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Pour le reste le F35 aura forcément une capacité d'emport et une autonomie plus faible que le Rafale à cause de son concept.

Euh? Le F35 a plus de gasoline (6000+ l interne pour le B, 9000+ l pour le C contre 4400 l + pour le Rafailure*) et le moteur est plus nouveau, je doute qu'on peut dire 'Rafale a plus autonomie', on ne sait pas sur. Si on voit le internal fuel nombres, je va dire que le F35C est tres sur d'avoir un plus grand autonomie et le B peut-etre. Et plus important, le Rafale n'est pas stealth, c'est a dire le F35 peut faire des missions qui le Rafale ne peut pas (strike contre des sites defendre tres forts) mais en 'no stealth mode' le F35 a aussi des under wing tanks, etc... .

* Si vous pouvez dire Foufoone, je peut dire Rafailure.  :lol:

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New BVT Surface Fleet and Abu Dhabi Shipbuilding Joint Venture to Provide Naval Support Services in Arabian Gulf

(Source: BVT Surface Fleet Ltd.; issued July 23, 2008)

BVT Surface Fleet Limited, the maritime Joint Venture between BAE Systems and VT Group, and Abu Dhabi Ship Building PJSC (ADSB) today announced their intention to form a new Joint Venture Company in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which will provide world class naval support services for customers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Region.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed today by both companies’ Chief Executives containing the main points of the cooperation and the intent to have the new company established in Abu Dhabi in 2009.

Less than three weeks after the formation of BVT and the signature of the manufacturing contracts for two new aircraft carriers for the Royal Navy, the announcement is a further demonstration of the enhanced through-life naval capability provided by BVT.

The new company will be the first Joint Venture of its kind in the Arabian Gulf and will offer a range of naval support services across the full spectrum of integrated logistics support and training as well as outsourcing solutions for base facilities to support the marine fleets of navies, coast guards, marine police, homeland security organizations, special forces and other key commercial customers, not only in the UAE, but across the whole of the Gulf region.

At a press conference held in Abu Dhabi, BVT Chief Executive, Alan Johnston CBE, said “This is a significant strategic move for BVT and, once formed, the Joint Venture will greatly enhance our customer base and global footprint. It will combine our outstanding naval support experience with the world-class and complimentary capabilities of ADSB in the Gulf.

“Together, we provide a high level of expertise to address the growing demand for enhanced through-life naval support from organisations in the region”.

ADSB’s Chief Executive Officer William Saltzer said, “This joint venture between ADSB and BVT will have the local presence, capability and experience to bring a whole new level of naval fleet support to the region. Our aim is to help our GCC customers achieve both greater operational availability of their fleets and cost savings at the same time.”

Once the Joint Venture is operational, BVT and ADSB will be fully committed to the effective transfer of technologies, processes, systems and skills in the field of naval support services to the JV. This new Abu Dhabi based JV will also strive to work in close cooperation with customers in the other GCC countries and form partnerships and alliances in those countries to develop the local support capabilities needed there as well.

BVT Surface Fleet, a Joint Venture between BAE Systems and VT Group, is a leading designer, manufacturer and integrator of surface warships and their support vessels. It delivers complex engineering, integration and through-life support across the lifecycle of a warship. With operations in Glasgow, Portsmouth and Filton near Bristol, it employs over 7,000 people and has the facilities, skills and partnerships to set the global standard in excellence as a trusted and innovative through-life surface warship partner in both the UK and export markets.

Abu Dhabi Ship Building, a UAE Public Joint Stock Company, was established in 1996 and operates the most modern naval shipyard on the Arabian Gulf. ADSB is the only shipyard in the region with the capability to build, refit, repair and upgrade complex naval warships. The company is successfully providing products and related services to Navies, Coast Guards, and other military, para-military and commercial vessel operators throughout the GCC Region. ADSB is listed on the Abu Dhabi Securties Exchange (ADX) and its current shareholding is 40% by Mubadala, 10% by the Abu Dhabi Government and 50% by several thousand individual shareholders.


