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Armée de l'Air Jordanienne


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La RJAF annonce la mise en vente de 15 F-16 A/B. (tous les appareils ont entre 5000 et 6000 heures de vol).


·         Aircraft are modified (MLU, Falcon up and Falcon Star).

·         F100 – PW – 220 Installed on all aircraft.



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Invité Dorfmeister

Le Pakistan a déjà montré son intérêt pour les avions en vente suite à l'échec de la vente de F-16 Blk 52 supplémentaires. 

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Invité Dorfmeister

D'après Aviation Week, ni F-15 ni Rafale...


The Royal Jordanian Air Force wants to offload another 15 early model Lockheed MartinF-16s, announcing recently that 14 A-models and one two-seat B-variant are for sale as it moves more toward counterinsurgency platforms like special-mission Air Tractors and AC-295 light gunship.

Jordan’s F-16 fleet is comprised of second-hand types that were transferred from the U.S., Netherlands and Belgium through successive “Peace Falcon” arms programs in the 1990s and 2000s.

The Jordanian air arm’s original F-16s, the Block 15 Air Defense Fighter variants, have already been promised to Pakistan, and Islamabad could again be a willing recipient after lawmakers in Washington blocked a request for eight new-build F-16 Block 52s.

The aircraft available for purchase are ex-U.S. Air Force fighter jets that were regenerated and life-extended through the F-16 Mid-Life Upgrade, Falcon Up and Falcon Star programs. The aircraft are powered by Pratt & Whitney F100-220 engines and are nearing the end of their usable life, with an average of 5,720 flight hours logged. The Falcon Up modification extends the type’s design life from 4,000 hr. to 8,000 hr.

Pakistan, meanwhile, has been unable to secure more F-16s through the U.S. government’s foreign military sales process. In February, the State Department approved Islamabad’s F-16C/D request. The package was valued at $700 million for two single-seat and six two-seat Block 52 versions powered by Pratt & Whitney F100-229 increased performance engines.

A source says the deal expired in May after lawmakers blocked Pakistan’s access to foreign military financing, and it did not have enough national funds to pay outright. Now, Lockheed Martin’s F-16 production facility is on life support and going cold fast, with only Iraqi F-16s left to deliver and no orders on the horizon to keep suppliers busy. The last of 36 Iraqi F-16IQs, optimized for air-to-ground combat, will be delivered next year.

Lockheed is competing against the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Saab Gripen E and Dassault Rafale in India, with a decision cautiously expected by the end of the year. If successful, Lockheed would probably need to open a greenfield production plant in India under the Make In India initiative.

If Pakistan were to acquire Jordan’s unwanted jets, it might hire Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to perform upgrades. TAI upgraded 41 Pakistan air force F-16s between 2009 and 2014, and discussions are already underway about further modifications. TAI supported co-production of the F-16 for Turkey and now competes globally for sustainment and upgrade work.

Egypt also could want extra aircraft as backup inventory. Washington temporarily halted deliveries of new F-16s in 2014 following the overthrow of the democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood, and the new administration favors Europe and Russia for air armaments.

Pakistan operates more than 70 F-16s while Egypt counts over 200. Jordan received 64 aircraft through various arms transfers between 1993 and 2009, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.


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La Jordanie se sépare de ses F-16 A/B  pour mettre a jour sa flotte en Mid-life Update (MLU)  et doit recevoir 15 F-16 des Pays-Bas courant 2016 ( accord conclu en 2012 Peace Falcon VI).

Le lot mise en vente sur le site de la RJAF est le dernier en ADF version.

Possibilité que la livraison des F-16 Hollandais intervienne après la vente du dernier lot Jordanien.




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Invité Dorfmeister
il y a 17 minutes, Ciders a dit :

A force de vendre des F-16 un peu partout, il leur en reste aux Néerlandais ? :happy:

61 F-16 A/B et 37 F-35A en commande pour remplacer ceux-ci... Ca leur laisse de la marge, surtout qu'ils en ont eu 213 au total. Ca leur laisse du stock disponible à la revente :biggrin:

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  • 2 months later...
Le 11/9/2016 à 09:58, Ciders a dit :

Du très lourd. Qu'est-ce qu'ils pourraient bien en faire ?

ils vont l'utiliser comme  (avion) de transport moyen (type Hercules) vu la relative exiguïté du territoire jordanien

Modifié par DZIRI
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  • 1 month later...
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Retard pour la livraison des F-16 Néerlandais.


The delivery of 15 surplus Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) F-16AMs to Jordan has been delayed over Jordanian requests for specific hardware and software updates. The jets were supposed to make their way to Jordan this year, but that has been postponed according to a RNLAF spokesperson.


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