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Philippe Top-Force

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Il peut servir à quoi dans l'armée un truc pareil ?   :|  Une tompson doit suffire à le mettre à terre.

Le salon n'est pas seulement militaire, il y a tout plein d'appareil civil aussi.

Un petit helo comme celui la peu permettre de faire du service publique dans des endroit tres peu accessible et cela pour un cout modique. La cabine est disponible dans toute la longueur, le moteur est au dessus, ce qui permet de transporter un brancard. La dimension rotor tournant c'est 7m x 7m ... ca se pose sur le pont d'un navire de 30m ...

Un helo pour 140.000€ ( plus 50€ l'heure de vol :lol: )... meme un R22 c'est déjà autour de 250.000€ comme le cabri G2 présenté avant.

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  • 2 years later...

Je n'arrive plus à trouver le fil sur le Surion,

Image IPB

Développé en partenariat avec l'hélicoptériste Eurocopter , le programme de l'hélicoptère SURION  [KUH – Korean Utility Helicopter ], initialement nommée KHP  (Korean Helicopter Program ), a été lancé en février 2005 avec le projet d'acquisition, par les forces sud-coréennes, de 245 hélicoptères. Le premier vol d'expérimentation s'est déroulé le 10 mars 2010 et la livraison de 16 premiers appareils est prévue en juin 2012. Cet appareil multi-missions sera employé pour le transport aéromobile, le transport d'assaut, ou encore la recherche et le sauvetage au combat (CSAR – Combat Search and Rescue ). Il dispose, pour cela, d'une autoprotection électronique complète, d'un dispositif optronique et de potences latérales rétractables. Motorisé par deux turbines T700-701K  construites sous-licence de General Electric  par Samsung Techwin , il pourra embarquer, hormis l'équipage et deux servants d'armes, un groupe de neuf hommes. D'un poids maximal avoisinant les neuf tonnes, sa capacité d'emport logistique sera de près de quatre tonnes ou de 16 hommes de troupe.

KUH Sud Coréen donc je le place ici.Séoul envisage de faire une version navale de son Surion.

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Je prends le sujet en route, en me basant sur son début.

Il y a eu un prototype roumain dans la même veine, le IAR-317 Airfox, basé sur l'Alouette III, en 1984.

Anecdote, lors de la "révolution" roumaine de 1989 et dans la confusion, le prototype a effectué un vol de reconnaissance armé autour de Bucarest à la chasse aux "terroristes" mais il a été pris à son tour pour un hélicoptère "terroriste" et atteint par 7 balles de FA des gardes nationaux, sans gravité.

Ci-dessous lors de la présentation statique Bourget 1985

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Merci Philippe de rappeler des détails sur ce projet HECTOR ( le lien ne semblant plus opérationnel )

J'espère que là, ça fonctionne Sinon, petit tuyau Bechar, tu tapes dans la fonction RECHERCHER en bas à gauche du forum: HECTOR

Doit apparaître le fil de discussion sur les H et furtivité.

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Merci Philippe... Je pratique le "petit tuyau" assez abondamment, trés pratique. Mais ce que j'avais trouvé restait évasif pour moi. Ton nouveau lien marche et conduit au même endroit. Je patiente donc jusqu'au prochain évènement à propos de Hector


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Le petit Berkut VL (pas notre gentil modérateur Topolisateur  :lol:) est attendu sur le taxiway.

Image IPB

Image IPB

Berkut Victor Lima  =)

Ce modèle russe va être un concurrent pour la famille des hélico "de poche" Robinson (R22 et R44). L'outil idéal pour aider les fermiers australiens de l'Outback et du Kimberley à surveiller leurs terres et leurs troupeaux ;)
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  • 2 months later...

Sacha ayant souhaitée un joyeux Noël,  :lol:

Un autre petit tour d'horizon dans les futurs projets et les petits nouveaux qui débarquent ou pourraient le faire.

les émirats s'y mettent et veulent lancer le leur.

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Alors Sacha te souhaite un merry christmas. A l'avance  :lol:

Moi qui croyais dur comme fer que c'est Taylor Momsen qui avait empecher le Grinch de voler noel ...


J'ai ramé pour trouvé une vidéo d'elle a peu pres habillé :lol:

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Moi qui croyais dur comme fer que c'est Taylor Momsen qui avait empecher le Grinch de voler noel ...