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citation rob : contre 4400 l + pour le Rafailure

Euh.... Il me semble que c'est 4,7 t carburant interne (peut-être +) pour le Rafale. J'attire ton attention sur le fait que 1 litre "d'essence" ne pese que 0,72 kg. Donc, 4,7t c'est beaucoup plus que 4400l.....

Par ailleurs, la capacité de transport interne de carburant, n'est qu'une des variables de l'autonomie.... Il faut voir la conso spécifique du moteur, le poids de l'avion (loi de je ne sais plus quoi...) l'aérodynamique, etc....

Quelle est la capacité d'emport carburant extérieure du F35...?

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citation rob : contre 4400 l + pour le Rafailure

Euh.... Il me semble que c'est 4,7 t carburant interne (peut-être +) pour le Rafale. J'attire ton attention sur le fait que 1 litre "d'essence" ne pese que 0,72 kg. Donc, 4,7t c'est beaucoup plus que 4400l.....

Par ailleurs, la capacité de transport interne de carburant, n'est qu'une des variables de l'autonomie.... Il faut voir la conso spécifique du moteur, le poids de l'avion (loi de je ne sais plus quoi...) l'aérodynamique, etc....

Quelle est la capacité d'emport carburant extérieure du F35...?

Je suis desolee. Mais, je besoin dire que je fait la meme 'mistake' avec le F35B --> 6200kg = 8600+ l. Rafailure avec 4.7t = 6527+ l. C'est encore une difference de 2000+ l. Et c'est la B! F35C a plus que 10000 l.

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Certes sauf que le F35 relève d'un concept qui bannit les charges sous voilure...

En clair on peut mettre des bidon mais alors on condamne la furtivité qui est le fond de commerce de l'avion. En clair faut savoir ce qu'on cherche.

Acheter du F35 pour y mettre des charges sous voilure...

C'est comme on dit chez moi se poignarder le cul avec une saucisse plate. Bonjour les coûts autant acheter des F18E :lol:

Le Rafale est un avion léger avec ses qualité et ses défauts. Un de ceux ci c'est la taille du fuselage et donc la capacité d'emport interne. Et encore.

Là encore les avions sont des compromis. Nous connaissons les configurations lourdes Rafale. Attendons les configurations furtives F35...

Pour ce qui est du SEAD et de l'attaque des sites protègés Rob les armes stand off çà marche pas mal...

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Nous connaissons les configurations lourdes Rafale. Attendons les configurations furtives F35...

Air-Sol 2x 2000lbs + 2x AA IR

Air-Air 2x 3xAmraam + 2x AA IR

Un des probleme est le champ de vision des missile IR ... qui est assez réduit vers le haut.

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Un rapide coucou  ;)

Griffon Hovercraft a recu un contract de £3,2 millions des Royal Marines pour 4 hovercrafts de nouveau modele 2400TD qui vont remplace les 4 modeles 2000TDX (en image)

Image IPB

la page de produit griffon:


Je ne sais pas quels sont les majeurs differences entre les 2 versions, sauf que le nouveau sera plus grand et pourra prendre plus de poids.

moi je veux aussi 4 8000TD, pere noel  :'( =D

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Royal Navy to get new King Air trainer fleet

Cobham's FR Aviation subsidiary is to supply a new fleet of Beechcraft King Air 350ERs to deliver observer training services for the UK Royal Navy, after being named as preferred bidder for the requirement.

A deal for an undisclosed number of aircraft should be signed in October, according to the Lockheed Martin UK/VT Ascent consortium, which during May received a contract to deliver the UK Ministry of Defence's 25-year Military Flying Training System.

The new type will replace the RN's current fleet of around 12 Jetstream T2 trainers at RNAS Culdrose in Cornwall. The King Airs should be ready for training use one year after contract signature, with operations of the current type to halt during 2010.

