about Mach 0.45. Its maximum range at altitude is about 1500NM (2800km). The aircraft can operate from most sealed runways. No special airport infrastructure is required. It is powered by a single Garrett turboprop engine and is certified as a normal aircraft under Australian, German and US regulations for flight under all-weather conditions (IFR/icing). The normal crew consists of a pilot occupying the front seat and a systems operator/scientist occupying the rear seat.

As the Egrett was originally designed as a reconnaissance aircraft, its modular fuselage structure offers ample and simple options for a large number of down- or sidewards looking apertures in the fuselage. The whole lower section of the forward fuselage is non-structural and modifications to this part are rather simple. Upwards looking apertures do not exist currently, but will be retro-fitted once required.

G 520 EGRETT -  The perfect platform for high altitude reconnaissance and surveillance

Developed and Certified in 1991, the GROB G 520 is one of the world’s largest fully composite manned and unmanned aircraft, providing an ideal system platform for OPV/UAV applications (Optional Piloted Vehicle).

The flexible payload-bay concept of the G 520 can accommodate multiple mission systems for both civilian and military applications and operations with a minimum of integration and modification lead time.

Based on its proven airframe and systems reliability the G 520 mitigates development risks for future UAV and or system developments. The G 520 is the cost efficient performance platform for the UAV and OPV requirements of the 21st century, both in the HALE and MALE performance/application sector.

Full reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities.

The G 520 EGRETT features:

Long endurance, high altitude performance

Short runway capabilities

Reconfigurable payload installation

Full approval for all-weather IFR/Icing operations acc. to LBA/FAA Part 23 regulations

12 payload compartments for up to 1000 kg of mission equipment makes the G 520 an ideal multi-role platform for a wide range of missions. Depending on payload the G 520 has a range up to 5000 km (2700 NM) or up to 11 Hrs (UAV 32 Hrs) on stage time in all weather conditions.

The G 520 success story is continuing.

Surtout que Grob a traversé une quasi banqueroute

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ATK showed off a compact little bomb it’s developing for use on small UAVs at the Navy League’s Sea, Air and Space show in Maryland this week. Dubbed the “Hatchet,” this 60mm munition can be mounted on platforms such as the ScanEagle and is designed to offer a low-collateral damage alternative to the Hellfire missile — originally designed to take out armor — carried by the Predator.

The Hatchet features a miniaturized Laser JDAM Seeker warhead, made by Elbit Systems, and can be guided on to a target by GPS or an inertial guidance system. ATK is working with the Army, Navy and Air Force to develop the system for use against soft targets in urban areas. By that we mean it can be fired into a bad guys living room and not necessarily wipe out an innocent family next door.

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Une petite bombe pour les drones légers, le Hatchet d'ATK :

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Aux dernières nouvelles de Juillet 2011 , Daher Socata réfléchissait encore à l'achat du Grob G180 SpN, un petit jet type VLJ dont le développement n'était pas achevé du fait de la faillite de Grob .

Si cet achat se faisait , cela donnerait à EADS dont socata est une ex-filiale (vente de la participation majoritaire à Daher), l'accès à un concept dérivé : le Grob HALE G600 :

GROB have never given up their plan to build a successful High-Altitude Long-Endurance (HALE) product and have decided to try and compete with the successful Northrop Grumman Global Hawk. This June at the Paris Air Show GROB unveiled a stretched version of its G180 SPn business jet, designed as a manned or unmanned high altitude surveillance and communications platform, known as the GROB HALE G 600. The aft section of the basic G180 fuselage will be extended and fitted with a new 116.8ft span high aspect ratio all composite wing and the aircraft will be powered by two Williams FJ44-4A engines each producing 3,500 lbs of thrust. The G600 will be capable of carrying a payload of cameras, IR systems and various other sensors depending on the mission requirements, up to a maximum weight of 2,650lbs. With a maximum take-off weight of 17,100lbs the G600 would be capable of with a two man crew for up to 17hrs at altitudes up to 65,000ft and have a range of about 5540nms. With four additional 1,000 litre fuel tanks installed in the rear fuselage, the G600 Extended Range (ER) would have a range of around 11,340nms, giving two G600ER the ability to cover any point in the globe.

GROB have stated that they have received ‘substantial’ European military interest in the G600 and they are marketing this proposal on the basis that it would cost 90% less than a Global Hawk. If the company secures just one launch customer it estimates that it would be able to fly the aircraft within 13 months and then secure full certification and customer delivery within another 11 months. The GROB G600 is certainly a relatively low-cost solution for countries seeking a HALE platform for surveillance and communications duties. However, as an manned, unarmed and relatively slow aircraft, it is very debateable whether it could be seriously considered for use over a hostile country and is better suited for border surveillance. Whether the G600 will ever be produced is another matter and, if it is, I suspect the numbers built will be small and it could well end up like the Egret – as yet another unusual, but ultimately un-commercial GROB design.

Image IPB

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This June at the Paris Air Show GROB unveiled a stretched version of its G180 SPn business jet, designed as a manned or unmanned high altitude surveillance and communications platform


However, as an manned, unarmed and relatively slow aircraft, it is very debateable whether it could be seriously considered for use over a hostile country and is better suited for border surveillance.

Donc GROB, a condition de trouver les financements adhoc, serait en mesure de developper une plateforme HALE dronisable en 24 mois? ca parait realiste ou tres optimiste? Sans la mise au point de la dronisation sur la plateforme, sans doute la partie la plus delicate a developper, le projet presente-t-il reellement un interet?

Enfin l'article defend a peine le global hawk, en utilisant une ebauche de projet qui en terme de cout n'a rien a voir (90% du prix, sans le developpement de la dronisation sur le Grob, ce qui coute le plus cher  =|), comme faire-valoir, meme s'il doit presenter des caracteristiques similaires... drole de procede.

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Donc GROB, a condition de trouver les financements adhoc, serait en mesure de developper une plateforme HALE dronisable en 24 mois? ca parait realiste ou tres optimiste? Sans la mise au point de la dronisation sur la plateforme, sans doute la partie la plus delicate a developper, le projet presente-t-il reellement un interet?

Enfin l'article defend a peine le global hawk, en utilisant une ebauche de projet qui en terme de cout n'a rien a voir (90% du prix, sans le developpement de la dronisation sur le Grob, ce qui coute le plus cher   =|), comme faire-valoir, meme s'il doit presenter des caracteristiques similaires... drole de procede.

On ne saura jamais si Grob aurait réussi à droniser son G600 à prix contenu...

Par contre si le G180 était racheté par Daher-Socata, il rentrait dans le Giron (ou à peu près) d'EADS qui a ou aura (via un éventuel rachat d'ATE*) les moyens de droniser ce Very Light Jet.


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