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Ejército de Chile

Oscar Díaz

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  • 6 years later...

FIDAE: FAMAE Unveils Son of the Rayo

Mar. 28, 2014 - 12:17PM | By JOSÉ HIGUERA

A new multiple launch rocket system is displayed. (JOSÉ HIGUERA)

SANTIAGO — A new multiple launch rocket system, Sistema de Lanzamiento Multiple (SLM) in Spanish, is being exhibited by Fábricas and Maestranzas del Ejército (FAMAE) at FIDAE 2014.

Developed initially in cooperation with Israeli Military Industries (IMI) and local company Desarrollos de Automatización (DESA), the SLM platform consists of a MAN six-wheel-drive truck with an adaptable launching unit fitted on top and incorporating the Nekulpan fire control system from DESA.

The development of SLM took as references two weapons from IMI, the 160mm Accular high-precision artillery rocket, which carries a 35-kilogram warhead; and the 306mm extended range artillery rocket, with a 120-kilogram warhead.

The combination of Accular and Extra rockets allows SLM to strike targets at a distance of 10 to 150 kilometers, with a circle error probable of only 10 meters.

“Nevertheless, a very important part of the conception of this system is that it is very flexible, able to accommodate any artillery rocket system,” said Eduardo Aguilera, chief of FAMAE’s Rocket Department.

FAMAE is now offering the system as a complement to the LAR-160 rocket artillery system currently in use with the Chilean Army.

Ricardo Cortes, manager of DESA, said the Nekulpan fire control system “was developed in close cooperation with FAMAE, so it can rightly be said that it is tailor made.”

Cortes explained that the Nekulpan fire control system could be integrated with “any artillery rocket or self-propelled artillery weapon system currently available in the international market, to increase effectiveness at much competitive costs.”

Patricio Gutierrez, chief of FAMAE’s Rockets and Missiles Division, emphasized that “the development of SLM relied on the experience, competence and capabilities gained with the Rayo program.”

The Rayo program aimed to produce a 160mm rocket system in Chile, with FAMAE receiving technical assistance from the UK’s Royal Ordnance. The program ran from 1989 to 2002.

“Many people believe that Rayo was a waste, as it was not ordered and produced after its development and testing was successfully completed. But in fact the objective of Rayo was not only developing a rocket system,” Gutierrez said.

“Its real target was to create, to develop technical expertise and industrial capabilities in the field of rocketry in the country.

“And it was a success, as shown by the factory of rockets and propellant, the test bench and the assembly line and, overall, the team of rocket engineers and technicians that FAMAE has today. And SLM is also its result, which would deserve to be called the Son of the Rayo,” he said.

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Certains se placent sur la modernisation des Leopard-2 A4 chiliens :

FIDAE 2014: RUAG Defence's LEOPARD Midlife Upgrade Programme

The Chilean Army’s LEOPARD fleet is in urgent need of modernisation. RUAG Defence, at FIDAE 2014, is marketing its midlife upgrade programme (MLU), where RUAG and partners can offer modularity and upgradeability, fulfilling the military- and also the political demands of a weapon system of the future.


(Photo: DPM)

Featuring an electrical turret drive with digital controllers assures further upgradeability, increasing the safety of the crew and reducing maintenance work. By retrofitting the existing commander's periscope, night vision can be optimised. The chosen technical solution allows the periscope to remain in the same place. All control and command (C2) functions are centralised on the commander's new control panel. The new self-contained observation and weapon station (ABWS) on the roof of the tank and the upgradeable, modular protection concept with roof protection, front and side protection together with the mine protection assures the adaptability of the LEOPARD 2 to the changing demands.

Central to RUAG’s success in winning partnerships is its ability as one of the only suppliers able to offer the complete range of MLU services through one company and at one site. Although through a network of local partners RUAG is able to offer some services locally to its customers, a full service for every part of the LEOPARD, be it mechanical, electronic, hydraulic or optic can be performed with short turnaround times by skilled RUAG professionals based in Switzerland.

As the centre of excellence for all tracked systems of the Swiss Armed Forces, RUAG has in depth knowledge of all life cycle phases covering not only MRO but also production phases, mid-life upgrades and ultimately disposal.
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  • 10 months later...

Chile's armed forces receive 12 M109A5 Paladin 155mm self-propelled howitzers

Twelve M109A5 howitzers were delivered to Punta Arenas in Southern Chile Dec. 8 as part of the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command's foreign military sales program. The howitzers were subsequently transferred to the Artillery Group No. 7 "Wood", 4th Armoured Brigade "Chorrillos" of the 5th Army Division.


Chile armed forces receive 12 M 109A5 Paladin 155mm self propelled howitzers 640 001A M109-A5 howitzer is offloaded and craned onto a trailer at the port in Punta Arenas, Chile, in Dec.

With the arrival of this material, the Chilean Army standardizes its self-propelled artillery with the M109, ending the replacement process of French-made AMX-13 155 mm self-propelled howitzers, acquired by the country at the end of the 1970 and served in southern and northern garrisons.

