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Avec les BERP ("British Experimental Rotorblade Programme") IVs, le AW101 a fait 16500kgs, c'est tres bon.  =)

C'est a dire, potentiel avec les BERP IVs.

Masse maximale: 16500kgs

Vitesse maximale: environ 350km/h

AgustaWestland Completes BERP IV Flight Testing

Monday, November 26, 2007 / AgustaWestland

AgustaWestland has successfully completed the qualification flight testing of the new generation BERP IV AW101 main rotor blades. The new technology blades will enter operational service in early 2008 on the UK's Royal Air Force fleet of AW101 Merlin Mk.3A helicopters.

The BERP IV program commenced in 2000 with a technology selection and integration phase leading to the design and manufacturing phase in 2002. The blades first flew in September 2006 and have now completed a 13 month flight test programme during which the AW101 was flown at speeds up to 198 knots and at altitudes of 13,000 ft. Aircraft fitted with BERP IV blades have also been flown at weights up to 16,500 kg - 1,900 kg over the normal Merlin gross weight and 900 kg over the current AW101 maximum gross weight.

Image IPB

The BERP IV main rotor blades have now been productionised and manufactured by AgustaWestland within six months of a contract award by the MoD to support an Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR) for increased hot and high lift capability on the AW101 Merlin Mk 3A helicopters. The blades can also be directly retrofitted to other AW101 variants as a direct replacement for the existing blades.

Graham Cole, Managing Director - Business at AgustaWestland said “The BERP IV rotor blades deliver significant capability improvements for the AW101 which the Royal Air Force and other customers will greatly appreciate. The speed at which we have evolved the BERP IV blade technology is a credit to the joint Ministry of Defence and AgustaWestland team."

BERP IV blades represent the next generation of rotor technology developed under a jointly funded AgustaWestland and UK Ministry of Defence rotor technology development and demonstration programme. The blades incorporate an improved planform, new aerofoil sections and an advanced aeroelastically tailored structure to provide reduced vibration, 10 knots additional cruise speed and 650 kg additional lift capability over the standard AW101 Merlin main rotor blades. AgustaWestland test pilot Dick Trueman said “The harder these blades work the better they perform; they give the AW101 a very useful improvement in lift capability. The already smooth AW101 is even smoother with these blades - vibration levels were so low we often had to check the active vibration control system on the AW101 was switched off during testing!”


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  • 2 months later...

Contrat indien en 2008?

India's Air Force is likely to select a new medium-lift and VIP transport helicopter around mid-2008 after successfully completing trials with the two main contenders this month.

Vying for the contract are the AgustaWestland AW101 and Sikorsky S-92. The successful bidder is expected to begin the delivery of eight 12-seater VIP helicopters and four 30-passenger medium-lift helicopters from around early 2010. Russia's Kamov was eliminated from the competition in 2006.

Requirements include a rotorcraft with three engines, a speed of up to 108kt (200km/h), an ability to climb over 17,000ft (5,200m), night and bad weather capabilities, modern sensors and jammers, and protection against missile threats and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. The service did not release any information on how trials went.

The VIP helicopters, which will be used by senior government officials, will also be supplied with equipment capable of providing encrypted communications.

The aircraft will replace Russia-made Mi-8 helicopters, which were converted to VIP transport configuration in the late 1980s, and are expected to remain in service for at least 30 years. The contract, which could be worth around $250 million, should be signed in early 2009.


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Enfin tout n'est pas tout rose dans le programme AW101 :

Woes of Cormorant helicopters hinder rescues, air force chief says

Repair problems mean too few choppers are ready to fly, general complains

Rob Shaw, Times Colonist

Published: Thursday, February 07, 2008

VICTORIA -- The Canadian air force is now admitting search and rescue operations across the country have been hindered by constant problems maintaining and repairing its fleet of Cormorant helicopters.

The military needs at least nine of its 15 Cormorant helicopters to be able to fly for rescue missions each day at bases in Comox, Trenton, Ont., Greenwood, N.S., and Gander, N.L.

But due to problems getting parts and servicing, the military is able to get only about six helicopters into flight shape daily, air force chief of staff Lt.-Gen. Angus Watt told the Times Colonist during an editorial board meeting yesterday.