FR Aviation was selected during June following a competitive and assessment process of around 18 months, defeating one other bidder to the public-private partnership deal. The company will provide modified aircraft and deliver maintenance support, says David Harrison, divisional commercial director for Cobham Aviation Services.

The selection of the King Air 350ERs - which Harrison says have already been secured - was made by the MoD, but he adds: "It's absolutely the right choice for this task." While declining to detail the required modifications to the aircraft, he says these will be "quite extensive, but well within our capability".

Cobham's success in securing the RN requirement could lead to further opportunities within the MFTS programme, such as for a second-stage rear crew and multi-engine trainer to enter Royal Air Force use in January 2014. A contract for this work will be awarded during 2011, according to Ascent.

"We will use this opportunity as a real litmus test for Ascent and the MoD to see what we are capable of," says Harrison, who adds: "We will do a good job." Possible export opportunities for similar services could exist in Australia and the Middle East, he says.

Image IPB

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Le radar Artisan 3D de BAE Systems Insyte a ete choisi comme nouveau Medium Range Radar (MRR) pour les Types 23 fregates, les LPDs Albion, le LPH Ocean et les CVFs Queen Elizabeth. Contract de £100 million.

Navy to get new radar

An Equipment and Logistics news article

4 Aug 08

Royal Navy ships are to be equipped with a new powerful UK-designed and manufactured radar, under a £100M contract with BAE Systems Insyte, it was announced today, Monday 4 August 2008.

With its ability to track a target the size of a snooker ball over 20km away, the new more powerful Artisan radar will provide an improved 3D maritime Medium Range Radar (MRR) capability. The radar system will be developed and manufactured by BAE Systems Insyte at its plant in Cowes on the Isle of Wight.

Rear Admiral Amjad Hussain, Director General Weapons at MOD Defence Equipment and Support, said:

"The Artisan radar is a sophisticated world-class system which will significantly improve the flow and quality of information to commanders compared with existing technology. It will allow our ships to detect, track and aid the identification of a range of threats from the air and surface in difficult conditions.

"The new radar will replace existing systems on our Type23 frigates, landing ships HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark and the assault helicopter carrier HMS Ocean - as well as on our two new aircraft carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales. This is a prime example of the type of hi tech equipment that we are investing in to improve the ability of our commanders to operate in the 21st Century."

Captain Brian Archibald, Royal Navy Integrated Project Team Leader for Short Range Air Defence at MOD Defence Equipment and Support, added:

"The MRR project will provide the Royal Navy with a long awaited and unrivalled improvement to its Medium Range Radar capability whilst also delivering enhanced system availability and best value-for-money to the taxpayer.

"The project will be delivered through a firm price contract, covering both Demonstration, Manufacture and delivery of the radar systems and the first ten years of in-service support. This has been a tight competition and my thanks go to all those in industry and in the MOD who have worked so hard to make this happen."

Image IPB


HMS Ocean peut maintenant se servir de WAH-64D de maniere plus "permanent" apres son refit de Septembre 07 a Juin 08. De facon interessant, une rumeur existe depuis 1 ou 2 ans que le MoD pense peut etre achete ~15 Apaches pour le FAA et les Royal Marines (ce n est pas officiel donc je ne attend pas a cette surprise, mais qui sais...). Ocean va revenir dans la flotte en Octobre apres des test et entrainements.

Ocean upgrade paves way for Apache operations

By Tim Fish

30 July 2008

The UK Royal Navy helicopter carrier HMS Ocean is preparing to operate WAH-64D Apache attack helicopters following an upgrade of its aviation support facilities.

Improvements to the ship's aircraft ground starting and servicing capability were completed as part of a 10-month, GBP30 million (USD59.7 million) docking period conducted by Babcock Marine in Plymouth.

During the docking from September 2007 to June 2008, the landing platform helicopter (LPH) was also fitted with advanced DII(F) communications equipment, countermeasures and close-in-weapon systems. Accommodation and workshop areas were enhanced and machinery overhauled.

The UK became the first nation to certify the Apache for maritime operations after more than 750 take-offs and landings were performed from Ocean's flight deck in various sea states in 2004. However, until now the aircraft has only flown from the ship on a trials basis.

