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[Camouflage] Programme de l'US-Army


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Afin de continuer le sujet déjà ouvert iciès-multicam/

Voici sa continuation avec de nouveaux éléments. L'US Army vient de se voire interdire la poursuite de son programme de camouflage entré en Phase-IV par le parlement.

Pour rappel, ladite Phase-IV devait décider du futur camouflage de l'US-Army à savoir un nouveau système à 3 séquences différentes ou faire basculer toutes les forces en OCP (qui n'équipe que celles en Afghanistan.).

Some not-so-straight talk from CSA GEN Odierno on OCP

In a recent interview with the Army Times entitled “Straight talk from Odierno on uniforms, women in combat arms and PT tests” Army Chief of Staff GEN Ray Odierno answered a few questions regarding the Army’s impending switch to OCP as the principle camouflage pattern, ending 10 years of use of the so-called Universal Camouflage Pattern. His answers were rather interestingly worded.


Q. You expect the transition to the Afghanistan uniform?

A. I think the testing tells us that’s the best uniform, but we have not finalized that decision yet. You know that I usually don’t avoid questions, but it’s contractual, so I’ve got to be careful of what I say.

Ultimately, his comment’s support what I’ve been saying for months now; the US Army is adopting the Operational Camouflage Pattern.

However, I find two things funny about this article. First off, just weeks ago the Army Times published an article stating that the US Army wasn’t going to switch patterns.

The second thing is the very comment from GEN Odierno. He is speaking as though OCP (Crye Precision’s MultiCam) were a finalist in the Phase IV Army Camouflage Improvement Effort and the solicitation is still in source selection. OCP wasn’t, at least not as a candidate. It was however, a baseline pattern that the candidates were measured against. Additionally, Crye Precision was a finalist with a family of patterns that are quite similar in geometry to OCP. According to my sources, the Crye entry “won” the tests but due to ineptitude on the part of the Army no winner has been officially announced. It’s very important to point out that these are not the same thing.

Now, by even GEN Odierno’s admission, there is a law in place that restricts the individual services from introducing new camouflage patterns. It would seem that the years and millions of Dollars of development by both Government and Industry that went into Phase IV are now for naught.

“Congress has ordered that we can’t develop any new systems,” Odierno said. “Well, we have two, right now: the one that we’re wearing every day, and then the one that we use in Afghanistan. So, what’s the next step in how we transition? When do we start? Now, we want it to be as cost-neutral as possible.”

Instead of adopting a family of camouflage patterns for arid, transitional and woodland environments as planned in Phase IV, the Army is now set to forego the woodland and arid environmental patterns in order to field the solitary transitional OCP. It’s a compromise caused by inaction that has turned the most comprehensive camouflage study in history into no more than a report on a shelf. And while OCP is a fine pattern, the Phase IV winner performed better, offered more options and came with an inexpensive enterprise-wide license to print as much as they need. The make-it-up-as-they-go plan to transition to OCP on the other hand is more expensive and leaves the Army with a less advanced transitional pattern and no specialized patterns for desert and jungle.

Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing personally against GEN Odierno. But had the Army announced their winner when originally planned (June 14th), this all would have been water under the bridge. But instead, they hemmed and hawed themselves into a corner. It’s a situation that will cost them more to get less.

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  • 1 month later...

US Army Seeking Digital Printing Capability

January 29th, 2014

Natick has issued a Sources Sought Synopsis looking for companies that are capable of digitally printing on a variety of substrates (fabrics). Additionally, they must be capable of NIR and SWIR compliance. Specifically:

Natick Soldier Systems Center requires rapid printed fabrics for field/lab testing of camouflage patterns for use in woodland, transitional and arid environments that conform to visual, NIR and SWIR requirements.

The Army is interested in prints on 50/50 Nylon/Cotton Ripstop Fabric, 500D Cordura and Rayon/Para-Aramid/Nylon Ripstop Fabric.

Notice in the documentation they reference Woodland, Transitional and Arid patterns? They go on and on about this, repeating it four times which tells me that, despite the contractual machinations currently (not) underway with Crye Precision for OCP (MultiCam), Natick is committed to working with a family of camouflage consisting of a Transitional pattern combined with Bookend Woodland and Arid patterns. Perhaps someone has realized that they actually own the Scorpion pattern (seen below), a precursor to MultiCam developed for the Objective Force Warrior program and can do pretty much anything they want with it. Then again, maybe not.


