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Avec le paquet de transfert de technologies que l'on refourgue a chaque contrat ces nouvelles puissances n'auront bientôt plus besoin de nous pour leur materiel (par exemple eurocopter propose nombre de partenariat et de programmes specifiques avec l'inde et la chine, la corée...). :evil:

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India is set to purchase some 50 drones from Israel Aircraft Industries in a deal worth $220 million, the Pakistani English-language newspaper, The Daily Times, reported on Friday. IAI's Heron drones are fitted with thermal cameras and are capable of reaching altitudes of about 6 kilometers. They will be put to use carrying out reconnaissance missions on India's mountainous borders with China and Pakistan. Pakistan's Daily Times reported that India already has some 12 Heron drones that proved their worth in the aftermath of the tsunami when they were used to gather information in afflicted regions. India was said to have been close to sealing the deal with IAI in 2004, but it was postponed due to the change in governments in New Delhi. Earlier, the Australian army announced it would purchase 18 Heron drones from the IAI. A spokesperson said that the drones would be put to use in Iraq. si sa ce confirme c'est une tres bonne nouvelle pour israel ,ca confirme son statut mondial en matiere de drone :D

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C'est officiel, Israel vends 50 drones à l'Inde :!: :P

Israel to sell 50 spy drones to India: Report :D

Agence France-Presse

Jerusalem, November 8, 2005

Israel will sell 50 unmanned spy drones worth $220 million to India, public radio reported on Tuesday.

The Heron drones can fly at an altitude of 30,000 feet (nine kilometres), are equipped with camera and surveillance technology, automatic takeoff and landing system and are suitable for all weather conditions, the radio said.

The 250-kilo drones can stay airborne for more than 40 minutes.

A Defence Ministry official refused to confirm or deny the report, saying only that the department did not release information about such armaments contracts.

After decades of cold relations, India and Israel have established strong military ties, illustrated by New Delhi's purchase of three Phalcon advanced air warning systems from the Jewish state in March 2004.

Under the terms of the agreement, Israel was to buy Ilyushin-76 cargo aircraft from Uzbekistan, which would then be sent to Russia to be fitted with new high-powered engines.

After structural modifications, the aircraft were to be sent to Israel to be mounted with the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) radar system and the complete aircraft delivered to India.

Thank you very much Israel & God bless Eretz :!: :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aircraft deal: Russia offers MIG-35s

Girja Shankar Kaura

Tribune News Service (India)

Moscow, November 19

The fight for the contract of 125 fighter aircraft, which the Indian Air Force (IAF) is looking to purchase, is due to carry on till the very end with none of the prospective parties involved in the future bidding process ready to give up in the favour of the other, especially the USA, which seems to be ahead of the others in common perception as of now.

While the French, who are offering the latest version of the Mirage-2000, have decided to go till the very last and are confident of getting the contract from the Indian Government, the Russians are also making intense preparations. It is an all out preparation for the war here in the city that is so used to bloodier versions of war.

The Russians have made their intentions clear to fight tooth and nail till the contracts are not decided as the stakes are very high. It will be one of the biggest contracts in the Indian defence history. The Russian Government and MIG (Russian Aircraft Corporation) are undertaking drastic changes and unprecedented preparations to get it.

Each of the fighter planes that the IAF would buy could cost anywhere between Rs 150 crore to Rs 200 crore, while the total contract would be well over Rs 25,000 crore. There are indications that the Indian Government could be issuing the Request for Proposals (ROF) in January finally putting the process for the purchase in motion.

On Wednesday evening, when Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee and the high level defence delegation accompanying him reached the MIG’s sprawling corporate complex in Moscow there were enough indications available that Russia was taking the whole process seriously and would be going all out to bid for the contract.

Receiving Mr Mukherjee and his delegation was the recently appointed new chief of MIG-Alexei Federov, the man who till recently was heading the company that manufactured Sukhoi-30s for the Indian Air Force. Mr Federov is a sort of legend in Russian aviation circles-the man headed Irkut Corporation after the Communist collapse, built the company from almost nothing to create the new series of Sukhois. And he led the successful negotiation with India and sold SU-30s in 1996-it was one of the biggest military contracts after the Communist collapse.

Now Mr Federov and his lieutenants have been brought into MIG-this time to fight its battle against the global giants like Lockheed Martin, which makes F-16s, Boeing, which makes F-18 Super Hornets, and the French Mirage-2000 manufacturers. Lockheed Martin at present being the frontrunner seeing the emerging Indo-US relations.

Mr Federov was not the only surprise. MIG Corporation made a detailed presentation on what they are offering to the IAF- they don’t call it the MIG-29 but MIG-35s.

The aircraft are an improved version of the MIG-29s with capabilities that MIG Corporation claims no other fighter aircraft in the world has. It has an all aspect thrust vector control; can actually stop mid-way during flight. This quality will not only allow the fighter to get better accuracy in its attack role, but would also help it to avoid an enemy fighter chase, among other things, they argue.

Les Russes n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot :!:

Voici quelques photos du Mig-35 :

Image IPB


Ce que je constate, c'est que les Russes sont prêts à offrir le transfert de technologie pour la production de cet appareil en Inde dont je ne connais pas du tout !

Quelqu'un a-t-il eu écho de ce avion de combat ainsi que de ses qualités et défauts ? Parce qu'aux vues des photos, il s'agirait d'un avion de l'ère soviétique avec son étoile rouge à l'arrière. :?