Image IPB

Image IPB


3000 marins vont etre deplois avec 3 Commando Brigade pour Herrick9 en Afghanistan en septembre-octobre. Ils vont avoir des travailles "secondaires" (conducteurs, medics,...) donc normalement pas de combat. On dirait que c est une facon d enleve un peu de pression sur l'Army. Il y a eu entre 21 juillet et 1 aout un grand exercice avec ces gens a Salisbury Plain et dans le Pays des Galles (Wales) pour les prepare.

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With its ability to track a target the size of a snooker ball over 20km away

Suivre une bille de billard à 20km... très utile !

il n'y aurait pas de données plus utiles (genre masse, portée, etc) sur ce radar, parce que le site de BAE ne mentionne même pas cet "ARTISAN", à moins qu'il ne le proposent à la vente sous un autre nom ?

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Bonjour, Je suppose que le 40 Commando ne fait pas partie du voyage vu qu'il vient de rentrer d'Afghanistan...   Peux-tu avoir des détails sur les unités qui vont être déployées? Ce sont le 42 et 45 qui partent ou un seul...? Si ce n'est pas sécret bien sur.. =D

J'avais cru comprendre qu'une nouvelle unité de l'Army (celle-ci d'infantérie) avait été attachée à la 3 Brigade Commando. Les "Fusiliers quelque chose....."  

Il m'a semble lire qu'ils ne seront qualifiés amphibies que vers 2009 ou 2010 (ce n'est pas comme chez nous, il faut se le gagner... :lol:)  Est la raison pour laquelle ils n'apparaissent pas dans l'organigramme de la Brig. Commando?

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A propos Artisan:


04 Aug 2008 | Ref. 220/2008


The ARTISAN 3D radar has been selected by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to provide the next generation of medium range radars (MRR) for the majority of the current Royal Navy (RN) surface fleet and for the Future Aircraft Carriers (CVF). The contract is valued at £100M.

The ARTISAN 3D Radar Team comprises BAE Systems, QinetiQ and Roke Manor Research and thus comprises the core of UK industry’s surface radar research.  These three companies have a pedigree and heritage at the very heart of UK radar development epitomised by the established relationship on the UK ARTIST programme.

ARTISAN 3D (Advanced Radar Target Indication Situational Awareness and Navigation) will improve the performance of the RN’s primary sensing capability; particularly in terms of meeting the challenges posed when operating in a complex littoral environment.  When integrated into the overall combat system ARTISAN 3D will enable marked improvements in the platform’s overall situational awareness, exploit the full capabilities of the updated Seawolf system, and provide a secondary navigation radar capability.

ARTISAN 3D will replace the RN’s legacy Type 996 surveillance and target indication radar, as well as subsuming the navigation radar functionality currently provided by the Radar 1008. The new systems will be retrofitted to Type 23 frigates, amphibious assault ships (HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark) and to the helicopter carrier HMS Ocean between 2011 and 2015 during planned support periods.  ARTISAN 3D will also be fitted, from build, to the two new aircraft carriers HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales.

A modular open systems design and the unique application of innovative technologies ensures that ARTISAN 3D achieves the MoD’s requirement for a high performing, cost effective, future proofed and modern 3D surveillance radar that is capable of being fitted during a 4 week fleet time support period. In addition, to minimise the physical integration impact on the platforms, ARTISAN 3D fits within the space, weight and platform services envelope of the system that it replaces.

ARTISAN 3D is the culmination of a 3 year industry private venture programme to develop a new generation of radar that builds upon a family of mature technology from the BAE Systems existing portfolio of radars, such as SAMPSON - the multi function radar for the RNs Type 45 destroyer and the Commander air defence radar system for the Royal Air Force. With our industrial partners (Qinetiq and Roke Manor Research) we have also been able to ensure that ARTISAN 3D fully exploits the UK’s investment in surface radar research programmes and provides an architecture that is capable of rapidly incorporating future research investment.