At this point, the Army is in a bit of quandry, having banked on a soft transition to OCP. Now, no one seems sure if the Army will be capable of moving away from the UCP camouflage. If a friend asked me in October if I knew what was happening I’d say “yes.” If they asked me now, I’d tell a story that sounds like a plot to an episode of “Three’s Company” and say “Not so much.”

As for trying to keep up; the Army is getting pretty savvy on releasing solicitation notices that deal with developmental camouflage issues on FedBizOpps. Looks like they’ve figured out that folks are keeping an eye on them so they are issuing them without any discussion of camouflage on the actual notice. Take for instance this one. It is titled “Fabric Printing BPAs.” You have to get down into the attachments to see what is really going on. Sneaky, Sneaky. But don’t worry Army, we will keep an eye out for you to help keep you honest. Since the Army likes to alter the public record by deleting postings once they’ve been brought to light on SSD, we’ve included the meat of what the Army is looking for below.

Click to download: CAMO_BPA2_Spec23Jan2014

If you’re interested in answering up, you’ve got until February 4th.

For the full Sources Sought Synopsis visit Fabric Printing BPAs. Modifié par Serge
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Eric Grave fait un petit point sur son blog avec un document en lien intéressant :

Joint Service Camo and the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 – Repost

I originally posted this story on 20 December, 2013. It gives you some real background on how Congress fumbled the quest for a camouflage pattern by stripping the deadline out of the legislation in conference committee. Since several articles discussing camouflage have made the rounds recently, I felt it was important to arm SSD readers with some facts.

I keep getting emails from readers with links to stories from other websites with these silly headlines about new legislation blocking the Army’s ability to field new camo. I thought that the best way to put this to bed is to share the actual language in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 with you so I asked the folks at Rising Tide if they could provide a copy and they were more than happy to oblige. Read the section in question for yourself and then we’ll discuss.


La suite ici :

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  • 3 weeks later...

pour l'US Army ,je trouve qu'ils changent de camo assez régulièrement .


vu que chacun à son camo pour l'instant (army ,navy ,marines ,air force ) ,je serais les Marines US je partirait sur un uniforme de couleur uni genre coyote brown .


vu que le but du coyote brown sur les équipements et d'être passe partout sur les différents digi camo des Marines  ("woodland et désertique ) ,il pourrait l'être aussi pour être employé en uniforme universel qui passerait bien en zone "verte" ou en zone désertique ,et aussi en ZUB .


le coyote brown , passé par le temps (lavage et usure ) ferait largement l'affaire ,et côté "identité" on pourrait pas se trompé .


allé au contre sens d'une logique devenu "obligatoire" avec le camo ,le retour à l'uni serait le plus sensé . surtout au vu des variantes et copies que l'on trouve à travers le monde .


j'aurais une armée ,elle serait dans un uniforme couleur uni  coyote brown  =)

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relativement d'accord, d'alleurs, quand on voit qu'au final un CE crados cache tres bien ^^,l'interet des super camos digitaux, n'existe que quand ils sont propres !!! cependant, les marines, ne comptent pas abandonner le Marpat avant longtemps ^^

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relativement d'accord, d'alleurs, quand on voit qu'au final un CE crados cache tres bien ^^,l'interet des super camos digitaux, n'existe que quand ils sont propres !!! cependant, les marines, ne comptent pas abandonner le Marpat avant longtemps ^^


effectivement ,à moins que les Marines  ne lise se que j'ai écrit  =)  et que sa leur donne envie  =)   (bon là je délire  :-[  ) .


pour l'armée Française ,je pense que se n'est même pas la peine d'y pensé .


tout à fait d'accord avec le CE passé/usé et crados sa le fait bien .