J'ai ramé pour trouvé une vidéo d'elle a peu pres habillé :lol:

Et quel est le rapport de ta Gossip Girl avec la veille sur les nouveautés des voilures tournantes?  =)

Bell va finir par armer toute sa gamme pour gagner le marché.

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Et quel est le rapport de ta Gossip Girl avec la veille sur les nouveautés des voilures tournantes?  =)

Sacha voyons! Elle veut empêcher le Grinch de voler noël avec sont fusil mitrailleur favori! alors que c'est cindy lou chou qui empêche le Grinch de voler noël avec ces couette! inculte! va! ;)

Image IPB

Et non Rob Zombie n'y est pour rien!

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De la provocation  :lol:  :happy: :oops: Quelle cloche!

On ne parle pas de Kristen Bell ou Lake Bell mais de l'hélicoptèriste Bell

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Ou Catherine Bell, la très jolie JAG  :lol:

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Bell Helicopter today unveiled two new versions of its 407 single at Heli-Expo–the 407GX and 407AH. The 407GX includes the just-announced Garmin G1000H glass cockpit that features a pair of 10.4-inch LCD displays, HTaws, TCAS and synthetic vision. The G1000H system also has the ability to monitor system parameters, and its large screens can also display forward-looking infrared and camera images. Bell anticipates the G1000H system will be certified and available to customers in the third quarter of this year. The price of the 407GX will be $2.795 million, a $150,000 increase over the current 407. Meanwhile, the 407AH is a $5 million commercially available armed helicopter developed primarily for the export market. It will be available to qualified customers directly from Bell, as opposed to via contracts from the U.S. Defense or State Department. The 407AH comes equipped with a “baseline” law enforcement package–a Dillon 7.62mm M134T minigun and the M260 2.75-inch seven-shot rocket-launching system–that can be customized for multiple weapon configurations through Bell’s Piney Flats, Tenn. facility. Available options include chaff/flare controller for countermeasures, sliding rear doors, cargo hook and crew seat armor. The AH comes standard with the Garmin G500H glass cockpit system, bulged skylights kit, inlet-barrier filter and wire-strike protection system.

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  • 4 months later...

Je le place ici dans ce fil sur les autres et petits nouveaux.

Hélicoptères Guimbal à l’équilibre .Créée en 2000, à Aix-en-Provence, par un ancien ingénieur d'Eurocopter, Bruno Guimbal, l’entreprise emploie, aujourd'hui, vingt-huit salariés. Elle a atteint son point d’équilibre l’an dernier. Onze appareils Cabri G2 ont été livrés, en totalité à l’export, pour un chiffre d’affaires de 3,5 millions d’euros. Le Cabri G2, qui a volé pour la première fois en 2005, a battu quatre records du monde. Il apparaît comme étant la machine idéale pour apprendre à piloter. Aujourd’hui, une trentaine d’hélicoptères ont été vendus.

22 mars 12 - L’Usine Nouvelle.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...


Indian threatens to blacklist Finmeccanica over AW101 scandal

Rahul Bedi

  New Delhi

India will blacklist Finmeccanica and cancel the March 2010 EUR570 million (USD764 million) deal for 12 AgustaWestland AW101 helicopters if allegations of bribery are proven against the Italian vendor, Defence Minister A K Antony said in New Delhi on 13 February.

"If anybody is guilty, they will have to pay the price. We will have to take action; no one will be spared," Antony told reporters. "If a company violates the [sale] conditions they are liable for criminal action," he said, adding that blacklisting was also an option.

Antony ordered India's Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to investigate the purchase of the AW101s for the Indian government's VIP requirement after Italian police arrested Finmeccanica CEO and chairman Giuseppe Orsi and AgustaWestland CEO Bruno Spagnolini on 12 February for allegedly paying out bribes to secure the contract.

He also criticised the Italian government for not responding to India's previous requests for details on investigations into Finmeccanica's business practices. "From day one, we have been trying to find out the truth and we conveyed that to them [the Italians]," Antony said. "So far we have not received any details."

"I can assure you, the moment we get a report from the CBI, we will take the strongest action provided in the integrity pact," he added.

All defence contracts contain an 'integrity clause' stating that no middlemen or agents were employed to secure the deal. Their use is proscribed under India's Defence Procurement Procedures (DPP). Introduced in 2004 by the Congress Party-led coalition government soon after it returned to power, the clause stipulates that the contract will be terminated at any stage if it is breached. The vendor also has to provide a full refund.