Because of parts and maintenance problems, only six of the military's 15 Cormorant rescue helicopters are typically available for duty each day.View Larger Image View Larger Image

Because of parts and maintenance problems, only six of the military's 15 Cormorant rescue helicopters are typically available for duty each day.

Department of National Defence

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"It is not ideal," Watt said. "I'm not happy with the level of serviceability, but we are working to make it better."

In the meantime, the military is manning three bases with Cormorants and using Griffon helicopters at CFB Trenton. The CH-146 Griffons are smaller and older than the Cormorants.

The air force has repeatedly insisted -- as recently as December -- that search and rescue operations were not affected by the helicopter problems because the Griffons and other planes could cover duties.

"Everybody is working hard to make the system better. It's not where it should be in terms of overall ability, but it is where it should be in terms of competence. The crews remain world class," said Watt.

Canada paid $750 million for the new Cormorants to replace its aging Labradors in 2001.

Watt said he is unhappy with the lack of support Canada has received from AgustaWestland, the company that built the helicopters. Since buying them, along with a parts shortage, the military has found cracks in the tail rotor area, corrosion around the fuel tanks, premature wearing on the bearings for some controls, structural cracks and malfunctioning computers and radios. At times, the Cormorants have been restricted to essential mission flights.

One of the five Cormorants stationed at CFB Comox remains stripped for parts just to keep the others flying. Another is being repaired for rust damage in Trenton.

The military has expressed its dissatisfaction to AgustaWestland, and the company has promised improved services later this year and next, Watt said.

But Watt rejected recommendations from an internal military team that the air force needs three more Cormorants. He said fixing the problems in the existing fleet should be the priority.

"How can I go to the Treasury Board and say I have purchased a substandard aircraft, which is not achieving the serviceability I need, and I need you to buy more of them?" Watt asked.

The three-star general, who reports directly to the chief of defence staff, spent yesterday visiting 19 Wing at CFB Comox and 443 Squadron in Patricia Bay, where he flew Sea Kings.

CFB Comox remains the major air force presence on the West Coast, he said, and the launching pad for rescue missions in B.C. and the Yukon. It is possible future squadrons of unmanned aerial drones will be stationed there, but a final decision has not been made, Watt said.

"In general I think the air force is in pretty good shape," he said. "We are revitalizing our capabilities in a way we haven't done in a generation."

Ce qui me dégoûte le plus c'est la campagne ignomigneuse qu'avait mené Westland contre Eurocopter pour remporter ce marché.

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  • 2 months later...

Avec la restructuration du US101, le USA va commander 32, et pas 26 US101. Les premiers 9 vont etre produire a Yeovil (le quatrieme a vole la derniere semaine iirc) et les autres 23 va assembler par Bell a Texas. Lockheed Martin a jete des plans pour un assemblage americain s'ils gagnent CSAR-X, les premiers helicopteres vont etre faire a Yeovil pour etre plus vite. Un rumeur dit que le Malaysie veux acheter 12 AW101s.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Probablement une nouvelle commande.

L'Inde va probablement acheter 12 AW101s apres il a gagne les essais.  =) Un Indien sur le WAFF a dit que le marine indien va commander encore une fois 20 AW101, s'il gagne le VVIP role. Ce serait 32 AW101s. :) L'usine a Yeovil va avoir beaucoup de travail si c'est vrai, avec Future Lynx, AW101 et AW149. Peut-etre plus de nouvelles a Farnborough 2008. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Est ce que des pays asiatiques sont intéréssés par la machine ?

Le Japon a achete 16 AW101.

Le Malaysie va acheter quelques probablement.

L'Inde a probablement decider d'acheter 12.

Autres? Possible.

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Une très bonne nouvelle pour un très bon helico !

Dernierment, il y'en a un qui a faillit boire la tasse ! :

Image IPB


Royal Navy Merlin helicopter survives freak deck mishap

By Tolga Ozbek

This dramatic image shows how close the UK Royal Navy came to losing one of its AgustaWestland EH101 Merlin HM1 multirole helicopters in a freak deck-handling incident in Istanbul on 14 May.