Captain Brian Archibald Royal Navy Integrated Project Team Leader for Short Range Air Defence added:

“The MRR project will provide the Royal Navy with a long awaited and unrivalled improvement to its Medium Range Radar capability whilst also delivering enhanced system availability and best value-for-money to the taxpayer.

“The project will be delivered through a firm price contract, covering both demonstration, manufacture and delivery of the radar systems and the first 10 years of in-service support.  This has been a tight competition and my thanks go to all those in industry and in the MoD who have worked so hard to make this happen.”

Guy Griffiths, managing director, BAE Systems Integrated System Technologies said, “This contract builds on BAE Systems existing 60 year radar pedigree and demonstrates our ongoing ability to provide the RN with a highly capable and cost effective radar solution.  The ARTISAN programme will allow us to further expand the ongoing operational partnering initiative and sensor coherence strategy between the Ministry of Defence and BAE Systems, aimed at enabling the MoD to realise the through life benefits of a common family of radar technologies”

BAE Systems Integrated System Technologies is the prime contractor responsible for all aspects of programme including development, manufacture and a comprehensive 10 year programme of In-Service support activities.  Key industrial teaming partners throughout the programme have been QinetiQ, who bring their in-depth radar research and algorithm development expertise; and Roke who have un-parrallel capabilities in Electronic Protection Measures.

About BAE Systems

BAE Systems is the premier global defence and aerospace company delivering a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, information technology solutions and customer support services. With approximately 100,000 employees worldwide, BAE Systems' sales exceeded £15.7 billion (US $31.4 billion) in 2007.


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Suivre une bille de billard à 20km... très utile !

il n'y aurait pas de données plus utiles (genre masse, portée, etc) sur ce radar, parce que le site de BAE ne mentionne même pas cet "ARTISAN", à moins qu'il ne le proposent à la vente sous un autre nom ?

Ne sous estime pas le degat que peut faire une bille de billard  =D

je n ai pas trouve une brochure sur ce radar mais voici quelques infos:

The ARTISAN 3D Radar has been developed to address the need for a capable primary naval sensor operating in complex littoral environments and delivering greater situational awareness. Already the result of a 24-month development programme, it uses latest technology based on proven technology from SAMPSON and Commander Radars. Optimised for medium to long range air and surface surveillance and target designation, it has an architecture specifically developed to exploit and embody future developments in radar technology.

QinetiQ used novel techniques in its signal processing to increase the Doppler processed instrumented range, providing greater radar coverage than would be possible using conventional techniques. Demonstration of these algorithms at Cowes during August 2007, confirmed the benefits of cutting edge technology from current research programmes and showed more than three times the range coverage of the existing Doppler processing channel.

Radar performance was further improved by using adaptive clutter filtering techniques to greatly reduce clutter breakthrough enabling enhanced small target detection. The new algorithms avoid problems in traditional clutter filtering which rely on fixed filters that are matched to the worst case of expected clutter. The result of using the new processing was to provide the operator a much cleaner radar picture and enhanced target detection.

je n ai pas encore regarde sur le site de Roke Manor qui a participe, peut etre ils ont des choses la.


Bonjour, Je suppose que le 40 Commando ne fait pas partie du voyage vu qu'il vient de rentrer d'Afghanistan...   Peux-tu avoir des détails sur les unités qui vont être déployées? Ce sont le 42 et 45 qui partent ou un seul...? Si ce n'est pas sécret bien sur.. =D

Mon equipe de Ninja a Whitehall a reussi a sortir cet information pour toi, mais avec un prix de beaucoups d'hommes perdus  :'( =D