However, this pact has never been invoked.

AgustaWestland delivered 3 of the 12 AW101s to the Indian Air Force's (IAFs) VIP squadron based at Palam in Delhi in December, with the remaining 9 to be delivered by July. Neither the IAF nor the Ministry of Defence (MoD) were able to officially confirm whether deliveries would continue, but senior military told IHS Jane's that they would, for the moment, be suspended.

Meanwhile, former IAF chief Shashi Tyagi denied media reports that he or any of his family had received payments from Finmeccanica to facilitate the AW101 deal. The Indian Express on 13 February, citing the 64-page report filed by Italian prosecutors ahead of Orsi's arrest, claimed that ACM Tyagi had received "a certain amount of money, not yet quantified, through intermediaries".

"I deny these allegations. I am innocent. Such a big contract is not determined by one person alone. Everything will become clear once the CBI probe is complete," Tyagi told local TV.

Opposition parties accused the ruling Congress party of being asleep at the wheel. "The government has not been able to explain why it was silent for one year on this deal despite the details being available in the public domain," said Ravi Shankar Prasad, a spokesman for the main opposition Bhartiya Janata Party.

"It is clear that the UPA government has failed to check high-level corruption in defence contracts in the past eight years of its tenure. The helicopter deal is the latest instance," the Communist Party of India (Marxist) said in a statement.


Blacklisting Finmeccanica would create massive problems for the Indian military, which has a number of big contracts with the Italian conglomerate's subsidiaries.

Oto Malera supplies 76/62 mm guns to the Indian Navy (IN) while Selex provides navigation and communication systems. Fincantieri, another Finameccania company, signed two USD30-40 million contracts with the IN in 2005 for the design and propulsion system integration of its Project 71 indigenous aircraft carrier under construction at Kochi in southern India. Fincantieri also supplied two 27,000-ton fleet tankers - INS Deepak and INS Shakti - that joined the service in 2011.

For Finmeccanica, long-term debarment from India's defence and security markets would have significant consequences in general and its aerospace units in particular, given that the Italian company is pursuing opportunities valued at more than USD12 billion as of 2013.

India was identified by Orsi in 2012 as one of the company's principal frontiers. At present AgustaWestland is a contender to meet the USD250 million Indian Navy Light Utility Helicopter programme and the IN Multirole Helicopter requirement (USD1.9 billion to USD2.7 billion).

Alenia Aeronautica, meanwhile, is a contender to meet the Medium Range Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (USD3-6 billion) with a variant of the ATR-72MP; and the Indian Light Tactical Transport Procurement programme (USD2.5-3 billion) with the C-27J. Finmeccanica is also bidding to meet significant C4ISR opportunities. To this end, Selex Galileo attempted in 2012 to enter into a joint venture with local company Data Patterns focused on developing and manufacturing defence electronics.

From 2007-11 Finmeccanica secured orders from the Indian government worth an average of EUR250 million, with revenues of about EUR100 million per year. Finmeccanica set a target in India of achieving EUR500 million per year in orders and EUR300 million per year in revenues by 2015: a target that this scandal puts in jeopardy.

Jon Grevatt, Craig Caffrey, Charles Hollosi, Alex Pape and Jon Hawkes also contributed to this report.

Copyright © IHS Global Limited, 2013

Russia pledges to honour US Mi-17 order despite congressional opposition to trade

Guy Anderson


Rosoboronexport has pledged to honour an agreement with the US government to supply Mil Mi-17V-5 multirole helicopters for use by the Afghan Air Force (AAF), despite a subsequent legislative move by Washington to halt co-operation with the Russian state-controlled defence export agency.

Confirmation that the programme will proceed came from Rosoboronexport Director General Anatoly Isaikin on 13 February in comments relayed by the state-owned ITAR-TASS information agency.

The US Army signed a USD171.4 million contract with Rosoboronexport in July 2012 for the provision of 10 additional Mi-17V-5 units for the AAF; a follow-on to a USD900 million May 2011 agreement covering the provision of 21 Mi-17V5s.

Accusations concerning the Russian supply of materiel to Syria, however, led the US Congress to pass legislation within days of the July deal prohibiting the US from purchasing military equipment from Rosoboronexport. The amendment to the Fiscal Year 2013 Defense Appropriations Bill was passed by a substantial majority in the US House of Representatives in July, and again by the US Senate in November.

Copyright © IHS Global Limited, 2013

Henri K.

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