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L'Inde teste le missile balistique de son premier SNLE

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Le missile K-15 est développé par la firme indienne DRDOcrédits : DRDO

Le DRDO n'est pas à proprement parler une firme mais l'équivalent de notre DGA.

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Fric-Frac dans l'hôtel d'un officiel Russe lié au contrat de leasing de l'Akula "Nerpa" (renommé INS "Chakra"). 80 000 Roubles, 2000 Roupies intouchées mais le voleur est semble t'il reparti avec des documents liés au sous-marin.

Tradition Britannique. La perte de documents secrets.

Je reste toujours ébahi de la légèreté avec laquelle sont gérés ces documents "sensibles".

Exactly a week after the 8,140-tonne nuclear-powered attack submarine INS Chakra was inducted into the Indian Navy on a 10-year lease from Russia, a brazen attempt was made to steal key documents pertaining to the submarine from a star hotel here on Wednesday.

Police are trying to trace the unidentified assailant with the help of the video footage. Speculation is rife that the accused fled The spot by taking away some important documents on security matters. The attempt to steal the secret documents was made in Novotel Hotel room (No. 534) of a high- ranked Russian officer T Alexander when he was away. Alexander, who is a vice admiral rank officer, was shocked to see his room lock broken when he returned around 2.30 pm. He immediately called the police.

He had kept 80,000 worth Russian currency, a laptop, some electronic gadgets and Rs 2,000 Indian currency in the room which were intact.

A senior police official said the accused had tried in vain to break open the secret locker in the room. But unconfirmed reports said he walked away with some documents from the locker. It remains a mystery as to how the accused could easily make his way to the top ranking official's room in a high-profile star hotel where security is fool-proof. A Clues team and fingerprint experts were rushed to the hotel soon after the Russian's complaint.

Sources said Alexander had come to Vizag on March 30 to train the sailors of INS Chakra. "He would be camping here for nearly a month. Several Russian officers are also staying in star hotels like Park, Taj Gateway and Novotel," sources said.

When contacted, city police commissioner Purnachandra Rao said that an attempt was made to burgle the room. "We would track the accused with the help of the video footage and arrest him. No document has been stolen," he said. He refused to divulge any further details. Naval authorities refused to comment on the matter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Deux photos du Vikramaditya parues dans le Korabel du 12 avril : (le mât supplémentaire à l'arrière du château est nouveau pour moi).

Je comprends pas. Il n'y à que deux classe Kuznetsov. le premier est encore russe et le second est chinois (ex Varyag). Le Vikramaditya est un classe Kiev sans tremplin non ?

D'ailleurs vu la taille du château, même en virant les lances missiles ya pas vraiment trop de place pour manoeuvrer non ?

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Si c'est le russe cédé à l'Inde il s'agit de l'ex Baku, de classe Kiev qui est une réduction de format du project Orel si j'ai bien compris.

Mais je ne comprends pas où ils trouvent l'espace de manoeuvre pour faire décoller les MIG 29 futurs sur le tremplin. Le château est très large par rapport au navire.

Et même pour un MIG 29, l'ascenseur du Kiev (à l'arrière du château) est minuscule, y compris avec ailes repliées. D'autant plus qu'il y à le mât à systèmes électroniques en plus juste à côté qui semble prendre la place des silos lance missiles. Donc exit l'ascenseur élargi apparemment.

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Le PA Vikramaditiya est en effet issus de la classe kiev (de l'ex Baku ex Admiral Gorshkov) mais on peut aussi dire qu'il n'a rien à voir avec cette classe de navire. Il y a eu 8 ans de travaux pour un coût proche des 2 milliards d'€ soit quasiment le prix proposé par la DCN pour un PA neuf (et CATOBAR et peut-être même nucléaire) de taille équivalente.

Avec une modernisation de ce prix, on peut rajouter des ascenseurs, élargir les pistes agrandir le hangar... il s'agit plus d'une reconstruction que d'une modernisation. Ils ont gardé le moteur et la coque extérieure, mais tout le reste a pu être changé.