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Avec un treillis baggy bien difforme et avec le machin israélien sur le casque :)

oui un truc ample ,enfin pas trop baggy quand même  =)


le couvre casque ample israélien s'est pas mal ,même si j'aime bien le principe des morceaux de toile de jute accroché à un filet sur le casque  =)  


en gros ,je verrais bien le treillis Brits ,avec les poches à zip  comme sur la veste du  FELIN T4 ,camo coyote brown .


le pare balle brits ,le brelage brits modulable ,camo coyote brown 


pour le casque ,français on a du bon matos de se point de vue là .



le camo toile de jute (coyote brown ) sur un filet ,un peu dans se style .


j'ai testé sur mon casque et sa cassé bien les formes aussi , de jour comme de nuit .


un truc con ,un pote était en bonnet une nuit ,on l'a remarqué en sous bois ,tandis que moi avec mon casque et morceaux de toile de jute ,sa cassé bien les formes .


mais on pourrait avoir le couvre casque israélien aussi ,le truc large facile à mettre sur le casque ,donc par dessus le filet et toile de jute en fonction .



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  • 4 weeks later...

SSD publie un communiqué de Crye Precision à propos des camouflages de l'US Army :

SSD Exclusive – MultiCam Creator Crye Precision Speaks Out Regarding US Army Efforts to Adopt New Camouflage

Recently, Soldier Systems Daily published a story detailing the three latest courses of action that the Army is considering to adopt a new camouflage pattern. After reading that story, Crye Precision contacted me and said that they were considering providing SSD with some information that would clarify their position on the matter. Heretofore, Crye Precision has been very tight lipped about everything Army camouflage related and my questions have been met with a pat, “we can’t talk about that.”

While no one in the US Army has made an official statement on the current state of the effort, it has definitely gone way off schedule and seems to have lost its focus. Unfortunately, the Army has abandoned its own plan and along with it the transparency that Phase IV of the Camouflage Improvement Effort once enjoyed. Facts are difficult to come by. Crumbs of information appear here and there. Sources leak confidential info to the press. In the process, we begin to see a distorted view of what is going on. From the Army’s standpoint, it seems that Crye Precision is asking for the moon. But based on what I’ve read from Crye, a new picture begins to take focus and I am beginning to feel that the Army and Crye Precision aren’t really in negotiations at all. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that the Army’s actions suggest they don’t seem to be negotiating in good faith. Hopefully, the Army and Crye can work this out. I remain incensed that no one in the US Government can seem to pick up a pencil and paper and work out the math on this. After investing over $1 Billion in equipment in the effective Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP)/MultiCam since 2010, the Army should be happy to pay Crye Precision a fair and reasonable fee in order to negotiate a cost savings over the next decade or more.

Early this morning I received the following information in an email from Caleb Crye. It contains some very significant pieces of info. At least now we have one side of the story and hopefully, the US Army will be more forthcoming regarding their position on this.[...]

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  • 2 months later...

Ça y est, c'est dans la boite.

L'US Army a fait son choix. Elle adopte le Scorpion.

US Army Selects Scorpion Camouflage Pattern – UPDATED

Originally developed by Crye Associates for the US Army’s Objective Force Warrior Program, the Scorpion camouflage pattern could be considered the precursor to the popular MultiCam pattern. Earlier this month, Army officials chose to proceed with a transition to the Scorpion pattern via a “soft launch”. Guess it’s not so soft anymore. I will point out, that although industry is hard at work preparing fabric to begin the process, the US Army leadership has yet to make an official announcement. I have posted this story in order to offer additional information after another website felt they couldn’t wait for an official announcement and posted that the Army had selected Scorpion.

Scorpion will replace the MultiCam pattern, currently fielded by the Army as the Operational Camouflage Pattern, making Scorpion the standard issue pattern of the Army, thereby completely replacing the unpopular Universal Camouflage Pattern, first adopted in 2004. The Army will continue to refer to the new Scorpion pattern as OCP. The patterns are very similar so the Army will continue to purchase MultiCam as OCP until the new supply chain for Scorpion is up and running.

This decision signifies the beginning of the end of a process that has taken four years and millions of Dollars in R&D to select a new camouflage pattern for the US Army. The Phase IV of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort that looked at four commercial families of patterns seems to have been abandoned in favor of a single pattern created is support of a S&T effort over 10 years ago. The Army still needs to look at so-called ‘bookend patterns’ for desert and woodland use.