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C'est le Mig 1.44, il appartient à la meme generation que le S 37 Berkut c'est à dire créer pour rivaliser un temps soit peut avec le F 22 américain. Je ne savais pas qu'il avait recu la denomination de Mig 35. A la place des indiens je me mefirai: cet avion à rarement volé, c'est un quasi prototype. Durant 10 ans il est resté dans un entrepot, ne sortant que pour concurencer son rival de sukhoi. Il semblerait que la demande indienne est relancé son developpement. Mais ce n'est pas quelque chose de concret, seulement un projet comme le F 35. Cependant les russes peuvent faire d'exellent appareil comme le Mig 31 donc tout est possible. Correction: c'est le Mig 1.42 merci Air-défense:

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le mig-35 est la derniere version du mig-29 doté de la poussée vectorielle. Google entretient la confusion avec le mig 1.44 d'ou l'erreur de mani. D'ailleurs l'article précise bien qu'il sagit d'un mig-29 modernisé :

MIG Corporation made a detailed presentation on what they are offering to the IAF- they don’t call it the MIG-29 but MIG-35s.

The aircraft are an improved version of the MIG-29s with capabilities that MIG Corporation claims no other fighter aircraft in the world has. It has an all aspect thrust vector control

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Moi aussi ça m'étonne... Ils ont déjà des Su-30MKI alors pourquoi prendre des Mig? C'est comme pour leurs Mig-29K, c'est légèrement dépassé je trouve. Mais l'article par du constructeur MIG, de l'avion Mig-35 et d'un autre coté le Su-35 est la meilleure machine soviétique, alors faire un transfert de technologie envers l'Inde me parait difficile quand même.

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rectification, le Su-30 MKI est le meilleur appareil russe volant hormis le berkut (il a de l'avionique israelienne ) malgré la nomenclature, beaucoup de monde pense qu'il est inférieur au Su-35 mais ce n'est pas le cas ;) aussi dire que le MiG-29K est dépassé :shock: :shock: :shock: tout ce que le rafale fait, le MiG peut le faire ;)

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à bon? les russes avaient choisit le Su-33 à la place du Mig-29K, je pensais qu'il était moins fort. au fait c'est une version modifiée? Bon d'accord le Su-33 est peut-être un peu gros pour leur futur porte-avions (quoi que vouloir y faire décoller un Hawkeye...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Une lecture amusante :) US manufacturers are trying to persuade the Indian government to ease the new offset rules US manufacturers are trying to persuade the Indian government to ease proposed new offset requirements that would make it difficult for them to compete for military aircraft procurements including next-generation fighters. Industry sources say a committee set up by New Delhi to draft a national offset policy is recommending direct offsets worth 30% and technology transfers worth 90% for all future imports, in addition to co-production. US companies have been lobbying India individually and collectively under the US-India Business Council not to implement the offset policy. New Delhi plans to implement a new offset policy by year-end, but sources say the defence ministry could ignore it. Sources say if the proposed offset policy is enforced, small US companies would not be able to do any defence business in India and large companies would have trouble competing against European and Russian manufacturers. India is planning to hand shortlisted manufacturers a highly anticipated tender for at least 126 new fighters next month. The US government is preparing to respond with pricing for the Boeing F/A-18E/F and Lockheed Martin F-16. New Delhi earlier this year also received preliminary information on the Dassault Mirage 2000, MiG MiG-35 and Saab Gripen. Sources say efforts by the French and UK governments to persuade India to add the Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon to the shortlist appear to have been successful. Bref, les normes d'offsets en règle en Inde serait un obstacle majeur pour les américains. Ca me rappel que le topic sur la Pologne n'a pas été mis à jour depuis un moment :)

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India is Russia's privilege partner: Ivanov

Press Trust of India

Moscow, December 5, 2005

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov on Monday said India is Russia's "privilege partner" in defence, military and technical cooperation.

Shortly after meeting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Moscow, Ivanov told reporters that in sensitive areas like defence, India's status was that of a "privilege partner" and this was backed by "trustful relations" in all aspects of bilateral ties.

During his meeting with the Prime Minister, Ivanov discussed a whole range of defence and security issues.

"India in reality shares Russia's concern on international terrorism and indeed in combating the menace," he said.

The Russian Defence Minister said India and Russia would shortly sign an agreement on joint development and production of multi-role transport aircrafts. "It will be used by militaries of both the countries," he said.

Ivanov said India is the only country in the world with which Russia has the long-term programme of defence cooperation till 2010 and the agreement on Intellectual Property Rights to be signed on Tuesday will clear the ground for joint development of futuristic weapons and platforms.

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President Putin has advocated the broadening of trade and economic cooperation with India

Voice of Russia

President Putin has advocated the broadening of trade and economic cooperation with India as its current level, in his opinion, is not in line with the two countries’ potentials. Meeting in the Kremlin with India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, he voiced certainty that their talks would give a boost to the growth and to the diversification of bilateral economic contacts and also said that they would lead to the increase of Russia’s investments in India and India’s investments in Russia. Parallel with this, Putin has praised highly political interaction between Russia and India, pointing out that there’s unanimity of views between the two countries on the most important international issues, including fighting terrorism first of all. For his part, Singh said that the two countries had established strategic partnership relations. A number of agreements has been signed on the results of the talks, including an agreement on the protection of copyright in the military and technical cooperation.

Les Russes ne manquent d'arguments pour espérer obtenir le marché :!: :D

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''L’armée de l’Air indienne se fournit en Israël L’armée de l’Air indienne s’apprête à acquérir en Israël un système sophistiqué de lance-missiles fabriqué par la société Rafael. D’après le journal Indian Express, paraissant à New Delhi, les missiles, devant être tirés à partir d’avions, auraient la capacité de détruire des bunkers enfouis sous terre à une distance de 80 à 100 kilomètres. Ces nouvelles acquisitions pourraient augmenter sensiblement le potentiel de l’armée indienne face à l'hostilité de son voisin, le Pakistan'' quelqu'un a plus d'info?

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