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Les indiens semblent se battre pour conserver une capacité aéronavale légère, le temps de disposer d'une lourde.

Sans catapulte une longue course qui efface presque tout le pont est indispensable pour décoller un peu lourd, du moins avec un avion "classique".

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Varunastra ready for trials

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VISAKHAPATNAM: Varunastra, India's yet� another powerful underwater weapon, is all set for the test trials. Developed by the Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (NSTL), Visakhapatnam with indigenous technology, Varunastra will be tested by the Indian Navy shortly. With this, India is likely to be a part of the select group of nations to operate an underwater weapon with such technology.

Weighing around 1.25 tonne, the underwater weapon carries about 250 kg of explosives at a speed of 38 nautical miles per hour. With a circular trajectory, which makes it difficult for the enemy to target it, Varunastra smashes the target (underwater) from both top and bottom. Equipped with the most advanced automatic and remote-controlled guidance system, the weapon uses its own intelligence in tracing the target.

"With its self-intelligence, Varunastra detects enemy object and informs the control room. It is a clever underwater spy, which when inducted by the Indian Navy will have India joining the group of countries possessing a weapon with such advanced technology," a senior NSTL scientist told Express. The NSTL has earlier developed autonomous underwater vehicles - TAL (light water torpedo), and Takshak (heavy weight torpedo). Varunastra carries the Takshak.

Varunastra's technology and chemistry are completely indigenous, developed by a group of scientists specially deputed for the project.Meanwhile, the NSTL is also working on updating the TAL by the end of 2014.

Recently, the Union government has announced the prestigious DRDO AGNI-2011 award to the Project Varunastra team of NSTL for its excellence in self-reliance.

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India's Defence Shipyards Building 61 Warships, Vessels

India's four Defence public sector shipyards are building a total of 61 warships and vessels for the maritime forces of the country.

The four shipyards are Mumbai-based Mazagaon Docks Limited (MDL), Kolkata-based Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE), Goa-based Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) and Visakhapatnam-based Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL), which is the latest entrant in governmental warship building in the country.

MDL has 14 warships on order including the six Project-75 Scorpene submarines. It is also constructing a Project-17 Frigate of the Shivalik class, three Project-15A Kolkata class and follow-on four Project-15B Destroyers, all for the Indian Navy.

GRSE is constructing four Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvettes under Project-28, apart from six Inshore Patrol Vessel of the Rajshree class and eight Landing Craft Utility, forming the 18 ships on order.

GSL, on the other hand, is building 11 vessels, four of which are Offshore Patrol Vessels for the Indian Navy, six 105-metre Offshore Patrol Vessels and a 90-metre Offshore Patrol Vessel.

The HSL, which joined Defence shipbuilding as a government shipyard just about two years ago, has 12 Inshore Patrol Vessels of two different classes, apart from three 50-ton Bollard Pull Tug and 25-ton Bollard Pull Tug.

But the performance of the four shipyards, in terms of deliveries, is a really interesting bag. MDL has, in the last 10 years, delivered just two frigates under Project-17.

GRSE, on the other hand, has been the best performer, delivering 24 vessels in the last 10 years -- five Fast Attack Craft, two Project-16A Frigates, an Hovercraft, two Inshore Patrol Vessels, three Landing Ship Tanks, a Project-25A Corvette, and 10 Waterjet Fast Attack Craft.

GSL has delivered 12 ships of which two were Extra Fast Attack Craft, a Sail Training Ship, two Advanced Offshore Patrol Vessels, five Fast Patrol Vessels, and two 90-metre Offshore Patrol Vessels.

HSL has in the last two years delivered an Inshore Patrol Vessel, that too in January 2012.

The government informed parliament that there have been delays in completion of certain projects and the major reasons are:

Since warship building is a very complex activity that has a long gestation period, latest technologies and systems that evolve during the construction period have to be incorporated after making necessary changes in existing design.

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