UPDATED – Unfortunately, as the Army was still working on their strategic communication plan, the details most of you will seek are not yet available. For example, exact dates and timelines aren’t firm. I have heard that the Army is working with printers to get fabric rolling and plans to have gear on the shelf by next May with OCP in the clothing bag for new accessions by early FY2016. As it hasn’t been printed in any quantity in several years, industry is going to have to learn how to print it, despite lessons learned from printing MultiCam. Although very similar, Scorpion and MultiCam are different patterns. There’s going to be a learning curve here and we still don’t know if Army is going to restrict the pattern like MARPAT and AOR or make it open source like UCP. If it is restricted, you won’t see it for use in commercial gear. Additionally, although many Soldiers have been issued FR ACUs in OCP, there are currently no issue ACUs in OCP made of 50/50 NYCO which is the fabric for the Army garrison uniform. This makes authorization for wear problematic as the FR ACU is considered a combat uniform. Although, we may end up seeing some local commanders authorizing wear of issue FR ACUs in garrison and local training if the changeover timeline turns out to be too long. According to COL Robert Mortlock, PM SPIE at PEO Soldier, the full transition to the new pattern will take up to eight years considering the full wear out of OCIE. Naturally, clothing bag items will be much quicker.

As a sign that the Army is committed to this Course of Action, the recent deployment of elements of the 173rd Abn Bde to Estonia marks the first RFI issue in OCP for use outside of OEF. This is very significant.

I have heard from several Army sources that Scorpion is being referred to as “Scorpion MultiCam” by leadership. This is incorrect. They are two distinct, yet similar patterns. It is either Scorpion, or MultiCam, not both. In this case, the Army has chosen to proceed with Scorpion.

So far, USAF and SOCOM are sticking with MultiCam but at this point, Scorpion remains etherware. No fabric exists, aside from some random remnants found in storage, let alone finished goods. This may change once Scorpion is actually available.

I do have details on the upcoming bookend tests (woodland and desert) for Fall but I am going to keep those under wraps for now. Modifié par Serge
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  • 1 month later...

Voici un point sur la mise en service à venir du Scorpion :

Army's new camo pattern will mirror MultiCam


Jul 17, 2014  |  by Matthew Cox

The U.S. Army has altered its government-owned Scorpion camouflage pattern to look almost identical to MultiCam, the trademarked pattern the service has been using in Afghanistan since 2010.

Earlier this spring, Army leaders began briefing senior sergeants major around the service that the Universal Camouflage Pattern will be replaced with Scorpion, a pattern similar to MultiCam that was developed around 2002 for the Objective Force Warrior program.

The Army has spent the past five years immersed in testing as part of its camouflage improvement effort to replace the UCP, a pixilated pattern that has proven to be inferior when compared to other patterns.

Army officials wanted to replace UCP with Crye Precision's MultiCam -- a pattern that has demonstrated consistent performance in multiple tests and was selected in 2010 as the Operational Camouflage Pattern, or OCP, for soldiers to wear in Afghanistan. But problems emerged with price negotiations and the Army decided to go with Scorpion, which was actually designed by Crye Precision under a government contract.

The company's owner, Caleb Crye, then improved the pattern, making it more effective and trademarked it as MultiCam.

So since the selection of Scorpion, Army camouflage experts have also decided to improve Scorpion.

The new version, known as Scorpion W2, looks virtually the same as MultiCam or OCP, according to an Army source with knowledge of the program.

This may work to the Army's advantage since the service has spent nearly $3 billion on uniforms and equipment patterned in OCP for Afghanistan, the source said. asked the Army about Scorpion W2's similarity to MultiCam on July 16, but Army spokesman William Layer said: "There is no information I can give you at this time."

Despite its selection of Scorpion, Army uniform officials have not stopped buying OCP. 

Product Manager Soldier Protective Equipment just put out a July 15 pre-solicitation notice to modify a current contract for the Improved Outer Tactical Vest. The Army wants to buy another 20,000 IOTVs complete with "Generation III (Gen III) IOTV Conversion Kits in the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern," according to the notice.

Crye did not respond to an email request to discuss Scorpion W2. His company, however, does employ a team of lawyers to prevent uniform companies from turning out unlicensed knock-offs of MultiCam.

The Army was poised to announce the results of its multi-year camouflage improvement effort nearly a year ago, but held off when congressional language in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2014 called on the Pentagon to put an end to the services branding their ranks with unique camouflage uniforms.

