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Russie-Inde: accord sur la conception d'un avion militaire

Les avionneurs indien et russe, l'Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) et la Compagnie aéronautique unifiée (OAK), ont signé lundi à Bangalore (Inde) un accord cadre prévoyant la conception d'un avion de transport militaire polyvalent, a annoncé vendredi à RIA Novosti une source au sein du complexe militaro-industriel russe.

Selon l'interlocuteur de l'agence, l'appareil sera développé conjointement par des concepteurs russes et indiens. Les deux pays ont déjà mis en place une coentreprise baptisée Multirole Transport Aircraft Ltd.

Les deux pays envisagent de créer un cargo aérien polyvalent d'une capacité de 15 à 20 tonnes, qui servira à transporter du personnel et du fret, ainsi qu'à larguer des parachutistes et du matériel militaire à faible altitude.

Il est prévu de produire au moins 205 exemplaires de cet avion: 100 appareils pour la Russie, 45 pour l'Inde et 60 pour l'exportation vers des pays tiers.

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Apparement c'est une coentreprise baptisée Multirole Transport Aircraft Ltd., les bi moteur/reacteur reviennent à la mode, ils vont se fournir un peu chez tout le monde.

Avec réserve

Wing Span : 35.50m

Length : 38.29m

Height : 12.95m

WingArea : 138.00sq m

Cabin cross section : 3.45m x 3.40m

Weight : 68000 kg

Max Payload : 20000kg

Cruise speed: 800km/h

Cruise altitude: >11km

Range (4500kg payload) : 6000km

Take off distance : 1600m

Landing distance : 1350m

Fatigue life : 30000hours

Weight category : 15-20tonnes

moteur présenti Aviadvigatel PD-14 Turbofan

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Inde : Vol inaugural de la version navale du Tejas

    L’industriel indien Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. annonce par voie de communiqué que la version navale de son avion de chasse léger Tejas a effectué avec succès son premier vol ce vendredi 27 avril.

    Le premier prototype NP-1 de la version navale de l’avion a pris son envol à 12h10 (heure locale), et est resté dans les airs pendant près de 20 minutes.

    Ce prototype biplace devrait être suivi d’un prototype monoplace, destinés à des démonstrations ... ... e-du-tejas

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U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta promised today to let India buy America’s best weapons technology and jointly produce and develop equipment in a bid to increase trade with the world’s top arms importer.

“The United States is firmly committed to providing the best defense technology possible to India. We are both leaders in technology development and we can do incredible work together,” he said on a visit to the Indian capital.

New Delhi and Washington are close partners on defense issues with some $8 billion of arms sales under their belts, moving past decades of distrust, although the United States lost out on a major fighter jet deal this year after offering old technology.

“We must move beyond a focus on individual arms sales to regular cooperation that increases the quantity and quality of our defense trade,” he said, adding that Washington was moving to reform export controls that have limited weapons transfers to India.

Panetta also called on New Delhi to modernize its defense procurement rules and nuclear liability legislation and said the Pentagon would work with Indian leaders to cut red tape and speed up defense sales.

“I think close partnership with America will be key to meeting India’s own stated aims of a modern and effective defense force,” he said.

The friendship between the world’s two largest democracies is viewed with caution from Beijing, where some in government fear India is part of a U.S. strategy to limit China’s rise on the world stage. India is spending about $100 billion over 10 years on modernizing the military, in large part with an eye on China.

Panetta noted that India and the United States both see China as having “a critical role to play advancing security and prosperity in this region.”

“The United States welcomes the rise of a strong, prosperous and a successful China that plays a greater role in global affairs - and respects and enforces the international norms that have governed this region for six decades,” he said.|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|p

U.S. officials also plan to discuss co-production opportunities. This is already occurring with C-130 cargo plane spare parts, the official said.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Earlier this year, India announced it would purchase French fighter jets over U.S.-built aircraft and other contenders. The French guaranteed full technology transfer as part of the sale.

Asked if the result of those sales prompted the push to offer more technology to partners, Panetta said he looks at cases such as the Indian fighter contract pragmatically: You win some and you lose some.

“I am absolutely convinced that we have the finest technology and that we have cutting-edge stuff that’s out there and that we have very reliable and proven weapons, planes and obviously other technologies that are available,” he said during the press conference. “I think we have a very good product to sell.”

But as the number of defense contracts shrink for many governments in the coming years due to global budget pressures, countries might go with the lowest bidder, which oftentimes is not the U.S. product, since a wealth of other items, such as training, and spare parts, are included in most American bids.

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Je lisais aujourd'hui dans le DSI une annonce du ministère de la défense indien selon laquelle le programme FGFA se mangerait 2 ans de retard. DEs infos sur les raisons de ce retard?

un souci dans la config biplace ou dans le choix de l'équipementier pour toute la suite électronique?