The Merlin was being repositioned on the deck of the RN’s Invincible-class aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious prior to a visit by the Queen when the vehicle towing it went over the side of the ship and fell into the water. Its driver was rescued, miraculously having escaped injury.

One of six Merlins from the RN’s 814 NAS aboard the vessel, the aircraft came to a rest after hitting the safety netting around the ship’s deck, with its below-fuselage radome also having helped to slow its momentum. It is unclear what level of damage the Merlin sustained during the mishap, but this is not believed to be significant.

An investigation has been launched into cause of the accident, but a navy source says that some form of mechanical failure to the towing tractor is likely to be the initial focus of attention. The vehicle was swiftly recovered from the water and did not cause any pollution, the source adds.

A Task Group led by HMS Illustrious departed the UK in late January for a four-month deployment dubbed ‘Orion ’08’. This will include coalition operations in the Indian Ocean as part of a multinational force led by the RN. Other aircraft embarked aboard the vessel earlier in the manoeuvres included BAE Systems Harrier GR9 ground-attack aircraft from the UK’s Joint Force Harrier, which were en route to support NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.

The aircraft carrier departed Istanbul as scheduled on 18 May to continue its voyage.

The UK Ministry of Defence on 20 May confirmed its intention to launch the production phase of a project to build two Future Aircraft Carriers, to enter service in 2014 and 2016, respectively. Involving leading companies including BAE, Thales UK and VT Group, the CVF programme has previously been estimated as worth around £3.9 billion ($7.67 billion).

Additional reporting by Craig Hoyle in London

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  • 2 months later...

Les Saudis ont achetes deux VVIP EH101s.

Saudi Arabian customer orders two VVIP AgustaWestland AW-101s

Finmeccanica, the parent company of AgustaWestland, has announced an order previously not reported by the helicopter manufacturer.  In a recently release document, they refer to a "contract to supply two EH101 VVIP helicopters, a special configuration of the VIP version featuring high standards of safety and comfort for an important Saudi Arabian customer"

AgustaWestland have confirmed to that they are not yet aware of whether these aircraft will be civil or military operated.

Source: editorial team


AgustaWestland Forms Portuguese Subsidiary And Signs AW101 Support Contract

AgustaWestland is pleased to announce the setting up of a subsidiary company in Portugal, called AgustaWestland Portugal, to provide complete helicopter support services.

AgustaWestland has also signed a contract with Locação de Equipamentos de Defesa SA (DEFLOC) for the long term provision of support for the 12 AW101 helicopters operated by the Portuguese Air Force. The Full In Service Support (FISS) contract will see AgustaWestland take full responsibility for the second level maintenance of the aircraft as well as the provision of spares, repairs and technical support services. The first five years of the 15 year contract is valued at approximately EUR53 million and will result in AgustaWestland Portugal working closely with the Portuguese Air Force and local industry to deliver the FISS.

In addition to the FISS contract AgustaWestland has signed an offset contract that includes aerospace manufacturing and engineering services in which AgustaWestland Portugal will play a major role as will other local companies including OGMA, which will be a major subcontractor to AgustaWestland Portugal.

Giuseppe Orsi, CEO, AgustaWestland said "We are delighted to have signed these important agreements. This achievement is evidence of our long term commitment in Portugal and our efforts to get closer and closer to our customers to enhance their operational effectiveness providing the best support solutions as a total capability provider. Furthermore, this contract expands AgustaWestland’s presence in an important market where we see significant business opportunities in the future”.

These future business opportunities will enable AgustaWestland Portugal to grow in the short and medium term. The Portuguese Ministry of Defence has recently expressed interest in Future Lynx, the Portuguese Navy already being a Lynx operator, which is being developed in the UK to meet the operational requirements of both the British Army and the Royal Navy.

AgustaWestland Portugal is another example of AgustaWestland continuing its expansion around the world and follows the recent opening of regional business headquarters in Japan and Turkey. This growth strategy is confirmed by the recent announcement of the 2008 half year results. New orders in the first half of 2008 were EUR 1,618 million, a rise of 10% on the EUR 1,470 million recorded in the same period of 2007.



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SELEX Galileo to supply AgustaWestland EOST 46 turrets

SELEX Galileo, of Finmeccanica, will supply AgustaWestland 10 EOST46 systems to be integrated into the AW101 and SuperLynx300 helicopters for an international customer.