Force package Herrick 9

Commando Brigade Headquarters, Royal Marines

Elements of the Naval Strike Wing

Elements of 845 Naval Air Squadron

Elements of 846 Naval Air Squadron

Elements of 847 Naval Air Squadron

42 Commando Royal Marines

45 Commando Royal Marines

United Kingdom Landing Force Command and Support Group

Commando Logistic Regiment Royal Marines

1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards

29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery

24 Commando Engineer Regiment

2nd Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles

1st Battalion The Rifles

3 Close Support Battalion, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

114th Provost Company Royal Military Police

Elements of the Queen's Royal Lancers

Elements of 5th Regiment Royal Artillery

Elements of 16th Regiment Royal Artillery

Elements of 26th Regiment Royal Artillery

Elements of 32nd Regiment Royal Artillery

Elements of 47th Regiment Royal Artillery

Elements of 39th Regiment Royal Artillery

Elements of 32 Engineer Regiment

Elements of 33 Engineer Regiment (Explosive Ordnance Disposal)

Elements of 35 Engineer Regiment

Elements of 170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group

Elements of 10th Signal Regiment

Elements of 21st Signal Regiment (Air Support)

Elements of 22nd Signal Regiment

Elements of 1st Battalion The Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment

Elements of 7 Transport Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps

Elements of 4 Regiment, Army Air Corps

Headquarters, 104 Logistic Brigade

Elements of 9 Supply Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps

Elements of 11 Explosive Ordnance Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps

Elements of 13 Air Assault Support Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps

Elements of 17 Port and Maritime Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps

Elements of 24 Postal Courier and Movement Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps

Elements of 29 Postal Courier and Movement Regiment The Royal Logistic Corps

Elements of 101 Force Support Battalion Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

Elements of 103 Military Working Dog Support Unit

Elements of 1 Military Intelligence Brigade

Elements of 4th Battalion The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment (King's, Lancashire and Border)

Elements of 6th Battalion The Rifles

Elements to man 904 Expeditionary Air Wing, Royal Air Force

4 Force Protection Wing Headquarters, Royal Air Force

1 Regiment Field Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of 4 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of 18 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of 27 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of 30 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of 39 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of 70 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements to man the Tactical Supply Wing

Elements to man the Joint Helicopter Support Unit

Elements of 1 Air Movements Wing, Royal Air Force

Elements of 85 (Expeditionary Logistic) Wing Headquarters, Royal Air Force

Elements of 1 Air Control Centre, Royal Air Force

Elements of 90 Signals Unit, Royal Air Force

Elements of 2 Motor Transport Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of 5001 Squadron, Royal Air Force

Elements of Mobile Catering Support Unit

Elements of Tactical Medical Wing

Elements of Tactical Armament Squadron

Elements of Tactical Imagery Intelligence Wing

Elements of Joint Medical Command

il y a aussi 560 reservistes prevu pour aller.

J'avais cru comprendre qu'une nouvelle unité de l'Army (celle-ci d'infantérie) avait été attachée à la 3 Brigade Commando. Les "Fusiliers quelque chose....."  

Il m'a semble lire qu'ils ne seront qualifiés amphibies que vers 2009 ou 2010 (ce n'est pas comme chez nous, il faut se le gagner... :lol:)  Est la raison pour laquelle ils n'apparaissent pas dans l'organigramme de la Brig. Commando?

1st Battalion The Rifles (1 Rifles). Oui je pense que la Full Intergration sera en 2010. Cet article explique peut etre mieux? (je peux essaye de traduire si tu veux?)

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Plus sur l'ARTISAN 3D:

Notes to Editors

Vital stats on the MRR (Size, weight, functionality etc)

* Equivalent power, space and weight of RT996 (existing capability)

* Mast Head weight of approx 1100 kg -

* Provides excellent small target performance, able to track a target the size of a snooker ball over 20 km away

* E/F Band Radar

* In the littoral i.e in and around the coastline the radar will track targets clearly across the land sea interface even in harsh jamming environments

* Other radars being produced at BAE Systems Insyte inc Long Range Radar and SAMPSON (Multi-Function Radar) for the Royal Navy and Commander (RT102) for the RAF.