In addition to Crye, the other finalists in the Army's Phase IV camouflage testing included ADS Inc., teamed with Hyperstealth, Inc.; Brookwood Companies Inc.; and Kryptek Inc.

Ironically, in March 2013 the Army decided to drop Scorpion as the fifth finalist because it was too similar to one of the industry submissions, Army officials said. 

It is not a surprise to camouflage experts that the Army decided to improve the original Scorpion design. Scorpion has the same colors as MultiCam, but MultiCam has a slightly sharper, slightly darker appearance. 

The original Scorpion would fade far faster than MultCam, according to a subject matter expert on MultiCam.

"It's too light; that's why MultiCam exists," he said.

The unique blend of greens, browns and tans that make up MultiCam has been a favorite of Special Operations Command for almost a decade. It emerged as the clear winner over several other patterns in 2010 when the Army selected it for Afghanistan.

Two other Army studies -- one completed in 2009 and the other in 2006, showed that MultiCam outperformed UCP in multiple environments.

Le coût de l'équipement en Multicam des seuls forces en Afghanistan est assez intéressant. Cela explique bien pourquoi en France, il n'y aura pas de changement avant longtemps.

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La question qui subsiste, c'est combien de temps Crye va réussir à retarder le processus...


Le coût de l'équipement en Multicam des seuls forces en Afghanistan est assez intéressant. Cela explique bien pourquoi en France, il n'y aura pas de changement avant longtemps. 


C'est peut-être qu'une impression, mais j'ai le sentiment que l'army est anal sur le fait d'avoir chaque petite pièce d'équipement (excepté le FA) avec le même camouflage. D'où les coûts qui semblent étonnamment élevés. 

Alors que les Marines eux se contentent depuis longtemps d'équipements couleur terre qui s'associent suffisamment bien avec leurs 2 camouflages principaux.

Faudrait voir la répartition exacte des coûts et les différences avec l'USMC.

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Qui a-t-il d'anormal ? C'est la moindre des choses.

L'US-Army est propriétaire du Scorpion. Et que font-ils, ils le transforment pour le faire ressembler à du Multicam. En droit commerciale, cela se nomme acte de confusion. Et ici, l'US Army fait explicitement de la contrefaçon.

Et j'espère que, si ça se confirme, ils s'en prendront plein la g.... car sur ce point, la justice américaine inclue la notion punitive dans le versement de dommages et interets. Ce qui n'est pas le cas en France.

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Je dis pas que c'est anormal. Mais pour l'US Army maintenant, ils peuvent pas vraiment se permettre un nouveau fiasco sur la question des uniformes. Ils vont probablement tenter d'aller jusqu'au bout et d'affronter Crye de front pour ne rien leur payer. De ce point de vue là, Crye ne peut mener qu'un combat d'arrière garde et engranger autant de $ qu'ils peuvent sur le MC pendant ce temps.


Maintenant faut le voir les fameuses modifications du Scorpion qu'aurait fait l'Army. Si vraiment ils ont copié le multicam ou pas. Pour l'instant je n'ai pas encore vu ce fameux Scorpion W2.

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Ce n'est pas un combat d'arrière garde. C'est la défense de la propriété intellectuelle.

L'US-Army veut l'efficacité qu'elle reconnaît au Multicam sans la payer. Elle n'a qu'à se tourner vers d'autres solutions. Elle a ses labos. Ils étaient si fières de leur UCP en 2002.

En plus, je suis pas sûr que le Multicam soit une si grande réussite que cela. Cette notion de camouflage universel me semble un gros attrape nigauds.

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Ce n'est pas un combat d'arrière garde. C'est la défense de la propriété intellectuelle.

L'US-Army veut l'efficacité qu'elle reconnaît au Multicam sans la payer. Elle n'a qu'à se tourner vers d'autres solutions. Elle a ses labos. Ils étaient si fières de leur UCP en 2002.

En plus, je suis pas sûr que le Multicam soit une si grande réussite que cela. Cette notion de camouflage universel me semble un gros attrape nigauds.

en fait sa doit être les marines qui doivent se marrer lol
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Il faudrait que l'USMC passe le cap et adopte une séquence intermédiaire pour les équipements de combat, de portage. Le brun uni n'est pas top top.