Equipped helicopters will be delivered to the customer during the next 24/36 months. This new order sums up to the three systems recently sold to AgustaWestland for the AW109LUH.

The EOST46 has been selected as a primary system to perform observation within SAR operations.

The selected configurations include stabilised electro optical turrets integrating a thermal imager and a TV camera. The systems are built to be further integrated with two additional sensors. TVC camera spotter and illuminating laser.

The contract fits into a long term agreement between SELEX Galileo and AgustaWestland to propose the EOST46 in different configuration as baseline EO turret for different platforms, among which are the AW101 and AW109.

About SELEX Galileo;

SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems Limited and Galileo Avionica SpA now operate internationally as a single company, within Finmeccanica, known as SELEX Galileo. SELEX Galileo provides world class capabilities in surveillance, protection, tracking, targeting, avionics and imaging systems.

Selex Galileo prepares EO/IR turrets for Algerian helos

Selex Galileo is to supply AgustaWestland Helicopters with EOST 46 electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) systems for six AW101 and four Super Lynx 300 helicopters for Algeria. ...


Source : Janes Navy Defense

FLIR EOST-46 pour les AW-101 Algeriens, je crois qu'ils devraient se rapprocher "visuellement" de ceux du Portugal ou de l'Italie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Confirmation que l'Inde veux acheter 12 AW101s.


    * Le Royaume-Uni avec 72 commandes

    * Les USA avec 31 commandes

    * L'Italie avec 20 commandes

    * Le Canada avec 15 commandes

    * Le Japon avec 15 commandes

    * Le Danemark avec 14 commandes

    * Le Portugal avec 12 commandes

    * L'Algerie avec 6 commandes

    * L'Arabie-Saoudite avec 2 commandes

    * L'Inde avec 12 quasi-commandes

    * 10 prototypes etaient produit.

Total: 209

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  • 2 months later...

Se faire couper les ailes

Un rapport de l'agence Recherche et développement pour la défense Canada, cité par la Presse canadienne, révèle que les hélicoptères Cormorant de la Défense nationale sont immobilisés plus de la moitié du temps.

Les 14 appareils de type CH-149 sont cloués au sol à cause des inspections et des réparations exigées par de nombreux ennuis mécaniques.

C'est pourquoi l'agence suggère que le Canada achète des hélicoptères supplémentaires pour répondre aux besoins du pays en recherche et sauvetage. Sinon, il faudra réduire le nombre d'inspections pratiquées sur la flotte existante.

Loin des objectifs

En fait, pour répondre aux objectifs initiaux du gouvernement fédéral, la taille de cette flotte devrait doubler, le but étant d'avoir des hélicoptères pouvant fonctionner dans quatre bases au pays.

Or, l'agence a constaté que les appareils pouvaient fonctionner entre 37 % et 50 % du temps. Ainsi, il faudrait au moins 28 hélicoptères pour répondre aux exigences.

Des problèmes

Les Cormorant ont été achetés en 2002 pour remplacer des Labrador qui avaient presque 40 ans. Hélas, les nouveaux hélicoptères ont connu des problèmes continuels et des pénuries de pièces. En conséquence, les périodes de vol ont considérablement été réduites.

L'hiver dernier, le ministère de la Défense a catégoriquement exclu tout achat d'autres Cormorant. Interrogé par la Presse canadienne, un porte-parole ministériel a refusé de dire si les conclusions du rapport feraient changer cette décision. Il a mentionné que les responsables de la flotte et des ingénieurs l'étudient pour évaluer l'impact d'une réduction du temps d'inspection.

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Notre Romain a été banni.  :lol: Rob l'Anglais, te dira que ce reportage n'est pas objectif.

Les Canadiens vont-ils alors commander des Sikorsky S92 ? pour complèter leur flotte de 14 CH149/AW101 Cormorant

Apres l'embrouille des CH-148 ... il risque d'etre refroidi ...

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Apres l'embrouille des CH-148 ... il risque d'etre refroidi ...