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Bon, il faut me pardonne les fautes de francais  :-X


Les Rifles de l'armee se preparent a joindre les Marines

28 Mars 2008

Les 600 hommes de infantries du 1er Battalion The Rifles (1 RIFLES), sont en ce moment a l entrainement dans la jungle de Belize. Ils sont sur le point de devenir le quatrieme unite de 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines et vont bientot deployes avec la unite elite de marine dans l'Afghanistan

En partie de leur cycle entranement normal, 1 RIFLES sont en Belize a faire de l entrainement pour la guerre de jungle. Il est attendu que ils reviennent au UK en le tot de avril 2008 avant de deployer a l'Afghanistan avec 3 Commando Brigade

Le transfert de 1 RIFLES sous FLEET command represente une continuation de la tres proche cooperation entre la Royal Navy et l'Army.

Brigadier David Capewell, Officier Commandant 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines, dit:

"Ceci est un moment important pour 3 Commando Brigade et 1 RIFLES. Ceci veut dire que 3 Commando Brigade va avoir 4 unite de manoeuvre - 1 RIFLES est le quatrieme - et ca donne au Brigade un enorme dose de agilite operationel.

Il nous permet de conduire un OCP [Operational Commitments Plot] programme au niveau de Brigade et nous donne une unite en plus sur le OCP. Il y a une benefice pour tous, mais surtout une benefice pour les 2 organisations - je recois une quatrieme unite de manoeuvre et 1 RIFLES devient une partie de 3 Commando Brigade.

"3 Commando Brigade  a une histoire comme le brigade amphibie independant du UK . 1 RIFLES ne sont pas entraine comme commando en ce moment, mais ils sont partie du Brigade Commando et il y a des parties/pieces du Brigade Commando qui ne sont pas necessairement tous entraine commando, on va leur trouve du travail utile - travail interessant et difficile - a travers le spectre de nos activites."

"Je suis satisfait que 1 RIFLES ont recus ce que ls voullaient de ce entrainement de jungle et on peut bouger maintenant vers le entrainement pour prepare HERRICK."

Sgt Lee French, 1 RIFLES, dit que il attend avec joie que son battalion rejoint 3 Commando:

"Avec de la chance on sera joint en total a la Brigade elle-meme, donc on pourra aller sur les navires et participe a des exercices interessants, differents de ce que on a deja fait et plus "hors de portee"- la Norvege- des choses que je n ai pas encore fait. Avec de la chance ca sera une experience plus interessant"

La integration initial dans 3 Commando Brigade vers la fin de Avril 2008, avec un plein integration, inclut un entrainement amphibie specialiste, au moment de Avril 2010.

Bien que il n y a pas de besoin pour que 1 RIFLES devient totalement entraine Commando au niveau de unite, des opportunites vont etre disponible aux les individus pour etre volontaire de commence le All-Arms Commando Course au Commando Training Centre, Lympstone.

Les RIFLES consiste de 5 battalions de infantrie au role leger pour le moment attribue au mission peace keeping de petite tailles.

(la fin est un court histoire sur les RIFLES et Sharpe avec Sean Bean etcetc  ;))

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infanterie légère...

pour l'A-stan, les anglais ont sûrement très bien analysé la situation.

si ces troupes sont légères et ne travaillent pas sous blindage çà va rappeler aux anciens ou aux lettrés les Commandos de Chasse.

Va falloir des hélicos mais a priori les anglais et les ricains en ont...

A mon humble avis ce genre de formation constitue un gros plus sur ce théatre compartimenté face à un ennemi que je qualifierais de "volatil"

nous aurons peut être à nous en inspirer en parallèle de nos mission avec MRAP et VAB

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Les F35C sont dispo a la vente ... les UK ont eu le choix.

De toute façon pour assurer la jointure avec l'arrivée des lightening II, la Royal Navy vient de trouver la parade,


Ils sont pragmatiques et ont de l'humour nos amis d'outre-Manche.  :lol:

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Un video du CAMM missile developer par MBDA UK, QinetiQ, etc.... pour le Royal Navy. Ils vont probablement remplacer les Sea Wolfs et autres missiles.


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