Declared Excess Defense Articles, the howitzers proved a win-win for both the Chilean army and the United States. EDA are equipment that are excess to US Army requirements or no longer part of the Army inventory and have been designated available to approved international partners through the FMS process.

"As our Army gets smaller, we have high-quality, serviceable equipment that we no longer need, so we are able to offer some of these items to our partner nations as an EDA grant or at a reduced price," said Col. Steve Smith, director of US SOUTHCOM regional operations at USASAC. "This helps our partners fill a significant capability gap while providing us numerous benefits that include interoperability with U.S. systems and the creation of American jobs through the refurbishment process."

Smith said the Chilean Army's recent howitzer purchase was a major upgrade for their land forces and one of many steps they've taken over the last five years to modernize their military. He said the howitzers will be fielded to a brigade, drastically extending their army's artillery range.

Smith called the interoperability advantage invaluable, noting that two armies working with the same equipment is critical during both peace time and war.

"If we ever needed them to assist us, or if we became part of a coalition, we know that the equipment is interchangeable, resulting in fewer repair parts we'd have to have on the battlefield; we both have Soldiers who know how to use that equipment; and we can join with them to conduct artillery shoots and other training."

USASAC Southern Command Program Manager Lenard Dotson said the December delivery was the second batch of 12 howitzers delivered to the Chilean Army under FMS, bringing the total number of the U.S.-provided combat support weapons systems to 24. He said the case was historic because it was the Chilean Army's first major FMS case with the United States. As part of the FMS process's total package approach, USASAC also provided training and coordinated the delivery of spare parts for the howitzers.

The M109A5 replaces 155 mm M185 cannon in M178 mount with 39-caliber 155 mm M284 cannon in the M182 mount, giving the A5 a maximum range of 23,500 meters with unassisted projectiles and 30,000 meters with Rocket Assisted Projectiles (RAP Rounds). The vehicle can carry 36 complete rounds of ammunition and has a 440 hp engine instead of the standard 405 hp engine.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Il y a 5 heures, Kiriyama a dit :


Je ne sais pas quand cette parade a eu lieu, mais effectivement, l'armée chilienne a des airs de Wehrmarcht au niveau des uniformes. Vous savez si c'est volontaire et à quoi est-ce que c'est dû ? 


Des influences anciennes ?

"C'est ainsi que le général Emil Körner assura la formation des forces de la Junte pendant la Guerre civile chilienne de 1891, assumant par la suite les fonctions de commandant suprême de l'armée chilienne entre 1900 et 1910."érêts_allemands_en_Amérique_latine

Ou ça, je n'ai pas pu lire le texte, mais le titre est évocateur :

 . L'armée chilienne et les instructeurs allemands en Amérique latine (1885-1914), Jean-Pierre Blancpain, Revue Historique, T. 285, Fasc. 2 (578) (AVRIL-JUIN 1991), pp. 347-394

Travail plus développé du même auteur avec des passages sur l'armée chilienne:

. Jean-Pierre Blancpain, Les Allemands au Chili, (Lateinamerikanische Forschungen 6), compte rendu de Roche Jean in Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien, 1975

Plus accessible :

. L'Etat militaire en Amérique latine, Alain Rouquié (au passage, on apprend deux trois choses sur les relations militaires entre France et Pérou, comme quoi, les achats péruviens de Mirage ne sont pas tombés par hasard..:biggrin:)ée+chilienne+allemagne&source=bl&ots=cFOTGmkOOZ&sig=JVMneR9JVQJJ1c_sdHkuXiGxzsY&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjyvrSt5NTTAhXqJcAKHXt9BHM4ChDoAQg6MAQ#v=onepage&q=armée chilienne allemagne&f=false

Et pour finir :

. Impressions du Chili – Les Chiliens et la France, Henri Lorin, Revue des Deux Mondes, tome 7, 1912

"L’influence allemande est très apparente dans l’Université chilienne, et surtout dans l’armée. .... Quant à l’armée chilienne, par ses règlemens, par ses uniformes, elle est d’apparence tout allemande ; c’est assurément un bel organisme militaire ; on ne saurait lui rendre meilleur hommage que de rappeler comment diverses républiques sud-américaines, la Colombie, le Paraguay, demandent à ses états-majors des missions pour l’éducation de leurs propres troupes. Les officiers allemands, instructeurs de l’armée chilienne, ont trouvé là des hommes vigoureux, accoutumés, sur les propriétés des hacendados, au ton du commandement ; ils en ont tiré fort bon parti. Toutefois le gouvernement chilien s’est aperçu de quelques intempérances ; il n’accepte plus que les fournitures militaires lui soient envoyées d’Allemagne, et comme imposées d’office ; il y a tendance, dans la jeune année, à réclamer des règlemens assouplis.

Modifié par Benoitleg
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