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D'après ce que j'en sais, ils ont du mal à gérer les priorités et HAL croulent sous les projets, sans compter qu'ils doivent sortir beaucoup

d'argent compte tenu des dépassements budgétaires, ils sont obligés de faire des choix.  Il y a aussi le besoin de former les compétences

des indiens aux méthodes de travail des russes. 2017 ou 2019 c'est une date plutôt optimiste pour un engin de cette complexité ou

alors ca sera une pré série.

Ils se pourraient bien que le tejas et le rafale soient prioritaires à court terme, le FGFA reste un objectif à long terme.

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BAE cutting price to win 126 fighters deal?

LONDON: Britain's BAE Systems is reported to be preparing a fresh bid which may include cutting down the prices for the world's biggest fighter jet order despite India's rejection of its Eurofighter Typhoon in favour of France's Dassault Rafale.

India chose the French fighter in January in a deal worth nearly £13 billion for 126 aircraft. India's decision had disappointed many in Britain, including Prime Minister David Cameron.

In a report without mentioning the source of information, The Mail on Sunday said: "BAE believes that when India scrutinises the Rafale and assesses the French submission, it will realize the Eurofighter is a superior aircraft that will be cheaper overall".

"If the Indians are willing to look again at the Eurofighter and there are indications that is happening, a revised bid will be ready for them," it added.

"BAE has even come up with designs for a marine version of the Eurofighter in case the Indians want to fly it from aircraft carriers," the report said.

The report said that Ian King, BAE chief executive, had not ruled out reducing the price of the Typhoon. "The Eurofighter, which is built in partnership with the German and Spanish arms of defence giant EADS and Italy's Finmeccanica, lost out because it was about 3.5 million pounds a plane more expensive than the Rafale", the report said.

"And the French, according to the Indians, offered better after-deals, including technology upgrades and the latest weaponry," it added. There were earlier suggestions that Britain's aid to India was partly designed to help win the major contract, which has since been denied.

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A première vue tout vient d'un mail, ca fait le tour des fora en ce moment,  j'ai surtout noté une nouvelle proposition de prix,

pour le reste cela semble assez fantaisiste. ca reste une rumeur.

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ils commencent à préparer les sites de  prod, on se rapproche de la conclusion

edit :  flightglobal

Singapore - Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) will invest Rs six billion ($108.3 million) in two Bengaluru factories for fighter aircraft and engines.

The factories will be located at Chellaghatta, which is adjacent to HAL's other production facilities in Bengaluru, said HAL in a statement.

Indian media reports said one of the factories will produce airframes for the medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) that India plans to acquire. The other factory will produce MMRCA power plants.

The Indian government is in negotiations with France's Dassault for its Rafale fighter, which earlier this year attained so-called "L1-vendor" status in the competition.

L1 signifies that Dassault was the lowest bidder in the 126 aircraft requirement, allowing it to conduct exclusive negotiations with India's Contract Negotiation Committee for the fighter deal.

A CNC is comprised of a defence programme's key stakeholders, and in the case of MMRCA is likely to include organisations such as the air force and HAL.

Under the terms of the MMRCA programme, 18 aircraft will be provided in a flyaway condition, with the subsequent 108 produced locally by HAL in India. India could eventually obtain up to 200 MMRCA aircraft.

HAL said that the two new facilities will provide direct employment for 1,200 and indirect employment for 3,600.

New Delhi sees the MMRCA programme as a crucial step in the country's efforts to further develop an advanced aerospace sector. In addition, when inducted the MMRCA will likely be the most potent and advanced aircraft in India's arsenal.

Analysts have estimated the value of the MMRCA contest as ranging between $10 billion and $20 billion. The Rafale's original rivals for the requirement were the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16IN Super Viper, RSK MiG-35 and Saab Gripen NG. All but the Rafale and Typhoon were eliminated in April 2011.

The defence ministry source says India will begin phasing out its MiG-21s from 2014. While popular among experienced pilots, the MiG-21s in air for

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la phrase qui casse tout  :lol: :lol:

Bah, en jouant sur les mots ça pourrait le faire pour le décollage, après tout voler depuis un porte avion n'implique pas nécessairement de pouvoir atterrir sur ce même porte avion...  :oops:
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Du Rafale Stobar !  ???

Effectivement, c'est une bonne surprise pour le Rafale s'il marche en STOBAR.

Il y a aussi des rumeurs comme quoi les Indiens ne veulent pas se limiter au STOBAR pour leur futurs porte-avions.

La marine Indienne regarde ce que donnerait d'avoir un porte-avion CATOBAR. Probablement en réponse aux ambitions annoncées par la Chine d'avoir aussi ce genre de matériel.

Dans cette rumeur, la marine Indienne regarderait les avions disponibles et compatibles. La liste est courte : Rafale M, F-18, F-35

Si la rumeur du porte-avion CATOBAR  est vraie, alors il parait raisonnable pour l'Inde de regarder si des avions peuvent être STOBAR et CATOBAR. Cela lui serait beaucoup plus simple.

D'autant plus que si un premier prototype du Tejas naval vient de sortir, il ne pourra jamais se poser sur porte-avion. Trop lourd et pas le bon moteur. F404 au lieu de F414.

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