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New Airplanes for the Coast Guard

Image IPB

The U.S. Coast Guard has awarded Lockheed Martin a $147.5 million contract to deliver three HC-144A Ocean Sentry aircraft and five Mission System Pallets (MSPs). Once delivered, the new aircraft will bring the Coast Guard’s fleet inventory to a total of 11 aircraft and eight MSPs in service.

The HC-144A is based on a CN-235 light military transport from EADS. Lockheed Martin’s roll-on, roll-off MSPs provide the HC-144A aircraft crew with the ability to interpret and respond to real-time information from onboard sensors and communications gear. The suite of electronic equipment helps the aircrew share information (classified and un-classified) with other aircraft, ships, shore stations and land-based assets.

Other bells and whistles on the HC-144A include surface-search radar with 360-degree coverage for searching, observing and tracking; forward-looking Electro-Optical/Infrared imaging system, classified SIPRNET connectivity and VHF/UHF radios.

In November, the Coast Guard accepted its sixth HC-144A. The new MPAs will be the ninth, 10th and 11th HC-144As for the Coast Guard, with delivery dates scheduled for April, August and November 2010. The MSPs will be delivered in May, July, August and September 2010.

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