On a une demi-douzaine de canadiens inscrits et présents sur ce forum, j'aurais préféré qu'ils interviennent pour nous parler de leurs déboires hélicoptèristes. C'est mieux d'entendre un son de clôche différent.  ;)

Quand au refroidissement, ils sont habitués  :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Une petite qui était passée au travers de nos veilles.  :-[

Publié le 15/11/2007 N°1835 Le Point

Chers hélicoptères !

Jean Guisnel

Imprimez Réagissez Classez L'industriel Eurocopter avait pratiquement conclu la vente de huit hélicoptères à la marine algérienne, dont quatre Caracal - pour la mission recherche et sauvetage en mer - et quatre Panther pour la lutte anti-navires. Le tout pour 250 millions d'euros. Fin 2006, les Algériens décident d'annuler le contrat et de lancer les discussions avec d'autres industriels. L'hélicoptériste italo-britannique AgustaWestland a récemment signé avec les généraux algériens un contrat portant sur la livraison de dix hélicoptères : six EH101 Merlin et quatre Lynx Mk 300. Pour 575 millions d'euros. Une facture plus que doublée pour des appareils effectuant sensiblement les mêmes missions... Curieux.

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Le contrat « Marine One » pour la vente de 23 hélicoptères US101 pour le transport du Président américain avait permis à Finmeccanica de mettre un pied sur le marché américain. La commande d'avions de transports C27J par le Pentagone avait confirmé le succès de la stratégie de PierFrancesco Guarguaglini.

Aujourd’hui, une bonne nouvelle supplémentaire pour le groupe italien provient de la demande du Pentagone d’augmenter la commande passée à Agusta pour les US101. En effet, le Pentagone avait sollicité des améliorations au projet initial d’Agusta. A ce titre, le congrès américain avait augmenté l’enveloppe budgétaire destinée au programme de… 50 pourcent. Assez pour améliorer largement les spécifications de l’appareil et permettre au Pentagone d’envisager une augmentation du nombre de machine, qui devrait passer de 23 à 30-32. Le Pentagone a confirmé officiellement ce scénario, et demandé l’autorisation du Congrès pour modifier à la hausse le contrat, autorisation qui ne devrait pas tarder à arriver selon des informations du parlement américain.

Une stratégie gagnante

Pour commercialiser son hélicoptère de transport aux USA, Agusta s'est associé à Lockheed Martin, en charge de mener les discussions, ainsi qu'à Bell. Par ailleurs, plus de 65 pourcent des composants sont fournis par les industriels américains, avec création d'emplois à la clef. L'US101 sera produit aux Etats-Unis.

Outre les déplacements du Président américain, les missions de la flotte d'US101 seront le transport de VIP et de hauts dignitaires étrangers. L'US101 est aussi prévu pour être l'hélicoptère d'évacuation des membres du Congrès, en cas de crise à Washington. L'US Air Force l'utilisera pour des missions de CSAR (Combat Search & Rescue).

L'US101 est le nom donné à la version américaine de l'EH101 italien (baptisé Merlin). Plus de 80 hélicoptères de ce types ont été commandés jusqu'à aujourd'hui, dont l'armée italienne, anglaise ou canadienne. Apprécié pour ses hautes capacités, il existe aussi en version marine (lutte sous-la-mer équipé d'un sonar et de torpilles), et a été engagé sur plusieurs théâtres, dont l'Irak.

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Petites précisions en matière de comparaison Dauphin N/Lynx

Les deux appareils sont issus d'un programme de la fin des années 60, premiers vols aux alentours de 1972

L'évolution de masse entre le Dauphin N et le N3 est de 400 Kg ( 3900 pour le N, 4300 pour le N3/Panther). Elle est de 1105 Kg entre le premier Lynx à 4225 et le Lynx 300 à 5330.

En cas de panne moteur, la puissance disponible durant 30 secondes ( OEI 30) passe de 718 KW sur le Dauphin N3/Panther à 1208 sur le Lynx...soit, à la masse max  0.16 Kw/Kg sur le DaU et 0.22Kw/Kg sur le W13. Des valeurs qui ont un sens lorsque la plupart des vols se déroule au dessus de l'eau.

Les deux appareils sont difficilement comparables, le Lynx est et restera toujours un appareil bien plus puissant qu'un DaU

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