J'aime beaucoup l'idée d'une unique séquence pour les équipements honnereux et des séquences adaptées aux milieux pour le reste des tenus. Le problème est que ce serait une vrai rupture culturelle d'avoir les equipents de toile en une séquence et le reste dans une autre.

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S'est vrai que le multicam a plus un effet mode ,passant bien en mode semi désertique .

les FS peuvent en changer quand ils veulent par rapport à leur mission .

se qui n'est pas le cas des unités régulière.

part un peu en HS mais je me disais qu'en fait le CE français pourrait peut-être être évolutif .

les motifs sont trop net dans le dessin .

si un effet qui se fond entre les couleurs (donc plus de tracé net ) un effet passé on pourrait avoir une capacité disruptive intéressante .

on modifierait certaines couleur pour permettre se glissement de couleur .

le top serait un camp uni mais pour trouver la bonne couleur s'est pas évident.

le coyote Brown modifié pourrait être une bonne base .

mais bon avec le CE modifié plus haut on aurait un truc intéressant.

en espérant que mon explication est pas trop brouillonne.

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La solution pour la France, c'est simple : treillis en Pencott Greenzone et Badlands pour les Opex en Afrique, reste de l'équipement en CB ou Tan à la Marines.


Ca aurait de la gueule, ça serait efficace, cost effective (enfin, ça il aurait fallu le faire avant l'arrivé des T4S2...) et ça renforcerait la coopération franco-britannique. Et je suis presque sur que ça pourrait aider remonter le moral des troupes. Les British arrivent bien à avoir un équipement de base de qualité...


(Ok, je retourne rêver dans mon coin...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Première annonce officielle de l'US Army pour le choix du prochain OCP :

ARLINGTON, Va. (July 31, 2014) — The Army has selected a pattern as its base combat uniform camouflage pattern. The Army has confirmed through testing that the pattern would offer exceptional concealment, which directly enhances force protection and survivability for Soldiers.

The Army is naming the pattern the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) to emphasize that the pattern’s use extends beyond Afghanistan to all Combatant Commands. The Army’s adoption of OCP will be fiscally responsible by transitioning over time and simply replacing current uniforms and equipment as they wear out.

The Army anticipates the Army Combat Uniform with the OCP will be available for purchase by Soldiers at Military Clothing Sales Stores (MCSS) in the summer of 2015.

Plus d'info ici :

Le terme de "fiscalement responsable" pour définir le déploiement de la tenue est intéressant.

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Voici les toutes premières photos du Scorpion W2, le nouvel OCP :

Pour voir les photos, aller quelques posts plus bas, elles sont meilleurs

Il va déteindre au lavage.

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C'est plus subtile que cela.

Rappelons que l'US-Army a commandé un camouflage universel à Crye Associates. C'est le Scorpion. Elle en a acheté les droits pour 25 millions de $ en 2001. Elle a le droit d'en faire ce qu'elle en veut.

De son côté, face au potentiel de ses travaux, Crye a fait évoluer le Scorpion et a commercialisé le résultat qui est le Multicam. Ce Multicam a été rejeté en 2004 par l'US-Army au profit de l'UCP (le fameux gris-bleu en pixels) dans le cadre du programme de remplacement des Woodland M81 et Desert M91. L'UCP est une telle catastrophe que, pour l'Afghanistan depuis 2010, les troupes américaines sont en Multicam, baptisé OCP. C'est grâce au lobby d'un sénateur républicain (mort depuis) commencé en 2007.

L'US-Army, ayant reconnu le problème, a lancé plusieurs études et concepts qui n'ont pas aboutis.

Ils ont décidé alors de faire évoluer le Scorpion. Aujourd'hui, c'est le standard W2. Son nom officiel est l'OCP (signification différente d'OCP pour l'Afghanistan mais même abréviation pour simplifier la documentation réglementaire déjà produite et faciliter une nouvelle introduction).

Pour cette raison, Crye a un groupe d'avocats sur le sujet afin de contrôler si l'évolution Scorpion W2 ne rentre pas dans le domaine de la contre-façon. Crye avait fait une offre pour l'achat du Multicam par l'US-Army, offre refusée.

Pour tous les détails, il faut parcourir tous les articles que j'ai mis en ligne sans en oublier car l'affaire est longue et complexe.

Modifié par Serge
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